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FujiNet-PC scripts

The scripts package contains Launcher GUI and NetSIO hub Python modules and NetSIO custom device for Altirra. It does not contain any binaries. To run scripts Python 3 with necessary libraries must be installed on the system and FujiNet-PC binaries (downloaded or built) have to be placed into fujinet-pc directory.

Linux, macOS, Window

Download and extract the files

Download the scripts package and extract the files.

There are four subdirectories inside:

  • emulator contains custom device for Altirra
  • fujinet-pc is placeholder for FujiNet-PC binary
  • launcher is Python module containing FujiNet-PC Launcher
  • netsiohub is Python module containing NetSIO hub


Python 3 is required to run Launcher and NetSIO hub.

Check if Python version 3.x is installed:

$ python -V
Python 3.10.4

if command is not found or version 2.x.y is reported by python command try to use python3 command instead:

$ python3 -V
Python 3.10.4

On Ubuntu it is possible to enable Python 3 via python command by installing python-is-python3 package:

$ sudo apt install python-is-python3

Linux distros are likely shipped with some version of Python installed by default or at least available as ready to install package. For other systems if Python 3 is not installed yet it can be downloaded and installed from

For recent Windows versions Python is available from Microsoft Store. Version 3.9 or 3.10 should work fine. It can be also installed using winget:

$ winget install -i Python.Python.3.9

Similar on macOS, if using package manager, e.g. homebrew, Python can be installed with it:

$ brew install python3

NetSIO hub

Skip this step if you plan to use Launcher.

If not interested into Launcher GUI the NetSIO hub can be started manually. Enter the scripts directory - the one with emulator, fujinet-pc, launcher and netsiohub subdirectories (DO NOT enter netsiohub subdirectory).

Start NetSIO hub:

$ python -m netsiohub  # or python3 -m netsiohub

NetSIO hub command line options:

usage: netsiohub [-h] [--netsio-port NETSIO_PORT] [-d] [--port PORT] [-v]

Connects NetSIO protocol (SIO over UDP) talking peripherals with NetSIO Altirra custom device (localhost TCP).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --netsio-port NETSIO_PORT
                        Change UDP port used by NetSIO peripherals (default 9997)
  -d, --debug           Print debug output
  --port PORT           Change TCP port used by Altirra NetSIO custom device (default 9996)
  -v, --verbose         Log emulation device commands


To allow the Launcher to control (start/stop and monitor) FujiNet-PC program the directory fujinet-pc must be populated with FujiNet-PC. Copy here the content of build/dist if it was built manually. Pre-build binaries for selected systems can be downloaded and files extracted here.

The content of fujinet-pc directory should look like this:

% ls -l fujinet-pc
drwx------   3 a8jan  staff       96 Aug 24 12:26 SD
drwx------  11 a8jan  staff      352 Aug 24 12:26 data
-rwx------   1 a8jan  staff      535 Aug 24 12:26 fnconfig.ini
-rwx------   1 a8jan  staff  6189712 Aug 24 12:26 fujinet
-rwx------   1 a8jan  staff      284 Aug 24 12:26 run-fujinet

On Windows there will be additional DLL files together with fujinet.exe

If you do not plan to use Launcher to start/stop FujiNet-PC the FujiNet-PC can be started manually. Enter fujinet-pc directory and start FujiNet-PC with ./run-fujinet on Linux and Mac, use run-fujinet.bat on Windows.

FujiNet-PC command line options:

Usage: fujinet [-V] [-u URL] [-c config_file] [-s SD_directory]


FujiNet-PC Launcher uses wxPython library for its GUI. Check if it is installed:

$ python -c "import wx; print(wx.version())"
4.1.2a1.dev5310+af8cca51 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5

If instead of version information the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wx is printed then wxPython must be installed. Easiest way is to install additional software for Python is to use pip - package installer for Python.

Note: Similar story to python vs python3 is with pip vs pip3 or even python -m pip vs python3 -m pip. Use the right pip command to manage Python 3 packages on your system (check Python version with pip -V or pip3 -V).

To install wxPython using pip (or pip3):

$ pip install -U wxPython  # or pip3 install -U wxPython

This should work fine on macOS and Windows. Unfortunately, not on Linux - details here.

There are two solutions to problem with wxPython installation on Linux:

a) Use package provided by Linux distribution

E.g on Ubuntu (quite old version):

$ sudo apt install python3-wxgtk4.0

b) Use Linux distribution specific pip package

E.g on Ubuntu 22.04:

$ pip install -U -f wxPython

Now, with Python and wxPython installed, the Launcher program can be started. Enter the scripts directory - the one with emulator, fujinet-pc, launcher and netsiohub subdirectories (DO NOT enter launcher subdirectory).

Start FujiNet-PC Launcher:

$ python -m launcher  # or python3 -m launcher

If all is good the FujiNet shaped window will open and FujiNet-PC and NetSIO hub will be started in background.

FujiNet-PC Launcher command line options:

usage: launcher [-h] [-l LABEL] [-g GUI_SCALE] [-t] [-u URL] [-c FNCONFIG] [-s SD] [-p PORT] [-r NETSIO_PORT]
                [-i INSTANCE] [-v] [-d] [-V]

This launcher program controls FujiNet-PC and NetSIO hub

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LABEL, --label LABEL
                        Launcher label
  -g GUI_SCALE, --gui-scale GUI_SCALE
                        GUI scale
  -t, --top-window      Stay on top window
  -u URL, --url URL     FujiNet web interface ([][:8000])
  -c FNCONFIG, --fnconfig FNCONFIG
                        Path to FujiNet configuration file (fnconfig.ini)
  -s SD, --sd SD        Path to SD directory (SD)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  TCP port used by Altirra NetSIO custom device (9996)
  -r NETSIO_PORT, --netsio-port NETSIO_PORT
                        UDP port used by NetSIO peripherals (9997)
  -i INSTANCE, --instance INSTANCE
                        FujiNet instance ID
  -v, --verbose         Log emulation device commands
  -d, --debug           Print debug output
  -V, --version         Print program version and exit

Custom device for Altirra emulator

Device file for Altirra emulator netsio.atdevice is located in emulator/Altirra directory.

To connect Altirra with FujiNet follow the instructions here.