To explore deep learning via hands on exercise. To try out deep learning on a new dataset.
- you will pose a deep learning solution for another problem
- you will import or generate data for that problem
- you will try 3 different deep learning architectures on your problem
- you will write a short report about your endeavour.
- you will commit both the report and the source code to a git repository
- you will host that repository on github
- you will share with the instructor the URI of that github repo e.g.
- 1 Github Repo URI that contains within it
- 1 derivative program that imports your data set
and sets up a deep learning network to
train, validate, and test on your dataset.
- your program will explore 3 different architectures
- each architecture should differ in the number of layers and in the number of neurons
- your program will explore 3 different architectures
- 1 sample dataset if it is less than 100mb
- or the script to generate it
- 1 PDF or Markdown Report
- 1 description of your data set
- include source code if you generate it
- instructions how to get the dataset or generate it
- 1 description of your problem
- 1 description of you condition your inputs
- 1 description of your interpret your outputs
- 1 description of performance of each architecture on the deep learning task. Describe accuracy and TP, TN, FP, FN.
- 1 discussion whereby you suggest possible ways of improving the result
- 1 summary
- 1 description of your data set
- 1 derivative program that imports your data set
and sets up a deep learning network to
train, validate, and test on your dataset.
10 marks:
- 20% Dataset generation / import
- 50% Project Report
- 30% Program
Each component is rated as Unsatisfactory, Poor, Satisfactory, Good, Excellent.
If you have more than 4 pages then you're probably writing way too much.
I expect about 1-2 pages.
You can modify my data-generators. But it has to be distinct and different.
You are free to use other source code as long as the licenses are compatible and you have permission and you can cite it.
The deliverable will be in a github repo
The only text you submit will be the url to your github repository
You github repo will contain your source code and report
You may fork the theanets-tutorial from
You will cite all sources -- for code and for writing.