index e10dc51..cfe1998 100644
@@ -22,3 +22,15 @@ ERROR: could not initialize GLFW
Mon May 27 18:49:02 2024
ERROR: could not initialize GLFW
+Wed Oct 23 17:07:26 2024
+ERROR: could not initialize GLFW
+Wed Oct 23 17:07:32 2024
+ERROR: could not create window
+Wed Oct 23 17:08:00 2024
+ERROR: could not initialize GLFW
+Wed Oct 23 17:08:06 2024
+ERROR: could not create window
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-# poselib
-`poselib` is a library for loading, manipulating, and retargeting skeleton poses and motions. It is separated into three modules: `poselib.poselib.core` for basic data loading and tensor operations, `poselib.poselib.skeleton` for higher-level skeleton operations, and `poselib.poselib.visualization` for displaying skeleton poses.
-## poselib.poselib.core
-- `poselib.poselib.core.rotation3d`: A set of Torch JIT functions for dealing with quaternions, transforms, and rotation/transformation matrices.
- - `quat_*` manipulate and create quaternions in [x, y, z, w] format (where w is the real component).
- - `transform_*` handle 7D transforms in [quat, pos] format.
- - `rot_matrix_*` handle 3x3 rotation matrices.
- - `euclidean_*` handle 4x4 Euclidean transformation matrices.
-- `poselib.poselib.core.tensor_utils`: Provides loading and saving functions for PyTorch tensors.
-## poselib.poselib.skeleton
-- `poselib.poselib.skeleton.skeleton3d`: Utilities for loading and manipulating skeleton poses, and retargeting poses to different skeletons.
- - `SkeletonTree` is a class that stores a skeleton as a tree structure.
- - `SkeletonState` describes the static state of a skeleton, and provides both global and local joint angles.
- - `SkeletonMotion` describes a time-series of skeleton states and provides utilities for computing joint velocities.
-## poselib.poselib.visualization
-- `poselib.poselib.visualization.common`: Functions used for visualizing skeletons interactively in `matplotlib`.
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--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/__init__.py
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-__version__ = "0.0.1"
-from .core import *
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--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .tensor_utils import *
-from .rotation3d import *
-from .backend import Serializable, logger
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--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-from .abstract import Serializable
-from .logger import logger
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/abstract.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/abstract.py
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--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/abstract.py
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@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractclassmethod
-from collections import OrderedDict
-import json
-import numpy as np
-import os
-def register(name):
- def core(tensor_cls):
- TENSOR_CLASS[name] = tensor_cls
- return tensor_cls
- return core
-def _get_cls(name):
- return TENSOR_CLASS[name]
-class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- """ Special json encoder for numpy types """
- def default(self, obj):
- if isinstance(
- obj,
- (
- np.int_,
- np.intc,
- np.intp,
- np.int8,
- np.int16,
- np.int32,
- np.int64,
- np.uint8,
- np.uint16,
- np.uint32,
- np.uint64,
- ),
- ):
- return int(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj, (np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64)):
- return float(obj)
- elif isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray,)):
- return dict(__ndarray__=obj.tolist(), dtype=str(obj.dtype), shape=obj.shape)
- return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-def json_numpy_obj_hook(dct):
- if isinstance(dct, dict) and "__ndarray__" in dct:
- data = np.asarray(dct["__ndarray__"], dtype=dct["dtype"])
- return data.reshape(dct["shape"])
- return dct
-class Serializable:
- """ Implementation to read/write to file.
- All class the is inherited from this class needs to implement to_dict() and
- from_dict()
- """
- @abstractclassmethod
- def from_dict(cls, dict_repr, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Read the object from an ordered dictionary
- :param dict_repr: the ordered dictionary that is used to construct the object
- :type dict_repr: OrderedDict
- :param args, kwargs: the arguments that need to be passed into from_dict()
- :type args, kwargs: additional arguments
- """
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def to_dict(self):
- """ Construct an ordered dictionary from the object
- :rtype: OrderedDict
- """
- pass
- @classmethod
- def from_file(cls, path, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Read the object from a file (either .npy or .json)
- :param path: path of the file
- :type path: string
- :param args, kwargs: the arguments that need to be passed into from_dict()
- :type args, kwargs: additional arguments
- """
- if path.endswith(".json"):
- with open(path, "r") as f:
- d = json.load(f, object_hook=json_numpy_obj_hook)
- elif path.endswith(".npy"):
- d = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True).item()
- else:
- assert False, "failed to load {} from {}".format(cls.__name__, path)
- assert d["__name__"] == cls.__name__, "the file belongs to {}, not {}".format(
- d["__name__"], cls.__name__
- )
- return cls.from_dict(d, *args, **kwargs)
- def to_file(self, path: str) -> None:
- """ Write the object to a file (either .npy or .json)
- :param path: path of the file
- :type path: string
- """
- if os.path.dirname(path) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
- d = self.to_dict()
- d["__name__"] = self.__class__.__name__
- if path.endswith(".json"):
- with open(path, "w") as f:
- json.dump(d, f, cls=NumpyEncoder, indent=4)
- elif path.endswith(".npy"):
- np.save(path, d)
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/logger.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/logger.py
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index 369cae9..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/backend/logger.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger("poselib")
-if not len(logger.handlers):
- formatter = logging.Formatter(
- fmt="%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s"
- )
- handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(handler)
- logger.info("logger initialized")
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/rotation3d.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/rotation3d.py
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index ae32d93..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/rotation3d.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-from typing import List, Optional
-import math
-import torch
-def quat_mul(a, b):
- """
- quaternion multiplication
- """
- x1, y1, z1, w1 = a[..., 0], a[..., 1], a[..., 2], a[..., 3]
- x2, y2, z2, w2 = b[..., 0], b[..., 1], b[..., 2], b[..., 3]
- w = w1 * w2 - x1 * x2 - y1 * y2 - z1 * z2
- x = w1 * x2 + x1 * w2 + y1 * z2 - z1 * y2
- y = w1 * y2 + y1 * w2 + z1 * x2 - x1 * z2
- z = w1 * z2 + z1 * w2 + x1 * y2 - y1 * x2
- return torch.stack([x, y, z, w], dim=-1)
-def quat_pos(x):
- """
- make all the real part of the quaternion positive
- """
- q = x
- z = (q[..., 3:] < 0).float()
- q = (1 - 2 * z) * q
- return q
-def quat_abs(x):
- """
- quaternion norm (unit quaternion represents a 3D rotation, which has norm of 1)
- """
- x = x.norm(p=2, dim=-1)
- return x
-def quat_unit(x):
- """
- normalized quaternion with norm of 1
- """
- norm = quat_abs(x).unsqueeze(-1)
- return x / (norm.clamp(min=1e-9))
-def quat_conjugate(x):
- """
- quaternion with its imaginary part negated
- x, y, z , w -> -x, -y, -z, w
- """
- return torch.cat([-x[..., :3], x[..., 3:]], dim=-1)
-def quat_real(x):
- """
- real component of the quaternion
- """
- return x[..., 3]
-def quat_imaginary(x):
- """
- imaginary components of the quaternion
- """
- return x[..., :3]
-def quat_norm_check(x):
- """
- verify that a quaternion has norm 1
- """
- assert bool((abs(x.norm(p=2, dim=-1) - 1) < 1e-3).all()), "the quaternion is has non-1 norm: {}".format(abs(x.norm(p=2, dim=-1) - 1))
- assert bool((x[..., 3] >= 0).all()), "the quaternion has negative real part"
-def quat_normalize(q):
- """
- Construct 3D rotation from quaternion (the quaternion needs not to be normalized).
- """
- q = quat_unit(quat_pos(q)) # normalized to positive and unit quaternion
- return q
-def quat_from_xyz(xyz):
- """
- Construct 3D rotation from the imaginary component
- """
- w = (1.0 - xyz.norm()).unsqueeze(-1)
- assert bool((w >= 0).all()), "xyz has its norm greater than 1"
- return torch.cat([xyz, w], dim=-1)
-def quat_identity(shape: List[int]):
- """
- Construct 3D identity rotation given shape
- """
- w = torch.ones(shape + [1])
- xyz = torch.zeros(shape + [3])
- q = torch.cat([xyz, w], dim=-1)
- return quat_normalize(q)
-def quat_from_angle_axis(angle, axis, degree: bool = False):
- """ Create a 3D rotation from angle and axis of rotation. The rotation is counter-clockwise
- along the axis.
- The rotation can be interpreted as a_R_b where frame "b" is the new frame that
- gets rotated counter-clockwise along the axis from frame "a"
- :param angle: angle of rotation
- :type angle: Tensor
- :param axis: axis of rotation
- :type axis: Tensor
- :param degree: put True here if the angle is given by degree
- :type degree: bool, optional, default=False
- """
- if degree:
- angle = angle / 180.0 * math.pi
- theta = (angle / 2).unsqueeze(-1)
- axis = axis / (axis.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).clamp(min=1e-9))
- xyz = axis * theta.sin()
- w = theta.cos()
- return quat_normalize(torch.cat([xyz, w], dim=-1))
-def quat_from_rotation_matrix(m):
- """
- Construct a 3D rotation from a valid 3x3 rotation matrices.
- Reference can be found here:
- http://www.cg.info.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp/~miyazaki/knowledge/teche52.html
- :param m: 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrices.
- :type m: Tensor
- :rtype: Tensor
- """
- m = m.unsqueeze(0)
- diag0 = m[..., 0, 0]
- diag1 = m[..., 1, 1]
- diag2 = m[..., 2, 2]
- # Math stuff.
- w = (((diag0 + diag1 + diag2 + 1.0) / 4.0).clamp(0.0, None))**0.5
- x = (((diag0 - diag1 - diag2 + 1.0) / 4.0).clamp(0.0, None))**0.5
- y = (((-diag0 + diag1 - diag2 + 1.0) / 4.0).clamp(0.0, None))**0.5
- z = (((-diag0 - diag1 + diag2 + 1.0) / 4.0).clamp(0.0, None))**0.5
- # Only modify quaternions where w > x, y, z.
- c0 = (w >= x) & (w >= y) & (w >= z)
- x[c0] *= (m[..., 2, 1][c0] - m[..., 1, 2][c0]).sign()
- y[c0] *= (m[..., 0, 2][c0] - m[..., 2, 0][c0]).sign()
- z[c0] *= (m[..., 1, 0][c0] - m[..., 0, 1][c0]).sign()
- # Only modify quaternions where x > w, y, z
- c1 = (x >= w) & (x >= y) & (x >= z)
- w[c1] *= (m[..., 2, 1][c1] - m[..., 1, 2][c1]).sign()
- y[c1] *= (m[..., 1, 0][c1] + m[..., 0, 1][c1]).sign()
- z[c1] *= (m[..., 0, 2][c1] + m[..., 2, 0][c1]).sign()
- # Only modify quaternions where y > w, x, z.
- c2 = (y >= w) & (y >= x) & (y >= z)
- w[c2] *= (m[..., 0, 2][c2] - m[..., 2, 0][c2]).sign()
- x[c2] *= (m[..., 1, 0][c2] + m[..., 0, 1][c2]).sign()
- z[c2] *= (m[..., 2, 1][c2] + m[..., 1, 2][c2]).sign()
- # Only modify quaternions where z > w, x, y.
- c3 = (z >= w) & (z >= x) & (z >= y)
- w[c3] *= (m[..., 1, 0][c3] - m[..., 0, 1][c3]).sign()
- x[c3] *= (m[..., 2, 0][c3] + m[..., 0, 2][c3]).sign()
- y[c3] *= (m[..., 2, 1][c3] + m[..., 1, 2][c3]).sign()
- return quat_normalize(torch.stack([x, y, z, w], dim=-1)).squeeze(0)
-def quat_mul_norm(x, y):
- """
- Combine two set of 3D rotations together using \**\* operator. The shape needs to be
- broadcastable
- """
- return quat_normalize(quat_mul(x, y))
-def quat_rotate(rot, vec):
- """
- Rotate a 3D vector with the 3D rotation
- """
- other_q = torch.cat([vec, torch.zeros_like(vec[..., :1])], dim=-1)
- return quat_imaginary(quat_mul(quat_mul(rot, other_q), quat_conjugate(rot)))
-def quat_inverse(x):
- """
- The inverse of the rotation
- """
- return quat_conjugate(x)
-def quat_identity_like(x):
- """
- Construct identity 3D rotation with the same shape
- """
- return quat_identity(x.shape[:-1])
-def quat_angle_axis(x):
- """
- The (angle, axis) representation of the rotation. The axis is normalized to unit length.
- The angle is guaranteed to be between [0, pi].
- """
- s = 2 * (x[..., 3]**2) - 1
- angle = s.clamp(-1, 1).arccos() # just to be safe
- axis = x[..., :3]
- axis /= axis.norm(p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).clamp(min=1e-9)
- return angle, axis
-def quat_yaw_rotation(x, z_up: bool = True):
- """
- Yaw rotation (rotation along z-axis)
- """
- q = x
- if z_up:
- q = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(q[..., 0:2]), q[..., 2:3], q[..., 3:]], dim=-1)
- else:
- q = torch.cat(
- [
- torch.zeros_like(q[..., 0:1]),
- q[..., 1:2],
- torch.zeros_like(q[..., 2:3]),
- q[..., 3:4],
- ],
- dim=-1,
- )
- return quat_normalize(q)
-def transform_from_rotation_translation(r: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, t: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
- """
- Construct a transform from a quaternion and 3D translation. Only one of them can be None.
- """
- assert r is not None or t is not None, "rotation and translation can't be all None"
- if r is None:
- assert t is not None
- r = quat_identity(list(t.shape))
- if t is None:
- t = torch.zeros(list(r.shape) + [3])
- return torch.cat([r, t], dim=-1)
-def transform_identity(shape: List[int]):
- """
- Identity transformation with given shape
- """
- r = quat_identity(shape)
- t = torch.zeros(shape + [3])
- return transform_from_rotation_translation(r, t)
-def transform_rotation(x):
- """Get rotation from transform"""
- return x[..., :4]
-def transform_translation(x):
- """Get translation from transform"""
- return x[..., 4:]
-def transform_inverse(x):
- """
- Inverse transformation
- """
- inv_so3 = quat_inverse(transform_rotation(x))
- return transform_from_rotation_translation(r=inv_so3, t=quat_rotate(inv_so3, -transform_translation(x)))
-def transform_identity_like(x):
- """
- identity transformation with the same shape
- """
- return transform_identity(x.shape)
-def transform_mul(x, y):
- """
- Combine two transformation together
- """
- z = transform_from_rotation_translation(
- r=quat_mul_norm(transform_rotation(x), transform_rotation(y)),
- t=quat_rotate(transform_rotation(x), transform_translation(y)) + transform_translation(x),
- )
- return z
-def transform_apply(rot, vec):
- """
- Transform a 3D vector
- """
- assert isinstance(vec, torch.Tensor)
- return quat_rotate(transform_rotation(rot), vec) + transform_translation(rot)
-def rot_matrix_det(x):
- """
- Return the determinant of the 3x3 matrix. The shape of the tensor will be as same as the
- shape of the matrix
- """
- a, b, c = x[..., 0, 0], x[..., 0, 1], x[..., 0, 2]
- d, e, f = x[..., 1, 0], x[..., 1, 1], x[..., 1, 2]
- g, h, i = x[..., 2, 0], x[..., 2, 1], x[..., 2, 2]
- t1 = a * (e * i - f * h)
- t2 = b * (d * i - f * g)
- t3 = c * (d * h - e * g)
- return t1 - t2 + t3
-def rot_matrix_integrity_check(x):
- """
- Verify that a rotation matrix has a determinant of one and is orthogonal
- """
- det = rot_matrix_det(x)
- assert bool((abs(det - 1) < 1e-3).all()), "the matrix has non-one determinant"
- rtr = x @ x.permute(torch.arange(x.dim() - 2), -1, -2)
- rtr_gt = rtr.zeros_like()
- rtr_gt[..., 0, 0] = 1
- rtr_gt[..., 1, 1] = 1
- rtr_gt[..., 2, 2] = 1
- assert bool(((rtr - rtr_gt) < 1e-3).all()), "the matrix is not orthogonal"
-# @torch.jit.script
-# def rot_matrix_from_quaternion(q):
-# """
-# Construct rotation matrix from quaternion
-# x, y, z, w convension
-# """
-# print("!!!!!!! This function does well-formed rotation matrices!!!")
-# # Shortcuts for individual elements (using wikipedia's convention)
-# qi, qj, qk, qr = q[..., 0], q[..., 1], q[..., 2], q[..., 3]
-# # Set individual elements
-# R00 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (qj**2 + qk**2)
-# R01 = 2 * (qi * qj - qk * qr)
-# R02 = 2 * (qi * qk + qj * qr)
-# R10 = 2 * (qi * qj + qk * qr)
-# R11 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (qi**2 + qk**2)
-# R12 = 2 * (qj * qk - qi * qr)
-# R20 = 2 * (qi * qk - qj * qr)
-# R21 = 2 * (qj * qk + qi * qr)
-# R22 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (qi**2 + qj**2)
-# R0 = torch.stack([R00, R01, R02], dim=-1)
-# R1 = torch.stack([R10, R11, R12], dim=-1)
-# R2 = torch.stack([R10, R21, R22], dim=-1)
-# R = torch.stack([R0, R1, R2], dim=-2)
-# return R
-def rot_matrix_from_quaternion(quaternions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
- """
- Convert rotations given as quaternions to rotation matrices.
- Args:
- quaternions: quaternions with real part first,
- as tensor of shape (..., 4).
- Returns:
- Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
- """
- i, j, k, r = torch.unbind(quaternions, -1)
- two_s = 2.0 / (quaternions * quaternions).sum(-1)
- o = torch.stack(
- (
- 1 - two_s * (j * j + k * k),
- two_s * (i * j - k * r),
- two_s * (i * k + j * r),
- two_s * (i * j + k * r),
- 1 - two_s * (i * i + k * k),
- two_s * (j * k - i * r),
- two_s * (i * k - j * r),
- two_s * (j * k + i * r),
- 1 - two_s * (i * i + j * j),
- ),
- -1,
- )
- return o.reshape(quaternions.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))
-def euclidean_to_rotation_matrix(x):
- """
- Get the rotation matrix on the top-left corner of a Euclidean transformation matrix
- """
- return x[..., :3, :3]
-def euclidean_integrity_check(x):
- euclidean_to_rotation_matrix(x) # check 3d-rotation matrix
- assert bool((x[..., 3, :3] == 0).all()), "the last row is illegal"
- assert bool((x[..., 3, 3] == 1).all()), "the last row is illegal"
-def euclidean_translation(x):
- """
- Get the translation vector located at the last column of the matrix
- """
- return x[..., :3, 3]
-def euclidean_inverse(x):
- """
- Compute the matrix that represents the inverse rotation
- """
- s = x.zeros_like()
- irot = quat_inverse(quat_from_rotation_matrix(x))
- s[..., :3, :3] = irot
- s[..., :3, 4] = quat_rotate(irot, -euclidean_translation(x))
- return s
-def euclidean_to_transform(transformation_matrix):
- """
- Construct a transform from a Euclidean transformation matrix
- """
- return transform_from_rotation_translation(
- r=quat_from_rotation_matrix(m=euclidean_to_rotation_matrix(transformation_matrix)),
- t=euclidean_translation(transformation_matrix),
- )
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tensor_utils.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tensor_utils.py
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+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from .backend import Serializable
-import torch
-class TensorUtils(Serializable):
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, dict_repr, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Read the object from an ordered dictionary
- :param dict_repr: the ordered dictionary that is used to construct the object
- :type dict_repr: OrderedDict
- :param kwargs: the arguments that need to be passed into from_dict()
- :type kwargs: additional arguments
- """
- return torch.from_numpy(dict_repr["arr"].astype(dict_repr["context"]["dtype"]))
- def to_dict(self):
- """ Construct an ordered dictionary from the object
- :rtype: OrderedDict
- """
- return NotImplemented
-def tensor_to_dict(x):
- """ Construct an ordered dictionary from the object
- :rtype: OrderedDict
- """
- x_np = x.numpy()
- return {
- "arr": x_np,
- "context": {
- "dtype": x_np.dtype.name
- }
- }
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tests/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tests/test_rotation.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tests/test_rotation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b6802..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/core/tests/test_rotation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-from ..rotation3d import *
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-q = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[0, 1, 2, 3], [-2, 3, -1, 5]], dtype=np.float32))
-print("q", q)
-r = quat_normalize(q)
-x = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0]], dtype=np.float32))
-print(quat_rotate(r, x))
-angle = torch.from_numpy(np.array(np.random.rand() * 10.0, dtype=np.float32))
-axis = torch.from_numpy(np.array([1, np.random.rand() * 10.0, np.random.rand() * 10.0], dtype=np.float32),)
-rot = quat_from_angle_axis(angle, axis)
-x = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(5, 6, 3))
-y = quat_rotate(quat_inverse(rot), quat_rotate(rot, x))
-assert np.allclose(x.numpy(), y.numpy())
-m = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float32))
-r = quat_from_rotation_matrix(m)
-t = torch.from_numpy(np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=np.float32))
-se3 = transform_from_rotation_translation(r=r, t=t)
-print(transform_apply(se3, t))
-rot = quat_from_angle_axis(
- torch.from_numpy(np.array([45, -54], dtype=np.float32)),
- torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)),
- degree=True,
-trans = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=np.float32))
-transform = transform_from_rotation_translation(r=rot, t=trans)
-t = transform_mul(transform, transform_inverse(transform))
-gt = np.zeros((2, 7))
-gt[:, 0] = 1.0
-# assert np.allclose(t.numpy(), gt)
-transform2 = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32),)
-transform2 = euclidean_to_transform(transform2)
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_py27_backend.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_py27_backend.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bee7f9f..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_py27_backend.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary
-rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any
-use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation
-without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-This script reads an fbx file and saves the joint names, parents, and transforms to a
-numpy array.
-NOTE: It must be run from python 2.7 with the fbx SDK installed. To use this script,
-please use the read_fbx file
-import sys
-import numpy as np
- import fbx
- import FbxCommon
-except ImportError as e:
- print("Error: FBX Import Failed. Message: {}".format(e))
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- print(
- "WARNING: you are using python 3 when this script should only be run from "
- "python 2"
- )
- else:
- print(
- "You are using python 2 but importing fbx failed. You must install it from "
- "http://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2018/ENU/?guid=FBX_Developer_Help_"
- "scripting_with_python_fbx_html"
- )
- print("Exiting")
- exit()
-def fbx_to_npy(file_name_in, file_name_out, root_joint_name, fps):
- """
- This function reads in an fbx file, and saves the relevant info to a numpy array
- Fbx files have a series of animation curves, each of which has animations at different
- times. This script assumes that for mocap data, there is only one animation curve that
- contains all the joints. Otherwise it is unclear how to read in the data.
- If this condition isn't met, then the method throws an error
- :param file_name_in: str, file path in. Should be .fbx file
- :param file_name_out: str, file path out. Should be .npz file
- :return: nothing, it just writes a file.
- """
- # Create the fbx scene object and load the .fbx file
- fbx_sdk_manager, fbx_scene = FbxCommon.InitializeSdkObjects()
- FbxCommon.LoadScene(fbx_sdk_manager, fbx_scene, file_name_in)
- """
- To read in the animation, we must find the root node of the skeleton.
- Unfortunately fbx files can have "scene parents" and other parts of the tree that are
- not joints
- As a crude fix, this reader just takes and finds the first thing which has an
- animation curve attached
- """
- search_root = (root_joint_name is None or root_joint_name == "")
- # Get the root node of the skeleton, which is the child of the scene's root node
- possible_root_nodes = [fbx_scene.GetRootNode()]
- found_root_node = False
- max_key_count = 0
- root_joint = None
- while len(possible_root_nodes) > 0:
- joint = possible_root_nodes.pop(0)
- if not search_root:
- if joint.GetName() == root_joint_name:
- root_joint = joint
- try:
- curve, anim_layer = _get_animation_curve(joint, fbx_scene)
- except RuntimeError:
- curve = None
- if curve is not None:
- key_count = curve.KeyGetCount()
- if key_count > max_key_count:
- found_root_node = True
- max_key_count = key_count
- root_curve = curve
- if search_root and not root_joint:
- root_joint = joint
- if not search_root and curve is not None and root_joint is not None:
- break
- for child_index in range(joint.GetChildCount()):
- possible_root_nodes.append(joint.GetChild(child_index))
- if not found_root_node:
- raise RuntimeError("No root joint found!! Exiting")
- joint_list, joint_names, parents = _get_skeleton(root_joint)
- """
- Read in the transformation matrices of the animation, taking the scaling into account
- """
- anim_range, frame_count, frame_rate = _get_frame_count(fbx_scene)
- local_transforms = []
- #for frame in range(frame_count):
- time_sec = anim_range.GetStart().GetSecondDouble()
- time_range_sec = anim_range.GetStop().GetSecondDouble() - time_sec
- fbx_fps = frame_count / time_range_sec
- if fps != 120:
- fbx_fps = fps
- print("FPS: ", fbx_fps)
- while time_sec < anim_range.GetStop().GetSecondDouble():
- fbx_time = fbx.FbxTime()
- fbx_time.SetSecondDouble(time_sec)
- fbx_time = fbx_time.GetFramedTime()
- transforms_current_frame = []
- # Fbx has a unique time object which you need
- #fbx_time = root_curve.KeyGetTime(frame)
- for joint in joint_list:
- arr = np.array(_recursive_to_list(joint.EvaluateLocalTransform(fbx_time)))
- scales = np.array(_recursive_to_list(joint.EvaluateLocalScaling(fbx_time)))
- lcl_trans = joint.LclTranslation.Get()
- lcl_rot = joint.LclRotation.Get()
- lcl_matrix = fbx.FbxAMatrix()
- # lcl_matrix.SetR(fbx.FbxVector4(lcl_rot[0], lcl_rot[1], lcl_rot[2], 1.0))
- # lcl_matrix.SetT(fbx.FbxVector4(lcl_trans[0], lcl_trans[1], lcl_trans[2], 1.0))
- # lcl_matrix = np.array(_recursive_to_list(lcl_matrix))
- curve = joint.LclTranslation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "X")
- transX = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_trans[0]
- curve = joint.LclTranslation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "Y")
- transY = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_trans[1]
- curve = joint.LclTranslation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "Z")
- transZ = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_trans[2]
- curve = joint.LclRotation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "X")
- rotX = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_rot[0]
- curve = joint.LclRotation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "Y")
- rotY = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_rot[1]
- curve = joint.LclRotation.GetCurve(anim_layer, "Z")
- rotZ = curve.Evaluate(fbx_time)[0] if curve else lcl_rot[2]
- lcl_matrix.SetR(fbx.FbxVector4(rotX, rotY, rotZ, 1.0))
- lcl_matrix.SetT(fbx.FbxVector4(transX, transY, transZ, 1.0))
- lcl_matrix = np.array(_recursive_to_list(lcl_matrix))
- # if not np.allclose(scales[0:3], scales[0]):
- # raise ValueError(
- # "Different X, Y and Z scaling. Unsure how this should be handled. "
- # "To solve this, look at this link and try to upgrade the script "
- # "http://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__files_GUID_10CDD"
- # "63C_79C1_4F2D_BB28_AD2BE65A02ED_htm"
- # )
- # Adjust the array for scaling
- arr /= scales[0]
- arr[3, 3] = 1.0
- lcl_matrix[3, 3] = 1.0
- transforms_current_frame.append(lcl_matrix)
- local_transforms.append(transforms_current_frame)
- time_sec += (1.0/fbx_fps)
- local_transforms = np.array(local_transforms)
- print("Frame Count: ", len(local_transforms))
- # Write to numpy array
- np.savez_compressed(
- file_name_out, names=joint_names, parents=parents, transforms=local_transforms, fps=fbx_fps
- )
-def _get_frame_count(fbx_scene):
- # Get the animation stacks and layers, in order to pull off animation curves later
- num_anim_stacks = fbx_scene.GetSrcObjectCount(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimStack.ClassId)
- )
- # if num_anim_stacks != 1:
- # raise RuntimeError(
- # "More than one animation stack was found. "
- # "This script must be modified to handle this case. Exiting"
- # )
- if num_anim_stacks > 1:
- index = 1
- else:
- index = 0
- anim_stack = fbx_scene.GetSrcObject(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimStack.ClassId), index
- )
- anim_range = anim_stack.GetLocalTimeSpan()
- duration = anim_range.GetDuration()
- fps = duration.GetFrameRate(duration.GetGlobalTimeMode())
- frame_count = duration.GetFrameCount(True)
- return anim_range, frame_count, fps
-def _get_animation_curve(joint, fbx_scene):
- # Get the animation stacks and layers, in order to pull off animation curves later
- num_anim_stacks = fbx_scene.GetSrcObjectCount(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimStack.ClassId)
- )
- # if num_anim_stacks != 1:
- # raise RuntimeError(
- # "More than one animation stack was found. "
- # "This script must be modified to handle this case. Exiting"
- # )
- if num_anim_stacks > 1:
- index = 1
- else:
- index = 0
- anim_stack = fbx_scene.GetSrcObject(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimStack.ClassId), index
- )
- num_anim_layers = anim_stack.GetSrcObjectCount(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimLayer.ClassId)
- )
- if num_anim_layers != 1:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "More than one animation layer was found. "
- "This script must be modified to handle this case. Exiting"
- )
- animation_layer = anim_stack.GetSrcObject(
- FbxCommon.FbxCriteria.ObjectType(FbxCommon.FbxAnimLayer.ClassId), 0
- )
- def _check_longest_curve(curve, max_curve_key_count):
- longest_curve = None
- if curve and curve.KeyGetCount() > max_curve_key_count[0]:
- max_curve_key_count[0] = curve.KeyGetCount()
- return True
- return False
- max_curve_key_count = [0]
- longest_curve = None
- for c in ["X", "Y", "Z"]:
- curve = joint.LclTranslation.GetCurve(
- animation_layer, c
- ) # sample curve for translation
- if _check_longest_curve(curve, max_curve_key_count):
- longest_curve = curve
- curve = joint.LclRotation.GetCurve(
- animation_layer, "X"
- )
- if _check_longest_curve(curve, max_curve_key_count):
- longest_curve = curve
- return longest_curve, animation_layer
-def _get_skeleton(root_joint):
- # Do a depth first search of the skeleton to extract all the joints
- joint_list = [root_joint]
- joint_names = [root_joint.GetName()]
- parents = [-1] # -1 means no parent
- def append_children(joint, pos):
- """
- Depth first search function
- :param joint: joint item in the fbx
- :param pos: position of current element (for parenting)
- :return: Nothing
- """
- for child_index in range(joint.GetChildCount()):
- child = joint.GetChild(child_index)
- joint_list.append(child)
- joint_names.append(child.GetName())
- parents.append(pos)
- append_children(child, len(parents) - 1)
- append_children(root_joint, 0)
- return joint_list, joint_names, parents
-def _recursive_to_list(array):
- """
- Takes some iterable that might contain iterables and converts it to a list of lists
- [of lists... etc]
- Mainly used for converting the strange fbx wrappers for c++ arrays into python lists
- :param array: array to be converted
- :return: array converted to lists
- """
- try:
- return float(array)
- except TypeError:
- return [_recursive_to_list(a) for a in array]
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Read in the input and output files, then read the fbx
- file_name_in, file_name_out = sys.argv[1:3]
- root_joint_name = sys.argv[3]
- fps = int(sys.argv[4])
- fbx_to_npy(file_name_in, file_name_out, root_joint_name, fps)
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_read_wrapper.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_read_wrapper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dbd5d4..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/backend/fbx/fbx_read_wrapper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary
-rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any
-use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation
-without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-Script that reads in fbx files from python 2
-This requires a configs file, which contains the command necessary to switch conda
-environments to run the fbx reading script from python 2
-from ....core import logger
-import inspect
-import os
-import numpy as np
-# Get the current folder to import the config file
-current_folder = os.path.realpath(
- os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0])
-def fbx_to_array(fbx_file_path, fbx_configs, root_joint, fps):
- """
- Reads an fbx file to an array.
- Currently reading of the frame time is not supported. 120 fps is hard coded TODO
- :param fbx_file_path: str, file path to fbx
- :return: tuple with joint_names, parents, transforms, frame time
- """
- # Ensure the file path is valid
- fbx_file_path = os.path.abspath(fbx_file_path)
- assert os.path.exists(fbx_file_path)
- # Switch directories to the utils folder to ensure the reading works
- previous_cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(current_folder)
- # Call the python 2.7 script
- temp_file_path = os.path.join(current_folder, fbx_configs["tmp_path"])
- python_path = fbx_configs["fbx_py27_path"]
- logger.info("executing python script to read fbx data using Autodesk FBX SDK...")
- command = '{} fbx_py27_backend.py "{}" "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(
- python_path, fbx_file_path, temp_file_path, root_joint, fps
- )
- logger.debug("executing command: {}".format(command))
- os.system(command)
- logger.info(
- "executing python script to read fbx data using Autodesk FBX SDK... done"
- )
- with open(temp_file_path, "rb") as f:
- data = np.load(f)
- output = (
- data["names"],
- data["parents"],
- data["transforms"],
- data["fps"],
- )
- # Remove the temporary file
- os.remove(temp_file_path)
- # Return the os to its previous cwd, otherwise reading multiple files might fail
- os.chdir(previous_cwd)
- return output
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 605456c..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1269 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-import os
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from typing import List, Optional, Type, Dict
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from ..core import *
-from .backend.fbx.fbx_read_wrapper import fbx_to_array
-import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
-class SkeletonTree(Serializable):
- """
- A skeleton tree gives a complete description of a rigid skeleton. It describes a tree structure
- over a list of nodes with their names indicated by strings. Each edge in the tree has a local
- translation associated with it which describes the distance between the two nodes that it
- connects.
- Basic Usage:
- >>> t = SkeletonTree.from_mjcf(SkeletonTree.__example_mjcf_path__)
- >>> t
- SkeletonTree(
- node_names=['torso', 'front_left_leg', 'aux_1', 'front_left_foot', 'front_right_leg', 'aux_2', 'front_right_foot', 'left_back_leg', 'aux_3', 'left_back_foot', 'right_back_leg', 'aux_4', 'right_back_foot'],
- parent_indices=tensor([-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11]),
- local_translation=tensor([[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7500],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000]])
- )
- >>> t.node_names
- ['torso', 'front_left_leg', 'aux_1', 'front_left_foot', 'front_right_leg', 'aux_2', 'front_right_foot', 'left_back_leg', 'aux_3', 'left_back_foot', 'right_back_leg', 'aux_4', 'right_back_foot']
- >>> t.parent_indices
- tensor([-1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11])
- >>> t.local_translation
- tensor([[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.7500],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, 0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [-0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000],
- [ 0.2000, -0.2000, 0.0000]])
- >>> t.parent_of('front_left_leg')
- 'torso'
- >>> t.index('front_right_foot')
- 6
- >>> t[2]
- 'aux_1'
- """
- __example_mjcf_path__ = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "tests/ant.xml")
- def __init__(self, node_names, parent_indices, local_translation):
- """
- :param node_names: a list of names for each tree node
- :type node_names: List[str]
- :param parent_indices: an int32-typed tensor that represents the edge to its parent.\
- -1 represents the root node
- :type parent_indices: Tensor
- :param local_translation: a 3d vector that gives local translation information
- :type local_translation: Tensor
- """
- ln, lp, ll = len(node_names), len(parent_indices), len(local_translation)
- assert len(set((ln, lp, ll))) == 1
- self._node_names = node_names
- self._parent_indices = parent_indices.long()
- self._local_translation = local_translation
- self._node_indices = {self.node_names[i]: i for i in range(len(self))}
- def __len__(self):
- """ number of nodes in the skeleton tree """
- return len(self.node_names)
- def __iter__(self):
- """ iterator that iterate through the name of each node """
- yield from self.node_names
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- """ get the name of the node given the index """
- return self.node_names[item]
- def __repr__(self):
- return ("SkeletonTree(\n node_names={},\n parent_indices={},"
- "\n local_translation={}\n)".format(
- self._indent(repr(self.node_names)),
- self._indent(repr(self.parent_indices)),
- self._indent(repr(self.local_translation)),
- ))
- def _indent(self, s):
- return "\n ".join(s.split("\n"))
- @property
- def node_names(self):
- return self._node_names
- @property
- def parent_indices(self):
- return self._parent_indices
- @property
- def local_translation(self):
- return self._local_translation
- @property
- def num_joints(self):
- """ number of nodes in the skeleton tree """
- return len(self)
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, dict_repr, *args, **kwargs):
- return cls(
- list(map(str, dict_repr["node_names"])),
- TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["parent_indices"], *args, **kwargs),
- TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["local_translation"], *args, **kwargs),
- )
- def to_dict(self):
- return OrderedDict([
- ("node_names", self.node_names),
- ("parent_indices", tensor_to_dict(self.parent_indices)),
- ("local_translation", tensor_to_dict(self.local_translation)),
- ])
- @classmethod
- def from_mjcf(cls, path: str) -> "SkeletonTree":
- """
- Parses a mujoco xml scene description file and returns a Skeleton Tree.
- We use the model attribute at the root as the name of the tree.
- :param path:
- :type path: string
- :return: The skeleton tree constructed from the mjcf file
- :rtype: SkeletonTree
- """
- tree = ET.parse(path)
- xml_doc_root = tree.getroot()
- xml_world_body = xml_doc_root.find("worldbody")
- if xml_world_body is None:
- raise ValueError("MJCF parsed incorrectly please verify it.")
- # assume this is the root
- xml_body_root = xml_world_body.find("body")
- if xml_body_root is None:
- raise ValueError("MJCF parsed incorrectly please verify it.")
- node_names = []
- parent_indices = []
- local_translation = []
- # recursively adding all nodes into the skel_tree
- def _add_xml_node(xml_node, parent_index, node_index):
- node_name = xml_node.attrib.get("name")
- # parse the local translation into float list
- try:
- pos = np.fromstring(xml_node.attrib.get("pos"), dtype=float, sep=" ")
- except:
- # if there is no pos attribute, the default is (0,0,0)
- # https://mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/stable/XMLreference.html#body-pos
- pos = np.array([0.,0.,0.], dtype=float)
- node_names.append(node_name)
- parent_indices.append(parent_index)
- local_translation.append(pos)
- curr_index = node_index
- node_index += 1
- for next_node in xml_node.findall("body"):
- node_index = _add_xml_node(next_node, curr_index, node_index)
- return node_index
- _add_xml_node(xml_body_root, -1, 0)
- return cls(
- node_names,
- torch.from_numpy(np.array(parent_indices, dtype=np.int32)),
- torch.from_numpy(np.array(local_translation, dtype=np.float32)),
- )
- def parent_of(self, node_name):
- """ get the name of the parent of the given node
- :param node_name: the name of the node
- :type node_name: string
- :rtype: string
- """
- return self[int(self.parent_indices[self.index(node_name)].item())]
- def index(self, node_name):
- """ get the index of the node
- :param node_name: the name of the node
- :type node_name: string
- :rtype: int
- """
- return self._node_indices[node_name]
- def drop_nodes_by_names(self, node_names: List[str], pairwise_translation=None) -> "SkeletonTree":
- new_length = len(self) - len(node_names)
- new_node_names = []
- new_local_translation = torch.zeros(new_length, 3, dtype=self.local_translation.dtype)
- new_parent_indices = torch.zeros(new_length, dtype=self.parent_indices.dtype)
- parent_indices = self.parent_indices.numpy()
- new_node_indices: dict = {}
- new_node_index = 0
- for node_index in range(len(self)):
- if self[node_index] in node_names:
- continue
- tb_node_index = parent_indices[node_index]
- if tb_node_index != -1:
- local_translation = self.local_translation[node_index, :]
- while tb_node_index != -1 and self[tb_node_index] in node_names:
- local_translation += self.local_translation[tb_node_index, :]
- tb_node_index = parent_indices[tb_node_index]
- assert tb_node_index != -1, "the root node cannot be dropped"
- if pairwise_translation is not None:
- local_translation = pairwise_translation[tb_node_index, node_index, :]
- else:
- local_translation = self.local_translation[node_index, :]
- new_node_names.append(self[node_index])
- new_local_translation[new_node_index, :] = local_translation
- if tb_node_index == -1:
- new_parent_indices[new_node_index] = -1
- else:
- new_parent_indices[new_node_index] = new_node_indices[self[tb_node_index]]
- new_node_indices[self[node_index]] = new_node_index
- new_node_index += 1
- return SkeletonTree(new_node_names, new_parent_indices, new_local_translation)
- def keep_nodes_by_names(self, node_names: List[str], pairwise_translation=None) -> "SkeletonTree":
- nodes_to_drop = list(filter(lambda x: x not in node_names, self))
- return self.drop_nodes_by_names(nodes_to_drop, pairwise_translation)
-class SkeletonState(Serializable):
- """
- A skeleton state contains all the information needed to describe a static state of a skeleton.
- It requires a skeleton tree, local/global rotation at each joint and the root translation.
- Example:
- >>> t = SkeletonTree.from_mjcf(SkeletonTree.__example_mjcf_path__)
- >>> zero_pose = SkeletonState.zero_pose(t)
- >>> plot_skeleton_state(zero_pose) # can be imported from `.visualization.common`
- [plot of the ant at zero pose
- >>> local_rotation = zero_pose.local_rotation.clone()
- >>> local_rotation[2] = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 0])
- >>> new_pose = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- ... skeleton_tree=t,
- ... r=local_rotation,
- ... t=zero_pose.root_translation,
- ... is_local=True
- ... )
- >>> new_pose.local_rotation
- tensor([[0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 1., 0., 0.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
- >>> plot_skeleton_state(new_pose) # you should be able to see one of ant's leg is bent
- [plot of the ant with the new pose
- >>> new_pose.global_rotation # the local rotation is propagated to the global rotation at joint #3
- tensor([[0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 1., 0., 0.],
- [0., 1., 0., 0.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.],
- [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
- Global/Local Representation (cont. from the previous example)
- >>> new_pose.is_local
- True
- >>> new_pose.tensor # this will return the local rotation followed by the root translation
- tensor([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
- 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
- 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
- 0.])
- >>> new_pose.tensor.shape # 4 * 13 (joint rotation) + 3 (root translatio
- torch.Size([55])
- >>> new_pose.global_repr().is_local
- False
- >>> new_pose.global_repr().tensor # this will return the global rotation followed by the root translation instead
- tensor([0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
- 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.,
- 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.,
- 0.])
- >>> new_pose.global_repr().tensor.shape # 4 * 13 (joint rotation) + 3 (root translation
- torch.Size([55])
- """
- def __init__(self, tensor_backend, skeleton_tree, is_local):
- self._skeleton_tree = skeleton_tree
- self._is_local = is_local
- self.tensor = tensor_backend.clone()
- def __len__(self):
- return self.tensor.shape[0]
- @property
- def rotation(self):
- if not hasattr(self, "_rotation"):
- self._rotation = self.tensor[..., :self.num_joints * 4].reshape(*(self.tensor.shape[:-1] + (self.num_joints, 4)))
- return self._rotation
- @property
- def _local_rotation(self):
- if self._is_local:
- return self.rotation
- else:
- return None
- @property
- def _global_rotation(self):
- if not self._is_local:
- return self.rotation
- else:
- return None
- @property
- def is_local(self):
- """ is the rotation represented in local frame?
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return self._is_local
- @property
- def invariant_property(self):
- return {"skeleton_tree": self.skeleton_tree, "is_local": self.is_local}
- @property
- def num_joints(self):
- """ number of joints in the skeleton tree
- :rtype: int
- """
- return self.skeleton_tree.num_joints
- @property
- def skeleton_tree(self):
- """ skeleton tree
- :rtype: SkeletonTree
- """
- return self._skeleton_tree
- @property
- def root_translation(self):
- """ root translation
- :rtype: Tensor
- """
- if not hasattr(self, "_root_translation"):
- self._root_translation = self.tensor[..., self.num_joints * 4:self.num_joints * 4 + 3]
- return self._root_translation
- @property
- def global_transformation(self):
- """ global transformation of each joint (transform from joint frame to global frame) """
- # Forward Kinematics
- if not hasattr(self, "_global_transformation"):
- local_transformation = self.local_transformation
- global_transformation = []
- parent_indices = self.skeleton_tree.parent_indices.numpy()
- # global_transformation = local_transformation.identity_like()
- for node_index in range(len(self.skeleton_tree)):
- parent_index = parent_indices[node_index]
- if parent_index == -1:
- global_transformation.append(local_transformation[..., node_index, :])
- else:
- global_transformation.append(transform_mul(
- global_transformation[parent_index],
- local_transformation[..., node_index, :],
- ))
- self._global_transformation = torch.stack(global_transformation, axis=-2)
- return self._global_transformation
- @property
- def global_rotation(self):
- """ global rotation of each joint (rotation matrix to rotate from joint's F.O.R to global
- F.O.R) """
- if self._global_rotation is None:
- if not hasattr(self, "_comp_global_rotation"):
- self._comp_global_rotation = transform_rotation(self.global_transformation)
- return self._comp_global_rotation
- else:
- return self._global_rotation
- @property
- def global_translation(self):
- """ global translation of each joint """
- if not hasattr(self, "_global_translation"):
- self._global_translation = transform_translation(self.global_transformation)
- return self._global_translation
- @property
- def global_translation_xy(self):
- """ global translation in xy """
- trans_xy_data = self.global_translation.zeros_like()
- trans_xy_data[..., 0:2] = self.global_translation[..., 0:2]
- return trans_xy_data
- @property
- def global_translation_xz(self):
- """ global translation in xz """
- trans_xz_data = self.global_translation.zeros_like()
- trans_xz_data[..., 0:1] = self.global_translation[..., 0:1]
- trans_xz_data[..., 2:3] = self.global_translation[..., 2:3]
- return trans_xz_data
- @property
- def local_rotation(self):
- """ the rotation from child frame to parent frame given in the order of child nodes appeared
- in `.skeleton_tree.node_names` """
- if self._local_rotation is None:
- if not hasattr(self, "_comp_local_rotation"):
- local_rotation = quat_identity_like(self.global_rotation)
- for node_index in range(len(self.skeleton_tree)):
- parent_index = self.skeleton_tree.parent_indices[node_index]
- if parent_index == -1:
- local_rotation[..., node_index, :] = self.global_rotation[..., node_index, :]
- else:
- local_rotation[..., node_index, :] = quat_mul_norm(
- quat_inverse(self.global_rotation[..., parent_index, :]),
- self.global_rotation[..., node_index, :],
- )
- self._comp_local_rotation = local_rotation
- return self._comp_local_rotation
- else:
- return self._local_rotation
- @property
- def local_transformation(self):
- """ local translation + local rotation. It describes the transformation from child frame to
- parent frame given in the order of child nodes appeared in `.skeleton_tree.node_names` """
- if not hasattr(self, "_local_transformation"):
- self._local_transformation = transform_from_rotation_translation(r=self.local_rotation, t=self.local_translation)
- return self._local_transformation
- @property
- def local_translation(self):
- """ local translation of the skeleton state. It is identical to the local translation in
- `.skeleton_tree.local_translation` except the root translation. The root translation is
- identical to `.root_translation` """
- if not hasattr(self, "_local_translation"):
- broadcast_shape = (tuple(self.tensor.shape[:-1]) + (len(self.skeleton_tree),) + tuple(self.skeleton_tree.local_translation.shape[-1:]))
- local_translation = self.skeleton_tree.local_translation.broadcast_to(*broadcast_shape).clone()
- local_translation[..., 0, :] = self.root_translation
- self._local_translation = local_translation
- return self._local_translation
- # Root Properties
- @property
- def root_translation_xy(self):
- """ root translation on xy """
- if not hasattr(self, "_root_translation_xy"):
- self._root_translation_xy = self.global_translation_xy[..., 0, :]
- return self._root_translation_xy
- @property
- def global_root_rotation(self):
- """ root rotation """
- if not hasattr(self, "_global_root_rotation"):
- self._global_root_rotation = self.global_rotation[..., 0, :]
- return self._global_root_rotation
- @property
- def global_root_yaw_rotation(self):
- """ root yaw rotation """
- if not hasattr(self, "_global_root_yaw_rotation"):
- self._global_root_yaw_rotation = self.global_root_rotation.yaw_rotation()
- return self._global_root_yaw_rotation
- # Properties relative to root
- @property
- def local_translation_to_root(self):
- """ The 3D translation from joint frame to the root frame. """
- if not hasattr(self, "_local_translation_to_root"):
- self._local_translation_to_root = (self.global_translation - self.root_translation.unsqueeze(-1))
- return self._local_translation_to_root
- @property
- def local_rotation_to_root(self):
- """ The 3D rotation from joint frame to the root frame. It is equivalent to
- The root_R_world * world_R_node """
- return (quat_inverse(self.global_root_rotation).unsqueeze(-1) * self.global_rotation)
- def compute_forward_vector(
- self,
- left_shoulder_index,
- right_shoulder_index,
- left_hip_index,
- right_hip_index,
- gaussian_filter_width=20,
- ):
- """ Computes forward vector based on cross product of the up vector with
- average of the right->left shoulder and hip vectors """
- global_positions = self.global_translation
- # Perpendicular to the forward direction.
- # Uses the shoulders and hips to find this.
- side_direction = (global_positions[:, left_shoulder_index].numpy() - global_positions[:, right_shoulder_index].numpy() + global_positions[:, left_hip_index].numpy() - global_positions[:, right_hip_index].numpy())
- side_direction = (side_direction / np.sqrt((side_direction**2).sum(axis=-1))[..., np.newaxis])
- # Forward direction obtained by crossing with the up direction.
- forward_direction = np.cross(side_direction, np.array([[0, 1, 0]]))
- # Smooth the forward direction with a Gaussian.
- # Axis 0 is the time/frame axis.
- forward_direction = filters.gaussian_filter1d(forward_direction, gaussian_filter_width, axis=0, mode="nearest")
- forward_direction = (forward_direction / np.sqrt((forward_direction**2).sum(axis=-1))[..., np.newaxis])
- return torch.from_numpy(forward_direction)
- @staticmethod
- def _to_state_vector(rot, rt):
- state_shape = rot.shape[:-2]
- vr = rot.reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- vt = rt.broadcast_to(*state_shape + rt.shape[-1:]).reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- v = torch.cat([vr, vt], axis=-1)
- return v
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls: Type["SkeletonState"], dict_repr: OrderedDict, *args, **kwargs) -> "SkeletonState":
- rot = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["rotation"], *args, **kwargs)
- rt = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["root_translation"], *args, **kwargs)
- return cls(
- SkeletonState._to_state_vector(rot, rt),
- SkeletonTree.from_dict(dict_repr["skeleton_tree"], *args, **kwargs),
- dict_repr["is_local"],
- )
- def to_dict(self) -> OrderedDict:
- return OrderedDict([
- ("rotation", tensor_to_dict(self.rotation)),
- ("root_translation", tensor_to_dict(self.root_translation)),
- ("skeleton_tree", self.skeleton_tree.to_dict()),
- ("is_local", self.is_local),
- ])
- @classmethod
- def from_rotation_and_root_translation(cls, skeleton_tree, r, t, is_local=True):
- """
- Construct a skeleton state from rotation and root translation
- :param skeleton_tree: the skeleton tree
- :type skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree
- :param r: rotation (either global or local)
- :type r: Tensor
- :param t: root translation
- :type t: Tensor
- :param is_local: to indicate that whether the rotation is local or global
- :type is_local: bool, optional, default=True
- """
- assert (r.dim() > 0), "the rotation needs to have at least 1 dimension (dim = {})".format(r.dim)
- state_vec = SkeletonState._to_state_vector(r, t)
- return cls(
- state_vec,
- skeleton_tree=skeleton_tree,
- is_local=is_local,
- )
- @classmethod
- def zero_pose(cls, skeleton_tree):
- """
- Construct a zero-pose skeleton state from the skeleton tree by assuming that all the local
- rotation is 0 and root translation is also 0.
- :param skeleton_tree: the skeleton tree as the rigid body
- :type skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree
- """
- return cls.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=skeleton_tree,
- r=quat_identity([skeleton_tree.num_joints]),
- t=torch.zeros(3, dtype=skeleton_tree.local_translation.dtype),
- is_local=True,
- )
- def local_repr(self):
- """
- Convert the skeleton state into local representation. This will only affects the values of
- .tensor. If the skeleton state already has `is_local=True`. This method will do nothing.
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- if self.is_local:
- return self
- return SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- self.skeleton_tree,
- r=self.local_rotation,
- t=self.root_translation,
- is_local=True,
- )
- def global_repr(self):
- """
- Convert the skeleton state into global representation. This will only affects the values of
- .tensor. If the skeleton state already has `is_local=False`. This method will do nothing.
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- if not self.is_local:
- return self
- return SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- self.skeleton_tree,
- r=self.global_rotation,
- t=self.root_translation,
- is_local=False,
- )
- def _get_pairwise_average_translation(self):
- global_transform_inv = transform_inverse(self.global_transformation)
- p1 = global_transform_inv.unsqueeze(-2)
- p2 = self.global_transformation.unsqueeze(-3)
- pairwise_translation = (transform_translation(transform_mul(p1, p2)).reshape(-1, len(self.skeleton_tree), len(self.skeleton_tree), 3).mean(axis=0))
- return pairwise_translation
- def _transfer_to(self, new_skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree):
- old_indices = list(map(self.skeleton_tree.index, new_skeleton_tree))
- return SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- new_skeleton_tree,
- r=self.global_rotation[..., old_indices, :],
- t=self.root_translation,
- is_local=False,
- )
- def drop_nodes_by_names(self, node_names: List[str], estimate_local_translation_from_states: bool = True) -> "SkeletonState":
- """
- Drop a list of nodes from the skeleton and re-compute the local rotation to match the
- original joint position as much as possible.
- :param node_names: a list node names that specifies the nodes need to be dropped
- :type node_names: List of strings
- :param estimate_local_translation_from_states: the boolean indicator that specifies whether\
- or not to re-estimate the local translation from the states (avg.)
- :type estimate_local_translation_from_states: boolean
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- if estimate_local_translation_from_states:
- pairwise_translation = self._get_pairwise_average_translation()
- else:
- pairwise_translation = None
- new_skeleton_tree = self.skeleton_tree.drop_nodes_by_names(node_names, pairwise_translation)
- return self._transfer_to(new_skeleton_tree)
- def keep_nodes_by_names(self, node_names: List[str], estimate_local_translation_from_states: bool = True) -> "SkeletonState":
- """
- Keep a list of nodes and drop all other nodes from the skeleton and re-compute the local
- rotation to match the original joint position as much as possible.
- :param node_names: a list node names that specifies the nodes need to be dropped
- :type node_names: List of strings
- :param estimate_local_translation_from_states: the boolean indicator that specifies whether\
- or not to re-estimate the local translation from the states (avg.)
- :type estimate_local_translation_from_states: boolean
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- return self.drop_nodes_by_names(
- list(filter(lambda x: (x not in node_names), self)),
- estimate_local_translation_from_states,
- )
- def _remapped_to(self, joint_mapping: Dict[str, str], target_skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree):
- joint_mapping_inv = {target: source for source, target in joint_mapping.items()}
- reduced_target_skeleton_tree = target_skeleton_tree.keep_nodes_by_names(list(joint_mapping_inv))
- n_joints = (
- len(joint_mapping),
- len(self.skeleton_tree),
- len(reduced_target_skeleton_tree),
- )
- assert (len(set(n_joints)) == 1), "the joint mapping is not consistent with the skeleton trees"
- source_indices = list(map(
- lambda x: self.skeleton_tree.index(joint_mapping_inv[x]),
- reduced_target_skeleton_tree,
- ))
- target_local_rotation = self.local_rotation[..., source_indices, :]
- return SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=reduced_target_skeleton_tree,
- r=target_local_rotation,
- t=self.root_translation,
- is_local=True,
- )
- def retarget_to(
- self,
- joint_mapping: Dict[str, str],
- source_tpose_local_rotation,
- source_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray,
- target_skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree,
- target_tpose_local_rotation,
- target_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton: float,
- z_up: bool = True,
- ) -> "SkeletonState":
- """
- Retarget the skeleton state to a target skeleton tree. This is a naive retarget
- implementation with rough approximations. The function follows the procedures below.
- Steps:
- 1. Drop the joints from the source (self) that do not belong to the joint mapping\
- with an implementation that is similar to "keep_nodes_by_names()" - take a\
- look at the function doc for more details (same for source_tpose)
- 2. Rotate the source state and the source tpose by "rotation_to_target_skeleton"\
- to align the source with the target orientation
- 3. Extract the root translation and normalize it to match the scale of the target\
- skeleton
- 4. Extract the global rotation from source state relative to source tpose and\
- re-apply the relative rotation to the target tpose to construct the global\
- rotation after retargetting
- 5. Combine the computed global rotation and the root translation from 3 and 4 to\
- complete the retargeting.
- 6. Make feet on the ground (global translation z)
- :param joint_mapping: a dictionary of that maps the joint node from the source skeleton to \
- the target skeleton
- :type joint_mapping: Dict[str, str]
- :param source_tpose_local_rotation: the local rotation of the source skeleton
- :type source_tpose_local_rotation: Tensor
- :param source_tpose_root_translation: the root translation of the source tpose
- :type source_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray
- :param target_skeleton_tree: the target skeleton tree
- :type target_skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree
- :param target_tpose_local_rotation: the local rotation of the target skeleton
- :type target_tpose_local_rotation: Tensor
- :param target_tpose_root_translation: the root translation of the target tpose
- :type target_tpose_root_translation: Tensor
- :param rotation_to_target_skeleton: the rotation that needs to be applied to the source\
- skeleton to align with the target skeleton. Essentially the rotation is t_R_s, where t is\
- the frame of reference of the target skeleton and s is the frame of reference of the source\
- skeleton
- :type rotation_to_target_skeleton: Tensor
- :param scale_to_target_skeleton: the factor that needs to be multiplied from source\
- skeleton to target skeleton (unit in distance). For example, to go from `cm` to `m`, the \
- factor needs to be 0.01.
- :type scale_to_target_skeleton: float
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- # STEP 0: Preprocess
- source_tpose = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=self.skeleton_tree,
- r=source_tpose_local_rotation,
- t=source_tpose_root_translation,
- is_local=True,
- )
- target_tpose = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=target_skeleton_tree,
- r=target_tpose_local_rotation,
- t=target_tpose_root_translation,
- is_local=True,
- )
- # STEP 1: Drop the irrelevant joints
- pairwise_translation = self._get_pairwise_average_translation()
- node_names = list(joint_mapping)
- new_skeleton_tree = self.skeleton_tree.keep_nodes_by_names(node_names, pairwise_translation)
- # TODO: combine the following steps before STEP 3
- source_tpose = source_tpose._transfer_to(new_skeleton_tree)
- source_state = self._transfer_to(new_skeleton_tree)
- source_tpose = source_tpose._remapped_to(joint_mapping, target_skeleton_tree)
- source_state = source_state._remapped_to(joint_mapping, target_skeleton_tree)
- # STEP 2: Rotate the source to align with the target
- new_local_rotation = source_tpose.local_rotation.clone()
- new_local_rotation[..., 0, :] = quat_mul_norm(rotation_to_target_skeleton, source_tpose.local_rotation[..., 0, :])
- source_tpose = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=source_tpose.skeleton_tree,
- r=new_local_rotation,
- t=quat_rotate(rotation_to_target_skeleton, source_tpose.root_translation),
- is_local=True,
- )
- new_local_rotation = source_state.local_rotation.clone()
- new_local_rotation[..., 0, :] = quat_mul_norm(rotation_to_target_skeleton, source_state.local_rotation[..., 0, :])
- source_state = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=source_state.skeleton_tree,
- r=new_local_rotation,
- t=quat_rotate(rotation_to_target_skeleton, source_state.root_translation),
- is_local=True,
- )
- # STEP 3: Normalize to match the target scale
- root_translation_diff = (source_state.root_translation - source_tpose.root_translation) * scale_to_target_skeleton
- # STEP 4: the global rotation from source state relative to source tpose and
- # re-apply to the target
- current_skeleton_tree = source_state.skeleton_tree
- target_tpose_global_rotation = source_state.global_rotation[0, :].clone()
- for current_index, name in enumerate(current_skeleton_tree):
- if name in target_tpose.skeleton_tree:
- target_tpose_global_rotation[current_index, :] = target_tpose.global_rotation[target_tpose.skeleton_tree.index(name), :]
- global_rotation_diff = quat_mul_norm(source_state.global_rotation, quat_inverse(source_tpose.global_rotation))
- new_global_rotation = quat_mul_norm(global_rotation_diff, target_tpose_global_rotation)
- # STEP 5: Putting 3 and 4 together
- current_skeleton_tree = source_state.skeleton_tree
- shape = source_state.global_rotation.shape[:-1]
- shape = shape[:-1] + target_tpose.global_rotation.shape[-2:-1]
- new_global_rotation_output = quat_identity(shape)
- for current_index, name in enumerate(target_skeleton_tree):
- while name not in current_skeleton_tree:
- name = target_skeleton_tree.parent_of(name)
- parent_index = current_skeleton_tree.index(name)
- new_global_rotation_output[:, current_index, :] = new_global_rotation[:, parent_index, :]
- source_state = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=target_skeleton_tree,
- r=new_global_rotation_output,
- t=target_tpose.root_translation + root_translation_diff,
- is_local=False,
- ).local_repr()
- return source_state
- def retarget_to_by_tpose(
- self,
- joint_mapping: Dict[str, str],
- source_tpose: "SkeletonState",
- target_tpose: "SkeletonState",
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton: float,
- ) -> "SkeletonState":
- """
- Retarget the skeleton state to a target skeleton tree. This is a naive retarget
- implementation with rough approximations. See the method `retarget_to()` for more information
- :param joint_mapping: a dictionary of that maps the joint node from the source skeleton to \
- the target skeleton
- :type joint_mapping: Dict[str, str]
- :param source_tpose: t-pose of the source skeleton
- :type source_tpose: SkeletonState
- :param target_tpose: t-pose of the target skeleton
- :type target_tpose: SkeletonState
- :param rotation_to_target_skeleton: the rotation that needs to be applied to the source\
- skeleton to align with the target skeleton. Essentially the rotation is t_R_s, where t is\
- the frame of reference of the target skeleton and s is the frame of reference of the source\
- skeleton
- :type rotation_to_target_skeleton: Tensor
- :param scale_to_target_skeleton: the factor that needs to be multiplied from source\
- skeleton to target skeleton (unit in distance). For example, to go from `cm` to `m`, the \
- factor needs to be 0.01.
- :type scale_to_target_skeleton: float
- :rtype: SkeletonState
- """
- assert (len(source_tpose.shape) == 0 and len(target_tpose.shape) == 0), "the retargeting script currently doesn't support vectorized operations"
- return self.retarget_to(
- joint_mapping,
- source_tpose.local_rotation,
- source_tpose.root_translation,
- target_tpose.skeleton_tree,
- target_tpose.local_rotation,
- target_tpose.root_translation,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton,
- )
-class SkeletonMotion(SkeletonState):
- def __init__(self, tensor_backend, skeleton_tree, is_local, fps, *args, **kwargs):
- self._fps = fps
- super().__init__(tensor_backend, skeleton_tree, is_local, *args, **kwargs)
- def clone(self):
- return SkeletonMotion(self.tensor.clone(), self.skeleton_tree, self._is_local, self._fps)
- @property
- def invariant_property(self):
- return {
- "skeleton_tree": self.skeleton_tree,
- "is_local": self.is_local,
- "fps": self.fps,
- }
- @property
- def global_velocity(self):
- """ global velocity """
- curr_index = self.num_joints * 4 + 3
- return self.tensor[..., curr_index:curr_index + self.num_joints * 3].reshape(*(self.tensor.shape[:-1] + (self.num_joints, 3)))
- @property
- def global_angular_velocity(self):
- """ global angular velocity """
- curr_index = self.num_joints * 7 + 3
- return self.tensor[..., curr_index:curr_index + self.num_joints * 3].reshape(*(self.tensor.shape[:-1] + (self.num_joints, 3)))
- @property
- def fps(self):
- """ number of frames per second """
- return self._fps
- @property
- def time_delta(self):
- """ time between two adjacent frames """
- return 1.0 / self.fps
- @property
- def global_root_velocity(self):
- """ global root velocity """
- return self.global_velocity[..., 0, :]
- @property
- def global_root_angular_velocity(self):
- """ global root angular velocity """
- return self.global_angular_velocity[..., 0, :]
- @classmethod
- def from_state_vector_and_velocity(
- cls,
- skeleton_tree,
- state_vector,
- global_velocity,
- global_angular_velocity,
- is_local,
- fps,
- ):
- """
- Construct a skeleton motion from a skeleton state vector, global velocity and angular
- velocity at each joint.
- :param skeleton_tree: the skeleton tree that the motion is based on
- :type skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree
- :param state_vector: the state vector from the skeleton state by `.tensor`
- :type state_vector: Tensor
- :param global_velocity: the global velocity at each joint
- :type global_velocity: Tensor
- :param global_angular_velocity: the global angular velocity at each joint
- :type global_angular_velocity: Tensor
- :param is_local: if the rotation ins the state vector is given in local frame
- :type is_local: boolean
- :param fps: number of frames per second
- :type fps: int
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- state_shape = state_vector.shape[:-1]
- v = global_velocity.reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- av = global_angular_velocity.reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- new_state_vector = torch.cat([state_vector, v, av], axis=-1)
- return cls(
- new_state_vector,
- skeleton_tree=skeleton_tree,
- is_local=is_local,
- fps=fps,
- )
- @classmethod
- def from_skeleton_state(cls: Type["SkeletonMotion"], skeleton_state: SkeletonState, fps: int):
- """
- Construct a skeleton motion from a skeleton state. The velocities are estimated using second
- order guassian filter along the last axis. The skeleton state must have at least .dim >= 1
- :param skeleton_state: the skeleton state that the motion is based on
- :type skeleton_state: SkeletonState
- :param fps: number of frames per second
- :type fps: int
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- assert (type(skeleton_state) == SkeletonState), "expected type of {}, got {}".format(SkeletonState, type(skeleton_state))
- global_velocity = SkeletonMotion._compute_velocity(p=skeleton_state.global_translation, time_delta=1 / fps)
- global_angular_velocity = SkeletonMotion._compute_angular_velocity(r=skeleton_state.global_rotation, time_delta=1 / fps)
- return cls.from_state_vector_and_velocity(
- skeleton_tree=skeleton_state.skeleton_tree,
- state_vector=skeleton_state.tensor,
- global_velocity=global_velocity,
- global_angular_velocity=global_angular_velocity,
- is_local=skeleton_state.is_local,
- fps=fps,
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _to_state_vector(rot, rt, vel, avel):
- state_shape = rot.shape[:-2]
- skeleton_state_v = SkeletonState._to_state_vector(rot, rt)
- v = vel.reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- av = avel.reshape(*(state_shape + (-1,)))
- skeleton_motion_v = torch.cat([skeleton_state_v, v, av], axis=-1)
- return skeleton_motion_v
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls: Type["SkeletonMotion"], dict_repr: OrderedDict, *args, **kwargs) -> "SkeletonMotion":
- rot = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["rotation"], *args, **kwargs)
- rt = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["root_translation"], *args, **kwargs)
- vel = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["global_velocity"], *args, **kwargs)
- avel = TensorUtils.from_dict(dict_repr["global_angular_velocity"], *args, **kwargs)
- return cls(
- SkeletonMotion._to_state_vector(rot, rt, vel, avel),
- skeleton_tree=SkeletonTree.from_dict(dict_repr["skeleton_tree"], *args, **kwargs),
- is_local=dict_repr["is_local"],
- fps=dict_repr["fps"],
- )
- def to_dict(self) -> OrderedDict:
- return OrderedDict([
- ("rotation", tensor_to_dict(self.rotation)),
- ("root_translation", tensor_to_dict(self.root_translation)),
- ("global_velocity", tensor_to_dict(self.global_velocity)),
- ("global_angular_velocity", tensor_to_dict(self.global_angular_velocity)),
- ("skeleton_tree", self.skeleton_tree.to_dict()),
- ("is_local", self.is_local),
- ("fps", self.fps),
- ])
- @classmethod
- def from_fbx(
- cls: Type["SkeletonMotion"],
- fbx_file_path,
- fbx_configs,
- skeleton_tree=None,
- is_local=True,
- fps=120,
- root_joint="",
- root_trans_index=0,
- *args,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> "SkeletonMotion":
- """
- Construct a skeleton motion from a fbx file (TODO - generalize this). If the skeleton tree
- is not given, it will use the first frame of the mocap to construct the skeleton tree.
- :param fbx_file_path: the path of the fbx file
- :type fbx_file_path: string
- :param fbx_configs: the configuration in terms of {"tmp_path": ..., "fbx_py27_path": ...}
- :type fbx_configs: dict
- :param skeleton_tree: the optional skeleton tree that the rotation will be applied to
- :type skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree, optional
- :param is_local: the state vector uses local or global rotation as the representation
- :type is_local: bool, optional, default=True
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- joint_names, joint_parents, transforms, fps = fbx_to_array(fbx_file_path, fbx_configs, root_joint, fps)
- # swap the last two axis to match the convention
- local_transform = euclidean_to_transform(transformation_matrix=torch.from_numpy(np.swapaxes(np.array(transforms), -1, -2),).float())
- local_rotation = transform_rotation(local_transform)
- root_translation = transform_translation(local_transform)[..., root_trans_index, :]
- joint_parents = torch.from_numpy(np.array(joint_parents)).int()
- if skeleton_tree is None:
- local_translation = transform_translation(local_transform).reshape(-1, len(joint_parents), 3)[0]
- skeleton_tree = SkeletonTree(joint_names, joint_parents, local_translation)
- skeleton_state = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(skeleton_tree, r=local_rotation, t=root_translation, is_local=True)
- if not is_local:
- skeleton_state = skeleton_state.global_repr()
- return cls.from_skeleton_state(skeleton_state=skeleton_state, fps=fps)
- @staticmethod
- def _compute_velocity(p, time_delta, guassian_filter=True):
- velocity = np.gradient(p.numpy(), axis=-3) / time_delta
- if guassian_filter:
- velocity = torch.from_numpy(filters.gaussian_filter1d(velocity, 2, axis=-3, mode="nearest")).to(p)
- else:
- velocity = torch.from_numpy(velocity).to(p)
- return velocity
- @staticmethod
- def _compute_angular_velocity(r, time_delta: float, guassian_filter=True):
- # assume the second last dimension is the time axis
- diff_quat_data = quat_identity_like(r).to(r)
- diff_quat_data[..., :-1, :, :] = quat_mul_norm(r[..., 1:, :, :], quat_inverse(r[..., :-1, :, :]))
- diff_angle, diff_axis = quat_angle_axis(diff_quat_data)
- angular_velocity = diff_axis * diff_angle.unsqueeze(-1) / time_delta
- if guassian_filter:
- angular_velocity = torch.from_numpy(filters.gaussian_filter1d(angular_velocity.numpy(), 2, axis=-3, mode="nearest"),)
- return angular_velocity
- def crop(self, start: int, end: int, fps: Optional[int] = None):
- """
- Crop the motion along its last axis. This is equivalent to performing a slicing on the
- object with [..., start: end: skip_every] where skip_every = old_fps / fps. Note that the
- new fps provided must be a factor of the original fps.
- :param start: the beginning frame index
- :type start: int
- :param end: the ending frame index
- :type end: int
- :param fps: number of frames per second in the output (if not given the original fps will be used)
- :type fps: int, optional
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- if fps is None:
- new_fps = int(self.fps)
- old_fps = int(self.fps)
- else:
- new_fps = int(fps)
- old_fps = int(self.fps)
- assert old_fps % fps == 0, ("the resampling doesn't support fps with non-integer division "
- "from the original fps: {} => {}".format(old_fps, fps))
- skip_every = old_fps // new_fps
- s = slice(start, end, skip_every)
- z = self[..., s]
- rot = z.local_rotation if z.is_local else z.global_rotation
- rt = z.root_translation
- vel = z.global_velocity
- avel = z.global_angular_velocity
- return SkeletonMotion(
- SkeletonMotion._to_state_vector(rot, rt, vel, avel),
- skeleton_tree=z.skeleton_tree,
- is_local=z.is_local,
- fps=new_fps,
- )
- def retarget_to(
- self,
- joint_mapping: Dict[str, str],
- source_tpose_local_rotation,
- source_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray,
- target_skeleton_tree: "SkeletonTree",
- target_tpose_local_rotation,
- target_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton: float,
- z_up: bool = True,
- ) -> "SkeletonMotion":
- """
- Same as the one in :class:`SkeletonState`. This method discards all velocity information before
- retargeting and re-estimate the velocity after the retargeting. The same fps is used in the
- new retargetted motion.
- :param joint_mapping: a dictionary of that maps the joint node from the source skeleton to \
- the target skeleton
- :type joint_mapping: Dict[str, str]
- :param source_tpose_local_rotation: the local rotation of the source skeleton
- :type source_tpose_local_rotation: Tensor
- :param source_tpose_root_translation: the root translation of the source tpose
- :type source_tpose_root_translation: np.ndarray
- :param target_skeleton_tree: the target skeleton tree
- :type target_skeleton_tree: SkeletonTree
- :param target_tpose_local_rotation: the local rotation of the target skeleton
- :type target_tpose_local_rotation: Tensor
- :param target_tpose_root_translation: the root translation of the target tpose
- :type target_tpose_root_translation: Tensor
- :param rotation_to_target_skeleton: the rotation that needs to be applied to the source\
- skeleton to align with the target skeleton. Essentially the rotation is t_R_s, where t is\
- the frame of reference of the target skeleton and s is the frame of reference of the source\
- skeleton
- :type rotation_to_target_skeleton: Tensor
- :param scale_to_target_skeleton: the factor that needs to be multiplied from source\
- skeleton to target skeleton (unit in distance). For example, to go from `cm` to `m`, the \
- factor needs to be 0.01.
- :type scale_to_target_skeleton: float
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- return SkeletonMotion.from_skeleton_state(
- super().retarget_to(
- joint_mapping,
- source_tpose_local_rotation,
- source_tpose_root_translation,
- target_skeleton_tree,
- target_tpose_local_rotation,
- target_tpose_root_translation,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton,
- z_up,
- ),
- self.fps,
- )
- def retarget_to_by_tpose(
- self,
- joint_mapping: Dict[str, str],
- source_tpose: "SkeletonState",
- target_tpose: "SkeletonState",
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton: float,
- z_up: bool = True,
- ) -> "SkeletonMotion":
- """
- Same as the one in :class:`SkeletonState`. This method discards all velocity information before
- retargeting and re-estimate the velocity after the retargeting. The same fps is used in the
- new retargetted motion.
- :param joint_mapping: a dictionary of that maps the joint node from the source skeleton to \
- the target skeleton
- :type joint_mapping: Dict[str, str]
- :param source_tpose: t-pose of the source skeleton
- :type source_tpose: SkeletonState
- :param target_tpose: t-pose of the target skeleton
- :type target_tpose: SkeletonState
- :param rotation_to_target_skeleton: the rotation that needs to be applied to the source\
- skeleton to align with the target skeleton. Essentially the rotation is t_R_s, where t is\
- the frame of reference of the target skeleton and s is the frame of reference of the source\
- skeleton
- :type rotation_to_target_skeleton: Tensor
- :param scale_to_target_skeleton: the factor that needs to be multiplied from source\
- skeleton to target skeleton (unit in distance). For example, to go from `cm` to `m`, the \
- factor needs to be 0.01.
- :type scale_to_target_skeleton: float
- :rtype: SkeletonMotion
- """
- return self.retarget_to(
- joint_mapping,
- source_tpose.local_rotation,
- source_tpose.root_translation,
- target_tpose.skeleton_tree,
- target_tpose.local_rotation,
- target_tpose.root_translation,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton,
- z_up,
- )
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/ant.xml b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/ant.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 311d96f..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/ant.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/test_skeleton.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/test_skeleton.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9edc3..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/test_skeleton.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-from ...core import *
-from ..skeleton3d import SkeletonTree, SkeletonState, SkeletonMotion
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from ...visualization.common import (
- plot_skeleton_state,
- plot_skeleton_motion_interactive,
-from ...visualization.plt_plotter import Matplotlib3DPlotter
-from ...visualization.skeleton_plotter_tasks import (
- Draw3DSkeletonMotion,
- Draw3DSkeletonState,
-def test_skel_tree():
- skel_tree = SkeletonTree.from_mjcf(
- "/home/serfcx/DL_Animation/rl_mimic/data/skeletons/humanoid_mimic_mod_2_noind.xml",
- backend="pytorch",
- )
- skel_tree_rec = SkeletonTree.from_dict(skel_tree.to_dict(), backend="pytorch")
- # assert skel_tree.to_str() == skel_tree_rec.to_str()
- print(skel_tree.node_names)
- print(skel_tree.local_translation)
- print(skel_tree.parent_indices)
- skel_state = SkeletonState.zero_pose(skeleton_tree=skel_tree)
- plot_skeleton_state(task_name="draw_skeleton", skeleton_state=skel_state)
- skel_state = skel_state.drop_nodes_by_names(["right_hip", "left_hip"])
- plot_skeleton_state(task_name="draw_skeleton", skeleton_state=skel_state)
-def test_skel_motion():
- skel_motion = SkeletonMotion.from_file(
- "/tmp/tmp.npy", backend="pytorch", load_context=True
- )
- plot_skeleton_motion_interactive(skel_motion)
-def test_grad():
- source_motion = SkeletonMotion.from_file(
- "c:\\Users\\bmatusch\\carbmimic\\data\\motions\\JogFlatTerrain_01_ase.npy",
- backend="pytorch",
- device="cuda:0",
- )
- source_tpose = SkeletonState.from_file(
- "c:\\Users\\bmatusch\\carbmimic\\data\\skeletons\\fox_tpose.npy",
- backend="pytorch",
- device="cuda:0",
- )
- target_tpose = SkeletonState.from_file(
- "c:\\Users\\bmatusch\\carbmimic\\data\\skeletons\\flex_tpose.npy",
- backend="pytorch",
- device="cuda:0",
- )
- target_skeleton_tree = target_tpose.skeleton_tree
- joint_mapping = {
- "upArm_r": "right_shoulder",
- "upArm_l": "left_shoulder",
- "loArm_r": "right_elbow",
- "loArm_l": "left_elbow",
- "upLeg_r": "right_hip",
- "upLeg_l": "left_hip",
- "loLeg_r": "right_knee",
- "loLeg_l": "left_knee",
- "foot_r": "right_ankle",
- "foot_l": "left_ankle",
- "hips": "pelvis",
- "neckA": "neck",
- "spineA": "abdomen",
- }
- rotation_to_target_skeleton = quat_from_angle_axis(
- angle=torch.tensor(90.0).float(),
- axis=torch.tensor([1, 0, 0]).float(),
- degree=True,
- )
- target_motion = source_motion.retarget_to(
- joint_mapping=joint_mapping,
- source_tpose_local_rotation=source_tpose.local_rotation,
- source_tpose_root_translation=source_tpose.root_translation,
- target_skeleton_tree=target_skeleton_tree,
- target_tpose_local_rotation=target_tpose.local_rotation,
- target_tpose_root_translation=target_tpose.root_translation,
- rotation_to_target_skeleton=rotation_to_target_skeleton,
- scale_to_target_skeleton=0.01,
- )
- target_state = SkeletonState(
- target_motion.tensor[800, :],
- target_motion.skeleton_tree,
- target_motion.is_local,
- )
- skeleton_tree = target_state.skeleton_tree
- root_translation = target_state.root_translation
- global_translation = target_state.global_translation
- q = np.zeros((len(skeleton_tree), 4), dtype=np.float32)
- q[..., 3] = 1.0
- q = torch.from_numpy(q)
- max_its = 10000
- task = Draw3DSkeletonState(task_name="", skeleton_state=target_state)
- plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(task)
- for i in range(max_its):
- r = quat_normalize(q)
- s = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree, r=r, t=root_translation, is_local=True
- )
- print(" quat norm: {}".format(q.norm(p=2, dim=-1).mean().numpy()))
- task.update(s)
- plotter.update()
- plotter.show()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/transfer_npy.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/transfer_npy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dfcd96b..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/skeleton/tests/transfer_npy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-import numpy as np
-from ...core import Tensor, SO3, Quaternion, Vector3D
-from ..skeleton3d import SkeletonTree, SkeletonState, SkeletonMotion
-tpose = np.load(
- "/home/serfcx/DL_Animation/rl_mimic/data/skeletons/flex_tpose.npy"
-local_rotation = SO3.from_numpy(tpose["local_rotation"], dtype="float32")
-root_translation = Vector3D.from_numpy(tpose["root_translation"], dtype="float32")
-skeleton_tree = tpose["skeleton_tree"]
-parent_indices = Tensor.from_numpy(skeleton_tree["parent_indices"], dtype="int32")
-local_translation = Vector3D.from_numpy(
- skeleton_tree["local_translation"], dtype="float32"
-node_names = skeleton_tree["node_names"]
-skeleton_tree = SkeletonTree(node_names, parent_indices, local_translation)
-skeleton_state = SkeletonState.from_rotation_and_root_translation(
- skeleton_tree=skeleton_tree, r=local_rotation, t=root_translation, is_local=True
- "/home/serfcx/DL_Animation/rl_mimic/data/skeletons/flex_tpose_new.npy"
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/common.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/common.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c20a4..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/common.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-import os
-from ..core import logger
-from .plt_plotter import Matplotlib3DPlotter
-from .skeleton_plotter_tasks import Draw3DSkeletonMotion, Draw3DSkeletonState
-def plot_skeleton_state(skeleton_state, task_name="", elev:float=30, azim:float=35, roll:float=0):
- """
- Visualize a skeleton state
- :param skeleton_state:
- :param task_name:
- :type skeleton_state: SkeletonState
- :type task_name: string, optional
- """
- logger.info("plotting {}".format(task_name))
- task = Draw3DSkeletonState(task_name=task_name, skeleton_state=skeleton_state)
- plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(task, elev=elev, azim=azim, roll=roll)
- plotter.show()
-def plot_skeleton_states(skeleton_state, skip_n=1, task_name=""):
- """
- Visualize a sequence of skeleton state. The dimension of the skeleton state must be 1
- :param skeleton_state:
- :param task_name:
- :type skeleton_state: SkeletonState
- :type task_name: string, optional
- """
- logger.info("plotting {} motion".format(task_name))
- assert len(skeleton_state.shape) == 1, "the state must have only one dimension"
- task = Draw3DSkeletonState(task_name=task_name, skeleton_state=skeleton_state[0])
- plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(task)
- for frame_id in range(skeleton_state.shape[0]):
- if frame_id % skip_n != 0:
- continue
- task.update(skeleton_state[frame_id])
- plotter.update()
- plotter.show()
-def plot_skeleton_motion(skeleton_motion, skip_n=1, task_name=""):
- """
- Visualize a skeleton motion along its first dimension.
- :param skeleton_motion:
- :param task_name:
- :type skeleton_motion: SkeletonMotion
- :type task_name: string, optional
- """
- logger.info("plotting {} motion".format(task_name))
- task = Draw3DSkeletonMotion(
- task_name=task_name, skeleton_motion=skeleton_motion, frame_index=0
- )
- plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(task)
- for frame_id in range(len(skeleton_motion)):
- if frame_id % skip_n != 0:
- continue
- task.update(frame_id)
- plotter.update()
- plotter.show()
-def plot_skeleton_motion_interactive_base(skeleton_motion, task_name=""):
- class PlotParams:
- def __init__(self, total_num_frames):
- self.current_frame = 0
- self.playing = False
- self.looping = False
- self.confirmed = False
- self.playback_speed = 4
- self.total_num_frames = total_num_frames
- def sync(self, other):
- self.current_frame = other.current_frame
- self.playing = other.playing
- self.looping = other.current_frame
- self.confirmed = other.confirmed
- self.playback_speed = other.playback_speed
- self.total_num_frames = other.total_num_frames
- task = Draw3DSkeletonMotion(
- task_name=task_name, skeleton_motion=skeleton_motion, frame_index=0
- )
- plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(task)
- plot_params = PlotParams(total_num_frames=len(skeleton_motion))
- print("Entered interactive plot - press 'n' to quit, 'h' for a list of commands")
- def press(event):
- if event.key == "x":
- plot_params.playing = not plot_params.playing
- elif event.key == "z":
- plot_params.current_frame = plot_params.current_frame - 1
- elif event.key == "c":
- plot_params.current_frame = plot_params.current_frame + 1
- elif event.key == "a":
- plot_params.current_frame = plot_params.current_frame - 20
- elif event.key == "d":
- plot_params.current_frame = plot_params.current_frame + 20
- elif event.key == "w":
- plot_params.looping = not plot_params.looping
- print("Looping: {}".format(plot_params.looping))
- elif event.key == "v":
- plot_params.playback_speed *= 2
- print("playback speed: {}".format(plot_params.playback_speed))
- elif event.key == "b":
- if plot_params.playback_speed != 1:
- plot_params.playback_speed //= 2
- print("playback speed: {}".format(plot_params.playback_speed))
- elif event.key == "n":
- plot_params.confirmed = True
- elif event.key == "h":
- rows, columns = os.popen("stty size", "r").read().split()
- columns = int(columns)
- print("=" * columns)
- print("x: play/pause")
- print("z: previous frame")
- print("c: next frame")
- print("a: jump 10 frames back")
- print("d: jump 10 frames forward")
- print("w: looping/non-looping")
- print("v: double speed (this can be applied multiple times)")
- print("b: half speed (this can be applied multiple times)")
- print("n: quit")
- print("h: help")
- print("=" * columns)
- print(
- 'current frame index: {}/{} (press "n" to quit)'.format(
- plot_params.current_frame, plot_params.total_num_frames - 1
- )
- )
- plotter.fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", press)
- while True:
- reset_trail = False
- if plot_params.confirmed:
- break
- if plot_params.playing:
- plot_params.current_frame += plot_params.playback_speed
- if plot_params.current_frame >= plot_params.total_num_frames:
- if plot_params.looping:
- plot_params.current_frame %= plot_params.total_num_frames
- reset_trail = True
- else:
- plot_params.current_frame = plot_params.total_num_frames - 1
- if plot_params.current_frame < 0:
- if plot_params.looping:
- plot_params.current_frame %= plot_params.total_num_frames
- reset_trail = True
- else:
- plot_params.current_frame = 0
- yield plot_params
- task.update(plot_params.current_frame, reset_trail)
- plotter.update()
-def plot_skeleton_motion_interactive(skeleton_motion, task_name=""):
- """
- Visualize a skeleton motion along its first dimension interactively.
- :param skeleton_motion:
- :param task_name:
- :type skeleton_motion: SkeletonMotion
- :type task_name: string, optional
- """
- for _ in plot_skeleton_motion_interactive_base(skeleton_motion, task_name):
- pass
-def plot_skeleton_motion_interactive_multiple(*callables, sync=True):
- for _ in zip(*callables):
- if sync:
- for p1, p2 in zip(_[:-1], _[1:]):
- p2.sync(p1)
-# def plot_skeleton_motion_interactive_multiple_same(skeleton_motions, task_name=""):
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/core.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/core.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c7a176..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/core.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-The base abstract classes for plotter and the plotting tasks. It describes how the plotter
-deals with the tasks in the general cases
-from typing import List
-class BasePlotterTask(object):
- _task_name: str # unique name of the task
- _task_type: str # type of the task is used to identify which callable
- def __init__(self, task_name: str, task_type: str) -> None:
- self._task_name = task_name
- self._task_type = task_type
- @property
- def task_name(self):
- return self._task_name
- @property
- def task_type(self):
- return self._task_type
- def get_scoped_name(self, name):
- return self._task_name + "/" + name
- def __iter__(self):
- """Should override this function to return a list of task primitives
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
-class BasePlotterTasks(object):
- def __init__(self, tasks) -> None:
- self._tasks = tasks
- def __iter__(self):
- for task in self._tasks:
- yield from task
-class BasePlotter(object):
- """An abstract plotter which deals with a plotting task. The children class needs to implement
- the functions to create/update the objects according to the task given
- """
- _task_primitives: List[BasePlotterTask]
- def __init__(self, task: BasePlotterTask) -> None:
- self._task_primitives = []
- self.create(task)
- @property
- def task_primitives(self):
- return self._task_primitives
- def create(self, task: BasePlotterTask) -> None:
- """Create more task primitives from a task for the plotter"""
- new_task_primitives = list(task) # get all task primitives
- self._task_primitives += new_task_primitives # append them
- self._create_impl(new_task_primitives)
- def update(self) -> None:
- """Update the plotter for any updates in the task primitives"""
- self._update_impl(self._task_primitives)
- def _update_impl(self, task_list: List[BasePlotterTask]) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _create_impl(self, task_list: List[BasePlotterTask]) -> None:
- raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/plt_plotter.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/plt_plotter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index db578a9..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/plt_plotter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-The matplotlib plotter implementation for all the primitive tasks (in our case: lines and
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
-import numpy as np
-from .core import BasePlotter, BasePlotterTask
-class Matplotlib2DPlotter(BasePlotter):
- _fig: plt.figure # plt figure
- _ax: plt.axis # plt axis
- # stores artist objects for each task (task name as the key)
- _artist_cache: Dict[str, Any]
- # callables for each task primitives
- _create_impl_callables: Dict[str, Callable]
- _update_impl_callables: Dict[str, Callable]
- def __init__(self, task: "BasePlotterTask") -> None:
- fig, ax = plt.subplots()
- self._fig = fig
- self._ax = ax
- self._artist_cache = {}
- self._create_impl_callables = {
- "Draw2DLines": self._lines_create_impl,
- "Draw2DDots": self._dots_create_impl,
- "Draw2DTrail": self._trail_create_impl,
- }
- self._update_impl_callables = {
- "Draw2DLines": self._lines_update_impl,
- "Draw2DDots": self._dots_update_impl,
- "Draw2DTrail": self._trail_update_impl,
- }
- self._init_lim()
- super().__init__(task)
- @property
- def ax(self):
- return self._ax
- @property
- def fig(self):
- return self._fig
- def show(self):
- plt.show()
- def _min(self, x, y):
- if x is None:
- return y
- if y is None:
- return x
- return min(x, y)
- def _max(self, x, y):
- if x is None:
- return y
- if y is None:
- return x
- return max(x, y)
- def _init_lim(self):
- self._curr_x_min = None
- self._curr_y_min = None
- self._curr_x_max = None
- self._curr_y_max = None
- def _update_lim(self, xs, ys):
- self._curr_x_min = self._min(np.min(xs), self._curr_x_min)
- self._curr_y_min = self._min(np.min(ys), self._curr_y_min)
- self._curr_x_max = self._max(np.max(xs), self._curr_x_max)
- self._curr_y_max = self._max(np.max(ys), self._curr_y_max)
- def _set_lim(self):
- if not (
- self._curr_x_min is None
- or self._curr_x_max is None
- or self._curr_y_min is None
- or self._curr_y_max is None
- ):
- self._ax.set_xlim(self._curr_x_min, self._curr_x_max)
- self._ax.set_ylim(self._curr_y_min, self._curr_y_max)
- self._init_lim()
- @staticmethod
- def _lines_extract_xy_impl(index, lines_task):
- return lines_task[index, :, 0], lines_task[index, :, 1]
- @staticmethod
- def _trail_extract_xy_impl(index, trail_task):
- return (trail_task[index : index + 2, 0], trail_task[index : index + 2, 1])
- def _lines_create_impl(self, lines_task):
- color = lines_task.color
- self._artist_cache[lines_task.task_name] = [
- self._ax.plot(
- *Matplotlib2DPlotter._lines_extract_xy_impl(i, lines_task),
- color=color,
- linewidth=lines_task.line_width,
- alpha=lines_task.alpha
- )[0]
- for i in range(len(lines_task))
- ]
- def _lines_update_impl(self, lines_task):
- lines_artists = self._artist_cache[lines_task.task_name]
- for i in range(len(lines_task)):
- artist = lines_artists[i]
- xs, ys = Matplotlib2DPlotter._lines_extract_xy_impl(i, lines_task)
- artist.set_data(xs, ys)
- if lines_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(xs, ys)
- def _dots_create_impl(self, dots_task):
- color = dots_task.color
- self._artist_cache[dots_task.task_name] = self._ax.plot(
- dots_task[:, 0],
- dots_task[:, 1],
- c=color,
- linestyle="",
- marker=".",
- markersize=dots_task.marker_size,
- alpha=dots_task.alpha,
- )[0]
- def _dots_update_impl(self, dots_task):
- dots_artist = self._artist_cache[dots_task.task_name]
- dots_artist.set_data(dots_task[:, 0], dots_task[:, 1])
- if dots_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(dots_task[:, 0], dots_task[:, 1])
- def _trail_create_impl(self, trail_task):
- color = trail_task.color
- trail_length = len(trail_task) - 1
- self._artist_cache[trail_task.task_name] = [
- self._ax.plot(
- *Matplotlib2DPlotter._trail_extract_xy_impl(i, trail_task),
- color=trail_task.color,
- linewidth=trail_task.line_width,
- alpha=trail_task.alpha * (1.0 - i / (trail_length - 1))
- )[0]
- for i in range(trail_length)
- ]
- def _trail_update_impl(self, trail_task):
- trails_artists = self._artist_cache[trail_task.task_name]
- for i in range(len(trail_task) - 1):
- artist = trails_artists[i]
- xs, ys = Matplotlib2DPlotter._trail_extract_xy_impl(i, trail_task)
- artist.set_data(xs, ys)
- if trail_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(xs, ys)
- def _create_impl(self, task_list):
- for task in task_list:
- self._create_impl_callables[task.task_type](task)
- self._draw()
- def _update_impl(self, task_list):
- for task in task_list:
- self._update_impl_callables[task.task_type](task)
- self._draw()
- def _set_aspect_equal_2d(self, zero_centered=True):
- xlim = self._ax.get_xlim()
- ylim = self._ax.get_ylim()
- if not zero_centered:
- xmean = np.mean(xlim)
- ymean = np.mean(ylim)
- else:
- xmean = 0
- ymean = 0
- plot_radius = max(
- [
- abs(lim - mean_)
- for lims, mean_ in ((xlim, xmean), (ylim, ymean))
- for lim in lims
- ]
- )
- self._ax.set_xlim([xmean - plot_radius, xmean + plot_radius])
- self._ax.set_ylim([ymean - plot_radius, ymean + plot_radius])
- def _draw(self):
- self._set_lim()
- self._set_aspect_equal_2d()
- self._fig.canvas.draw()
- self._fig.canvas.flush_events()
- plt.pause(0.00001)
-class Matplotlib3DPlotter(BasePlotter):
- _fig: plt.figure # plt figure
- _ax: p3.Axes3D # plt 3d axis
- # stores artist objects for each task (task name as the key)
- _artist_cache: Dict[str, Any]
- # callables for each task primitives
- _create_impl_callables: Dict[str, Callable]
- _update_impl_callables: Dict[str, Callable]
- def __init__(self, task: "BasePlotterTask",
- elev:float=30, azim:float=35, roll:float=0) -> None:
- self._fig = plt.figure()
- # updated to more recent matplotlib versions
- self._ax = self._fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
- self._ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim, roll=roll)
- self._artist_cache = {}
- self._create_impl_callables = {
- "Draw3DLines": self._lines_create_impl,
- "Draw3DDots": self._dots_create_impl,
- "Draw3DTrail": self._trail_create_impl,
- }
- self._update_impl_callables = {
- "Draw3DLines": self._lines_update_impl,
- "Draw3DDots": self._dots_update_impl,
- "Draw3DTrail": self._trail_update_impl,
- }
- self._init_lim()
- super().__init__(task)
- @property
- def ax(self):
- return self._ax
- @property
- def fig(self):
- return self._fig
- def show(self):
- plt.show()
- def _min(self, x, y):
- if x is None:
- return y
- if y is None:
- return x
- return min(x, y)
- def _max(self, x, y):
- if x is None:
- return y
- if y is None:
- return x
- return max(x, y)
- def _init_lim(self):
- self._curr_x_min = None
- self._curr_y_min = None
- self._curr_z_min = None
- self._curr_x_max = None
- self._curr_y_max = None
- self._curr_z_max = None
- def _update_lim(self, xs, ys, zs):
- self._curr_x_min = self._min(np.min(xs), self._curr_x_min)
- self._curr_y_min = self._min(np.min(ys), self._curr_y_min)
- self._curr_z_min = self._min(np.min(zs), self._curr_z_min)
- self._curr_x_max = self._max(np.max(xs), self._curr_x_max)
- self._curr_y_max = self._max(np.max(ys), self._curr_y_max)
- self._curr_z_max = self._max(np.max(zs), self._curr_z_max)
- def _set_lim(self):
- if not (
- self._curr_x_min is None
- or self._curr_x_max is None
- or self._curr_y_min is None
- or self._curr_y_max is None
- or self._curr_z_min is None
- or self._curr_z_max is None
- ):
- self._ax.set_xlim3d(self._curr_x_min, self._curr_x_max)
- self._ax.set_ylim3d(self._curr_y_min, self._curr_y_max)
- self._ax.set_zlim3d(self._curr_z_min, self._curr_z_max)
- self._init_lim()
- @staticmethod
- def _lines_extract_xyz_impl(index, lines_task):
- return lines_task[index, :, 0], lines_task[index, :, 1], lines_task[index, :, 2]
- @staticmethod
- def _trail_extract_xyz_impl(index, trail_task):
- return (
- trail_task[index : index + 2, 0],
- trail_task[index : index + 2, 1],
- trail_task[index : index + 2, 2],
- )
- def _lines_create_impl(self, lines_task):
- color = lines_task.color
- self._artist_cache[lines_task.task_name] = [
- self._ax.plot(
- *Matplotlib3DPlotter._lines_extract_xyz_impl(i, lines_task),
- color=color,
- linewidth=lines_task.line_width,
- alpha=lines_task.alpha
- )[0]
- for i in range(len(lines_task))
- ]
- def _lines_update_impl(self, lines_task):
- lines_artists = self._artist_cache[lines_task.task_name]
- for i in range(len(lines_task)):
- artist = lines_artists[i]
- xs, ys, zs = Matplotlib3DPlotter._lines_extract_xyz_impl(i, lines_task)
- artist.set_data(xs, ys)
- artist.set_3d_properties(zs)
- if lines_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(xs, ys, zs)
- def _dots_create_impl(self, dots_task):
- color = dots_task.color
- self._artist_cache[dots_task.task_name] = self._ax.plot(
- dots_task[:, 0],
- dots_task[:, 1],
- dots_task[:, 2],
- c=color,
- linestyle="",
- marker=".",
- markersize=dots_task.marker_size,
- alpha=dots_task.alpha,
- )[0]
- def _dots_update_impl(self, dots_task):
- dots_artist = self._artist_cache[dots_task.task_name]
- dots_artist.set_data(dots_task[:, 0], dots_task[:, 1])
- dots_artist.set_3d_properties(dots_task[:, 2])
- if dots_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(dots_task[:, 0], dots_task[:, 1], dots_task[:, 2])
- def _trail_create_impl(self, trail_task):
- color = trail_task.color
- trail_length = len(trail_task) - 1
- self._artist_cache[trail_task.task_name] = [
- self._ax.plot(
- *Matplotlib3DPlotter._trail_extract_xyz_impl(i, trail_task),
- color=trail_task.color,
- linewidth=trail_task.line_width,
- alpha=trail_task.alpha * (1.0 - i / (trail_length - 1))
- )[0]
- for i in range(trail_length)
- ]
- def _trail_update_impl(self, trail_task):
- trails_artists = self._artist_cache[trail_task.task_name]
- for i in range(len(trail_task) - 1):
- artist = trails_artists[i]
- xs, ys, zs = Matplotlib3DPlotter._trail_extract_xyz_impl(i, trail_task)
- artist.set_data(xs, ys)
- artist.set_3d_properties(zs)
- if trail_task.influence_lim:
- self._update_lim(xs, ys, zs)
- def _create_impl(self, task_list):
- for task in task_list:
- self._create_impl_callables[task.task_type](task)
- self._draw()
- def _update_impl(self, task_list):
- for task in task_list:
- self._update_impl_callables[task.task_type](task)
- self._draw()
- def _set_aspect_equal_3d(self):
- xlim = self._ax.get_xlim3d()
- ylim = self._ax.get_ylim3d()
- zlim = self._ax.get_zlim3d()
- xmean = np.mean(xlim)
- ymean = np.mean(ylim)
- zmean = np.mean(zlim)
- plot_radius = max(
- [
- abs(lim - mean_)
- for lims, mean_ in ((xlim, xmean), (ylim, ymean), (zlim, zmean))
- for lim in lims
- ]
- )
- self._ax.set_xlim3d([xmean - plot_radius, xmean + plot_radius])
- self._ax.set_ylim3d([ymean - plot_radius, ymean + plot_radius])
- self._ax.set_zlim3d([zmean - plot_radius, zmean + plot_radius])
- def _draw(self):
- self._set_lim()
- self._set_aspect_equal_3d()
- self._fig.canvas.draw()
- self._ax.set_xlabel("x")
- self._ax.set_ylabel("y")
- self._ax.set_zlabel("z")
- self._fig.canvas.flush_events()
- plt.pause(0.00001)
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/simple_plotter_tasks.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/simple_plotter_tasks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fec4c88..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/simple_plotter_tasks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-This is where all the task primitives are defined
-import numpy as np
-from .core import BasePlotterTask
-class DrawXDLines(BasePlotterTask):
- _lines: np.ndarray
- _color: str
- _line_width: int
- _alpha: float
- _influence_lim: bool
- def __init__(
- self,
- task_name: str,
- lines: np.ndarray,
- color: str = "blue",
- line_width: int = 2,
- alpha: float = 1.0,
- influence_lim: bool = True,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(task_name=task_name, task_type=self.__class__.__name__)
- self._color = color
- self._line_width = line_width
- self._alpha = alpha
- self._influence_lim = influence_lim
- self.update(lines)
- @property
- def influence_lim(self) -> bool:
- return self._influence_lim
- @property
- def raw_data(self):
- return self._lines
- @property
- def color(self):
- return self._color
- @property
- def line_width(self):
- return self._line_width
- @property
- def alpha(self):
- return self._alpha
- @property
- def dim(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "{}DLines".format(self.dim)
- def update(self, lines):
- self._lines = np.array(lines)
- shape = self._lines.shape
- assert shape[-1] == self.dim and shape[-2] == 2 and len(shape) == 3
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self._lines[index]
- def __len__(self):
- return self._lines.shape[0]
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self
-class DrawXDDots(BasePlotterTask):
- _dots: np.ndarray
- _color: str
- _marker_size: int
- _alpha: float
- _influence_lim: bool
- def __init__(
- self,
- task_name: str,
- dots: np.ndarray,
- color: str = "blue",
- marker_size: int = 10,
- alpha: float = 1.0,
- influence_lim: bool = True,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(task_name=task_name, task_type=self.__class__.__name__)
- self._color = color
- self._marker_size = marker_size
- self._alpha = alpha
- self._influence_lim = influence_lim
- self.update(dots)
- def update(self, dots):
- self._dots = np.array(dots)
- shape = self._dots.shape
- assert shape[-1] == self.dim and len(shape) == 2
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- return self._dots[index]
- def __len__(self):
- return self._dots.shape[0]
- def __iter__(self):
- yield self
- @property
- def influence_lim(self) -> bool:
- return self._influence_lim
- @property
- def raw_data(self):
- return self._dots
- @property
- def color(self):
- return self._color
- @property
- def marker_size(self):
- return self._marker_size
- @property
- def alpha(self):
- return self._alpha
- @property
- def dim(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "{}DDots".format(self.dim)
-class DrawXDTrail(DrawXDDots):
- @property
- def line_width(self):
- return self.marker_size
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "{}DTrail".format(self.dim)
-class Draw2DLines(DrawXDLines):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 2
-class Draw3DLines(DrawXDLines):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 3
-class Draw2DDots(DrawXDDots):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 2
-class Draw3DDots(DrawXDDots):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 3
-class Draw2DTrail(DrawXDTrail):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 2
-class Draw3DTrail(DrawXDTrail):
- @property
- def dim(self):
- return 3
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/skeleton_plotter_tasks.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/skeleton_plotter_tasks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 637497b..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/skeleton_plotter_tasks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
-# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
-# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
-# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
-# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
-# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
-This is where all skeleton related complex tasks are defined (skeleton state and skeleton
-import numpy as np
-from .core import BasePlotterTask
-from .simple_plotter_tasks import Draw3DDots, Draw3DLines, Draw3DTrail
-class Draw3DSkeletonState(BasePlotterTask):
- _lines_task: Draw3DLines # sub-task for drawing lines
- _dots_task: Draw3DDots # sub-task for drawing dots
- def __init__(
- self,
- task_name: str,
- skeleton_state,
- joints_color: str = "red",
- lines_color: str = "blue",
- alpha=1.0,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(task_name=task_name, task_type="3DSkeletonState")
- lines, dots = Draw3DSkeletonState._get_lines_and_dots(skeleton_state)
- self._lines_task = Draw3DLines(
- self.get_scoped_name("bodies"), lines, joints_color, alpha=alpha
- )
- self._dots_task = Draw3DDots(
- self.get_scoped_name("joints"), dots, lines_color, alpha=alpha
- )
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "3DSkeleton"
- def update(self, skeleton_state) -> None:
- self._update(*Draw3DSkeletonState._get_lines_and_dots(skeleton_state))
- @staticmethod
- def _get_lines_and_dots(skeleton_state):
- """Get all the lines and dots needed to draw the skeleton state
- """
- assert (
- len(skeleton_state.tensor.shape) == 1
- ), "the state has to be zero dimensional"
- dots = skeleton_state.global_translation.numpy()
- skeleton_tree = skeleton_state.skeleton_tree
- parent_indices = skeleton_tree.parent_indices.numpy()
- lines = []
- for node_index in range(len(skeleton_tree)):
- parent_index = parent_indices[node_index]
- if parent_index != -1:
- lines.append([dots[node_index], dots[parent_index]])
- lines = np.array(lines)
- return lines, dots
- def _update(self, lines, dots) -> None:
- self._lines_task.update(lines)
- self._dots_task.update(dots)
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self._lines_task
- yield from self._dots_task
-class Draw3DSkeletonMotion(BasePlotterTask):
- def __init__(
- self,
- task_name: str,
- skeleton_motion,
- frame_index=None,
- joints_color="red",
- lines_color="blue",
- velocity_color="green",
- angular_velocity_color="purple",
- trail_color="black",
- trail_length=10,
- alpha=1.0,
- ) -> None:
- super().__init__(task_name=task_name, task_type="3DSkeletonMotion")
- self._trail_length = trail_length
- self._skeleton_motion = skeleton_motion
- # if frame_index is None:
- curr_skeleton_motion = self._skeleton_motion.clone()
- if frame_index is not None:
- curr_skeleton_motion.tensor = self._skeleton_motion.tensor[frame_index, :]
- # else:
- # curr_skeleton_motion = self._skeleton_motion[frame_index, :]
- self._skeleton_state_task = Draw3DSkeletonState(
- self.get_scoped_name("skeleton_state"),
- curr_skeleton_motion,
- joints_color=joints_color,
- lines_color=lines_color,
- alpha=alpha,
- )
- vel_lines, avel_lines = Draw3DSkeletonMotion._get_vel_and_avel(
- curr_skeleton_motion
- )
- self._com_pos = curr_skeleton_motion.root_translation.numpy()[
- np.newaxis, ...
- ].repeat(trail_length, axis=0)
- self._vel_task = Draw3DLines(
- self.get_scoped_name("velocity"),
- vel_lines,
- velocity_color,
- influence_lim=False,
- alpha=alpha,
- )
- self._avel_task = Draw3DLines(
- self.get_scoped_name("angular_velocity"),
- avel_lines,
- angular_velocity_color,
- influence_lim=False,
- alpha=alpha,
- )
- self._com_trail_task = Draw3DTrail(
- self.get_scoped_name("com_trail"),
- self._com_pos,
- trail_color,
- marker_size=2,
- influence_lim=True,
- alpha=alpha,
- )
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "3DSkeletonMotion"
- def update(self, frame_index=None, reset_trail=False, skeleton_motion=None) -> None:
- if skeleton_motion is not None:
- self._skeleton_motion = skeleton_motion
- curr_skeleton_motion = self._skeleton_motion.clone()
- if frame_index is not None:
- curr_skeleton_motion.tensor = curr_skeleton_motion.tensor[frame_index, :]
- if reset_trail:
- self._com_pos = curr_skeleton_motion.root_translation.numpy()[
- np.newaxis, ...
- ].repeat(self._trail_length, axis=0)
- else:
- self._com_pos = np.concatenate(
- (
- curr_skeleton_motion.root_translation.numpy()[np.newaxis, ...],
- self._com_pos[:-1],
- ),
- axis=0,
- )
- self._skeleton_state_task.update(curr_skeleton_motion)
- self._com_trail_task.update(self._com_pos)
- self._update(*Draw3DSkeletonMotion._get_vel_and_avel(curr_skeleton_motion))
- @staticmethod
- def _get_vel_and_avel(skeleton_motion):
- """Get all the velocity and angular velocity lines
- """
- pos = skeleton_motion.global_translation.numpy()
- vel = skeleton_motion.global_velocity.numpy()
- avel = skeleton_motion.global_angular_velocity.numpy()
- vel_lines = np.stack((pos, pos + vel * 0.02), axis=1)
- avel_lines = np.stack((pos, pos + avel * 0.01), axis=1)
- return vel_lines, avel_lines
- def _update(self, vel_lines, avel_lines) -> None:
- self._vel_task.update(vel_lines)
- self._avel_task.update(avel_lines)
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self._skeleton_state_task
- yield from self._vel_task
- yield from self._avel_task
- yield from self._com_trail_task
-class Draw3DSkeletonMotions(BasePlotterTask):
- def __init__(self, skeleton_motion_tasks) -> None:
- self._skeleton_motion_tasks = skeleton_motion_tasks
- @property
- def name(self):
- return "3DSkeletonMotions"
- def update(self, frame_index) -> None:
- list(map(lambda x: x.update(frame_index), self._skeleton_motion_tasks))
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self._skeleton_state_tasks
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/tests/__init__.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/tests/test_plotter.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/tests/test_plotter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef1fb6..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/poselib/visualization/tests/test_plotter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-from typing import cast
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
-from ..core import BasePlotterTask, BasePlotterTasks
-from ..plt_plotter import Matplotlib3DPlotter
-from ..simple_plotter_tasks import Draw3DDots, Draw3DLines
-task = Draw3DLines(task_name="test",
- lines=np.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]], [[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]]), color="blue")
-task2 = Draw3DDots(task_name="test2",
- dots=np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]), color="red")
-task3 = BasePlotterTasks([task, task2])
-plotter = Matplotlib3DPlotter(cast(BasePlotterTask, task3))
diff --git a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/setup.py b/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/setup.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c041197..0000000
--- a/smpl_sim/envs/nv/poselib/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-from setuptools import setup
- name="poselib",
- packages=["poselib"],
- version="0.0.42",
- description="Framework Agnostic Tensor Programming",
- author="Qiyang Li, Kelly Guo, Brendon Matusch",
- classifiers=[
- "Programming Language :: Python",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
- "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)",
- "Operating System :: OS Independent",
- "Development Status :: 1 - Planning",
- "Environment :: Console",
- "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
- "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS",
- ],
diff --git a/smpl_sim/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py b/smpl_sim/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py
index 8602a55..3f00951 100755
--- a/smpl_sim/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py
+++ b/smpl_sim/poselib/skeleton/skeleton3d.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
from ..core import *
from .backend.fbx.fbx_read_wrapper import fbx_to_array
-import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
+import scipy.ndimage as filters
class SkeletonTree(Serializable):
diff --git a/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_eval.py b/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_eval.py
index 6d803bd..da69c06 100644
--- a/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_eval.py
+++ b/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_eval.py
@@ -19,9 +19,44 @@
from smpl_sim.utils.transformation import euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_matrix
from smpl_sim.utils.math_utils import *
import copy
+from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as sRot
+def compute_metrics_obj(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, pred_rot_all, gt_rot_all, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True, concatenate = True):
+ # Rotation expect xyzw
+ metrics = defaultdict(list)
+ if use_tqdm:
+ pbar = tqdm(range(len(pred_pos_all)))
+ else:
+ pbar = range(len(pred_pos_all))
+ assert(len(pred_pos_all) == len(pred_rot_all))
+ for idx in pbar:
+ jpos_pred = pred_pos_all[idx].copy()
+ jpos_gt = gt_pos_all[idx].copy()
+ rot_pred = pred_rot_all[idx].copy()
+ rot_gt = gt_rot_all[idx].copy()
+ mpjpe_g = np.linalg.norm(jpos_gt - jpos_pred, axis=2) * 1000
+ vel_dist = (compute_error_vel(jpos_pred, jpos_gt)) * 1000
+ accel_dist = (compute_error_accel(jpos_pred, jpos_gt)) * 1000
-def compute_metrics_lite(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True, concatenate = True):
+ jpos_pred = jpos_pred - jpos_pred[:, [root_idx]] # zero out root
+ jpos_gt = jpos_gt - jpos_gt[:, [root_idx]]
+ rot_error = np.linalg.norm((sRot.from_quat(rot_gt.reshape(-1, 4)) * sRot.from_quat(rot_pred.reshape(-1, 4)).inv()).as_rotvec(), axis = -1)
+ metrics["TTR"].append(mpjpe_g < 120)
+ metrics["mpjpe_g"].append(mpjpe_g)
+ metrics["rot_error"].append(rot_error)
+ metrics["accel_dist"].append(accel_dist)
+ metrics["vel_dist"].append(vel_dist)
+ if concatenate:
+ metrics = {k:np.concatenate(v) for k, v in metrics.items()}
+ return metrics
+def compute_metrics_lite(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, pred_rot_all=None, gt_rot_all=None, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True, concatenate = True):
+ # Rotation expect xyzw
metrics = defaultdict(list)
if use_tqdm:
pbar = tqdm(range(len(pred_pos_all)))
@@ -31,6 +66,8 @@ def compute_metrics_lite(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True
for idx in pbar:
jpos_pred = pred_pos_all[idx].copy()
jpos_gt = gt_pos_all[idx].copy()
+ rot_pred = pred_rot_all[idx].copy() if pred_rot_all is not None else None
+ rot_gt = gt_rot_all[idx].copy() if gt_rot_all is not None else None
mpjpe_g = np.linalg.norm(jpos_gt - jpos_pred, axis=2) * 1000
@@ -42,8 +79,12 @@ def compute_metrics_lite(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True
pa_mpjpe = p_mpjpe(jpos_pred, jpos_gt) * 1000
mpjpe = np.linalg.norm(jpos_pred - jpos_gt, axis=2)* 1000
+ if rot_pred is not None and rot_gt is not None:
+ rot_error = np.linalg.norm((sRot.from_quat(rot_gt.reshape(-1, 4)) * sRot.from_quat(rot_pred.reshape(-1, 4)).inv()).as_rotvec(), axis = -1)
+ if rot_pred is not None and rot_gt is not None:
+ metrics["rot_error"].append(rot_error)
@@ -53,6 +94,7 @@ def compute_metrics_lite(pred_pos_all, gt_pos_all, root_idx = 0, use_tqdm = True
return metrics
def p_mpjpe(predicted, target):
Pose error: MPJPE after rigid alignment (scale, rotation, and translation),
diff --git a/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_local_robot.py b/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_local_robot.py
index 4b3d931..31701cf 100644
--- a/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_local_robot.py
+++ b/smpl_sim/smpllib/smpl_local_robot.py
@@ -1973,7 +1973,6 @@ def get_gnn_edges(self):
params_names = smpl_robot.get_params(get_name=True)
betas = torch.zeros(1, 16)
- # betas[0] = 2
gender = [0]
t0 = time.time()
params = smpl_robot.get_params()
diff --git a/test.xml b/test.xml
index fa84019..e69de29 100644
--- a/test.xml
+++ b/test.xml
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@