First of all, thank you for your interest in contributing! ❤️
Contributions in any of the following ways are greatly appreciated and needed, but are not limited to:
- Improve open source components
- Help diagnose and report problems
- Suggest fixes by sending patches
- Help with missing documentation
Graphic Design
- Fine-tune or redesign some UI/icons
- Correct translation
- Provide localization for more languages
When contributing to a repository, it is best to discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method before making it.
- 2 spaces for indentation rather than tabs.
- Use SwiftLint to provide lint code for *.swift files. The scripts-xcode makes it easy to style your code during development.
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Please read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.
By contributing, you agree that your contribution will be licensed under the same license as the repository to which you contribute. If the repository does not provide a specific license, the MIT license will be used.