- Moved all source files to src directory
- Moved .h files to inc directory
- Updated Makefile to compile all files to objects first
- Allows for quicker compilation
- Added bell when incorrect number is written
- Hide cursor when appropriate
- Added framework for settings
- Will allow for future usage of settings
- Optimized terminal clearing
- Finally fixed bug where compilation didn't work on MacOS
- Added .gitignore to repository
- Removed .gitignore from personal .gitignore
- Updated --help flag
- Added new compilation flags for more comprehensive warnings
- Fixed bug where compilation wasn't working on MacOS
- program now compiles with c++17 rather than older versions that don't support enum classes
- Updated seeding algorithm
- New seed is generated each time a game is played
- Seed is available to see during a game
- Fixed compilation warnings
- Fixed bug where pregenerated board squares are deletable
- Fixed bug where screen clearing removes terminal history
- Added option to change difficulty in main menu
- Added ability to focus on square
- Added ability to notate squares
- Added minimap that shows affected squares
- Added data on vertical, horizontal, and subgrid numbers filled
- Added ability to remove and add numbers
- Added ability to move around subgrid during focus
- Added ability to quit game
- Added timing to game
- Fixed bug where version isn't displayed correctly
- Standardized all errors to ask for enter to continue
- Added ability for board to determine when game is over
- Reduced difficulty of difficulties
- Updated README
- Fixed bug where incorrect squares stay incorrect
- Fixed bug where number being hovered over is hidden
- And how you play it
- Added functionality to traverse a board
- Added functionality to catch if a board square is invalid
- It's all about control
- By using the seed command, you can now consistently generate the same game each time
- Default is a seed based on the current time
- And if you can take it
- Rather than "Press Enter to continue", you can now press any key
- Pressed key doesn't show up on terminal
- It's all about the debt
- Updated --help flag
- Updated Readme
- And who's gonna pay it
- Added difficulty, seed, and version options to main menu
- It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it
- Fixed issue with makefile taking an excrutiating amount of time to compile
- Added Generate feature
- Added options for difficulty when generating board
- Added some colors to distinguish between "given" and "solved" squares when solving a board
- Updated --help flag
- Updated Readme
- Fixed bug where ./sudoku -s <
> clears terminal
- Added Menu
- Added implementation to solve given boards