Color scheme: Catppuccin
Terminal: Kitty
More Catppuccined things:
yay -S --needed dunst kitty nitrogen playerctl rofi slop wmctrl python3 playerctl dbus-python xprop adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts i3lock-color nerd-fonts-complete picom-pijulius-git polybar ttf-material-design-icons-extended
Keybind | Function |
Super + Return |
Open Kitty terminal |
Super + D |
Open Rofi launcher |
Super + Shift + Q |
Close window |
Super + 1-9 |
Switch to workspace (1-9) |
Super + Shift + 1-9 |
Move window to workspace (1-9) |
Super + Tab |
Switch to last active workspace |
Super + Shift + R |
Restart i3 |
Super + h,j,k,l |
Navigate through windows |
Super + Shift + h,j,k,l |
Move window |
Super + R |
Resize window using h,j,k,l |
Super + V |
Open next window vertically |
Super + C |
Open next window horizontally |
Super + Q |
Toggle floating mode |
Super + F |
Toggle maximize window |
Super + Shift + F |
Toggle fullscreen window |
Forked configs / Inspired from: