여러가지 환경에서 test중..
글을 잘 읽어보니 크기와 최적화에 따라서 효과 편찬가 큰듯 싶다.
Nitghtly에서 하는거라 여러 보안점을 추가한 후에 추후에 정식 버젼으로 들어올듯 싶다.
The nightly compiler is now shipping with the parallel front-end enabled. However, by default it runs in single-threaded mode and won't reduce compile times.
Keen users can opt into multi-threaded mode with the -Z threads option. For example:
$ RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8" cargo build --release
Alternatively, to opt in from a config.toml file (for one or more projects), add these lines:
- 경로 맞는지는 테스트 해봐야함
rustflags = ["-Z", "threads=8"]
fn main() {
"You can use {:?} threads(available_parallelism) now. ",
- https://github.com/YoungHaKim7/rust_vim_setting/blob/main/01_Vim_NeoVim_etc_Rust_settings/snippets_Lunar_NeoVim/rust/rust.json
- https://github.com/YoungHaKim7/rust_vim_setting/tree/main/01_Vim_NeoVim_etc_Rust_settings/snippets_Lunar_NeoVim
rm -rf .cargo rust-toolchain.toml &&
mkdir .cargo &&
echo "[toolchain]" >> rust-toolchain.toml &&
echo "channel ="\"nightly"\"" >> rust-toolchain.toml &&
echo "components = ["\"rustfmt\"", "\"rust-src"\"]" >> rust-toolchain.toml &&
echo "[build]" >> .cargo/config.toml &&
echo "rustflags = ["\"-Z\"", "\"threads=8"\"]" >> .cargo/config.toml