All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Include PHP 8.4 in ci test job version matrix.
2.0.1 2024-11-30
- Update package description, installation instructions, and add
example for fetching specific series values in README. - Update dev tools as of 2024-11-30.
2.0.0 2024-06-27
- Ignore custom PHP results cache directory
. - Set PHP 8.1 as minimum supported version.
- Upgrade PHPUnit to 10.5.
- Make test data provider methods
. - Set PHPStorm PHPCS timeout to 60 seconds.
1.0.3 2023-08-02
- Fix deprecated string interpolation syntax.
- Upgrade PHPUnit to 9.6.10.
- Set default PHP version to 8.2 in docker images.
- Include PHPUnit phar in phpstan configuration.
1.0.2 2023-04-05
- Use Psr18ClientDiscovery instead of HttpClientDiscovery in HttpClientFactory.
- Upgrade PHPUnit, PHP Code Sniffer.
- Add PHPStan configuration.
1.0.1 2023-02-04
- Use phive to install PHPUnit, PHP Code Sniffer, and PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer.
- Fix GitHub actions workflow to use composer.json hash since we don't commit composer.lock.
- Use tools/phpunit in composer test script.
- Add docker images for PHP 7.4, and PHPStan.
- Use PHPUnit 9.6 schema for phpunit.xml configuration file.
- Ignore development only files and directories in git export.
- Replace
class. Breaking fetchSeries
, andexchangeRateUsdLiquidation
return single result as single string, single series with multiple values as array keyed by date inYYYY-MM-DD
, multiple series keyed by series code.
- Do not force exclusion of
- Require
instead ofguzzlehttp/guzzle
. - Throw
on client errors.
- Upgrade
- Initial version.