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Kubebuilder: Controllers, CRDs, and Operators

How to build custom controllers, the easy way.

To begin, clone (quickstart or kube builder book):

For the impatient

The substantive part of this tutorial is in these two files:



Not a tutorial based on theory. Just some basic developer workflow runbooks.

Runbook (startup)

Developer workflow for custom controllers

  1. Install custom types and generate code make install.
  2. Run controller (make run).
  3. Make changes to code while running controller.
  4. in new terminal, apply changes to cluster and note changes. kubectl apply -f config/samples.

Note that the apply will cause the Reconciler to "reconcile." So applying a change to the cluster will, for example, log any print/log statements in the controller's reconcile() function.

Sample Controller workflows

Workflows for developing custom CRDs and controllers (custom operators).

Log statement:

  1. Make change in guestbook controller's Reconcile code (add fmt.Println("henlo")).
  2. Run controller (make run).
  3. See the controller print "henlo" in the make run terminal window/tmux window.

Add labels imperatively and apply to cluster:

  1. Run controller (make run).
  2. Add labels to ./config/samples/webapp_v1_guestbook.yaml under metadata
name: guestbook-sample
  is-awesome: totes
  is-bad: nopes
  1. apply to cluster: apply -f ./config/samples.
  2. Use CLI label selector. k get guestbook -l is-awesome=totes. You'll see guestbook crd.

Get guestbook CRD, its labels, its namespace ...

  1. Use Reconciler function in Controller to Get object properties from NamespacedName struct.
  2. Run controller (make run).
  3. Note changes

Create a basic Deployment

  • Use this document
  • Topics covered: controller runtime pkg, client pkg, appsv1 pkg, etc
  • You'll learn how to navigate the Kubernetes API at

Specify a desired state (scaled replicas), and update Deployment

Create a basic Service ...