Docker For Testing is a zero dependency wrapper around the docker
command. It is solely based on the std lib.
Only requirement: A running docker daemon.
The package is intended to be used in various testing setups from local testing to CI/CD pipelines. It's main goals are to reduce the need for mocks (especially database ones), and to lower the amount of packages required for testing.
Containers can be spun up with options for ports, environment variables or [CMD] overwrites.
Testing a user service backed by mongoDB
package myawesomepkg_test
import (
func TestUserService(tt *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// start a mongoDB container
ctr, err := dft.StartContainer(
if err != nil {
tt.Errorf("[dft.StartContainer] unexpected error: %v", err)
// wait for the database
err = ctr.WaitCmd(
func(stdOut string, stdErr string, code int) bool {
tt.Logf("got:\n\tcode:%d\n\tout:%s\n\terr:%s\n", code, stdOut, stdErr)
return code == 0
// since we use a random port in the example we want to execute the
// command inside of the container
if err != nil {
tt.Errorf("[dft.WaitCmd] wait error: %v", err)
// let's make sure we clean up after us
defer func() {
if ctr != nil {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
// since we use a random port in the example we want to know its
// address on the host. Because we can expose an internal port on multiple host ports,
// this method will return a list of addresses
addrs, ok := ctr.ExposedPortAddresses(27017)
if !ok {
tt.Error("[ctr.ExposedPortAddresses] did not return any addresses")
// get a connection
conn := createNewMongoClient(addrs[0])
// create a repo
userRepo := repository.User(conn)
// start the service
userSvc := user.New(userRepo)
defer userSvc.Close()
"it can store a new user in the database",
func(t *testing.T) {
// create a new user
userSvc.New("awesome", "user")
// validate the write via the repository or DB client
users := userRepo.GetAll()
if len(users) != 1 &&
users[0].FirstName != "awesome" &&
users[0].LastName != "user" {
t.Error("[userSvc.New] unable to create user")
Option | Info | Example |
WithCmd | Overwrite [CMD]. | WithCmd([]string{"--tlsCAFile", "/run/tls/ca.crt"}) |
WithEnvVar | Set an envvar inside the container. Can be called multiple times. If two options use the same key the latest one will overwrite existing ones. |
WithEnvVar("intent", "prod") |
WithMount | Mount a local dir or file Can be called multiple times. |
WithMount("./host/folder", "/target") |
WithPort | Expose an internal port on a specific host port. | WithPort(27017,8080) |
WithRandomPort | Expose an internal port on a random host port. Use ExposedPorts or ExposedPortAddresses to get the correct host port. |
WithRandomPort(27017) |
Option | Info | Example |
WithExecuteInsideContainer | If the given command should be executed inside of the container (default: false). This is useful if we want to use a command only present in the container. |
WithExecuteInsideContainer(true) |