Fortran astrodynamics module for trajectory design
gfortran linalg.f90 orbitalelements.f90
or specifying the output executable name:
gfortran -o orbel linalg.f90 orbitalelements.f90
then executing:
Prepare the module for python with
f2py -c linalg.90 orbitalelements.f90 -m orbel
python -m numpy.f2py -c linalg.f90 orbitalelements.f90 -m orbel
then use in Python:
import orbel
state = [1.0 ,0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
mu = 1.0
kepelts = orbel.orbitalelements.state2kepelts(state, mu)
Compile via
gfortran linalg.f90 orbitalelements.f90 keplerder.f90 -o -shared -fPIC
then use with Julia:
state1 = [Float64(0.0), Float64(0.0), Float64(0.0),
Float64(0.0), Float64(0.0), Float64(0.0)]
mu = Float64(1.0)
state0 = [Float64(1.01), Float64(0.0), Float64(0.2),
Float64(0.0), Float64(0.98), Float64(0.067)]
t0 = Float64(0.0)
t = Float64(3.14)
tol = Float64(1.e-14)
maxiter = Int32(10)
ccall((:propagate, "./"), Nothing,
(Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64},
Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Float64}, Ref{Int32}),
state1, mu, state0,
t0, t, tol, maxiter)
Note that when using Julia's ccall
for Fortran code, the return type should always be Nothing