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File metadata and controls

335 lines (282 loc) · 12.2 KB

Table of Contents


CHS-CSB-Processing is currently under development. Several features are still incomplete or under development. You can visit the documentation for more information.

Command-Line Interface Tutorial for Bathymetric File Processing

This tutorial provides a detailed explanation of how to use the command-line module to process and georeference bathymetric data files. It covers every parameter and provides practical examples.


This module is designed to automate the processing of bathymetric data files. It allows you to:

  • Identify and load appropriate files (CSV, TXT, XYZ).
  • Perform georeferencing based on specific configurations.
  • Manage vessel identifiers and associated configurations.

The supported file formats are as follows:

  • OFM: .xyz extension with at least the columns LON, LAT, DEPTH, TIME in the header.
  • DCDB: .csv extension with at least the columns LON, LAT, DEPTH, TIME in the header.
  • Lowrance: .csv extension with at least the columns Longitude[°WGS84], Latitude[°WGS84], WaterDepth[Feet], DateTime[UTC] in the header. These files are the result of SL3 files from Lowrance exported by the tool SL3Reader.
  • Actisense: coming soon.
  • BlackBox: coming soon.

Main Command

python <files> [options]

Available Options


  • Description: Specifies the paths of the files or directories to be processed.
  • Type: Collection[Path]
  • Required: Yes
  • Details: You can provide one or multiple paths. If a directory is specified, all valid files it contains will be included.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv /data/folder


  • Description: Specifies the output directory for the processed files.
  • Type: Path
  • Required: Yes
  • Details: If this parameter is not set, the script will not save the processed files.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv --output /data/output


  • Description: Provides the vessel identifier for processing.
  • Type: str
  • Required: No
  • Details: If no identifier is provided, a default vessel with lever arms set to 0 will be used.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv --vessel VESSEL123


  • Description: Specifies the distance between the sounder and the waterline.
  • Type: float
  • Required: No
  • Details: If this parameter is omitted, a waterline of 0 will be used.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv --waterline 1.4


  • Description: Specifies the path to the configuration file (TOML format).
  • Type: Path
  • Required: No
  • Details: If this parameter is omitted, a default configuration file will be used.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv --config /config/config.toml


  • Description: Enables or disables the reduction of water levels to chart datum during georeferencing.
  • Type: bool
  • Required: No
  • Details: If this parameter is omitted, georeferencing based on water levels will be applied.
  • Example:
    python /data/file1.csv --apply-water-level True

Configuration File (TOML)

The TOML configuration file defines parameters for processing. Below is an example of the default configuration file (./src/CONFIG_csb-processing.toml):

priority = ["wlo", "wlp"]  # Priority of time series to retrieve.
max_time_gap = "1 min"  # Maximum interval without data before interpolation.
threshold_interpolation_filling = "4 h"  # Threshold for interpolation and filling missing data.
wlo_qc_flag_filter = ["NOT_EVAL", "QUESTIONABLE", "BAD", "MISSING", "2", "3"]  # Quality filters for wlo.
buffer_time = "24 h"  # Buffer time to retrieve data needed for interpolation.

active = "public"  # Active profile: {"dev", "prod", "public"}.

name = "DEV"
endpoint = "EndpointPrivateDev"
calls = 15  # Maximum number of calls per period.
period = 1  # Period (in seconds).

name = "PROD"
endpoint = "EndpointPrivateProd"
calls = 10
period = 1

name = "PUBLIC"
endpoint = "EndpointPublic"
calls = 15
period = 1

ttl = 86400  # Cache data lifetime (in seconds).
cache_path = "./cache"  # Directory for cache storage.

min_latitude = -90
max_latitude = 90
min_longitude = -180
max_longitude = 180
min_depth = 0
# max_depth = 1000 # Maximum depth value (disabled by default).

water_level_tolerance = "15 min"  # Tolerance for georeferencing water levels.

manager_type = "VesselConfigJsonManager"
json_config_path = "./TCSB_VESSELSLIST.json"  # Path to vessel configuration file.

log_level = "INFO"  # Log level: {"DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"}.
max_iterations = 10  # Maximum number of iterations {int}.
export_format = ["gpkg", "csv"]  # Formats of files for exporting processed data.
decimal_precision = 1  # Decimal precision for processed data.

base_path = "C:/Program Files/CARIS"  # Path to the CARIS installation directory.
software = "BASE Editor"  # CARIS software to use.
version = "5.5"  # CARIS software version.   
python_version = "3.11"  # Python version to use.  

Main Sections

  • [IWLS.API.TimeSeries] (Optional): Parameters for time series. If no parameter is defined, default values will be used and no interpolation will be performed.
    • priority: List of time series to use by priority (e.g., "wlo", "wlp").
    • max_time_gap: Maximum time without data before interpolation (format: "<number> <unit>", e.g., "1 min").
    • threshold_interpolation_filling: Threshold for interpolation and filling missing data (e.g., "4 h").
    • wlo_qc_flag_filter: Quality filters for WLO data.
    • buffer_time: Buffer time for interpolations (format: "<number> <unit>", e.g., "24 h").
  • [IWLS.API.Profile] (Optional): Defines the active profile ("dev", "prod", "public"). A public profile is used by default with 15 calls per second.
  • [IWLS.API.Environment.<profile>] (Optional): Environment-specific parameters
    • name: Name of the environment (e.g., "PUBLIC").
    • endpoint: API endpoint (e.g., "EndpointPublic"). Note that only public endpoints are accessible to everyone.
    • calls: Maximum number of calls per period.
    • period: Time period for calls.
  • [IWLS.API.Cache] (Optional): Defines cache management.
    • ttl: Cache data lifetime (in seconds).
    • cache_path: Directory for cache storage.
  • [DATA.Transformation.filter] (Optional): Defines geographic and depth limits for filtering data.
  • [DATA.Georeference.water_level] (Optional): Defines tolerance for georeferencing based on water levels (format: "<number> <unit>", e.g., "15 min").
  • [CSB.Processing.vessel] (Optional): Configures the vessel manager and vessel file. Required only if you use vessels for georeferencing.
    • manager_type: Type of vessel manager (e.g., "VesselConfigJsonManager").
    • json_config_path (Used with "VesselConfigJsonManager"): Path to the vessel configuration file.
  • [CSB.Processing.options] (Optional): Processing options.
    • log_level : Log level: {"DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"}.
    • max_iterations : Maximum number of iterations.
    • export_format : List of file formats for exporting processed data {"geojson", "gpkg", "csar", "parquet", "feather", "csv"} (e.g. : ["gpkg", "csv"]).
    • decimal_precision : Number of significant decimal places for processed data.
  • [CARIS.Environment] (Optional): CARIS environment-specific parameters. Used to export data in CSAR format.
    • base_path: Path to CARIS software installation (default: "C:/Program Files/CARIS").
    • software: CARIS software used (e.g., "BASE Editor", "HIPS and SIPS").
    • version: Specific version of CARIS software (e.g., "5.5").
    • python_version: Python version used by the CARIS API (e.g., "3.11").

Vessel File (Vessels)

The vessel configuration file is a JSON file containing the necessary information for each vessel, such as the identifier, axis conventions, and associated data. The path to the JSON file is defined in the TOML configuration file. Here is an example file:

    "id": "Tuktoyaktuk",
    "axis_convention": "CARIS",
    "navigation": [
        "time_stamp": "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
        "time_stamp": "2024-11-11T00:00:00Z",
        "x": 0.4,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
    "motion": [
        "time_stamp": "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
    "sounder": [
        "time_stamp": "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
    "waterline": [
        "time_stamp": "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "z": 0.0
        "time_stamp": "2024-11-11T00:00:00Z",
        "z": -0.65
    "ssp_applied": [
        "time_stamp": "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z",
        "ssp": false

Field Descriptions

  • id: Unique vessel identifier.
  • axis_convention: Axis convention used (e.g., "CARIS").
  • navigation: List of navigation positions with their coordinates (x, y, z) and a timestamp (time_stamp).
  • motion: Vessel motion data (same fields as navigation).
  • sounder: Vessel sounder data (same fields as navigation).
  • waterline: Waterline information, including elevation (z) and a timestamp.
  • ssp_applied: Indicates whether the sound speed profile model has been applied (ssp).

For all time_stamp attributes, the format must be ISO 8601 (e.g., "2021-09-25T00:00:00Z"). Additionally, the time_stamp indicates the date from which the configuration is valid.

Error Handling

The module includes robust error handling to avoid unexpected interruptions. Below are the main cases covered:

Invalid Files

  • Issue: If a provided file is invalid (incorrect format or non-existent).
  • Solution: The script logs an error and skips invalid files.
    [ERROR] No valid files to process.

Missing Parameters

  • Issue: If a required parameter such as --output is missing.
  • Solution: The script displays an error message explaining the missing parameter.
    [ERROR] The --output parameter is required.

Complete Usage Example


python /data/file1.csv /data/folder --output /data/output --vessel VESSEL123 --config /config/config.toml --apply-water-level True

Detailed Steps

  1. Prepare Files: Ensure the files are in a supported format (.csv, .txt, .xyz).
  2. Create Configuration: Modify a TOML file to define your specific parameters.
  3. Run Command: Provide the file paths, output directory, and other options such as the vessel identifier.
  4. Verify Results: Check the output directory for processed files and logs for any errors or warnings.