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Request weather from in 10 lines of code.

10 行代码搞定彩云天气 API。

API v2.5 SPM Availble GitHub license Chinese Docs available




CaiyunWeather is a wrapper for weather service from, written in and availble for Swift.

Different from default JSON Serializer method, CaiyunWeather keeps all content as objects and mostly codable.

You can also define almost everything during your request and result handling.

CaiyunWeather supports decoding API-fetched data to weather content as CYResponse object, and encoding your CYResponse object to locally saved data.

Therefore, a built-in method of caching weather content is provided, which means you can cut down your remote API calls and save your costs!

Before you start

  1. You have to request a valid token from (Chinese) for yourself. Always keep your token secret and safe!
  2. You are highly recommended to firstly read the API documentation (Chinese) from


  • Swift 5.0 or later
  • Xcode 11 or later
  • iOS 10 or later / macOS 10.12 or later


Swift Package Manager

To install CaiyunWeather using the Swift Package Manager, add it as a dependency into your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

Quick starts

Use the code below to perform a request to and get the returned data decoded as CYResponse object:

import CaiyunWeather

let token: String = "your-token-here"

// the place's coordinate of which you want to request weather
let coordinate = CYCoordinate(latitude: 31.025785475418274, longitude: 121.4474754473953)

// declare an request
let request = CYRequest(token: token, coordinate: coordinate)

// request the data
request.perform { response, source, error in
    guard let response = response, error == nil else {
    // your subsequent actions for `CYResponse?` result ...

Making your API request

Altering API-related options of your request

All API-related options are defined in CYRequest.endpoint. Please read API documentation - API Request (Chinese) before choosing your request options.

All options are shown below:

Path of parameter Description Type Default value
CYRequest.endpoint.token Your valid API token. String! nil
CYRequest.endpoint.coordinate The place's coordinate you want to request weather of. CYCoordinate .defaultCoordinate as (0, 0)
CYRequest.endpoint.language The displaying language of the response. CYEndpoint.RequestLanguage .chineseSimplified
CYRequest.endpoint.measurementSystem The unit system of the response. CYEndpoint.MeasurementSystem (equal to CYUnit) .metric
CYRequest.endpoint.shouldIncludeAlerts Would you like to receive weather alerts in your response. Bool true
CYRequest.endpoint.hourlyLength How many hours would you like to receive hourly weather content. Int 48
CYRequest.endpoint.dailyLength How many days would you like to receive daily weather content. Int 5
CYRequest.endpoint.file The target file of the response. You are not recommended to change this parameter. String "weather.json"
CYRequest.endpoint.version API version. You are not recommended to change this parameter. String "v2.5"

To alter a parameter, initialize your CYRequest object (recommended with let statement), and use <path> = <value> to make changes. Or, you may define a CYEndpoint object and make your alternations, then pass it to CYRequest object by <yourCYRequestObject>.endpoint = <yourCYEndpointObject>.

Use CYRequest.endpoint.url to get the URL after your alternation if in need. Note it can be nil if your haven't passed in a token.

Working with CYCoordinate

CYCoordinate is a type alias for CLLocationCoordinate2D in Apple's CoreLocation Framework, with extensions conformed to Codable and Equatable for coding options. You may also initialize one with longitude and latitude. Use .defaultCoordinate to get a default CYCoordinate object as (0, 0).

To get user's location or a pin from map, please use CoreLocation or MapKit to get the coordinate.

Altering other options of your request

You may also redefine the data expiration, queue on which to perform actions or caching options if needed.

All options are shown below:

Path of parameter Description Type Default value
CYRequest.expiration How long the local data is valid. TimeInterval 5 * 60
CYRequest.queue On which queue to perform CYRequest actions. DispatchQueue .global(qos: .background)
CYRequest.localContentUrl Where to save API-returned cached data. URL .cachesDirectory

To alter a parameter, initialize your CYRequest object (recommended with let statement), and use <path> = <value> to make changes.

Locally cached files will be saved in CYRequest.localContentUrl with files named <longitude in %.4f>,<latitude in %.4f>. This cannot be changed currently.

Convenient initializers

If you don't have the above two requirements (just keep them as default), or you would prefer overwriting parameters after they are initialized, you may use convenient initializers to quickly start up with your request.

The three initializing statements below are equal:

let token: String = "your-token-here"
let coordinate = CYCoordinate(latitude: 31.025785475418274, longitude: 121.4474754473953)

let request = CYRequest(token: token, coordinate: coordinate)
let token: String = "your-token-here"
let coordinate = CYCoordinate(latitude: 31.025785475418274, longitude: 121.4474754473953)

let endpoint = CYEndpoint(token: token, coordinate: coordinate)

let request = CYRequest()
request.endpoint = endpoint
let token: String = "your-token-here"
let coordinate = CYCoordinate(latitude: 31.025785475418274, longitude: 121.4474754473953)

var endpoint = CYEndpoint()
endpoint.token = token
endpoint.coordinate = coordinate

let request = CYRequest()
request.endpoint = endpoint

Performing your request

You should perform your request to get weather contents, either from remote or local.

Before continuing, make sure you have finished your request initialization.

Automatically choosing target

Use CYRequest.perform(completionHandler: @escaping (CYResponse?, CYRequest.DataSource, Error?) -> Void) to perform your request by auto choosing target. That means, The local cached data will be fetched if the following 3 conditions are met:

  1. the local cached file exists with no decoding errors; and
  2. it is for the coordinate you are requiring (rounded to %.4f, about 100 meters in distance); and
  3. it is not expired.

Elsewise, a new data will be fetched from remote API and then cached.

CYRequest.DataSource as parameter for the completionHandler receives the target from which the data is fetched. .local means local cache, while .remote means remote API.

Explicitly choosing local or remote fetching

You may use CYRequest.perform(from dataSource: CYRequest.DataSource, completionHandler: @escaping (CYResponse?, CYRequest.DataSource, Error?) -> Void) if you want to perform your request towards an explicit target. Set dataSource to .local if you want to fatch data from local cache, or .remote from remote API.

Fetching Data without decoding to CYResponse object

You may use CYRequest.fetchData(from dataSource: CYRequest.DataSource, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) if you want to fatch data without decoding it to CYResponse object. This shall only be used for debugging and internal using.

Fetching Example Data

An example JSON file is included in this package for debugging use. Call CYRequest.fetchExampleData(completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) to get it.

The example JSON file is a response from API, at date of 2021-04-14 and coordinate of (112.8641, 35.4904), which is located in Jincheng, Shanxi, China.

Using native URLSession.dataTask to fetch data from remote

Not recommended. Note that dataTasks are internally wrapped into perform and fatchData, so you should mostly use them instead.

However, if you would prefer to hard-code your URL or you need to do so, the code below may help you.

let url = "your.valid.url/for/api/requests"

URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, urlResponse, error) in
    // deal with data ...

Decoding your data to CYResponse object

Content received by perform are ready-to-use and DO NOT need to decode. Skip this section and go ahead.

If you have your data ready (either fetched with fatchData, fetched with dataTask, or loaded from local cache), you may use CYRequest.decode(_ data: Data, completionHandler: @escaping (CYResponse?, CYError?) -> Void) to decode your data to CYResponse object.

Working with API response

Before continuing, you are highly recommended to read the API documentation (Chinese) to have a brief outline of the response content.

The default contents are very long, that means few people will use all of them. Therefore, you are very welcomed to define your own data model, with an adaptor from CYResponse.

Some instructions about content types and return types are as follows. You are encouraged to read them all together, but here's an alternation for you: just skip this section and continue, come back when you meet problems.

CYContent types

CYContent defines some common types for weather content, which are handy to reuse.

Physical types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYContent.Datetime1970Based time
CYContent.DatetimeServerType time
CYContent.LifeIndex<T> Life indices with optional properties of type T. ultraviolet, comfort, carWashing, coldRisk, dressing
CYContent.Wind speed, direction
CYContent.Wind.WindSpeed value, description
CYContent.Wind.WindDirection value, description
CYContent.AirQuality Optional properties. pm25, pm10, o3, so2, no2, co, aqi, description
CYContent.Phenomenon Enumeration. All cases defined in API documentation - Phenomenon Codes

Abstruct types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYContent.CountryRelated<T> chn, usa
CYContent.IndexWithDescription<T> index, description
CYContent.AverageAndExtremum<T> average, maximum, minimum

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Response objects

If you have used perform or decode function above, your content will now be CYResponse? object. Don't forget to unwrap your content. If there's no error, your content will contain all objects returned and decoded from remote API. CYResponse and most nested objects are defined as struct with let statements to make your workspace clean and save memories of users' device.

The following tables explains CYResponse and most nested objects. No description will be provided, as the name of them are defined easy and simple.


Property Type API Original Key
responseStatus String status
version String api_version
apiStatus String api_status
language String lang
unit CYUnit unit
coordinate CYCoordinate location
serverTime CYContent.Datetime1970Based server_time
serverTimeZone CYTimeZone tzshift
result CYResult result


Property Type API Original Key
alert CYAlert alert
realtime CYRealtime realtime
minutely CYMinutely minutely
hourly CYHourly hourly
daily CYDaily daily
keypoint String forecast_keypoint


Property Type API Original Key
responseStatus String status
content [CYAlert.AlertContent] content


Property Type API Original Key
publishTime CYContent.Datetime1970Based pubtimestamp
id String alertId
status String status
adcode String adcode
location String location
province String province
city String city
county String county
code CYAlert.AlertContent.AlertCode code
source String source
title String title
description String description

Redefined types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYAlert.AlertContent.AlertCode type, level
CYAlert.AlertContent.AlertCode.AlertType All cases defined in API documentation - Alert type codes
CYAlert.AlertContent.AlertCode.AlertLevel All cases defined in API documentation - Alert level codes


Property Type API Original Key
responseStatus String status
temperature Double temperature
apparentTemperature Double apparent_temperature
pressure Double pressure
humidity Double humidity
cloudrate Double cloudrate
phenomenon CYContent.Phenomenon skycon
visibility Double visibility
dswrf Double dswrf
wind CYContent.Wind wind
precipitation CYRealtime.Precipitation precipitation
airQuality CYContent.AirQuality? air_quality
lifeIndex CYContent.LifeIndex<CYContent.IndexWithDescription<Int>> life_index

Redefined types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYRealtime.Precipitation local, nearest
CYRealtime.Precipitation.PrecipitationContent datasource and distance are optional. responseStatus, datasource, intensity, distance


Property Type API Original Key
datasource String datasource
description String description
probability [Double] probability
intensity [Double] precipitation_2h


Property Type API Original Key
responseStatus String status
description String description
phenomenon [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<CYContent.Phenomenon>] skycon
temperature [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] temperature
precipitation [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] precipitation
cloudrate [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] cloudrate
humidity [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] humidity
pressure [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] pressure
wind [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetimeFlat<CYContent.Wind>] wind
visibility [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] visibility
dswrf [CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<Double>] dswrf
airQuality CYHourly.AirQuality air_quality

Redefined types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYHourly.AirQuality aqi, pm25

Abstruct types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYHourly.ValueWithDatetime<T> datetime, value
CYHourly.ValueWithDatetimeFlat<T> datetime, value


Property Type API Original Key
responseStatus String status
astronomy [CYDaily.Astronomy] astro
phenomenon [CYDaily.ValueWithDate<CYContent.Phenomenon>] skycon
phenomenonDaytime [CYDaily.ValueWithDate<CYContent.Phenomenon>] skycon_08h_20h
phenomenonNighttime [CYDaily.ValueWithDate<CYContent.Phenomenon>] skycon_20h_32h
temperature [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] temperature
precipitation [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] precipitation
pressure [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] pressure
wind [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<CYContent.Wind>] wind
cloudrate [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] cloudrate
humidity [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] humidity
dswrf [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] dswrf
visibility [CYDaily.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<Double>] visibility
airQuality [CYDaily.AirQuality] air_quality
lifeIndex CYContent.LifeIndex<[CYDaily.IndexWithDescriptionWithDate<String>]> life_index

Redefined types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYDaily.Astronomy date, value
CYDaily.Astronomy.AstronomyContent sunrise, sunset
CYDaily.Astronomy.AstronomyContent.AstronomyTime timeInterval
CYDaily.AirQuality aqi, pm25

Abstruct types

Type Description Prpoerties
CYHourly.ValueWithDate<T> date, value
CYHourly.AverageAndExtremumWithDate<T> date, value
CYHourly.IndexWithDescriptionWithDate<T> date, value

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Measurement and unit converting

API provides 5 unit systems for your requests. In this project, these 5 unit systems are also implemented and available for you to converting the weather values between them and more.

The following codes shows an example converting the wind speed:

let windSpeed = response.result.realtime.wind.speed.value

// get current unit system by either of these
let unitSystem = unit.system
// let unitSystem = request.endpoint.measurementSystem.system

// define a measurement
let measurement = Measurement(value: windSpeed, unit: unitSystem.windSpeed)

// convert the measurement to specified unit and get the value
let convertedSpeed = measurement.converted(to: .kilometersPerHour).value

Measurement and unit converting are implemented with Measurement in Apple's Foundation Framework. Please refer to Apple Developer Documentation - Measurement for more information.

Refer to CYUnit for all defined measurement units.

extension them to better serve you!


API provides 5 languages for your requests. In this project, some of weather contents are localized in 2 languages (en and zh-Hans), such as phenomenon, alert and wind.

Refer to Localizable for more information.

extension them to better serve you!




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  • All rights that belong to are fully respected.