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executable file
480 lines (378 loc) · 14.6 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
480 lines (378 loc) · 14.6 KB

Liftoff Implementation



  1. all the code-pieces are trimmed.

  2. /// means editor added note.

Directory covered in the report: v8/src/wasm

Main Entrance


WasmCompilationResult ExecuteLiftoffCompilation(
    AccountingAllocator* allocator, 
    CompilationEnv* env,
    const FunctionBody& func_body, 
    int func_index, 
    ForDebugging for_debugging,
    Counters* counters, 
    WasmFeatures* detected, 
    Vector<int> breakpoints,
    std::unique_ptr<DebugSideTable>* debug_sidetable, 
    int dead_breakpoint) 
  /// get function body size
  int func_body_size = static_cast<int>(func_body.end - func_body.start);

  /// allocate small memory very quickly with {Zone}
  Zone zone(allocator, "LiftoffCompilationZone");
  auto call_descriptor = 
      compiler::GetWasmCallDescriptor(&zone, func_body.sig);
  size_t code_size_estimate =
  // Allocate the initial buffer a bit bigger to avoid reallocation during code
  // ...
  /// decoder coming:
  WasmFullDecoder<Decoder::kBooleanValidation, LiftoffCompiler> decoder(
      &zone, env->module, env->enabled_features, detected, func_body,
      call_descriptor, env, &zone, instruction_buffer->CreateView(),
      debug_sidetable_builder.get(), for_debugging, func_index, breakpoints,
  /// important!(decoder.Decode(), decoder.interface()) 
  /// important!(LiftoffCompiler* compiler)
  LiftoffCompiler* compiler = &decoder.interface();
  if (decoder.failed()) {
    return WasmCompilationResult{};

  // ...
  /// empty result will be returned if bailout
  if (compiler->did_bailout()) return WasmCompilationResult{};

  /// get the results
  WasmCompilationResult result;
  result.instr_buffer = instruction_buffer->ReleaseBuffer();
  result.source_positions = compiler->GetSourcePositionTable();
  result.protected_instructions_data = compiler->GetProtectedInstructionsData();
  result.frame_slot_count = compiler->GetTotalFrameSlotCountForGC();
  result.tagged_parameter_slots = call_descriptor->GetTaggedParameterSlots();
  result.func_index = func_index;
  result.result_tier = ExecutionTier::kLiftoff;
  result.for_debugging = for_debugging;
  if (debug_sidetable) {
    *debug_sidetable = debug_sidetable_builder->GenerateDebugSideTable();

  return result;

Start with the Result


struct WasmCompilationResult {

  enum Kind : int8_t {

  bool succeeded() const { return code_desc.buffer != nullptr; }
  bool failed() const { return !succeeded(); }
  operator bool() const { return succeeded(); }

  CodeDesc code_desc;
  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> instr_buffer;
  uint32_t frame_slot_count = 0;
  uint32_t tagged_parameter_slots = 0;
  OwnedVector<byte> source_positions;
  OwnedVector<byte> protected_instructions_data;
  int func_index = kAnonymousFuncIndex;
  ExecutionTier requested_tier;
  ExecutionTier result_tier;
  Kind kind = kFunction;
  ForDebugging for_debugging = kNoDebugging;

Notice the CodeDesc in this struct. It stores the instructions and metadata.

Enum Settings

Forms of WasmCompilationResult in src/wasm/function-compiler.h :

enum Kind : int8_t {

Tiers and Debugging in src/wasm/wasm-tier.h :

// All the tiers of Wasm execution.
enum class ExecutionTier : int8_t {

// {kForDebugging} is used for default tiered-down code, {kWithBreakpoints} if
// the code also contains breakpoints, and {kForStepping} for code that is
// flooded with breakpoints.
enum ForDebugging : int8_t {
  kNoDebugging = 0,

Flags defined in these files correspond to the command line flags:

$d8 ./test.js --liftoff --no-wasm-tier-up --print-wasm-code

note that this is also the way to debug wasm code in v8.

Buffer described in CodeDesc


// A CodeDesc describes a buffer holding instructions and relocation
// information. The instructions start at the beginning of the buffer
// and grow forward, the relocation information starts at the end of
// the buffer and grows backward. Inlined metadata sections may exist
// at the end of the instructions.
//  |<--------------- buffer_size ----------------------------------->|
//  |<---------------- instr_size ------------->|      |<-reloc_size->|
//  |--------------+----------------------------+------+--------------|
//  | instructions |         data               | free |  reloc info  |
//  +--------------+----------------------------+------+--------------+

The accurate buffer map, however, is a bit more complicated. We can see from the source code that instr_size is actually divided into five sections:

  1. instruction_table: just normal instructions which can be optimized
  2. safepoint_table: records non-optimizing functions
  3. handler_table: maintains a dynamic symbol table that links to external functions and libraries
  4. constant_pool: constants.
  5. code_comments: code debug info that can be printed in logs.

In the description above, instrutions is stored as “instructions” in the graph, while the rest are all “data” in the graph.

How the result of compilation is presented

The functions and tables are stored in the instr_buffer.

Moreover, the source_position and protected_instr_data are also stored in the OwnedVector type. One may find it trivial at first, but they are not unnecessary. Turbofan will take advantage of this source-instruction pair relationship and optimize the instructions function by function.

Input Format

Compiling Source: FunctionBody


// A wrapper around the signature and bytes of a function.
struct FunctionBody {
  const FunctionSig* sig;  // function signature
  uint32_t offset;         // offset in the module bytes, for error reporting
  const byte* start;       // start of the function body
  const byte* end;         // end of the function body

  FunctionBody(const FunctionSig* sig, uint32_t offset, const byte* start,
               const byte* end)
      : sig(sig), offset(offset), start(start), end(end) {}

A higher viewpoint: WasmFunction


// Reference to a string in the wire bytes.
class WireBytesRef {
  WireBytesRef() : WireBytesRef(0, 0) {}
  WireBytesRef(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
      : offset_(offset), length_(length) {
    DCHECK_IMPLIES(offset_ == 0, length_ == 0);
    DCHECK_LE(offset_, offset_ + length_);  // no uint32_t overflow.

  uint32_t offset() const { return offset_; }
  uint32_t length() const { return length_; }
  uint32_t end_offset() const { return offset_ + length_; }
  bool is_empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
  bool is_set() const { return offset_ != 0; }

  uint32_t offset_;
  uint32_t length_;

// Static representation of a wasm function.
struct WasmFunction {
  const FunctionSig* sig;  // signature of the function.
  uint32_t func_index;     // index into the function table.
  uint32_t sig_index;      // index into the signature table.
  WireBytesRef code;       // code of this function.
  bool imported;
  bool exported;
  bool declared;

Memory Allocation: Zone


// The Zone supports very fast allocation of small chunks of
// memory. The chunks cannot be deallocated individually, but instead
// the Zone supports deallocating all chunks in one fast
// operation. The Zone is used to hold temporary data structures like
// the abstract syntax tree, which is deallocated after compilation.
// Note: There is no need to initialize the Zone; the first time an
// allocation is attempted, a segment of memory will be requested
// through the allocator.
// Note: The implementation is inherently not thread safe. Do not use
// from multi-threaded code.

Wasm OpCode


/// a lot of wasm instructions are defined in this file using macros.
  V(I32Add, uint32_t, +)        \
  V(I32Sub, uint32_t, -)        \
  V(I32Mul, uint32_t, *)        \
// ...

enum WasmOpcode {
// Declare expression opcodes.
#define DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM(name, opcode, sig) kExpr##name = opcode,
#define DECLARE_PREFIX(name, opcode) k##name##Prefix = opcode,
// ...

// A collection of opcode-related static methods.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE WasmOpcodes {
  static constexpr const char* OpcodeName(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr const FunctionSig* Signature(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr const FunctionSig* AsmjsSignature(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsPrefixOpcode(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsControlOpcode(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsExternRefOpcode(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsThrowingOpcode(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsSimdPostMvpOpcode(WasmOpcode);
  // Check whether the given opcode always jumps, i.e. all instructions after
  // this one in the current block are dead. Returns false for |end|.
  static constexpr bool IsUnconditionalJump(WasmOpcode);
  static constexpr bool IsBreakable(WasmOpcode);

  static constexpr MessageTemplate TrapReasonToMessageId(TrapReason);
  static inline const char* TrapReasonMessage(TrapReason);

Decoder: WasmFullDecoder


graph TD;
A(Decoder) --> B(WasmDecoder) --> C(WasmFullDecoder)

Liftoff Function Compiler


class WasmFullDecoder : public WasmDecoder<validate> {
  // ...

  void DecodeFunctionBody() {
    TRACE("wasm-decode %p...%p (module+%u, %d bytes)\n", this->start(),
          this->end(), this->pc_offset(),
          static_cast<int>(this->end() - this->start()));

    // Set up initial function block.
      Control* c = PushControl(kControlBlock);
      InitMerge(&c->start_merge, 0, [](uint32_t) -> Value { UNREACHABLE(); });
                [&](uint32_t i) {
                  return Value{this->pc_, this->sig_->GetReturn(i)};
      CALL_INTERFACE(StartFunctionBody, c);

    // Decode the function body.
    while (this->pc_ < this->end_) {
      // Most operations only grow the stack by at least one element (unary and
      // binary operations, local.get, constants, ...). Thus check that there is
      // enough space for those operations centrally, and avoid any bounds
      // checks in those operations.
      uint8_t first_byte = *this->pc_;
      WasmOpcode opcode = static_cast<WasmOpcode>(first_byte);
      /// The following call Decode and use platform-based instrs.
      CALL_INTERFACE_IF_REACHABLE(NextInstruction, opcode); 
      /// Iterate.
      OpcodeHandler handler = GetOpcodeHandler(first_byte);
      int len = (*handler)(this, opcode);
      this->pc_ += len;

    if (!VALIDATE(this->pc_ == this->end_)) {
      this->DecodeError("Beyond end of code");

  // ...



The following will decide whether to use Turbofan Compilation or Liftoff Compilation:


WasmCompilationResult WasmCompilationUnit::ExecuteFunctionCompilation(
    WasmEngine* wasm_engine, CompilationEnv* env,
    const std::shared_ptr<WireBytesStorage>& wire_bytes_storage,
    Counters* counters, WasmFeatures* detected);

A test for Liftoff Compilation:


class LiftoffCompileEnvironment {
  void CheckDeterministicCompilation(
      std::initializer_list<ValueType> return_types,
      std::initializer_list<ValueType> param_types,
      std::initializer_list<uint8_t> raw_function_bytes);

Wasm Code Manager


// Within the scope, the native_module is writable and not executable.
// At the scope's destruction, the native_module is executable and not writable.
// The states inside the scope and at the scope termination are irrespective of
// native_module's state when entering the scope.
// We currently mark the entire module's memory W^X:
//  - for AOT, that's as efficient as it can be.
//  - for Lazy, we don't have a heuristic for functions that may need patching,
//    and even if we did, the resulting set of pages may be fragmented.
//    Currently, we try and keep the number of syscalls low.
// -  similar argument for debug time.
class V8_NODISCARD NativeModuleModificationScope final {
  explicit NativeModuleModificationScope(NativeModule* native_module);

  NativeModule* native_module_;

// {WasmCodeRefScope}s form a perfect stack. New {WasmCode} pointers generated
// by e.g. creating new code or looking up code by its address are added to the
// top-most {WasmCodeRefScope}.
  WasmCodeRefScope(const WasmCodeRefScope&) = delete;
  WasmCodeRefScope& operator=(const WasmCodeRefScope&) = delete;

  // Register a {WasmCode} reference in the current {WasmCodeRefScope}. Fails if
  // there is no current scope.
  static void AddRef(WasmCode*);

  WasmCodeRefScope* const previous_scope_;
  std::unordered_set<WasmCode*> code_ptrs_;

// Similarly to a global handle, a {GlobalWasmCodeRef} stores a single
// ref-counted pointer to a {WasmCode} object.
class GlobalWasmCodeRef {
  explicit GlobalWasmCodeRef(WasmCode* code,
                             std::shared_ptr<NativeModule> native_module)
      : code_(code), native_module_(std::move(native_module)) {

  GlobalWasmCodeRef(const GlobalWasmCodeRef&) = delete;
  GlobalWasmCodeRef& operator=(const GlobalWasmCodeRef&) = delete;

  ~GlobalWasmCodeRef() { WasmCode::DecrementRefCount({&code_, 1}); }

  // Get a pointer to the contained {WasmCode} object. This is only guaranteed
  // to exist as long as this {GlobalWasmCodeRef} exists.
  WasmCode* code() const { return code_; }

  WasmCode* const code_;
  // Also keep the {NativeModule} alive.
  const std::shared_ptr<NativeModule> native_module_;


What does .cc stand for?

What's the use of a constructor in a well-formed struct? e.g. FunctionBody

Why are the