All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
4.46.0 (2025-02-20)
- add annotation for tests reports (7199e80)
- add composite action for Xamarin build (179e633)
- add general xamarin build workflow (76750e1)
- change test report action (6234a90)
- correct bad Github implementation (d958f4b)
- correct path for composite action (6191310)
- disable workflow files for Release Please (6e229ae)
- replace checkout action (e877e03)
- add condition for publish step (ca854ad)
- add option to nuget pack cmd (fe81d12)
- defautl var for convenience (916e5c7)
- update input params (edec69b)
- update release please to watch yml file (a59367a)
- update test reporter version (f358230)
4.45.3 (2025-02-20)
- security-scan: add cache db (a5bd3fc)
4.45.2 (2025-02-20)
- build-image: GH Token syntax (9652852)
4.45.1 (2025-02-20)
- terraform: secret (12fab60)
4.45.0 (2025-02-19)
- add image security scan to build image docker ci (ab0409c)
- init hadolint in Build Image workflow (02acdb4)
- init slack notif workflow (40b6ac6)
- slack: add a workflow about github status (8894111)
- dns-resolution: replace retry step with check dns resolution before starting (f18ebba)
- organization readme image (0283919)
- slack notif versionning issue (49b84af)
- add documentation for all workflows (ae4fda6)
- delete useless workflows (8f1b85d)
- dns: improve dns resolution for build-image workflow (6b93a95)
- docs: delete useless information on slack gha status doc (2d4ed9f)
4.44.1 (2025-01-31)
- argocd: add timeout (7961edc)
4.44.0 (2025-01-31)
- argocd: prune when sync (5c2b4cc)
4.43.4 (2025-01-31)
- k8s: add echo of kube enabled var (877200a)
4.43.3 (2025-01-31)
- k8s: kube enable condition (ad4be0b)
4.43.2 (2025-01-31)
- dns_issue: check domain and not url with nslookup (9de290c)
4.43.1 (2025-01-31)
- dns_issue: increase dns resolution test to avoid issue (ecff659)
4.43.0 (2025-01-31)
- kube: create two new workflow to handle Kube in some environment but not other (4cca859)
4.42.0 (2025-01-29)
- terraform: load argocd token from vault (6881d49)
4.41.2 (2025-01-29)
- argocd: simplify Vault retry sync workflow (583ba2c)
4.41.1 (2025-01-29)
- argocd: missing vault id token permission in sync workflow (b1ad76e)
4.41.0 (2025-01-28)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- Add dedicated workflow to run pytest unit tests with coverage and test report (ca6cee0)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add hadolint report to PR comment (bbfaed3)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- build-image: migrate to Github dynamic vault engine (f837c5a)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- dotnet: build workflow - push to github package (281aa1c)
- dotnet: create build workflow (82848a8)
- dotnet: create publish workflow (e67a05d)
- dotnet: publish to public nuget registry option (908bf1a)
- infracost: init workflow (ded1355)
- init argocd workflows (3ccbfbd)
- realease-please: allow target branch specification (84ef417)
- release-please: add output for version number (ad11e86)
- release-please: add output var for release created or not (7027d1a)
- release-please: customize config and manifest file (4219510)
- release-please: customize release type (4977712)
- release-please: make conditionnal major and minor tags (c51e46e)
- terraform-infracost: add tfvars to trigger infracost pipeline (4c38180)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- (release-please): wrong step order to use config file (017b1fa)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- argocd typo (cf68ccc)
- argocd typo (cc19ea4)
- argocd: use homebrew to install cli (c1a6759)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- categories of template workflow (3371390)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- dotnet: dotnet pack command without suffix failed (d7dc944)
- dotnet: dotnet pack command without suffix failed (846b02e)
- emergency: increase retry and timeout. Pray for this 🙏 (c546fb9)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- hadolint severity level and report trigger (fa32491)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing argocd token env var (4802f67)
- missing argocd token secret var (42c8f87)
- missing argocd token secret var (00ac8f6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- naming of template workflow (40456ae)
- release-please: add output for version number (c8c82c0)
- release-please: add output for version number (1d2b138)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition (bec703b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 2 (e99f4b0)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 3 (9f76492)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 4 (601b27b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 5 (58fd0e9)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 6 (526c641)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default (6c68bf4)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default part 2 (bfad19d)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow (6e19306)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 2 (a0cee5a)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 3 (1b2c126)
- release-please: manifest default filename (3d8018b)
- run-pytest: Allow to fetch built docker image from (a26d453)
- run-pytest: Another try (0158857)
- run-pytest: Do not publish PR comment when build is not triggered from a PR (00316ed)
- run-pytest: Do not use 'github.event.workflow_run.event' which seems never triggered (7d97719)
- run-pytest: Make the code and the .coverage file accessible in the current workdir (e85b324)
- run-pytest: Provide the correct path to .coverage file (af57365)
- run-pytest: Remove unecessary input 'run_command' (1ca9210)
- run-pytest: setup python-coverage-comment-action coverage path (bb87d10)
- run-pytest: share code coverage result file between the docker container and the ci host machine (7440a9a)
- set trigger for pr comment (61333f3)
- switch folder of template workflow properties (39d8006)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- template-workflow: typo in extension file name (81dbebd)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
- terraform: extra step (b51c3f5)
- terraform: inverse validate and workspace step in CI to avoid some resolution issue (5d22723)
- terraform: issue when workspace doesn't exist (fb024ca)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
- add Cache to APK build workflow (e70ec7d)
- add capability to log to default ecr registry (99c3b9a)
- add CODEOWNERS file (7cc5646)
- add env input to publish bundle workflow (8ba08b0)
- add env input to publish s3 workflow (e7d4d3f)
- Add renovate conf (ba99a03)
- autorelease .github repo (99a4b43)
- config: migrate config renovate.json (4e900fa)
- deps: bump anchore/scan-action from 3 to 4 (79cad7b)
- deps: bump aws-actions/aws-secretsmanager-get-secrets from 1 to 2 (0393950)
- deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 (6f96c62)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (d774e0e)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 (35d13ca)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 2 (f59417c)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 2 to 3 (3937ec8)
- deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (13333b3)
- deps: update actions/github-script action to v7 (6d449af)
- deps: update anchore/scan-action action to v5 (8da2d6d)
- deps: update anchore/scan-action action to v6 (39a7708)
- deps: update tailscale/github-action action to v3 (cb1e041)
- deps: update zerogachis/soti-action-uploader action to v2 (876dce0)
- dotnet: allow to customize env name for publish workflow (a80fef7)
- dotnet: useless package-to-upload var (e40362a)
- get last version of buildx (fb5afc4)
- handle multiple regions for terraform backend and aws secrets default (ebae53b)
- increase sleep time for vault dns issue (8ba01f1)
- init catalog-info.yaml (396111f)
- main: release 4.25.0 (f551ee6)
- main: release 4.26.0 (2d9d817)
- main: release 4.26.1 (5320ec1)
- main: release 4.26.2 (1314ea4)
- main: release 4.27.0 (5476192)
- main: release 4.27.1 (898765e)
- main: release 4.27.2 (d31f7b4)
- main: release 4.27.3 (dcff331)
- main: release 4.28.0 (c729f17)
- main: release 4.29.0 (829ce38)
- main: release 4.29.1 (f74417f)
- main: release 4.30.0 (6055b74)
- main: release 4.31.0 (42ae178)
- main: release 4.31.1 (48c3c52)
- main: release 4.31.10 (7e9387b)
- main: release 4.31.2 (a484213)
- main: release 4.31.3 (7e9ce0f)
- main: release 4.31.4 (c014951)
- main: release 4.31.5 (3f0775e)
- main: release 4.31.6 (fc808d0)
- main: release 4.31.7 (a45f123)
- main: release 4.31.8 (1a5d4e4)
- main: release 4.31.9 (ac5f645)
- main: release 4.32.0 (428bc5e)
- main: release 4.33.0 (373f802)
- main: release 4.33.1 (2454c71)
- main: release 4.33.2 (9d47a90)
- main: release 4.34.0 (479907d)
- main: release 4.34.1 (876c372)
- main: release 4.34.2 (91644fe)
- main: release 4.34.3 (8629233)
- main: release 4.34.4 (0247556)
- main: release 4.35.0 (87ef67a)
- main: release 4.35.1 (a64f5be)
- main: release 4.36.0 (725b588)
- main: release 4.36.1 (c7bd448)
- main: release 4.36.10 (f405e3e)
- main: release 4.36.11 (2a877f2)
- main: release 4.36.2 (26b0979)
- main: release 4.36.3 (336608d)
- main: release 4.36.4 (54c7d06)
- main: release 4.36.5 (f824d3c)
- main: release 4.36.6 (f32a97a)
- main: release 4.36.7 (6a4cd29)
- main: release 4.36.8 (6a16072)
- main: release 4.36.9 (063de85)
- main: release 4.37.0 (476faef)
- main: release 4.37.1 (14fc5a0)
- main: release 4.38.0 (cf28276)
- main: release 4.38.1 (d9932cc)
- main: release 4.38.2 (fa3b592)
- main: release 4.38.3 (884d90d)
- main: release 4.39.0 (4f7a9aa)
- main: release 4.39.1 (50ed905)
- main: release 4.39.2 (7a9c22a)
- main: release 4.39.3 (1b672a5)
- main: release 4.40.0 (ed555a2)
- main: release 4.40.1 (d2c1454)
- main: release 4.40.2 (fb9054a)
- main: release 4.40.3 (718d084)
- main: release 4.40.4 (a0a6f77)
- main: release 4.40.5 (e22e64a)
- main: release 4.40.6 (6e7bc8b)
- main: release 4.40.7 (781d3ef)
- main: release 4.40.8 (c5292d6)
- migrate Release system to ReleasePlease (473dd97)
- only display failed tests (16150ba)
- remove dependabot conf (c8da77f)
- rename create apk workflow (13372b1)
- rename VAULT_URL to be compliant with terraform vault provider (ed8f9d7)
- store argocd token into vault (a3ac3d5)
- terraform - add aditional_aws_secrets (e746c7a)
- Update CI smartapp to respect distributed arch (b4a7685)
- update CODEOWNERS (24501b8)
- update CODEOWNERS file (114da92)
- update name of containerstructure test workflow (b51ba82)
- update release please conf (93235c4)
- update test-reporter action (ec8c133)
- update vault action to avoid EAI_ADDR issue (783be2b)
- Upgrade postgresql image from 12 to 16 (feafa1f)
- Upgrade upload-artifact action to v4 (74d561a)
- Upgrade Vault to V3 (4a51184)
- remove redondant code in create-gotoprod-pr workflow (3807ea3)
4.40.8 (2025-01-27)
- store argocd token into vault (a3ac3d5)
4.40.7 (2025-01-17)
- argocd typo (cf68ccc)
4.40.6 (2025-01-17)
- argocd typo (cc19ea4)
4.40.5 (2025-01-17)
- argocd: use homebrew to install cli (c1a6759)
4.40.4 (2025-01-16)
- missing argocd token secret var (42c8f87)
4.40.3 (2025-01-16)
- missing argocd token secret var (00ac8f6)
4.40.2 (2025-01-16)
- missing argocd token env var (4802f67)
4.40.1 (2025-01-16)
- terraform: issue when workspace doesn't exist (fb024ca)
4.40.0 (2025-01-16)
- init argocd workflows (3ccbfbd)
4.39.3 (2024-12-23)
- deps: update anchore/scan-action action to v6 (39a7708)
- rename VAULT_URL to be compliant with terraform vault provider (ed8f9d7)
4.39.2 (2024-12-20)
- deps: update tailscale/github-action action to v3 (cb1e041)
4.39.1 (2024-12-16)
- emergency: increase retry and timeout. Pray for this 🙏 (c546fb9)
4.39.0 (2024-11-20)
- realease-please: allow target branch specification (84ef417)
4.38.3 (2024-11-14)
- dotnet: dotnet pack command without suffix failed (d7dc944)
4.38.2 (2024-11-14)
- dotnet: dotnet pack command without suffix failed (846b02e)
4.38.1 (2024-11-14)
- dotnet: useless package-to-upload var (e40362a)
4.38.0 (2024-11-14)
- dotnet: build workflow - push to github package (281aa1c)
- dotnet: create build workflow (82848a8)
- dotnet: create publish workflow (e67a05d)
- dotnet: publish to public nuget registry option (908bf1a)
- dotnet: allow to customize env name for publish workflow (a80fef7)
4.37.1 (2024-11-13)
- release-please: add output for version number (c8c82c0)
- release-please: add output for version number (1d2b138)
4.37.0 (2024-11-13)
- release-please: add output for version number (ad11e86)
4.36.11 (2024-11-12)
- terraform: inverse validate and workspace step in CI to avoid some resolution issue (5d22723)
4.36.10 (2024-11-05)
- deps: update anchore/scan-action action to v5 (8da2d6d)
4.36.9 (2024-10-15)
- run-pytest: Do not use 'github.event.workflow_run.event' which seems never triggered (7d97719)
4.36.8 (2024-10-07)
- run-pytest: Do not publish PR comment when build is not triggered from a PR (00316ed)
4.36.7 (2024-10-01)
- run-pytest: Make the code and the .coverage file accessible in the current workdir (e85b324)
4.36.6 (2024-09-30)
- run-pytest: Another try (0158857)
4.36.5 (2024-09-30)
- run-pytest: Provide the correct path to .coverage file (af57365)
4.36.4 (2024-09-27)
- run-pytest: share code coverage result file between the docker container and the ci host machine (7440a9a)
4.36.3 (2024-09-27)
- run-pytest: setup python-coverage-comment-action coverage path (bb87d10)
4.36.2 (2024-09-27)
- run-pytest: Allow to fetch built docker image from (a26d453)
4.36.1 (2024-09-27)
- run-pytest: Remove unecessary input 'run_command' (1ca9210)
4.36.0 (2024-09-27)
- Add dedicated workflow to run pytest unit tests with coverage and test report (ca6cee0)
4.35.1 (2024-09-04)
- remove redondant code in create-gotoprod-pr workflow (3807ea3)
4.35.0 (2024-08-20)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add hadolint report to PR comment (bbfaed3)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- build-image: migrate to Github dynamic vault engine (f837c5a)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- infracost: init workflow (ded1355)
- release-please: add output var for release created or not (7027d1a)
- release-please: customize config and manifest file (4219510)
- release-please: customize release type (4977712)
- release-please: make conditionnal major and minor tags (c51e46e)
- terraform-infracost: add tfvars to trigger infracost pipeline (4c38180)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- (release-please): wrong step order to use config file (017b1fa)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- categories of template workflow (3371390)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- hadolint severity level and report trigger (fa32491)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- naming of template workflow (40456ae)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition (bec703b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 2 (e99f4b0)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 3 (9f76492)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 4 (601b27b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 5 (58fd0e9)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 6 (526c641)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default (6c68bf4)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default part 2 (bfad19d)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow (6e19306)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 2 (a0cee5a)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 3 (1b2c126)
- release-please: manifest default filename (3d8018b)
- set trigger for pr comment (61333f3)
- switch folder of template workflow properties (39d8006)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- template-workflow: typo in extension file name (81dbebd)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
- terraform: extra step (b51c3f5)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
- add Cache to APK build workflow (e70ec7d)
- add capability to log to default ecr registry (99c3b9a)
- add CODEOWNERS file (7cc5646)
- add env input to publish bundle workflow (8ba08b0)
- add env input to publish s3 workflow (e7d4d3f)
- Add renovate conf (ba99a03)
- autorelease .github repo (99a4b43)
- config: migrate config renovate.json (4e900fa)
- deps: bump anchore/scan-action from 3 to 4 (79cad7b)
- deps: bump aws-actions/aws-secretsmanager-get-secrets from 1 to 2 (0393950)
- deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 (6f96c62)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (d774e0e)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 (35d13ca)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 2 (f59417c)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 2 to 3 (3937ec8)
- deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (13333b3)
- deps: update actions/github-script action to v7 (6d449af)
- get last version of buildx (fb5afc4)
- handle multiple regions for terraform backend and aws secrets default (ebae53b)
- increase sleep time for vault dns issue (8ba01f1)
- init catalog-info.yaml (396111f)
- main: release 4.25.0 (f551ee6)
- main: release 4.26.0 (2d9d817)
- main: release 4.26.1 (5320ec1)
- main: release 4.26.2 (1314ea4)
- main: release 4.27.0 (5476192)
- main: release 4.27.1 (898765e)
- main: release 4.27.2 (d31f7b4)
- main: release 4.27.3 (dcff331)
- main: release 4.28.0 (c729f17)
- main: release 4.29.0 (829ce38)
- main: release 4.29.1 (f74417f)
- main: release 4.30.0 (6055b74)
- main: release 4.31.0 (42ae178)
- main: release 4.31.1 (48c3c52)
- main: release 4.31.10 (7e9387b)
- main: release 4.31.2 (a484213)
- main: release 4.31.3 (7e9ce0f)
- main: release 4.31.4 (c014951)
- main: release 4.31.5 (3f0775e)
- main: release 4.31.6 (fc808d0)
- main: release 4.31.7 (a45f123)
- main: release 4.31.8 (1a5d4e4)
- main: release 4.31.9 (ac5f645)
- main: release 4.32.0 (428bc5e)
- main: release 4.33.0 (373f802)
- main: release 4.33.1 (2454c71)
- main: release 4.33.2 (9d47a90)
- main: release 4.34.0 (479907d)
- main: release 4.34.1 (876c372)
- main: release 4.34.2 (91644fe)
- main: release 4.34.3 (8629233)
- main: release 4.34.4 (0247556)
- migrate Release system to ReleasePlease (473dd97)
- only display failed tests (16150ba)
- remove dependabot conf (c8da77f)
- rename create apk workflow (13372b1)
- terraform - add aditional_aws_secrets (e746c7a)
- Update CI smartapp to respect distributed arch (b4a7685)
- update CODEOWNERS (24501b8)
- update CODEOWNERS file (114da92)
- update name of containerstructure test workflow (b51ba82)
- update release please conf (93235c4)
- update test-reporter action (ec8c133)
- update vault action to avoid EAI_ADDR issue (783be2b)
- Upgrade postgresql image from 12 to 16 (feafa1f)
- Upgrade upload-artifact action to v4 (74d561a)
- Upgrade Vault to V3 (4a51184)
4.34.4 (2024-08-19)
- switch folder of template workflow properties (39d8006)
4.34.3 (2024-08-19)
- categories of template workflow (3371390)
4.34.2 (2024-08-19)
- naming of template workflow (40456ae)
4.34.1 (2024-08-19)
- template-workflow: typo in extension file name (81dbebd)
4.34.0 (2024-08-19)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add hadolint report to PR comment (bbfaed3)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- infracost: init workflow (ded1355)
- release-please: add output var for release created or not (7027d1a)
- release-please: customize config and manifest file (4219510)
- release-please: customize release type (4977712)
- release-please: make conditionnal major and minor tags (c51e46e)
- terraform-infracost: add tfvars to trigger infracost pipeline (4c38180)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- (release-please): wrong step order to use config file (017b1fa)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- hadolint severity level and report trigger (fa32491)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition (bec703b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 2 (e99f4b0)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 3 (9f76492)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 4 (601b27b)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 5 (58fd0e9)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 6 (526c641)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default (6c68bf4)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default part 2 (bfad19d)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow (6e19306)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 2 (a0cee5a)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 3 (1b2c126)
- release-please: manifest default filename (3d8018b)
- set trigger for pr comment (61333f3)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
- terraform: extra step (b51c3f5)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
- add Cache to APK build workflow (e70ec7d)
- add capability to log to default ecr registry (99c3b9a)
- add CODEOWNERS file (7cc5646)
- add env input to publish bundle workflow (8ba08b0)
- add env input to publish s3 workflow (e7d4d3f)
- Add renovate conf (ba99a03)
- autorelease .github repo (99a4b43)
- config: migrate config renovate.json (4e900fa)
- deps: bump anchore/scan-action from 3 to 4 (79cad7b)
- deps: bump aws-actions/aws-secretsmanager-get-secrets from 1 to 2 (0393950)
- deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 5 to 6 (6f96c62)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 (d774e0e)
- deps: bump dorny/test-reporter from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 (35d13ca)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 2 (f59417c)
- deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 2 to 3 (3937ec8)
- deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (13333b3)
- deps: update actions/github-script action to v7 (6d449af)
- get last version of buildx (fb5afc4)
- handle multiple regions for terraform backend and aws secrets default (ebae53b)
- increase sleep time for vault dns issue (8ba01f1)
- init catalog-info.yaml (396111f)
- main: release 4.25.0 (f551ee6)
- main: release 4.26.0 (2d9d817)
- main: release 4.26.1 (5320ec1)
- main: release 4.26.2 (1314ea4)
- main: release 4.27.0 (5476192)
- main: release 4.27.1 (898765e)
- main: release 4.27.2 (d31f7b4)
- main: release 4.27.3 (dcff331)
- main: release 4.28.0 (c729f17)
- main: release 4.29.0 (829ce38)
- main: release 4.29.1 (f74417f)
- main: release 4.30.0 (6055b74)
- main: release 4.31.0 (42ae178)
- main: release 4.31.1 (48c3c52)
- main: release 4.31.10 (7e9387b)
- main: release 4.31.2 (a484213)
- main: release 4.31.3 (7e9ce0f)
- main: release 4.31.4 (c014951)
- main: release 4.31.5 (3f0775e)
- main: release 4.31.6 (fc808d0)
- main: release 4.31.7 (a45f123)
- main: release 4.31.8 (1a5d4e4)
- main: release 4.31.9 (ac5f645)
- main: release 4.32.0 (428bc5e)
- main: release 4.33.0 (373f802)
- main: release 4.33.1 (2454c71)
- main: release 4.33.2 (9d47a90)
- migrate Release system to ReleasePlease (473dd97)
- only display failed tests (16150ba)
- remove dependabot conf (c8da77f)
- rename create apk workflow (13372b1)
- terraform - add aditional_aws_secrets (e746c7a)
- Update CI smartapp to respect distributed arch (b4a7685)
- update CODEOWNERS (24501b8)
- update CODEOWNERS file (114da92)
- update name of containerstructure test workflow (b51ba82)
- update release please conf (93235c4)
- update test-reporter action (ec8c133)
- update vault action to avoid EAI_ADDR issue (783be2b)
- Upgrade postgresql image from 12 to 16 (feafa1f)
- Upgrade upload-artifact action to v4 (74d561a)
- Upgrade Vault to V3 (4a51184)
4.33.2 (2024-08-14)
- hadolint severity level and report trigger (fa32491)
4.33.1 (2024-08-14)
- set trigger for pr comment (61333f3)
4.33.0 (2024-08-14)
- add hadolint report to PR comment (bbfaed3)
4.32.0 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: add output var for release created or not (7027d1a)
4.31.10 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 6 (526c641)
4.31.9 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 5 (58fd0e9)
4.31.8 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 4 (601b27b)
4.31.7 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 3 (9f76492)
4.31.6 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition 2 (e99f4b0)
4.31.5 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: creation of major tag condition (bec703b)
- update release please conf (93235c4)
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog:
4.31.2 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: don't set terraform_module by default (6c68bf4)
4.31.1 (2024-08-07)
- (release-please): wrong step order to use config file (017b1fa)
4.31.0 (2024-08-07)
- release-please: customize config and manifest file (4219510)
4.30.0 (2024-08-07)
- terraform-infracost: add tfvars to trigger infracost pipeline (4c38180)
4.29.1 (2024-08-06)
- terraform: extra step (b51c3f5)
4.29.0 (2024-08-06)
- infracost: init workflow (ded1355)
4.28.0 (2024-07-31)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- release-please: customize release type (4977712)
- release-please: make conditionnal major and minor tags (c51e46e)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow (6e19306)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 2 (a0cee5a)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 3 (1b2c126)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
4.27.3 (2024-07-31)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 3 (1b2c126)
4.27.2 (2024-07-31)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow 2 (a0cee5a)
4.27.1 (2024-07-31)
- release-please: fix boolean interpretation inside github workflow (6e19306)
4.27.0 (2024-07-31)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- release-please: make conditionnal major and minor tags (c51e46e)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
4.26.2 (2024-07-24)
- terraform: condition for login to private github org (9118e67)
4.26.1 (2024-07-24)
- terrafom: syntax issue when input/vault_secrets is not empty (86268d8)
4.26.0 (2024-07-24)
- Add auto definition of ECR url (b6d454b)
- add build args for aws login to docker build workflow (64d27eb)
- add capability to build from private ECR base image (48c5d9e)
- add capability to customize ecr repo name (ddd2ddb)
- add capability to handle other tag into push ecr workflow (dc6fb64)
- Add CodePush serverUrl option to use OTA proxy (9b13631)
- Add Configure AWS Credentials optionnal step (d71fa65)
- Add Container Structure Tests workflow (5a6b755)
- add Dockerfile linter workflow (8472cf3)
- add github release notes workflow (5a55469)
- add latest tag to ECR (521b2a9)
- add python publish workflow (1e67086)
- add security scan image with Anchore (1b8a4eb)
- Allow passing a docker target (ede6578)
- avoid some step in build apk in case of PR (72168bd)
- disable Vault usage on ECR Push image flow (4585ef6)
- handle multiple aws region (17cf4bb)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- terraform: use dynamic token github generation with vault (e0d4c5b)
- Add missing permission to publish report (5dd1e53)
- add output for push ecr (03ae984)
- build failed when vault is disable (79605a9)
- build image aws only readonly (b51c996)
- build image workflow - add domain owner (7be8d66)
- build workflow - enable aws creds outputs vars (00418e3)
- build x temp version (1d5bd19)
- catalog info (f89940d)
- catalog-info yaml (214b2d4)
- codepush ci (c934195)
- create APK if condition issue (73a9ae1)
- delete test-report hadolint (529e19b)
- disable auto latest label (2b0cd1e)
- github secret variable interpolation (a77f150)
- increase delay and retry count (950aca7)
- linter report file issue (7cde3a6)
- missing docker tag command (b30b90e)
- syntax issue on create apk artifact workflow (9202fec)
- Temporary fix BuildX version (1e0af30)
- terraform workflows - duplicate bucket variable (5234e47)
- variabilize bucket for keystore (755d585)
- vault action retry to avoid dns issue (47d2708)
- vault url not required anymore (0b47629)
- vault url required 2 (9d05375)
4.25.0 (2024-07-23)
- terraform: login to github to use private module hosted in ouy org (7566198)
- Init Github Action template for Terraform and Docker steps
- Variabilize repo for ECR push github template
- Create template workflow to run docker command and upload artifact
- Add capability to enable test report to docker workflows
- Add capability to disable github checkout for docker workflows
- Test Report actions issue with git repository
- Test Report actions issue with git repository - workdir
- Terraform summary issue in some usecase
- Use legacy Test report plugin to disable git ls command
- Use Hashicorp Vault to store AWS secret for Terraform workflow
- Add Terraform substep name input
- Add working dir in terraform workflow
- Add Vault secrets handle to all workflows
- Generic new workflows : Run python command and Run aws command
- Simplify Terraform workflow (AWS Key as Env variable)
- Dependabot bump versions
- Terraform status
- Vault custom secret for Docker upload artifact workflow
- Customize capability for terraform parallelism
- Tailscale v1 to v2
- AWS auth change, be careful to declare all needed vars as inputs or envs vars to use this version
- Github OIDC auth for AWS and multiaccount
- Support for multi account on Datadog and AWS
- Terraform workflow have capabity to work on subdirectory
- Terraform workflow - Variabilize AWS Secrets to be override
- Terraform backend configuration customization
- Vault custom secret for Datadog client API key entry for Vault