Human Parsing SLNo Architecture_Block_Diagram Method Paper_Link Github_Link Year Framework Dataset Loss Functions PreTrained Weight Training Pipeline Testing Pipeline License Keywords 1 WSHP Weakly and Semi Supervised Human Body Part Parsing via Pose-Guided Knowledge Transfer 2018 Tensorflow Pascal-Person-Part Dataset MPII Horse-Cow Sparse-Softmax-Cross-Entropy, L2 Loss Yes Yes Yes Custom 2 MMAN Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing 2018 Pytorch LIP Pascal-Person-Part Dataset MSE, BCE, L1 Loss, NLLLoss2d Yes Yes Yes Custom 3 CorrPM Correlating Edge, Pose with Parsing 2020 Pytorch LIP CrossEntropy, MSE Yes Yes Yes MIT 4 ISP-ReiD Identity-Guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification 2020 Pytorch DukeMTMC CrossEntropy, MarginRanking, SoftMargin NA Yes Yes Apache-2.0 5 SCHP Self-Correction Human Parsing 2021 PyTorch LIP ATR Pascal-Person-Part CrossEntropy, LovaszSoftmax, KLDivergence, Consistensy Yes Yes Yes(eval) MIT 6 CE2P Devil in the Details: Towards Accurate Single and Multiple Human Parsing 2020 PyTorch LIp CrossEntropy Yes Yes Yes NA 7 MG-HumanParsing Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Representation Learning for Instance-Aware Human Semantic Parsing 2021 PyTorch Pascal MHP-v2 DensePoseData L!-Loss, Laplace No Yes Yes NA 8 NASJHPE Neural Architecture Search for Joint Human Parsing and Pose Estimation 2021 PyTorch LIP Pascal-Person-Part CrossEntropy, MSELoss No Yes Yes NA 9 Hierarchical-HP Hierarchical Human Parsing with Typed Part-Relation Reasoning 2020 PyTorch LIP Pascal-Person-Part ATR CrossEntropy No Yes Yes NA 10 Compositional-HP Learning Compositional Neural Information Fusion for Human Parsing 2019 PyTorch LIP Pascal-Person-Part ATR Cross Entropy Yes No Yes NA 11 Grapy-ML Grapy-ML: Graph Pyramid Mutual Learning for Cross-dataset Human Parsing 2020 PyTorch CHIP CrossEntropy Yes Yes Yes MIT 12 M2FP M2FP: Mask2Former for Parsing 2023 PyTorch LIP Pascal-Person_Part CIHP MHP-v2 NA Yes Yes Yes CCA 4.0 13 CDGNet CDGNet: Class Distribution Guided Network for Human Parsing 2022 PyTorch LIP CIHP CDG Loss, Cross Entropy Yes Yes Yes NA 14 HSSN Deep hierarchical semantic segmentation 2022 PyTorch LIP Pascal-Person-Part Focal tree-min loss, tree triplet loss Yes Yes Yes NA 15 QANet Quality-Aware Network for Human Parsing 2021 PyTorch LIP CIHP Cross Entropy Loss, Lovasz Loss Yes Yes Yes MIT