Merge of PR #62 via @ZeadenBeake -- adds support for multiple TTT2 roles.
TTT2 Role support: Sheriff
TTT2 Role support: Deputy
TTT2 Role support: Drunk
A small patch has been released.
- #60: Fix bots unable to use doors in TTT2, via @ZeadenBeake
- Updated names list to include issue submitter @ZeadenBeake (#60)
A major feature overhaul, focused on fixing major bugs and adding some useful QOL features.
Next up will likely be the Traitor rework, but before then will be a patch to debloat the main repo. I.e., separate TTT Bots 2 maps into another repo.
TTT2 Bots will show their avatars in the top-right when their corpse is revealed. (#41) ^ Note: this is a little inconsistent, but AFAIK it's the best I will do for now.
TTT2 Role suppport for Bodyguard (#37)
Added concommand
to utilize Navmesh Optimizer for quick navmesh generation. -
behavior to main bot classes. This behavior will make bots without thelovesCrowds
attribute (most bots) try to find less populated areas when they feel too crowded. -
behavior to fix issues plaguing the oldFindWeapon
behavior. This makes bots seek out weapons more intelligently. -
Added @EntranceJew's (the 1st other contributor of this repo) username to Community name pool :)
Added some name suggestions from discussion #47 into the community name pool.
Dramatically increased time interval between the Interaction behavior and the crowbar minge behavior. This should prevent the bots from grouping up too much.
timer interval for optimization. -
Increased follow distance target so that bots following another player don't keep bumping into them (as much)
Improved bot movement precision by reducing the pathfinding node 'complete' threshold.
Bot avatar system no longer needs to sync with server, reducing bandwidth usage and increasing consitency.
Overhauled bot brain functionality to prevent potential (rare) bugs, mostly related to bots doing nothing
Removed concommand
, as it was outdated. -
No more difficulty-specific bot profile pictures due to unmaintainabiltiy
Removed old
behavior due to a number of headaches it caused.
Lua error caused by quota trying to kick an uninitialized bot. Oops!
Lua error related to plymeta:GetDifficulty
Lua error related to fetching the BotLocomotor in one of the timers
Fixed caching issue in inventory component which prevented caching from actually working.
Fixed bots using the crowbar when they have ammo in the mag but none in the current mag.
Mostly mitigated the issue in #39 where traitor bots would stare through walls at their target. Bots will not look at where they think an enemy is for more than 4 seconds.
Bots will forget about their targets once they die, to prevent other behaviors from errantly being skipped (rare bug)
Fixed InvestigateNoise behavior not including name/description metadata
Fixed a funny bug where bots would congregate around health stations like a campfire. This was because they mistook the healing sound for gunshots.
concommand to render a bot's latest behavior underneath them. -
in RoleData to allow the Role definitions to understand ifPlayer:GetTeam()
can be used to test if two players are allied. Defaults to false; specifically useful for T roles.
Very small bugfix.
- A rare bug when a bot leaves could cause an issue with the silly chat system.
This version brings mostly nominal changes. I.e., mostly chore tasks which do not effect gameplay. This is to overcome some technical debt and drastically increase long-term maintainability using LuaLS annotations.
This means more features can be developed quicker. The next actual version will likely be a feature release.
This build will probably not be going to steam due to it having minimal gameplay changes.
Cache WeaponInfo class to prevent unnecessary computation.
Traitor aggression now properly considers the bot's current rage level.
Added a large number of class definitions and improved commenting across the entire codebase.
There are no longer linting errors present using LuaLS. Which is saying a lot, as there were probably a hundred or so before these changes.
for consistency. -
BStatus is now a public enum, and can be found by querying the TTTBots global for the STATUS field (
) -
Removed deprecated Follow.GetVisibleNavs function
Removed deprecated Follow.GetRandomVisiblePointOnNavmeshTo function. (Holy, that was a long name)
lib.GetComp is now obsolete. Use
instead. (e.g.,Player:BotLocomotor
) -
Added hook "TTTBotJoined" which is called AFTER full bot initialization. sv_miscnetwork now depends on this hook.
Bots will sometimes nod, shake their head, and look players up and down when approached.
Bots care about personal space and will get upset if you stay too close for too long. Builds some suspicion every 5 seconds if you're too close.
TTT2 Survivalist support. Survivalist bots will buy same (default) store items as if they were a detective.
Bots can purchase UMP prototype and utilize it properly.
TTT2 Bots can use defibs to revive their allies. This addon is required for this to happen.
Bots can push you away with crowbars if you get too close. Some bots will do this much more often than others.
Bots will avoid ladders with people on them, assuming there is another reasonable route available
Bots will back away from people that are trying to melee them
Bots will reload outside of combat more often, and reload when they can't see their enemy.
Bots will be less likely to target the head or strafe on lower difficulties.
Placed cvars on shared realm, so clients can see them.
Rebalanced bot inventory management. Bots will prioritize special weapons (e.g. UMP prototype) over normal weapons.
Overall bot accuracy rebalance:
- Worse accuracy when the bot is moving.
- Worse accuracy when their target is moving.
- Worse accuracy when the bot or its target is in smoke.
- Better accuracy when the bot is stationary.
- Better accuracy when shoothing stationary targets.
- Focus system like CSGO bots, where they will increase in shooting accuracy when shooting at the same target over time. Affected heavily by personality.
Decreased time between quote management updates (2.5s -> 1s)
TTT2 Improved behavior consistency between custom roles by unifying behavior trees (i.e., clumped together common sequences into priority nodes)
Bots won't be repelled from one another when at a health station
Retrying bug that threw errors on SRCDS servers. (#34)
Bots trying to break unbreakable obstructions. (#33)
Bot inaccuracy not correctly scaling over distances. It was hard-capped to a lower value than it should be.
Sending too many net msgs to syncronize bot avatars. (reported per @EntranceJew)
Bots will place their crosshair closer to the stomach when they lose sight of their enemy.
No longer EthicalNotify if there are no bots in the game.
Bots with a melee will no longer slow themselves down by stafing while approaching.
TTT2 Jackal will start fights to prevent stalling rounds.
This is a more technical explanation of the changes in this version, and contains useful change info for developers.
Refactored locomotor-related code to be neater and use Player:BotLocomotor instead of grabbing bot.components.locomotor every time.
Reworked the behavior tree for modularity and consistency. You can nest priority nodes (tables sorted by numbers) inside of other priority nodes, allowing behaviors to be neatly grouped together. This improves consistency between role behaviors.
Buyables now test for mod presence before attempting to buy a weapon. There is also the option to define if a weapon is TTT2 specific, but this is optional.
Added easier support for setting temporary variables in the Memory component.
Locomotor now supports +attack2 for right click actions.