A simple and easy-to-use CLI parse tool package. You can use '-', '--', ',', '|', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=' and character to define your CLI API and the constraints are as follows:
- '-' : indicate a short option, followed by a character usually.
- '--': indicate a long option, followed by a word usually.
- ',' : indicate a required option of one CLI API defined.
- '|' : indicate a parallel option of one CLI API defined with same prefix.
- '{}': indicate the parallel option, always with '|' together.
- '[]': indicate the optional option.
- '=' : indicate the k-v option.
eg, one disk-file API:
# create a disk file when be defined: --create,-p=[--user=,-a=]
disk-file --create -p file_path
disk-file --create -p file_path --user u1 -a 777
# query a disk file when be defined: --query[{-p=|--list}]
disk-file --query
disk-file --query -p file_path
disk-file --query --list
import sys
from akparse.parsers import AkParser
from akparse.utils.ak_echo import AkEcho
from akparse.errs.ak_error import AkError
flag_name = None
flag_options = None
file_parser = AkParser()
file_parser.add("help", "{-h|--help}")
file_parser.add("file_create", "--create,-p=[--user=,-a=]")
file_parser.add("file_query", "--query[{-p=|--list}]")
file_parser.add("file_set", "--set{-p=,--user=,-a=|--limit=}")
file_parser.add("file_delete", "--delete,-p=[--user=]")
file_parser.add("file_status", "--status")
flag_name, flag_options = file_parser.parse(sys.argv[1:])
except AkError as err:
AkEcho.ak_err(AkError.ERROR_PARSE_MSG + err.msg)
# Print parse result
Please see more detail usage in examples
This package is also released to PyPi.org. View at https://pypi.org/project/akparse/
pip install akparse