/* Required Variables: port: StatsD Cluster Proxy listening port [default: 8125] mgmt_port: StatsD Cluster Proxy telnet management port [default: 8126] mgmt_address: address to run the management TCP interface on [default:] nodes: list of StatsD instances host: address of an instance of StatsD port: port that this instance is listening on adminport: port that this instance is listening on for the admininterface Optional Variables: host: address to listen on over UDP [default:] address_ipv6: defines if the listen address is an IPv4 or IPv6 address [true or false, default: false] checkInterval: health status check interval [default: 10000] cacheSize: size of the cache to store for hashring key lookups [default: 10000] forkCount: number of child processes (cluster module), number or 'auto' for utilize all cpus [default:0] server: the server to load. The server must exist by name in the directory servers/. If not specified, the default udp server will be loaded. Note: This will still send to the backends via udp regardless of the server type for the proxy * example for tcp server: "./servers/tcp" */ { nodes: [ {host: '', port: 8127, adminport: 8128}, {host: '', port: 8129, adminport: 8130}, {host: '', port: 8131, adminport: 8132} ], server: './servers/udp', host: '', port: 8125, mgmt_port: 8126, forkCount: 0, checkInterval: 1000, cacheSize: 10000 }