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Webpacker::Electron makes it easy to reuse your webpack-based JavaScript application files within an Electron app.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'webpacker-electron'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

bundle add webpacker-electron

Finally, run the following to install Webpacker::Electron:

bundle exec rails webpacker:install:electron

This command will create the following files:

  • config/electron-builder.yml: Configuration file for electron-builder.
  • config/webpack/electron/main/development.js: Configuration file for Electron's main process (in development mode).
  • config/webpack/electron/main/production.js: Configuration file for Electron's main process (in production mode).
  • config/webpack/electron/renderer/development.js: Configuration file for Electron's renderer process (in development mode).
  • config/webpack/electron/renderer/production.js: Configuration file for Electron's renderer process (in production mode).
  • lib/javascript/babel.js: Babel configuration specific for Electron's main process.
  • public/electron.html: Template for the renderer process, for both webpack dev server and production build.
  • src/packs/electron/main.js: JavaScript pack for Electron's main process.
  • src/packs/electron/renderer.js: JavaScript pack for Electron's renderer process.

It also updates the following files:

  • .gitignore: Ignores public/dist and public/packs-electron.
  • config/webpack/environment.js: Ignore Electron's related packs.

It also installs the following packages:

  • @babel/register
  • dotenv
  • dotenv-webpack
  • electron
  • electron-builder
  • electron-devtools-installer
  • electron-notarize
  • electron-debug
  • electron-log
  • electron-updater
  • concurrently
  • cross-env


Once installed, you can start your JavaScript app in Rails as an Electron app with the following command:

bundle exec rails webpacker:start:electron

This task will run a webpack dev server for the renderer pack. Also, it will run rails webpacker:start:electron:main to start the actual Electron app.

Package the Electron app

To package the JavaScript application into an Electron app, run the following:

rails webpacker:package:electron

First, it will compile the main and renderer packs for Electron, and then it will put the resulting output in an Electron app using electron-builder.

The app will be generated in public/dist.


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.