Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. Machine learning is an important component of the growing field of data science. Through the use of statistical methods, algorithms are trained to make classifications or predictions, and to uncover key insights in data mining projects. These insights subsequently drive decision making within applications and businesses, ideally impacting key growth metrics. As big data continues to expand and grow, the market demand for data scientists will increase. They will be required to help identify the most relevant business questions and the data to answer them. Machine learning algorithms are typically created using frameworks that accelerate solution development, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
This blueprint requires yq which is a lightweight command-line YAML, JSON, and XML processor. We will use yq to update the settings in the kubeflow configuration file. To install yq, follow the installation guide before you begin. And this module requires also, kustomize for installing kubeflow using manifests. Kustomize is a simple tool lets you customize raw, template-free YAML files for multiple purposes, leaving the original YAML untouched and usable as is. Please follow the installation guide from the official website before moving to the next steps. And make sure you have installed terraform amd kubectl in your environment if you don't have the terraform and kubernetes tools. Go to the main page of this repository and follow the installation instructions.
- yq
- kubectl
- terraform
Download this example on your workspace.
git clone
cd terraform-aws-eks/examples/data-ai
Then you are in data-ai directory under your current workspace. There is an exmaple that shows how to use terraform configurations to create and manage an EKS cluster and Addon utilities on your AWS account. In this example, we will install Kubeflow on Amazon EKS, run a single-node training and inference using TensorFlow.
And clone the awslabs/kubeflow-manifests and the kubeflow/manifests repositories and check out the release branches of your choosing. Substitute the value for KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION(e.g. v1.6.1) and AWS_RELEASE_VERSION(e.g. v1.6.1-aws-b1.0.0) with the tag or branch you want to use below. Read more about releases and versioning if you are unsure about what these values should be.
export AWS_RELEASE_VERSION=v1.6.1-aws-b1.0.0
git clone && cd kubeflow-manifests
git checkout ${AWS_RELEASE_VERSION}
git clone --branch ${KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION} upstream && cd -
Run terraform:
terraform init
terraform apply
Also you can use the -var-file option for customized paramters when you run the terraform plan/apply command.
terraform plan -var-file fixture.tc1.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file fixture.tc1.tfvars
We need to get kubernetes config file for access the cluster that we've made using terraform. After terraform apply, you will see the bash command on the outputs. For more details, please refer to the user guide.
Apache Airflow is an open-source workflow management platform for data engineering pipelines. Airflow’s extensible Python framework enables you to build workflows connecting with virtually any technology. A web interface helps manage the state of your workflows. Airflow is deployable in many ways, varying from a single process on your laptop to a distributed setup to support even the biggest workflows. It started at Airbnb in October 2014 as a solution to manage the company's increasingly complex workflows.
Run below command to check the status.
kubectl -n airflow get all
Everything looks good, move forward to the next step. Run port-forward commend to access airflow dashboard:
kubectl -n airflow port-forward svc/airflow-webserver 8080:8080
Open localhost:8080
in your favorite browswer. You will see the login page.
[WARNING] In this example, we use a default user (admin
) and password (admin
). For any production airflow deployment, you should change the default password.
Kubeflow is an open-source software project that provides a simple, portable, and scalable way of running Machine Learning workloads on Kubernetes. Below is the kubeflow platform diagram.
Run below command to check the status.
kubectl -n kubeflow get all
Everything looks good, move forward to the next step. Run port-forward commend to access Kubeflow dashboard:
kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system 8080:80
Open localhost:8080
in your favorite browswer. You will see the login page.
[WARNING] In both options, we use a default email (
) and password (12341234
). For any production Kubeflow deployment, you should change the default password by following the relevant section.
Kubeflow fairing streamlines the process of building, training, and deploying machine learning (ML) training jobs in a hybrid cloud environment. By using Kubeflow fairing and adding a few lines of code, you can run your ML training job locally or in the cloud, directly from Python code or a Jupyter notebook. If you want to run hands-on lab about kubeflow fairing with AWS, please follow the instructions.
To destroy all resources, run terraform:
terraform destroy
If you don't want to see a confirmation question, you can use quite option for terraform destroy command
terraform destroy --auto-approve
[DON'T FORGET] You have to use the -var-file option when you run terraform destroy command to delete the aws resources created with extra variable files.
terraform destroy -var-file fixture.tc1.tfvars