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rMATS-long is an integrated computational workflow for long-read RNA-seq data. Building on our ESPRESSO tool for robust transcript discovery and quantification using long-read RNA-seq data, rMATS-long enables differential isoform analysis between sample groups, as well as classification and visualization of isoform structure and abundance.

Table of Contents


Dependencies can be installed to a conda environment by running ./install. Then the scripts can be run when the conda environment is activated: conda activate ./conda_env

Another option is to install the rmats-long bioconda package:

conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda rmats-long

The rMATS-long scripts are included in the bioconda package and will be available in that conda environment at /path/to/conda_env/rMATS-long/

Those versions were used during testing. Other versions may also be compatible


First run ESPRESSO to detect and quantify isoforms using long-read data. The ESPRESSO output can be used with scripts/ which runs the following steps:

The individual scripts used by scripts/ can also be run directly if desired

python -h

usage: [-h] --abundance ABUNDANCE --updated-gtf UPDATED_GTF
                     [--gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF] --group-1 GROUP_1 --group-2
                     GROUP_2 [--group-1-name GROUP_1_NAME]
                     [--group-2-name GROUP_2_NAME] --out-dir OUT_DIR
                     [--num-threads NUM_THREADS]
                     [--process-top-n PROCESS_TOP_N]
                     [--plot-file-type {.pdf,.png,all}]
                     [--diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS]
                     [--adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE] [--use-unadjusted-pvalue]
                     [--delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION]

Analyze ESPRESSO results and produce plots for significant isoforms

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --abundance ABUNDANCE
                        The path to the abundance.esp file from ESPRESSO
  --updated-gtf UPDATED_GTF
                        The path to the updated.gtf file from ESPRESSO
  --gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF
                        The path to a gencode annotation.gtf file. Will be
                        used to identify the Ensembl canonical isoform and the
                        gene name
  --group-1 GROUP_1     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
                        1. The file should have a single line with the sample
                        names as a comma separated list. The sample names
                        should match with the ESPRESSO abundance column names.
  --group-2 GROUP_2     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
  --group-1-name GROUP_1_NAME
                        A name for group 1 (default group 1)
  --group-2-name GROUP_2_NAME
                        A name for group 2 (default group 2)
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     The path to use as the output directory
  --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        The number of threads to use (default 1)
  --process-top-n PROCESS_TOP_N
                        Generate plots and classify isoform differences for
                        the top "n" significant genes. By default all
                        significant genes are processed
  --plot-file-type {.pdf,.png,all}
                        The file type for output plots (default .pdf))
  --diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS
                        The path to the differential transcript results. If
                        given then skip the differential isoform calculation.
  --adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE
                        The cutoff for adjusted p-value (default 0.05)
                        Use pvalue instead of adj_pvalue for the cutoff
  --delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION
                        The cutoff for delta isoform proportion (default 0.1)
                        Compare the most significant isoform to all other
                        isoforms in the gene. By default, the most significant
                        isoform is only compared to the most significant
                        isoform with a delta proportion in the opposite

Detect Differential Isoforms

scripts/ detects differential isoform expression using DRIMSeq. The samples in the ESPRESSO abundance file need to be separated into two groups. The two groups are written to the --group-1 and --group-2 input files as comma separated lists. The isoform counts from the abundance file are then used in the DRIMSeq pipeline

The main output file written to --out-dir is differential_transcripts.tsv which has these columns:

  • gene_id
  • feature_id: isoform ID
  • lr: likelihood ratio statistic from DRIMSeq
  • df: degrees of freedom
  • pvalue
  • adj_pvalue: Benjamini & Hochberg adjusted p-values
  • {sample_name}_proportion: proportion of this isoform among all isoforms in this gene (1 column per sample)
  • group_1_average_proportion
  • group_2_average_proportion
  • delta_isoform_proportion: group_1_average_proportion - group_2_average_proportion

The proportion columns were appended to the original output from DRIMSeq. differential_transcripts_filtered.tsv contains only the rows meeting the significance cutoffs.

The --out-dir also contains these files output by DRIMSeq:

  • differential_genes.tsv
  • gene_pvalues.png
  • precision_by_gene_expression.png
  • transcript_pvalues.png
  • transcripts_per_gene.png

A summary of the number of isoforms and genes passing the default filters will be printed to stdout. The counts using different filters can be printed using scripts/

python -h

usage: [-h] --abundance ABUNDANCE --out-dir
                                       OUT_DIR --group-1 GROUP_1 --group-2
                                       GROUP_2 [--num-threads NUM_THREADS]
                                       [--adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE]
                                       [--delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION]

Detect differential isoform expression using DRIMSeq

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --abundance ABUNDANCE
                        The path to the abundance.esp file from ESPRESSO
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     The path to use as the output directory
  --group-1 GROUP_1     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
                        1. The file should have a single line with the sample
                        names as a comma separated list. The sample names
                        should match with the ESPRESSO abundance column names.
  --group-2 GROUP_2     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
  --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        The number of threads to use (default: 1)
  --adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE
                        The cutoff for adjusted p-value (default: 0.05)
                        Use pvalue instead of adj_pvalue for the cutoff
  --delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION
                        The cutoff for delta isoform proportion (default: 0.1)
python -h

usage: [-h] --diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS
                                     --out-tsv OUT_TSV
                                     [--adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE]
                                     [--delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION]

Count isoforms that meet the cutoff values

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS
                        The path to the differential transcript results
  --out-tsv OUT_TSV     The path to write transcripts that meet the cutoff
  --adj-pvalue ADJ_PVALUE
                        The cutoff for adjusted p-value (default: 0.05)
                        Use pvalue instead of adj_pvalue for the cutoff
  --delta-proportion DELTA_PROPORTION
                        The cutoff for delta isoform proportion (default: 0.1)

Visualize Isoforms and Abundance

scripts/ creates plots showing the isoform abundance and structure. The --gene-id can be selected from the differential isoform test. The --abundance and --updated-gtf files are from the ESPRESSO output. By default, the most abundant isoforms for the gene will be plotted. Specific isoforms can be plotted with --main-transcript-ids or isoforms can be determined automatically if --diff-transcripts or --gencode-gtf are given. The most significant isoform and another significant isoform with opposite delta_isoform_proportion will be chosen from --diff-transcripts and the Ensembl canonical transcript will be selected based on a tag in the --gencode-gtf

python -h

usage: [-h] --gene-id GENE_ID [--gene-name GENE_NAME]
                             --abundance ABUNDANCE --updated-gtf UPDATED_GTF
                             [--gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF]
                             [--diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS] --out-dir
                             OUT_DIR [--plot-file-type {.pdf,.png,all}]
                             [--main-transcript-ids MAIN_TRANSCRIPT_IDS]
                             [--max-transcripts MAX_TRANSCRIPTS]
                             [--intron-scaling INTRON_SCALING]
                             [--group-1 GROUP_1] [--group-2 GROUP_2]
                             [--group-1-name GROUP_1_NAME]
                             [--group-2-name GROUP_2_NAME]

Visualize the structure and abundance of isoforms

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gene-id GENE_ID     The gene_id to visualize
  --gene-name GENE_NAME
                        The name for the gene (used as plot title). If not
                        given then the gene_name from --gencode-gtf will be
                        used. If no other name is found then --gene-id is used
                        as a default
  --abundance ABUNDANCE
                        The path to the abundance.esp file from ESPRESSO
  --updated-gtf UPDATED_GTF
                        The path to the updated.gtf file from ESPRESSO
  --gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF
                        The path to a gencode annotation.gtf file. Can be used
                        to identify the gene_name and Ensembl canonical
  --diff-transcripts DIFF_TRANSCRIPTS
                        The path to the differential transcript results. Can
                        be used to determine --main-transcript-ids
  --out-dir OUT_DIR     The path to use as the output directory
  --plot-file-type {.pdf,.png,all}
                        The file type for output plots (default .pdf))
  --main-transcript-ids MAIN_TRANSCRIPT_IDS
                        A comma separated list of transcript IDs to plot as
                        the main transcripts. If not given then the most
                        significant isoform from --diff-transcripts, a second
                        significant isoform with a delta proportion in the
                        opposite direction, and the Ensembl canonical isoform
                        from --gencode-gtf will be used if possible
  --max-transcripts MAX_TRANSCRIPTS
                        How many transcripts to plot individually. The
                        remaining transcripts in the gene will be grouped
                        together (max 5, default 5)
  --intron-scaling INTRON_SCALING
                        The factor to use to reduce intron length in the plot.
                        A value of 2 would reduce introns to 1/2 of the
                        original plot length (default 1)
  --group-1 GROUP_1     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
                        1. The file should have a single line with the sample
                        names as a comma separated list. The sample names
                        should match with the ESPRESSO abundance column names.
  --group-2 GROUP_2     The path to a file listing the sample names for group
  --group-1-name GROUP_1_NAME
                        A name for group 1 (default group 1)
  --group-2-name GROUP_2_NAME
                        A name for group 2 (default group 2)

Classify Isoform Differences

scripts/ compares the structures of isoforms within a gene by calling scripts/ with a "main" isoform and a second isoform (or all other isoforms in the gene by default)

scripts/ compares the structures of any two transcript isoforms. Local differences in transcript structure are classified into 7 basic alternative splicing categories:

basic alternative splicing patterns

  • Exon skipping (SE)
  • Alternative 5'-splice site (A5SS)
  • Alternative 3'-splice site (A3SS)
  • Mutually exclusive exons (MXE)
  • Intron retention (RI)
  • Alternative first exon (AFE)
  • Alternative last exon (ALE)

Any local differences in transcript structure that could not be classified as one of the 7 basic alternative splicing categories are classified as "complex" (COMPLEX). Note: It is possible to have combinations of alternative splicing events for any given pair of transcript isoforms.

The output is a tab-delimited file consisting of four fields:

  • Field 1: ID for transcript isoform 1
  • Field 2: ID for transcript isoform 2
  • Field 3: Discovered alternative splicing events
  • Field 4: Genomic coordinates for alternative splicing events

Note: Designation of transcript isoforms 1 and 2 is completely arbitrary. Moreover, if the two transcript isoforms contained in the input GTF file exhibit a combination of multiple alternative splicing events, each event will be reported as its own line in the output file.

python -h

usage: [-h] --main-transcript-id
                                       MAIN_TRANSCRIPT_ID --updated-gtf
                                       UPDATED_GTF [--gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF]
                                       --out-tsv OUT_TSV
                                       [--second-transcript-id SECOND_TRANSCRIPT_ID]

Compare the structures of isoforms within a gene

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --main-transcript-id MAIN_TRANSCRIPT_ID
                        The transcript_id of the main isoform in the .gtf file
  --updated-gtf UPDATED_GTF
                        The path to the updated.gtf file from ESPRESSO
  --gencode-gtf GENCODE_GTF
                        The path to a gencode annotation.gtf file. Can be used
                        to compare against isoforms not detected by ESPRESSO
  --out-tsv OUT_TSV     The path of the output file
  --second-transcript-id SECOND_TRANSCRIPT_ID
                        If given, only compare the main transcript to this
python -h

usage: [-h] -i /path/to/input/GTF -o /path/to/output/file

This is a script to enumerate all transcript structure differences between a
pair of transcript isoforms

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i /path/to/input/GTF
                        path to GTF file describing structures of two
                        transcript isoforms
  -o /path/to/output/file
                        path to output file


Example data is provided in example/data.tar.gz. Unpack that file with:

cd example/
tar -xvf ./data.tar.gz

The unpacked files are:

  • example/gencode.v43.annotation_filtered.gtf
  • example/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome_filtered.fa
  • example/group_1.txt
  • example/group_2.txt
  • example/gs689_1_filtered.sam
  • example/gs689_2_filtered.sam
  • example/gs689_3_filtered.sam
  • example/pc3e_1_filtered.sam
  • example/pc3e_2_filtered.sam
  • example/pc3e_3_filtered.sam
  • example/samples_N2_R0_abundance.esp
  • example/samples_N2_R0_updated.gtf

The example data is based on cell line data from The 1D cDNA sequencing for GS689 and PC3E was processed to get .sam files. The reference data (gencode .gtf and GRCh38 .fa) and the .sam files were filtered to a few different regions to get a small dataset

The first step is to run ESPRESSO using the provided reference data and alignment files. The result files from ESPRESSO are included in the example data

Next run scripts/ which will perform all of the analysis steps and write output files to ./example_out/. It requires the sample names from the abundance file to be split into groups as done in group_1.txt:


and group_2.txt:


Here is the main command:

python ./scripts/ --abundance ./example/samples_N2_R0_abundance.esp --updated-gtf ./example/samples_N2_R0_updated.gtf --gencode-gtf ./example/gencode.v43.annotation_filtered.gtf --group-1 ./example/group_1.txt --group-2 ./example/group_2.txt --group-1-name PC3E --group-2-name GS689 --out-dir ./example_out --plot-file-type .png

scripts/ will run other commands. For this example it first runs:

python ./scripts/ --abundance ./example/samples_N2_R0_abundance.esp --out-dir ./example_out --group-1 ./example/group_1.txt --group-2 ./example/group_2.txt --adj-pvalue 0.05 --delta-proportion 0.1 --num-threads 1

That should print: found 9 isoforms from 4 genes with adj_pvalue <= 0.05 and abs(delta_isoform_proportion) >= 0.1. One significant row from example_out/differential_transcripts_filtered.tsv is:

gene_id	feature_id	lr	df	pvalue	adj_pvalue	pc3e_1_proportion	pc3e_2_proportion	pc3e_3_proportion	gs689_1_proportion	gs689_2_proportion	gs689_3_proportion	group_1_average_proportion	group_2_average_proportion	delta_isoform_proportion
ENSG00000204580.14	ENST00000418800.6	21.3599361248612	1	3.80642848651724e-06	1.27857268029356e-05	0.2476	0.3807	0.2559	0.0	0.0	0.0203	0.2947	0.0068	0.288

Next scripts/ will run a similar command to what is below (but using some temporary files):

python ./scripts/ --gene-id ENSG00000204580.14 --abundance ./example/samples_N2_R0_abundance.esp --updated-gtf ./example/samples_N2_R0_updated.gtf --diff-transcripts ./example_out/differential_transcripts.tsv --out-dir ./example_out --group-1 ./example/group_1.txt --group-2 ./example/group_2.txt --group-1-name PC3E --group-2-name GS689 --plot-file-type .png --gencode-gtf ./example/gencode.v43.annotation_filtered.gtf

The --gene-id is the significant gene which can be found in ./example_out/differential_transcripts_filtered.tsv. The command will produce example_out/ENSG00000204580.14_abundance.png: DDR1 abundance

And example_out/ENSG00000204580.14_structure.png DDR1 structure

The plots show that ENST00000418800.6 is abundant in PC3E samples but not in GS689 samples. ENST00000376568.8 is the most abundant isoform in GS689 samples.

scripts/ will determine the differences among transcripts within that gene in terms of splicing events with:

python ./scripts/ --updated-gtf ./example/samples_N2_R0_updated.gtf --out-tsv ./example_out/ENSG00000204580.14_isoform_differences_ENST00000418800.6_to_ENST00000376568.8.tsv --main-transcript-id ENST00000418800.6 --second-transcript-id ENST00000376568.8 --gencode-gtf ./example/gencode.v43.annotation_filtered.gtf

ENST00000418800.6 is chosen as the main transcript because it is the most significant isoform for this gene from ./example_out/differential_transcripts.tsv. ENST00000376568.8 is chosen as the second transcript because it is the most significant isoform with a delta proportion in the opposite direction of the main transcript for this gene

./example_out/ENSG00000204580.14_isoform_differences_ENST00000418800.6_to_ENST00000376568.8.tsv shows that those two isoforms differ by an alternative first exon event and an exon skipping event. This can also be seen in the isoform structure plot:

transcript1	transcript2	event	coordinates
ENST00000418800.6	ENST00000376568.8	AFE	chr6:30884519:30884710:+;chr6:30882613:30882983:+
ENST00000418800.6	ENST00000376568.8	SE	chr6:30895404:30895514:+

scripts/ also runs similar commands for the 3 other significant genes that were detected. A summary is written to ./example_out/summary.txt:

## significant differential transcript usage
total significant isoforms: 9
total genes with significant isoforms: 4
adjusted pvalue threshold: 0.05
delta isoform proportion threshold: 0.1
## alternative splicing classifications between isoform pairs
total classified isoform pairs: 4
exon skipping: 1
alternative 5'-splice site: 0
alternative 3'-splice site: 0
mutually exclusive exons: 0
intron retention: 0
alternative first exon: 0
alternative last exon: 0
complex: 1
combinatorial: 2