Logic below contains best practice for re-using web-ui-pack elements. The main idea is create Component native to your framework and use web-ui-pack elements inside. Using web-ui-pack elements everywhere directly isn't recommended because in this case you need to import components to main.ts
and if you somehow don't use these anymore it won't be removed by optimizer.
Code below shows case when developer desides to use WUPTextControl everywhere.
// main.ts
import { WUPTextControl } from "web-ui-pack";
WUPTextControl.$use(); // register control in the browser
// other files.tsx
<wup-text w-name="email" />;
// If remove <wup-text/> everywhere it's still imported in the build because included in `main.ts`
// main.ts
import { localeInfo } from "web-ui-pack";
import { useBuiltinStyle, WUPcssScrollSmall } from "web-ui-pack/styles";
// use this to update `date & number` formats according to user locale
// OR setup specific locale that doesn't depend on user OS settings
// localeInfo.refresh("fr-FR");
// OR skip this if you satisfied with defaults "en-US"
// override global __wuln if you need another language
window.__wupln = (text, type) => someTranslateFunction(text);
// use this to apply scroll-style from web-ui-pack to all elements with class=".scrolled"
.scrolled {
overflow: auto;
// textControl.tsx
import { WUPTextControl } from "web-ui-pack";
// #1 register control
// #2 change defaults
WUPTextControl.$defaults.clearButton = true;
// #3.0 override messages according to required language
const defVld = { ...WUPTextControl.$defaults.validationRules };
const vld = WUPTextControl.$defaults.validationRules;
// rule "min"
vld.min = (v, setV, c) => defVld.min.call(c, v, setV, c) && __wupln(`Min length ${setV} chars`, "validation");
// rule "email"
vld.email = (v, setV) => setV && (!v || !v.includes("@")) && __wupln("Invalid email address", "validation");
// #3.1 override ariaMessages according to required language
WUPTextControl.$ariaError = __wupln("Error for", "aria");
// check also other props started with `$aria...`: `WUPTextControl.$aria...`
// #4 extend default validations
declare global {
namespace WUP.Text {
interface ValidityMap {
isNumber: boolean; // it's required to extend default validationRules
vld.isNumber = (v) => !/^[0-9]*$/.test(v) && __wupln("Please enter a valid number", "validation");
// WARN to override default messages/textContent you can use `window.__wupln` only and skip overriding above. Example:
window.__wupln = (text, type) => {
switch (type) {
case "aria":
return text; // leave it as is
case "validation":
// customize messages here
return text;
return text;
90% logic here reusable for other frameworks like Angular, Vue etc.
Attention! Logic below placed in the same file that logic above
// textControl.tsx
import React from "react";
// #4 reuse web-ui-pack control inside component
interface Props extends Partial<WUP.Text.Options> {
className?: string;
initValue?: string;
value?: string;
onChange?: WUPTextControl["$onChange"];
export class TextControl extends React.Component<Props> {
domEl = {} as WUPTextControl;
/* Called every time when DOM element is appended to document */
componentDidMount(): void {
this.updateOptions(this.props, true);
/* Called every time when properties are changed */
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Readonly<P>): boolean {
const isChanged = this.props !== nextProps;
isChanged && this.updateOptions(nextProps, false);
// update render only if className is changed otherwise apply props directly for options
return this.props.className !== nextProps.className;
/* Apply React props for $options */
updateOptions(nextProps: P, isInit: boolean): void {
Object.assign(this.domEl.$options, nextProps, { children: null });
this.domEl.$onChange = nextProps.onChange;
if (isInit || nextProps.value !== this.props.value) {
this.domEl.$value = nextProps.value; // update only if value changed
if (isInit || nextProps.initValue !== this.props.initValue) {
this.domEl.$initValue = nextProps.initValue; // update only if value changed
/* Called on init & every time when shouldComponentUpdate returns `true`*/
render(): React.ReactNode {
return (
class={["my-custom-class", this.props.className].filter((v) => v).join(" ")}
ref={(el) => {
this.domEl = el || this.domEl || ({} as any);
// login.tsx
export function LoginComponent() {
return (
{/*... form here*/}
validations={{ email: true }}
onChange={(e) => console.warn("Changed", { reason: e.detail, value: (e.target as WUPTextControl).$value })}
{/*... other controls here*/}
Use css variables globally
body {
--border-radius: 6px;
--ctrl-focus: #00778d;
--ctrl-label: #5e5e5e;
--ctrl-err: #ad0000;
--ctrl-invalid-border: red;
body[wupdark] {
/* this is built-in styles for darkMode: set attr [wupdark] to body to use it; Don't forget to define general background & text colors */
/* OR */
wup-text {
--ctrl-padding: 12px 14px;
Use css variables per class for specific case
.my-custom-class {
--ctrl-err: red;
--ctrl-invalid-border: red;