A number of different weather services may be configured that allows reading the current temperature. Depending on which weather service is selected, different parameters may be required.
The weather service is configured in the YAML configuration file as:
# temperature configuration
tempservice: <bom,openweather,darksky>
poll: <interval for poll in seconds>
# If 'bom' is selected
bom: http://www.bom.gov.au/fwo/<bom URL>
# If 'openweather' is selected
tempid: <location id>
tempkey: <key>
# if 'darksky' is selected
darkskykey: <key>
darkskylat: <latitude>
darkskylong: <longitude>
The poll
parameter (default 120 seconds) configures the interval between polling the service.
Only the temperature is retrieved from the service.