From 500e60a8b552fe7f0bb0563270401bb57ec2cb3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Xiaodong Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 15:11:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Added "show.label" argument for pie chart --- R/renderCharts.R | 1883 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- man/renderPieChart.Rd | 10 +- 2 files changed, 951 insertions(+), 942 deletions(-) diff --git a/R/renderCharts.R b/R/renderCharts.R index a198527..1a361d8 100644 --- a/R/renderCharts.R +++ b/R/renderCharts.R @@ -1,939 +1,944 @@ - -########################################################################### -# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - -# This is a function defined to be used within user-level functions. -# It will help check if the theme argument is valid. -# If it's invalid, give error msg. -# if valid, return the theme place holder statement -.theme_placeholder <- function(theme){ - - valid_themes <- c("default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine") - if((theme %in% valid_themes) == FALSE){ - stop("The ECharts theme you specified is invalid. Please check. Valid values include: 'default', 'roma', 'infographic', 'macarons', 'vintage' and 'shine'.") - } - - return(ifelse(theme == "default", - "", - paste(", '",theme, "'", sep="")) - ) - -} - -# This is a function defined to help us tackle NA values in data -# In line charts and bar charts, if there is NA values in the data, the function can not work well as Javascript can NOT identify "NA" and it can only identify 'null'. -.process_NA <- function(data){ - data[] <- 'null' - return(data) -} - - -# A function designed to help prepare data for heat map - -.prepare_data_for_heatmap <- function(dat){ - n_row <- dim(dat)[1] - n_col <- dim(dat)[2] - - temp <- c() - for(i in 1:n_row){ - for(j in 1:n_col){ - temp <- c(temp, paste("[", i, ",", j, ",", dat[i,j], "]", sep="")) - } - } - temp <- paste(temp, collapse = ", ") - temp <- paste("[", temp, "]") - return(temp) -} - -########################################################################### -# Pie Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderPieChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - radius = "50%", - center_x = "50%", center_y = "50%", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Check if the data input is valid - # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. - if(is.vector(data)){ - data <- data.frame(table(data)) - names(data) <- c("name", "value") - } else { - # Check if the data is valid - if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") - } - - # check if the "value" column is numeric - if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ - stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") - } - } - - # Generate legend - legend_data <- paste(sapply(sort(unique(data$name)), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) - data <- gsub("\"", "\'", data) - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'item',formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", - legend_data, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "series : [{type: 'pie', radius:'", radius, "', center :['", center_x, "','", center_y, "'],", - - "data:", - data, - ", itemStyle: { emphasis: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Bar Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderBarChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - stack_plot = FALSE, - direction = "horizontal", - grid_left = "3%", grid_right = "4%", grid_top = "16%", grid_bottom = "3%", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Check if the "direction" value is valid - if(direction == "horizontal"){ - direction_vector = c("xAxis", "yAxis") - }else{ - if(direction == "vertical"){ - direction_vector = c("yAxis", "xAxis") - }else{ - stop("The 'direction' argument can be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'") - } - } - - xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") - legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) - series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) - for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ - temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'bar', ", - ifelse(stack_plot, - " stack:' ', ", - " "), - "data:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), - "]}", - sep="" - ) - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, - " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{type:'shadow'}}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{magicType:{type: ['stack', 'tiled']}, saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "grid: {left:'", grid_left, "', right:'", grid_right, "', top:'", grid_top, "', bottom:'", grid_bottom, "', containLabel: true},", - direction_vector[1], - ":[{type:'value', axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}], ", - direction_vector[2], - ":[{type:'category', axisTick:{show:false}, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", - xaxis_name, - "}],series :", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Line Chart -------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderLineChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", - point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", - stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend =12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # check the type of line.width - if((class(line.width) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The line.width should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # check the type of point.size - if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # check the value of point.type - unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ - stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") - } - - # check the value of line.type - unique_line.types <- unique(line.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_line.types, function(x){x %in% c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")})) != length(unique_line.types)){ - stop("The line.type can only be 'solid', 'dashed', or 'dotted'.") - } - - # check the value of 'step' - if((step %in% c('null', 'start', 'middle', 'end')) == FALSE){ - stop("The 'step' can only be 'null', 'start', 'middle' or 'end'.") - } - - - n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] - # Check the length of line.width - if(length(line.width) != 1){ - if(length(line.width) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of line.width should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - line.width <- rep(line.width, n_of_category) - } - - # check the length of line.type - if(length(line.type) != 1){ - if(length(line.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of line.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - line.type <- rep(line.type, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the length of point.size - if(length(point.size) != 1){ - if(length(point.size) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.size should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.size <- rep(point.size, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the length of point.type - if(length(point.type) != 1){ - if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") - legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - step_statement <- ifelse(step == 'null', - "step:false,", - paste("step:'", step, "',", sep = "")) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) - for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ - temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'line', ", - - step_statement, - - paste("symbolSize:", point.size[i], ",", sep=""), - paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), - - "itemStyle:{normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width[i],", type:'", line.type[i], "'}}},", - - ifelse(stack_plot, - "stack: ' ', areaStyle: {normal: {}},", - " "), - "data:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), - "]}", - sep="" - ) - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'axis'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", - 'dataZoom: [],') - )), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel:{rotate:",rotate.axis.y,",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}, ", - "xAxis:{type:'category', boundaryGap: false, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", - xaxis_name, - "}, series:[", - series_data, - "]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Gauge ------------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderGauge <- function(div_id, theme = "default", - gauge_name, rate, - = TRUE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- paste("[{name:'",gauge_name, "',value:", rate, "}]", sep="") - - js_statement <- paste("var ", - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, "={tooltip : {formatter: '{b} : {c}%'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", - ""), - - "series:[{name:'", gauge_name, "', type:'gauge', detail: {formatter:'{value}%'},data:", - series_data, - "}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Scatter ----------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderScatter <- function(div_id, data, - point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", - theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - if(sum( > 0 & auto.scale == FALSE){ - auto.scale <- TRUE - warning("auto.scale must be on when there is any N.A. values in the data.") - } - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # DATA PREPARATION: - # For scatter plots, the data must be prepared as a data.frame of 3 columns. - # "x", "y", and "group" - if(dim(data)[2] !=3 ) - stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") - - if(sum(sapply(c("x", "y", "group"), function(x){x %in% names(data)})) != 3) - stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") - - # check the value of point.size - if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # Check the value of theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # check the value of point.type - unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ - stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") - } - - n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] - # Check the length of point.type - if(length(point.type) != 1){ - if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) - } - - - # get the unique values of "group" column - group_names <- sort(unique(data$group)) - - legend_name <- paste(sapply(group_names, function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - - # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) - series_data <- rep("", length(group_names)) - for(i in 1:length(group_names)){ - - temp_data <- data[data$group == group_names[i],] - - temp <- paste("{name:'", group_names[i], "', type:'scatter', ", - - paste("symbolSize:", point.size, ",", sep=""), - paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), - - "data:[", - paste(sapply(1:dim(temp_data)[1], - function(j){ - paste("[", temp_data[j, "x"], - ",", - temp_data[j, "y"],"]", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ","), - "]}", - sep="") - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, - " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{show: true, type:'cross'}}, ", - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{dataZoom:{show: true},restore:{show: true},saveAsImage:{show: true}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", - 'dataZoom: [],') - )), - - ifelse(auto.scale, - - paste("xAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true, axisLabel:{rotate:", - rotate.axis.x, - ",textStyle:{fontSize:", - font.size.axis.x, - "}}}],", - "yAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true,axisLabel:{rotate:", - rotate.axis.y, - ",textStyle:{fontSize:", - font.size.axis.y, - "}}}],", sep=""), - - paste("xAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, min: ", - round(min(data$x) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) - 0.1, - ", max: ", - round(max(data$x) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) + 0.1, - "}],yAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}, min: ", - round(min(data$y) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) - 0.1, - ", max: ", - round(max(data$y) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) + 0.1, - "}],", - sep="") - ), - - "series :", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Radar Charts ------------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - - -renderRadarChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - shape = "default", line.width = 2, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # check the value for "shape" - valid_shapes <- c("default", "circle") - if((shape %in% valid_shapes) == FALSE){ - stop("The shape is invalid. You can choose 'default' or 'circle'.") - } - - - legend_data <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") - - indicator <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[1], - function(i){ - paste("{name:'", row.names(data)[i], - "', max:", - max(data[i,])*1.1, - "}", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ",") - indicator <- paste("indicator:[", - indicator, - "]") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - data <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[2], - function(i){ - paste("{value:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ","), - "], name:'", - names(data)[i], - "'}", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ",") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip:{}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", - legend_data, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "radar:{", - ifelse(shape == "default", - "", - "shape: 'circle',"), - indicator, - "},", - "series : [{type: 'radar',", - "data:[", - data, - "], itemStyle: {normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width, "}},emphasis : {areaStyle: {color:'rgba(0,250,0,0.3)'}}}}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Word Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - - -renderWordcloud <- function(div_id, - data, shape = "circle", - grid_size = 5, - sizeRange = c(15, 50), - rotationRange = c(-45, 45), - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. - if(is.vector(data)){ - data <- data.frame(table(data)) - names(data) <- c("name", "value") - } else { - # Check if the data is valid - if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") - } - - # check if the "value" column is numeric - if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ - stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") - } - } - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - js_data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) - js_data <- gsub("\"", "\'", js_data) - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "'));", - - "option_", div_id, - "= {tooltip:{},", - "series:[{type: 'wordCloud',gridSize: ", grid_size, ",", - "sizeRange:", paste("[", sizeRange[1], ",", sizeRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", - "rotationRange:", paste("[", rotationRange[1], ",", rotationRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", - "shape: '", shape, "',width: 600,height: 500, - textStyle: {normal: {color:function (){return 'rgb(' + [Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200)].join(',') + ')';}}, - emphasis: { - shadowBlur: 30, - shadowColor: '#333' - }}, - data:", - js_data, - "}]};", - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Heat Map ---------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderHeatMap <- function(div_id, data, - theme = "default", - = TRUE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - if((is.matrix(data) == FALSE) | ((class(data[1, 1]) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data input must be a matrix containing numeric or integer values") - } - - # This is to process NA values. If there is NA values, it will be changed into "null" to be consistent with Javascript - # The values in the matrix will turn to be "character". This is also why we save it separately as a new variable (we still need the NUMERIC values in the raw data to compute max and min values) - processed_data <- .process_NA(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- paste("[{type: 'heatmap',data:", .prepare_data_for_heatmap(processed_data), ",itemStyle: {emphasis: {shadowBlur: 10,shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]", sep="") - - # prepare axis labels - - row_names <- row.names(data) - col_names <- colnames(data) - - - js_statement <- paste("var ", - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, "={tooltip:{position: 'top'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", - ""), - - "xAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", - ifelse(is.null(row_names), - "' '", - paste(sapply(row_names, - function(x){ - paste("'", x, "'", sep="") - }), collapse = ",")), - "],splitArea: {show: true}},", - - - "yAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", - ifelse(is.null(col_names), - "' '", - paste(sapply(col_names, - function(x){ - paste("'", x, "'", sep="") - }), collapse = ",")), - "],splitArea: {show: true}},", - - "visualMap: {min: ", min(data[]), ",max: ", max(data[]), ",bottom: '15%', show:false},", - - "series:", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} + +########################################################################### +# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + +# This is a function defined to be used within user-level functions. +# It will help check if the theme argument is valid. +# If it's invalid, give error msg. +# if valid, return the theme place holder statement +.theme_placeholder <- function(theme){ + + valid_themes <- c("default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine") + if((theme %in% valid_themes) == FALSE){ + stop("The ECharts theme you specified is invalid. Please check. Valid values include: 'default', 'roma', 'infographic', 'macarons', 'vintage' and 'shine'.") + } + + return(ifelse(theme == "default", + "", + paste(", '",theme, "'", sep="")) + ) + +} + +# This is a function defined to help us tackle NA values in data +# In line charts and bar charts, if there is NA values in the data, the function can not work well as Javascript can NOT identify "NA" and it can only identify 'null'. +.process_NA <- function(data){ + data[] <- 'null' + return(data) +} + + +# A function designed to help prepare data for heat map + +.prepare_data_for_heatmap <- function(dat){ + n_row <- dim(dat)[1] + n_col <- dim(dat)[2] + + temp <- c() + for(i in 1:n_row){ + for(j in 1:n_col){ + temp <- c(temp, paste("[", i, ",", j, ",", dat[i,j], "]", sep="")) + } + } + temp <- paste(temp, collapse = ", ") + temp <- paste("[", temp, "]") + return(temp) +} + +########################################################################### +# Pie Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderPieChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + radius = "50%", + center_x = "50%", center_y = "50%", + show.label = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Check if the data input is valid + # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. + if(is.vector(data)){ + data <- data.frame(table(data)) + names(data) <- c("name", "value") + } else { + # Check if the data is valid + if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") + } + + # check if the "value" column is numeric + if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ + stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") + } + } + + # Generate legend + legend_data <- paste(sapply(sort(unique(data$name)), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) + data <- gsub("\"", "\'", data) + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'item',formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", + legend_data, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "series : [{type: 'pie', radius:'", radius, "', center :['", center_x, "','", center_y, "'],", + + ifelse(show.label, + "label:{normal:{show: true}},", + "label:{normal:{show: false}},"), + + "data:", + data, + ", itemStyle: { emphasis: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Bar Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderBarChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + stack_plot = FALSE, + direction = "horizontal", + grid_left = "3%", grid_right = "4%", grid_top = "16%", grid_bottom = "3%", + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Check if the "direction" value is valid + if(direction == "horizontal"){ + direction_vector = c("xAxis", "yAxis") + }else{ + if(direction == "vertical"){ + direction_vector = c("yAxis", "xAxis") + }else{ + stop("The 'direction' argument can be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'") + } + } + + xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") + legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) + series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) + for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ + temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'bar', ", + ifelse(stack_plot, + " stack:' ', ", + " "), + "data:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), + "]}", + sep="" + ) + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, + " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{type:'shadow'}}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{magicType:{type: ['stack', 'tiled']}, saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "grid: {left:'", grid_left, "', right:'", grid_right, "', top:'", grid_top, "', bottom:'", grid_bottom, "', containLabel: true},", + direction_vector[1], + ":[{type:'value', axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}], ", + direction_vector[2], + ":[{type:'category', axisTick:{show:false}, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", + xaxis_name, + "}],series :", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Line Chart -------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderLineChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", + point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", + stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend =12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # check the type of line.width + if((class(line.width) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The line.width should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # check the type of point.size + if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # check the value of point.type + unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ + stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") + } + + # check the value of line.type + unique_line.types <- unique(line.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_line.types, function(x){x %in% c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")})) != length(unique_line.types)){ + stop("The line.type can only be 'solid', 'dashed', or 'dotted'.") + } + + # check the value of 'step' + if((step %in% c('null', 'start', 'middle', 'end')) == FALSE){ + stop("The 'step' can only be 'null', 'start', 'middle' or 'end'.") + } + + + n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] + # Check the length of line.width + if(length(line.width) != 1){ + if(length(line.width) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of line.width should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + line.width <- rep(line.width, n_of_category) + } + + # check the length of line.type + if(length(line.type) != 1){ + if(length(line.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of line.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + line.type <- rep(line.type, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the length of point.size + if(length(point.size) != 1){ + if(length(point.size) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.size should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.size <- rep(point.size, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the length of point.type + if(length(point.type) != 1){ + if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") + legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + step_statement <- ifelse(step == 'null', + "step:false,", + paste("step:'", step, "',", sep = "")) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) + for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ + temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'line', ", + + step_statement, + + paste("symbolSize:", point.size[i], ",", sep=""), + paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), + + "itemStyle:{normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width[i],", type:'", line.type[i], "'}}},", + + ifelse(stack_plot, + "stack: ' ', areaStyle: {normal: {}},", + " "), + "data:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), + "]}", + sep="" + ) + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'axis'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", + 'dataZoom: [],') + )), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel:{rotate:",rotate.axis.y,",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}, ", + "xAxis:{type:'category', boundaryGap: false, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", + xaxis_name, + "}, series:[", + series_data, + "]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Gauge ------------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderGauge <- function(div_id, theme = "default", + gauge_name, rate, + = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- paste("[{name:'",gauge_name, "',value:", rate, "}]", sep="") + + js_statement <- paste("var ", + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, "={tooltip : {formatter: '{b} : {c}%'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", + ""), + + "series:[{name:'", gauge_name, "', type:'gauge', detail: {formatter:'{value}%'},data:", + series_data, + "}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Scatter ----------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderScatter <- function(div_id, data, + point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", + theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + if(sum( > 0 & auto.scale == FALSE){ + auto.scale <- TRUE + warning("auto.scale must be on when there is any N.A. values in the data.") + } + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # DATA PREPARATION: + # For scatter plots, the data must be prepared as a data.frame of 3 columns. + # "x", "y", and "group" + if(dim(data)[2] !=3 ) + stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") + + if(sum(sapply(c("x", "y", "group"), function(x){x %in% names(data)})) != 3) + stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") + + # check the value of point.size + if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # Check the value of theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # check the value of point.type + unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ + stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") + } + + n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] + # Check the length of point.type + if(length(point.type) != 1){ + if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) + } + + + # get the unique values of "group" column + group_names <- sort(unique(data$group)) + + legend_name <- paste(sapply(group_names, function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + + # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) + series_data <- rep("", length(group_names)) + for(i in 1:length(group_names)){ + + temp_data <- data[data$group == group_names[i],] + + temp <- paste("{name:'", group_names[i], "', type:'scatter', ", + + paste("symbolSize:", point.size, ",", sep=""), + paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), + + "data:[", + paste(sapply(1:dim(temp_data)[1], + function(j){ + paste("[", temp_data[j, "x"], + ",", + temp_data[j, "y"],"]", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ","), + "]}", + sep="") + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, + " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{show: true, type:'cross'}}, ", + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{dataZoom:{show: true},restore:{show: true},saveAsImage:{show: true}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", + 'dataZoom: [],') + )), + + ifelse(auto.scale, + + paste("xAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true, axisLabel:{rotate:", + rotate.axis.x, + ",textStyle:{fontSize:", + font.size.axis.x, + "}}}],", + "yAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true,axisLabel:{rotate:", + rotate.axis.y, + ",textStyle:{fontSize:", + font.size.axis.y, + "}}}],", sep=""), + + paste("xAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, min: ", + round(min(data$x) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) - 0.1, + ", max: ", + round(max(data$x) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) + 0.1, + "}],yAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}, min: ", + round(min(data$y) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) - 0.1, + ", max: ", + round(max(data$y) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) + 0.1, + "}],", + sep="") + ), + + "series :", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Radar Charts ------------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + + +renderRadarChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + shape = "default", line.width = 2, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # check the value for "shape" + valid_shapes <- c("default", "circle") + if((shape %in% valid_shapes) == FALSE){ + stop("The shape is invalid. You can choose 'default' or 'circle'.") + } + + + legend_data <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") + + indicator <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[1], + function(i){ + paste("{name:'", row.names(data)[i], + "', max:", + max(data[i,])*1.1, + "}", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ",") + indicator <- paste("indicator:[", + indicator, + "]") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + data <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[2], + function(i){ + paste("{value:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ","), + "], name:'", + names(data)[i], + "'}", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ",") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip:{}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", + legend_data, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "radar:{", + ifelse(shape == "default", + "", + "shape: 'circle',"), + indicator, + "},", + "series : [{type: 'radar',", + "data:[", + data, + "], itemStyle: {normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width, "}},emphasis : {areaStyle: {color:'rgba(0,250,0,0.3)'}}}}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Word Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + + +renderWordcloud <- function(div_id, + data, shape = "circle", + grid_size = 5, + sizeRange = c(15, 50), + rotationRange = c(-45, 45), + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. + if(is.vector(data)){ + data <- data.frame(table(data)) + names(data) <- c("name", "value") + } else { + # Check if the data is valid + if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") + } + + # check if the "value" column is numeric + if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ + stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") + } + } + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + js_data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) + js_data <- gsub("\"", "\'", js_data) + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "'));", + + "option_", div_id, + "= {tooltip:{},", + "series:[{type: 'wordCloud',gridSize: ", grid_size, ",", + "sizeRange:", paste("[", sizeRange[1], ",", sizeRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", + "rotationRange:", paste("[", rotationRange[1], ",", rotationRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", + "shape: '", shape, "',width: 600,height: 500, + textStyle: {normal: {color:function (){return 'rgb(' + [Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200)].join(',') + ')';}}, + emphasis: { + shadowBlur: 30, + shadowColor: '#333' + }}, + data:", + js_data, + "}]};", + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Heat Map ---------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderHeatMap <- function(div_id, data, + theme = "default", + = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + if((is.matrix(data) == FALSE) | ((class(data[1, 1]) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data input must be a matrix containing numeric or integer values") + } + + # This is to process NA values. If there is NA values, it will be changed into "null" to be consistent with Javascript + # The values in the matrix will turn to be "character". This is also why we save it separately as a new variable (we still need the NUMERIC values in the raw data to compute max and min values) + processed_data <- .process_NA(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- paste("[{type: 'heatmap',data:", .prepare_data_for_heatmap(processed_data), ",itemStyle: {emphasis: {shadowBlur: 10,shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]", sep="") + + # prepare axis labels + + row_names <- row.names(data) + col_names <- colnames(data) + + + js_statement <- paste("var ", + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, "={tooltip:{position: 'top'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", + ""), + + "xAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", + ifelse(is.null(row_names), + "' '", + paste(sapply(row_names, + function(x){ + paste("'", x, "'", sep="") + }), collapse = ",")), + "],splitArea: {show: true}},", + + + "yAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", + ifelse(is.null(col_names), + "' '", + paste(sapply(col_names, + function(x){ + paste("'", x, "'", sep="") + }), collapse = ",")), + "],splitArea: {show: true}},", + + "visualMap: {min: ", min(data[]), ",max: ", max(data[]), ",bottom: '15%', show:false},", + + "series:", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} diff --git a/man/renderPieChart.Rd b/man/renderPieChart.Rd index 87a74eb..c85e056 100644 --- a/man/renderPieChart.Rd +++ b/man/renderPieChart.Rd @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ renderPieChart() function helps render the pie chart into Shiny application. } \usage{ renderPieChart(div_id, data, theme, radius,center_x,center_y, - show.legend, = TRUE, + show.label = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, font.size.legend= 12, running_in_shiny) } @@ -36,12 +37,15 @@ The position of the center of the pie chart (x axis). Default value is "50\%". } \item{center_y}{ The position of the center of the pie chart (y axis). Default value is "50\%". +} + \item{show.label}{ +Whether display the leble for the pie chart. The default value is TRUE. } \item{show.legend}{ -If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +Whether display the legends. The default value is TRUE. } \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +Whether display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. } \item{font.size.legend}{ The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12.