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Test Recording

Jonas Hoyer edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 4 revisions

General Idea

A video or gif recording of your test execution shows you how it navigates the tests you designed and visually look into eventual errors. This allows you to review your tests in action and uncover areas that may need some improvement.

This feature can be enabled by using gif.enableFilming=true or video.enableFilming=true.

Note: If you enable video recording, make sure to review the following basics: ▪ There is one recording per testcase saved as .mp4 or .gif ▪ Neodymium records the entire viewport of the browser that executes your tests. ▪ Consider your disk space. If you run hundreds of TestCases on one machine, this machine must have enough disk space to store the recordings. Keep in mind that each recording is stored inside the defined folder and if enabled inside the allure report as well!

In our example test suites, gif recording is enabled by default.

How to use it

To use recording we have added the following files to the config directory:

  • config/
  • config/

In each one of them define the properties as you desire the recording. A full list of the properties and what they do is to be found at the bottom of this page.


To properly use video recording it is required to have ffmpeg installed, gif recording works out of the box.

Integration in Allure report

The recording will be added to the allure report automatically. This can be disabled using the property video.appendAllRecordingsToAllureReport=false or gif.appendAllRecordingsToAllureReport=false.

Property Overview

All properties start with video. or gif. prefix depending on the format you are configuring.

Property where to use Format Description
enableFilming gif & video bool To be set, to enable recording, if false all other recording properties are ignored
filmAutomatically gif & video bool Defines, if recording starts automatically when browser is opened or recording needs to be started manually in the code.
deleteRecordingsAfterAddingToAllureReport gif & video bool Deletes recording in recording folder after adding to allure report to save space
appendAllRecordingsToAllureReport gif & video bool Defines whether the recordings are added to the report, For false only failures are added.
oneImagePerMilliseconds gif & video Int Defines the time interval in milliseconds in which the photos for the recordings are taken (needs to be greater than 0)
tempFolderToStoreRecording gif & video String Defines the directory location where the recordings are saved
imageQuality gif & video double Defines the value of the desired image quality percentage (value range: 0 $\le$ imageQuality $\le$ 1.0)
imageScaleFactor gif & video doublr defines the scale factor of the image (value range: 0 $\lt$ imageScaleFactor $\le$ 1.0)
format gif & video String defines the recording format: mp4 or gif
video.ffmpegBinaryPath video string defines the path to the ffmpeg program
video.ffmpegLogFile` video string defines the path where the logfile is saved
gif.loop gif bool Defines to repeat recording by themselves after finish

Manual Recordings

If not configured otherwise the recording is starting automatically as soon as the browser opens and finishes once the test is done. If however only a specific part of each test should be filmed. For example if there are some warm up actions, which should be excluded, you can set video.filmAutomatically = false and or gif.filmAutomatically = false. In that case the recording needs to be started and finished manually in the test code using the following methods:

FilmTestExecution.startVideoRecording(String <fileName>); 
// some 
FilmTestExecution.finishVideoFilming(String <fileName>, boolean <testFailed>); 

If testFailed is true, the recording will be added to the allure report. For false, the recording will only be added to the allure report, if the recording property appendAllRecordingsToAllureReport is set to true. |

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