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Bernd Weigel edited this page Jun 10, 2024 · 75 revisions

Welcome to the Neodymium-Library wiki!

With this wiki we want to showcase how to set up a test automation project.

We set up some example projects to demonstrate how to structure your test code and improve the console output by logging your steps. But first we would like to give a little information about the technology and concepts we used:

Prepare the Test Environment for Development

The next step would be to setup your test execution environment to develop and launch your Neodymium tests. Most of the things are already shipped within the Neodymium-Library.

  • [How to set up a WebDriver](How to set up a WebDriver)
  • Logging

Test Development with Neodymium

We implemented multi-browser support and integrated Selenium as well as Selenide. Please refer to the bullets below to learn more about the specials Neodymium offers.

  1. First Steps using our Neodymium-Template
    1. [Getting Started](Getting Started)
  2. Building the Project
    1. IDE
    2. Maven
  3. Test execution with
    1. JUnit
    2. Cucumber
  4. Framework Sugar
    1. [Multi browser support](Multi browser support) (Configuration for browsers)
    2. [Test data provider](Test data provider) (Support, Configuration, DataUtils)
    3. [Neodymium context](Neodymium context) (Configuration)
    4. [Neodymium configuration properties](Neodymium configuration properties) (General Neodymium configuration)
    5. Localization
    6. WorkInProgress(Run Single Test Cases via Annotation)
  5. How-tos
    1. [Basic Setup and Run](Basic Setup and Run)
    2. [How to set up a WebDriver](How to set up a WebDriver)
    3. How to use Allure
    4. How to configure [Allure in POM](Allure in POM)
    5. How to use [Test Environments](Test Environments)
    6. Use Logging
    7. Use [Selenium grid](Selenium grid)
    8. Selenide
    9. Structure Code using [Page Objects](Page Objects) and Components
    10. Use Tags to execute test subsets
    11. [Running tests in parallel batches](Running tests in parallel batches)
    12. [Highlight and Wait](Highlight and Wait)
    13. [Setup continuous tests with Jenkins](Setup continuous tests with Jenkins)
    14. [Posters demo store](Posters demo store)
    15. Use the [Utility classes](Utility classes) (SelenideAddons, AllureAddons, JavaScriptUtils, ...)
    16. Work with [Shadow DOM](Shadow DOM Testing)
    17. [IFrame handling](IFrame handling)
    18. Test-Recording
    19. [Migrate to Neodymium 5](Migrate to Neodymium 5)
  6. Example Projects
    1. Neodymium Template
    2. Neodymium Example (JUnit)
    3. Neodymium Cucumber Example
    4. Neodymium Showcase
  7. Resources
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