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ACE3 Feature Requests #3594

bux opened this issue Mar 18, 2016 · 1,339 comments

ACE3 Feature Requests #3594

bux opened this issue Mar 18, 2016 · 1,339 comments
kind/feature Release Notes: **ADDED:** sticky


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bux commented Mar 18, 2016

This is the exclusive thread for feature requests.

For further instructions check the wiki:

Before reporting

  • Any and all requests should be done here.
  • Before posting a new one, please make sure to check the previous entries on the thread AND THE ENTRIES on ACE 3 Feature requests #414 and make a quick search; please don't reiterate requests that had already been either accepted for inclusion or disregarded.
  • There's really no point on making feature requests for anything included or planned for inclusion in ACE2, AGM or CSE. The majority of those things are been considered for porting or rewriting already.
  • Accepted feature requests may be moved to a separate issue by moderators for further discussion.
  • No need for discussions!!!.

Last Feature Request Issue:


@bux bux added kind/feature Release Notes: **ADDED:** sticky labels Mar 18, 2016
@bux bux added this to the Ongoing milestone Mar 18, 2016
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ghost commented Mar 18, 2016

Repacking magazine, required animation(offer some solution)

Now (v3.5.0) in ACE3 there is no any animation at repacking. The player hears only the sound of repacking, while the arms remain stationary. It looks stupid. I suggest using the reload animation with a pause. Therefore, when the player removed the magazine, the animation must be paused. further, when the repackaging is complete, reload animation should be continued. So we'll get far-the best result. I hope the ACE team will be able to do it.

If the animation cannot be paused, probably it can be split into 2 parts?
Probably could cut the animation until when the player removes the magazine and continue via second part (when the player inserts the magazine)

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Neither is possible, unfortunately.

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ghost commented Mar 18, 2016

Again not possible? Probably I poorly explained my idea.
I mean, One animation should be divided into 2 parts. The first part should be cut out and saved separately. The same thing with second part. Thus we will have 2 separate animations.

1-animation - when the player removes the magazine.
2-animation - when the player the player inserts the magazine.

The basic idea:
When the status of repacking will started, should be run first animation.
When the status of repacking will is completed, should be run the second animation.

really it is impossible to assign 2 animations to progress of repacking?

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0dr commented Mar 18, 2016

[] spawn {player playMoveNow "AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start2";sleep 1;player setAnimSpeedCoef 0}; Allows me tro freeze mid animation

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No need for discussions!!!.


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ghost commented Mar 18, 2016

Possible or not?

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No. We can't split existing animations and we can't stop them, because they're not normal animations. @th3cr0w's example will not work with a reload animation.

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ghost commented Mar 18, 2016

Sad to me

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commy2 commented Mar 18, 2016

The reload animation is also linked to the weapon. There is absolutely no way to figure out when this cut should be made, even if it were possible, as there are many different weapons + custom modded weapons will all kinds of reload animations.

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Some of my team mates and myself would love to see a more realistic unconsciousness. There is plenty of animations for injured peoples (actually all anims that are named "Acts_InjuredLookingRifleXX" where XX is a number such as 01, 02, etc). These anims are available in the anim viewer in the category "cutscenes", approximately at the 2/3rd of the list length. Is it possible to enhance the way injured people look like with theses anims ?

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commy2 commented Mar 19, 2016

No, they don't have any transitons and are only usable for some campaign statists / cutscenes.

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Ow okay, so bad :/ Thank you !

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Is it possible to add fastroping compatibility to MELB helicopters?

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Is it possible to add fastroping compatibility to MELB helicopters?

They are doing that themselves I think. We can't.

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Guys is it possible to make colored stip attachmets for hands, for example you have a big unit wich wears diferent uniforms, and you need to give them something so they can recognize each others, like they do in Ukraine right now, if you take a look at those videos you can see that ukrainians wear yellow strips and russians are wearing white and those orange-black, also in Yugoslav wars you had serbs wearing red, blue, white, tracks or all those combined and similar.

Few pictures to show you what i am thinkig about:

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commy2 commented Mar 20, 2016

links are 404. seems to me like something that can only be done by modifying the assets (uniforms) themselves. So way out of scope for ACE

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I think they can make them like attachment, like IR strobe and similar :)

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ACyprus commented Mar 20, 2016

@zastavnik Unit Insignia might fit your needs, are relatively simple to create yourselves, and would make any vehicles identifiable too.

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WadeDP commented Mar 21, 2016

For TFAR and ACRE:
Make it so unconscious people can't hear others. Or make it a setting for the server to decide.

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@WadeDP already present.

Use the ACE Settings framework to put that settings value to 0 should also make TFAR and ACRE volume 0.

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Hey Guys,

in recent times, I often played as an EOD and I noticed that you can defuse explosives with the gun in your hands. I think it would be more realistic if you only able to see and use the interaction menu if you are holster your weapon.

it would be nice if i could use the spraycan to tag "kilroy was here"

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sprays not for chatting. Go CS1.6 for that.
Sprays for marking buildings with enemies, so tanks, heavy cannons and RPO gunners can distroy buildings from far distance.

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Having various symbols to choose between would be a cool and usefull adition. I wouldn't add a "Kilroy" tag in ACE, but instead make it extensible so people can do that if they fancy.

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Armilio commented Mar 21, 2016

A modification of the (current) vanilla stamina system. Sadly, ACE is not even compatible with the "legacy fatigue mod". I would like something more similar to the old fatigue system, but with a bit more "stamina" than vanilla, where you became tired too soon. What boring me with this stamina system is the excessive swaying of the weapon when you are "tired" and the fact that you can continue to run when you finish the stamina. No sprint, but run yes, and in my opinion it's senseless: if you are so tired that you can't maintain nearly steady the weapon, can you run for km without stopping? and can you recover your energy in few seconds? but more than the realism issue, it's bad for gameplay.

Anyway, make it as you like, but i would appreciate a modification by yours.

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Advanced fatigue system is coming.

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Are you planning on adding field rations from CSE? If not I'd like to make it a feature request.


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Drofseh commented Jan 19, 2025

Folks this isn't the place to chat with each other, please limit your post to feature requests only.

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DJ-Reticuli commented Jan 25, 2025

Slowing existing reload animations based on magazine weight, fatigue, and injury would be cool.

More specific hit information would also be useful on the Ace Medical screen. For instance, a torso medium velocity wound should say next to it where (chest, diaphragm, or pelvis) or could have little X's on the body where these injuries are at and the respective wound highlights on the side there. Useful for knowing where the armor is not enough. If the very specific X's are too difficult and that sort of info isn't collected, anyway, then at least the specific body part/armor hit should be available to display next to the injury info.

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211345082311111 commented Jan 29, 2025

In "ACE Vehicle" settings there is a setting (checkbox)

"Disable automatic engine shut-off"

Dear ACE3 team please add also - "Disable automatic engine start" !

In this case, the player must start the engine of any vehicle only from the menu only.
In menu is already there an option - Engine On

Now the engine starts automatically if the player presses the forward button (W) This does not look realistic, because in real life the engine of every vehicle must be started manually

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Normally, if you interact with a tire, the color of the interaction dot will show you a rough indication of the vehicle's health.


If you use the ACE Interaction Menu setting of Consolidate single child actions then the interaction dot is replaced with the "Remove Wheel" interaction as intended. Unfortunately this also means you cannot see the colored interaction dot to gauge a wheel's health.


My feature request is to simply apply the tire's health color to the consolidated action icon, where applicable. Otherwise I have to take the tire off just to check the health of the tire.

There might be other instances of the interaction dot color being used to indicate status, but I'm not recalling any at this time. Not sure how this would be handled on image based interaction icons, but at least for tires maybe the "Remove Wheel" interaction could also be colored to show wheel health.

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NikkoJT commented Feb 3, 2025

It would be useful to have a mission-level setting for the ACE Arsenal that allows loadouts to "force load" their contents if possible - for example, if the loadout contains scope=1 or scopeArsenal=0 items. There are some items which are hidden but still perfectly usable (for example, additional texture variants of weapons or uniforms), but you can't include these in ACE loadouts because the Arsenal will strip them as soon as you load them.

A setting to allow this check to be skipped would let missionmakers and ZGMs provide loadouts containing these items, if they choose to do so.

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STyx2909 commented Feb 4, 2025

Currently Ear ringing is server side controlled only. I would like the possibility to enable it client side only.

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CaarnDum commented Feb 7, 2025

Would it be possible to change the Blue Force Tracking (BFT) interval from 30 seconds to 60 seconds or even more?

Also if its possible for us to do it ourselves with a small line of codes.

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Andx667 commented Feb 7, 2025

Items that have a wirecutter/e-tool added via config have a line added to their tooltip:
"Includes a Wirecutter/Entrenchingtool" or similar.

Its sometimes hard for people to know they have an item with such capabilities on them.

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The Rearm feature for ace is very nice but lacks a few things that would be nice. Firstly would be the addition of small ammo cans that can either be spawned via item in the arsenal, or as a separate object similar to Jerry Cans. Would give a nice alternative to having a larger rearm vehicle for turrets or other such things.

Additionally, a few Zeus Modules for the Rearm function would be nice

  • A Module to set/remove an object/vehicle as a Rearm vehicle, and letting you set the amount of ammo available.
  • A Module to View the Current Ammo in said object.

It would make it easier to add these items on the fly instead of finding the scripts to add them via config. (If these already exist under another name my apolgies.)


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211345082311111 commented Feb 13, 2025

No reason settings for unconscious state and no option to disable/enable unconscious for player

Hello ACE3 team! The ACE3 medical system has a bunch of settings, but there is no way for the disable/configure the unconscious state reasons. In the ACE3 medical settings, there is only a way to disable/enable unconscious for the AI, but not for the player, which seems strange.

There are also no settings for what kind or what parts of injuries can make a soldier unconscious.
It would be great to see the settings (body parts that lead to unconsciousness and the percentage of probabilities that lead to unconsciousness for each body part), so that the player can configure - for what types of injuries he (the player) and the AI ​​can get to unconscious. Or at least minimum - so that, if desired, the player can disable unconsciousness for himself and AI together.

Request for more flexibility for the ACE3 medical system.
Thanks in advance...

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HBTurpin commented Feb 17, 2025

ACE Goggles rotor wash effect options to disable on vehicles or adjust intensity

Currently the fnc_applyRotorWashEffect is applied when a vehicle with Helicopter inheritence is within 15m of the player, this means regardless of the size of the helicopter the radius is always 15m as its the default for fnc_isInRotorWash.

Could instead the washDownDiameter cfgVehicles parameter be looked up on the vehicle to determine if the vehicle is in range, or look for a different parameter entirely? I want to be able to turn this effect off for tiny handheld drones UAV drones which inherit off the Helicopter class, or alternatively increase the effect size on say the Huron.

if (GVAR(FrameEvent) select 0) exitWith {
if (!isNull objectParent _unit && {!isTurnedOut _unit}) exitWith {
(GVAR(FrameEvent) select 1) set [0, false];
GVAR(FrameEvent) set [1, ([_unit] call FUNC(isInRotorWash))];

params ["_unit", ["_radius", 15]];

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MhDelt commented Feb 21, 2025

That wold be nice to add something like ace_cargo_fnc_getAvaliableSpace inCargo Functions which will return integer number of avaliable space in vehicle ACE cargo. Thanks in advance.

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Drofseh commented Feb 21, 2025

That wold be nice to add something like ace_cargo_fnc_getAvaliableSpace inCargo Functions which will return integer number of avaliable space in vehicle ACE cargo. Thanks in advance.

@MhDelt ace_cargo_fnc_getCargoSpaceLeft already does this.
cursorObject call ace_cargo_fnc_getCargoSpaceLeft

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MhDelt commented Feb 21, 2025

That wold be nice to add something like ace_cargo_fnc_getAvaliableSpace inCargo Functions which will return integer number of avaliable space in vehicle ACE cargo. Thanks in advance.

@MhDelt ace_cargo_fnc_getCargoSpaceLeft already does this. cursorObject call ace_cargo_fnc_getCargoSpaceLeft

Oh, sorry. There is nothing about it on wiki.
Thank you


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Bring the stars back in ACE nightvision. The washed-out sky is very weird.

Provide an LLTV mode option similar to Optre MJOLNIR and Natural Night Vision mods, but allow it to also work with IR lights and IR lasers. IVAS, for instance, does not use image intensifier phosphor tubes.

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Enfield-303 commented Mar 3, 2025

Export/Import interface for AtragMX gun list

Currently there is no way easy way for a person to import or export any AtragMX lists into the game, there is a workaround for this however that involves inputting commands into the extended debug console, these commands being:

profileNamespace getVariable ["ACE_ATragMX_gunList", []] for export

profileNamespace setVariable ["ACE_ATragMX_gunList", x]; for import (the x denoting where you put the exported text)

However this isnt intuitive, and requires a relative ammount of knowledge on how to do this. The other more analogue way is of course relaying the settings verbaly and having the person(s) input the settings after being told.

This is where a small quality of life update to either the atragmx or ace interaction menu would be warranted, and would make explaining and training with ace ballistics far easier to teach.

Proposed changes

Allowing import and export of atragmx settings would improve the overall accessability of ace ballistics, as people could piggyback off of other players settings and not have to find and input these details themselves.

As well as this, allowing individual guns to be copied, or a setting for the import to only add to the list instead of completely remove and then reinstall the settings would also be favourable. as this would allow people with gun lists already set up to add to their presets.

I have added a picture of a response from one of the development team in regards to implimentation for visibility.


Thank you!

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Tress16 commented Mar 7, 2025

Eventhandler for disarming explosives
An EH for handle disarming events on explosives would be a great feature.
Maybe for disarming startet and for finished too.

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Update Values of Car Damage

This request is specifically about the damage it takes to kill an engine. Even with like a Barrett, it takes several shots to disable an engine. I am not really an expert here, but I'd assume with something like the Barret, it would be out with one or two shots. This gets exponentially worse with 308 or 338, with which you should still be able to accomplish that within 2-3 shots (taking AP of course). It would be quite hard to simulate it realistically, since it might vary a bit how many shots it takes, depending on how good they were placed, but generally, for gameplay pourposes, I'd ask, that the damage an engine can take, should be set down.

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Add medical treatments to queue

This is a quality of life request for the medical menu.

Suggestion: Keep the medical menu open while treatment is underway, and allow additional actions to be added to a "queue" even while the timer is ticking down on the current treatment. When the current treatment is finished, automatically proceed to the next treatment that was added to the queue.

Potential extensions to the UI could include an estimate for the entire queue of treatments to be completed, aligned to the right of the progress bar. A button to stop all treatment without closing the menu would also be useful.

Comments: The queue represents the human's capacity to fluidly go from task to task, without stopping between each task unless given a manual input to stop.

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Instant key input for timer triggered explosives

This is a quality of life request for the timer UI when arming an explosive.

Suggestion: Instead of using the slider, allow the user to enter the time via number keys and then press their action menu key to confirm (e.g. the scroll wheel in vanilla).

For example, my action menu key is E. I want the charge to detonate after 25 seconds, so I hit 2, 5, E. This sets the timer to 25 seconds, arms the explosive, and closes the UI.

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A3-Root commented Mar 18, 2025

Ability to check (and verify) if intel has been picked up

A QoL feature request that helps with scripted events and sequences. Basically, when creating an intel using the ace add intel option, add a method to check if the said intel has been picked up (and by extension, which unit picked it up) - that could then be used as a reference / base to process other functions and scripts.

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Add Force Hydrate Function for Ace Rations

Quality of Life request for Rations when player does not drink and falls unconscious

Suggestion: Create a function using the already in place features to allow a 3rd party to Hydrate a downed player using that 3rd parties water source (Canteen/Bottle of Water) to wake that downed player from the unconscious state.

Suggestion: Create "hydrating" effects to saline.

Example: With the Ace Rations function enabled, A player forgets to "Drink" and the fluid level gets too low. The player falls into the unconscious/wake up loop, and cannot complete the drink function before falling unconscious again. A second player can utilize their water source to "Force Hydrate" that downed player to wake them again.

Example 2: With the Ace Rations function enabled, A severely injured player is waiting to be revived and is in the unconscious state, the fluid levels continue to decrease while in the unconscious state, adding a slider to allow for a "hydration effect" from saline usage could be helpful in relation to hydrating a downed player. Side note Saline in real life is used as a hydration source when in the hospital/medical facilities, so makes sense to me.

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Suggestion: Create "hydrating" effects to saline.

I like that. Give Saline an actual unique use aside from blood or plasma.

We also need the hydration from drinking to have some effect sooner. Not a fan of halfway through drinking and you pass out again. Being in the process of drinking should prevent fainting.

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