From 408cb3c267d69f83cebc98196274be5a0e3750a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: XD-DENG Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 23:29:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Added "animation" argument for six charts so users can choose if they display the charts with animation --- R/renderCharts.R | 1920 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------- man/renderBarChart.Rd | 202 ++-- man/renderGauge.Rd | 103 ++- man/renderLineChart.Rd | 252 ++--- man/renderPieChart.Rd | 162 ++-- man/renderRadarChart.Rd | 138 +-- man/renderScatter.Rd | 194 ++-- 7 files changed, 1514 insertions(+), 1457 deletions(-) diff --git a/R/renderCharts.R b/R/renderCharts.R index 1a361d8..1428a88 100644 --- a/R/renderCharts.R +++ b/R/renderCharts.R @@ -1,944 +1,976 @@ - -########################################################################### -# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - -# This is a function defined to be used within user-level functions. -# It will help check if the theme argument is valid. -# If it's invalid, give error msg. -# if valid, return the theme place holder statement -.theme_placeholder <- function(theme){ - - valid_themes <- c("default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine") - if((theme %in% valid_themes) == FALSE){ - stop("The ECharts theme you specified is invalid. Please check. Valid values include: 'default', 'roma', 'infographic', 'macarons', 'vintage' and 'shine'.") - } - - return(ifelse(theme == "default", - "", - paste(", '",theme, "'", sep="")) - ) - -} - -# This is a function defined to help us tackle NA values in data -# In line charts and bar charts, if there is NA values in the data, the function can not work well as Javascript can NOT identify "NA" and it can only identify 'null'. -.process_NA <- function(data){ - data[] <- 'null' - return(data) -} - - -# A function designed to help prepare data for heat map - -.prepare_data_for_heatmap <- function(dat){ - n_row <- dim(dat)[1] - n_col <- dim(dat)[2] - - temp <- c() - for(i in 1:n_row){ - for(j in 1:n_col){ - temp <- c(temp, paste("[", i, ",", j, ",", dat[i,j], "]", sep="")) - } - } - temp <- paste(temp, collapse = ", ") - temp <- paste("[", temp, "]") - return(temp) -} - -########################################################################### -# Pie Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderPieChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - radius = "50%", - center_x = "50%", center_y = "50%", - show.label = TRUE, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Check if the data input is valid - # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. - if(is.vector(data)){ - data <- data.frame(table(data)) - names(data) <- c("name", "value") - } else { - # Check if the data is valid - if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") - } - - # check if the "value" column is numeric - if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ - stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") - } - } - - # Generate legend - legend_data <- paste(sapply(sort(unique(data$name)), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) - data <- gsub("\"", "\'", data) - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'item',formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", - legend_data, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "series : [{type: 'pie', radius:'", radius, "', center :['", center_x, "','", center_y, "'],", - - ifelse(show.label, - "label:{normal:{show: true}},", - "label:{normal:{show: false}},"), - - "data:", - data, - ", itemStyle: { emphasis: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Bar Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderBarChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - stack_plot = FALSE, - direction = "horizontal", - grid_left = "3%", grid_right = "4%", grid_top = "16%", grid_bottom = "3%", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Check if the "direction" value is valid - if(direction == "horizontal"){ - direction_vector = c("xAxis", "yAxis") - }else{ - if(direction == "vertical"){ - direction_vector = c("yAxis", "xAxis") - }else{ - stop("The 'direction' argument can be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'") - } - } - - xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") - legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) - series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) - for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ - temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'bar', ", - ifelse(stack_plot, - " stack:' ', ", - " "), - "data:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), - "]}", - sep="" - ) - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, - " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{type:'shadow'}}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{magicType:{type: ['stack', 'tiled']}, saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "grid: {left:'", grid_left, "', right:'", grid_right, "', top:'", grid_top, "', bottom:'", grid_bottom, "', containLabel: true},", - direction_vector[1], - ":[{type:'value', axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}], ", - direction_vector[2], - ":[{type:'category', axisTick:{show:false}, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", - xaxis_name, - "}],series :", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Line Chart -------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderLineChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", - point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", - stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend =12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # check the type of line.width - if((class(line.width) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The line.width should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # check the type of point.size - if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # check the value of point.type - unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ - stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") - } - - # check the value of line.type - unique_line.types <- unique(line.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_line.types, function(x){x %in% c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")})) != length(unique_line.types)){ - stop("The line.type can only be 'solid', 'dashed', or 'dotted'.") - } - - # check the value of 'step' - if((step %in% c('null', 'start', 'middle', 'end')) == FALSE){ - stop("The 'step' can only be 'null', 'start', 'middle' or 'end'.") - } - - - n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] - # Check the length of line.width - if(length(line.width) != 1){ - if(length(line.width) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of line.width should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - line.width <- rep(line.width, n_of_category) - } - - # check the length of line.type - if(length(line.type) != 1){ - if(length(line.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of line.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - line.type <- rep(line.type, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the length of point.size - if(length(point.size) != 1){ - if(length(point.size) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.size should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.size <- rep(point.size, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the length of point.type - if(length(point.type) != 1){ - if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) - } - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") - legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - step_statement <- ifelse(step == 'null', - "step:false,", - paste("step:'", step, "',", sep = "")) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) - for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ - temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'line', ", - - step_statement, - - paste("symbolSize:", point.size[i], ",", sep=""), - paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), - - "itemStyle:{normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width[i],", type:'", line.type[i], "'}}},", - - ifelse(stack_plot, - "stack: ' ', areaStyle: {normal: {}},", - " "), - "data:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), - "]}", - sep="" - ) - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'axis'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", - 'dataZoom: [],') - )), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel:{rotate:",rotate.axis.y,",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}, ", - "xAxis:{type:'category', boundaryGap: false, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", - xaxis_name, - "}, series:[", - series_data, - "]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Gauge ------------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderGauge <- function(div_id, theme = "default", - gauge_name, rate, - = TRUE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- paste("[{name:'",gauge_name, "',value:", rate, "}]", sep="") - - js_statement <- paste("var ", - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, "={tooltip : {formatter: '{b} : {c}%'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", - ""), - - "series:[{name:'", gauge_name, "', type:'gauge', detail: {formatter:'{value}%'},data:", - series_data, - "}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Scatter ----------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - - -renderScatter <- function(div_id, data, - point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", - theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - if(sum( > 0 & auto.scale == FALSE){ - auto.scale <- TRUE - warning("auto.scale must be on when there is any N.A. values in the data.") - } - - data <- .process_NA(data) - - # DATA PREPARATION: - # For scatter plots, the data must be prepared as a data.frame of 3 columns. - # "x", "y", and "group" - if(dim(data)[2] !=3 ) - stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") - - if(sum(sapply(c("x", "y", "group"), function(x){x %in% names(data)})) != 3) - stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") - - # check the value of point.size - if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ - stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") - } - - # Check the value of theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # check the value of point.type - unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) - if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ - stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") - } - - n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] - # Check the length of point.type - if(length(point.type) != 1){ - if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ - stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") - } - } else { - point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) - } - - - # get the unique values of "group" column - group_names <- sort(unique(data$group)) - - legend_name <- paste(sapply(group_names, function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") - - - # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) - series_data <- rep("", length(group_names)) - for(i in 1:length(group_names)){ - - temp_data <- data[data$group == group_names[i],] - - temp <- paste("{name:'", group_names[i], "', type:'scatter', ", - - paste("symbolSize:", point.size, ",", sep=""), - paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), - - "data:[", - paste(sapply(1:dim(temp_data)[1], - function(j){ - paste("[", temp_data[j, "x"], - ",", - temp_data[j, "y"],"]", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ","), - "]}", - sep="") - series_data[i] <- temp - } - series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") - series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, - " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{show: true, type:'cross'}}, ", - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{dataZoom:{show: true},restore:{show: true},saveAsImage:{show: true}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{data:", - legend_name, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", - ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, - "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", - 'dataZoom: [],') - )), - - ifelse(auto.scale, - - paste("xAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true, axisLabel:{rotate:", - rotate.axis.x, - ",textStyle:{fontSize:", - font.size.axis.x, - "}}}],", - "yAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true,axisLabel:{rotate:", - rotate.axis.y, - ",textStyle:{fontSize:", - font.size.axis.y, - "}}}],", sep=""), - - paste("xAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, min: ", - round(min(data$x) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) - 0.1, - ", max: ", - round(max(data$x) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) + 0.1, - "}],yAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}, min: ", - round(min(data$y) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) - 0.1, - ", max: ", - round(max(data$y) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) + 0.1, - "}],", - sep="") - ), - - "series :", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Radar Charts ------------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - - -renderRadarChart <- function(div_id, - data, theme = "default", - shape = "default", line.width = 2, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # check the value for "shape" - valid_shapes <- c("default", "circle") - if((shape %in% valid_shapes) == FALSE){ - stop("The shape is invalid. You can choose 'default' or 'circle'.") - } - - - legend_data <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") - legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") - - indicator <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[1], - function(i){ - paste("{name:'", row.names(data)[i], - "', max:", - max(data[i,])*1.1, - "}", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ",") - indicator <- paste("indicator:[", - indicator, - "]") - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - data <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[2], - function(i){ - paste("{value:[", - paste(data[, i], collapse = ","), - "], name:'", - names(data)[i], - "'}", - sep="") - }), - collapse = ",") - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip:{}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", - ""), - - ifelse(show.legend, - paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", - legend_data, - ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", - "},", - sep=""), - ""), - "radar:{", - ifelse(shape == "default", - "", - "shape: 'circle',"), - indicator, - "},", - "series : [{type: 'radar',", - "data:[", - data, - "], itemStyle: {normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width, "}},emphasis : {areaStyle: {color:'rgba(0,250,0,0.3)'}}}}]};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Word Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------ -########################################################################### - - -renderWordcloud <- function(div_id, - data, shape = "circle", - grid_size = 5, - sizeRange = c(15, 50), - rotationRange = c(-45, 45), - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. - if(is.vector(data)){ - data <- data.frame(table(data)) - names(data) <- c("name", "value") - } else { - # Check if the data is valid - if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") - } - - # check if the "value" column is numeric - if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ - stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") - } - } - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - js_data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) - js_data <- gsub("\"", "\'", js_data) - - - js_statement <- paste("var " , - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "'));", - - "option_", div_id, - "= {tooltip:{},", - "series:[{type: 'wordCloud',gridSize: ", grid_size, ",", - "sizeRange:", paste("[", sizeRange[1], ",", sizeRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", - "rotationRange:", paste("[", rotationRange[1], ",", rotationRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", - "shape: '", shape, "',width: 600,height: 500, - textStyle: {normal: {color:function (){return 'rgb(' + [Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200)].join(',') + ')';}}, - emphasis: { - shadowBlur: 30, - shadowColor: '#333' - }}, - data:", - js_data, - "}]};", - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } -} - - - - - -########################################################################### -# Heat Map ---------------------------------------------------------------- -########################################################################### - -renderHeatMap <- function(div_id, data, - theme = "default", - = TRUE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE){ - - data <- isolate(data) - - if((is.matrix(data) == FALSE) | ((class(data[1, 1]) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE)){ - stop("The data input must be a matrix containing numeric or integer values") - } - - # This is to process NA values. If there is NA values, it will be changed into "null" to be consistent with Javascript - # The values in the matrix will turn to be "character". This is also why we save it separately as a new variable (we still need the NUMERIC values in the raw data to compute max and min values) - processed_data <- .process_NA(data) - - # Check the value for theme - theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) - - # Convert raw data into JSON format - series_data <- paste("[{type: 'heatmap',data:", .prepare_data_for_heatmap(processed_data), ",itemStyle: {emphasis: {shadowBlur: 10,shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]", sep="") - - # prepare axis labels - - row_names <- row.names(data) - col_names <- colnames(data) - - - js_statement <- paste("var ", - div_id, - " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", - div_id, - "')", - theme_placeholder, - ");", - - "option_", div_id, "={tooltip:{position: 'top'}, ", - - ifelse(, - "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", - ""), - - "xAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", - ifelse(is.null(row_names), - "' '", - paste(sapply(row_names, - function(x){ - paste("'", x, "'", sep="") - }), collapse = ",")), - "],splitArea: {show: true}},", - - - "yAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", - ifelse(is.null(col_names), - "' '", - paste(sapply(col_names, - function(x){ - paste("'", x, "'", sep="") - }), collapse = ",")), - "],splitArea: {show: true}},", - - "visualMap: {min: ", min(data[]), ",max: ", max(data[]), ",bottom: '15%', show:false},", - - "series:", - series_data, - "};", - - div_id, - ".setOption(option_", - div_id, - ");", - sep="") - - to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", - js_statement, - "\"))})", - sep="") - - if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ - eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) - } else { - cat(to_eval) - } - -} + +########################################################################### +# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + +# This is a function defined to be used within user-level functions. +# It will help check if the theme argument is valid. +# If it's invalid, give error msg. +# if valid, return the theme place holder statement +.theme_placeholder <- function(theme){ + + valid_themes <- c("default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine") + if((theme %in% valid_themes) == FALSE){ + stop("The ECharts theme you specified is invalid. Please check. Valid values include: 'default', 'roma', 'infographic', 'macarons', 'vintage' and 'shine'.") + } + + return(ifelse(theme == "default", + "", + paste(", '",theme, "'", sep="")) + ) + +} + +# This is a function defined to help us tackle NA values in data +# In line charts and bar charts, if there is NA values in the data, the function can not work well as Javascript can NOT identify "NA" and it can only identify 'null'. +.process_NA <- function(data){ + data[] <- 'null' + return(data) +} + + +# A function designed to help prepare data for heat map + +.prepare_data_for_heatmap <- function(dat){ + n_row <- dim(dat)[1] + n_col <- dim(dat)[2] + + temp <- c() + for(i in 1:n_row){ + for(j in 1:n_col){ + temp <- c(temp, paste("[", i, ",", j, ",", dat[i,j], "]", sep="")) + } + } + temp <- paste(temp, collapse = ", ") + temp <- paste("[", temp, "]") + return(temp) +} + +########################################################################### +# Pie Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderPieChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + radius = "50%", + center_x = "50%", center_y = "50%", + show.label = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Check if the data input is valid + # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. + if(is.vector(data)){ + data <- data.frame(table(data)) + names(data) <- c("name", "value") + } else { + # Check if the data is valid + if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") + } + + # check if the "value" column is numeric + if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ + stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") + } + } + + # Generate legend + legend_data <- paste(sapply(sort(unique(data$name)), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) + data <- gsub("\"", "\'", data) + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'item',formatter: '{b} : {c} ({d}%)'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", + legend_data, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "series : [{type: 'pie', radius:'", radius, "', center :['", center_x, "','", center_y, "'],", + + ifelse(show.label, + "label:{normal:{show: true}},", + "label:{normal:{show: false}},"), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + "data:", + data, + ", itemStyle: { emphasis: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Bar Chart --------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderBarChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + stack_plot = FALSE, + direction = "horizontal", + grid_left = "3%", grid_right = "4%", grid_top = "16%", grid_bottom = "3%", + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Check if the "direction" value is valid + if(direction == "horizontal"){ + direction_vector = c("xAxis", "yAxis") + }else{ + if(direction == "vertical"){ + direction_vector = c("yAxis", "xAxis") + }else{ + stop("The 'direction' argument can be either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'") + } + } + + xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") + legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) + series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) + for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ + temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'bar', ", + ifelse(stack_plot, + " stack:' ', ", + " "), + "data:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), + "]}", + sep="" + ) + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, + " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{type:'shadow'}}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{magicType:{type: ['stack', 'tiled']}, saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "grid: {left:'", grid_left, "', right:'", grid_right, "', top:'", grid_top, "', bottom:'", grid_bottom, "', containLabel: true},", + direction_vector[1], + ":[{type:'value', axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}], ", + direction_vector[2], + ":[{type:'category', axisTick:{show:false}, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", + xaxis_name, + "}],series :", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Line Chart -------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderLineChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", + point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", + stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend =12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # check the type of line.width + if((class(line.width) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The line.width should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # check the type of point.size + if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # check the value of point.type + unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ + stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") + } + + # check the value of line.type + unique_line.types <- unique(line.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_line.types, function(x){x %in% c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")})) != length(unique_line.types)){ + stop("The line.type can only be 'solid', 'dashed', or 'dotted'.") + } + + # check the value of 'step' + if((step %in% c('null', 'start', 'middle', 'end')) == FALSE){ + stop("The 'step' can only be 'null', 'start', 'middle' or 'end'.") + } + + + n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] + # Check the length of line.width + if(length(line.width) != 1){ + if(length(line.width) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of line.width should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + line.width <- rep(line.width, n_of_category) + } + + # check the length of line.type + if(length(line.type) != 1){ + if(length(line.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of line.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + line.type <- rep(line.type, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the length of point.size + if(length(point.size) != 1){ + if(length(point.size) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.size should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.size <- rep(point.size, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the length of point.type + if(length(point.type) != 1){ + if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) + } + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + xaxis_name <- paste(sapply(row.names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + xaxis_name <- paste("[", xaxis_name, "]", sep="") + legend_name <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + step_statement <- ifelse(step == 'null', + "step:false,", + paste("step:'", step, "',", sep = "")) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- rep("", dim(data)[2]) + for(i in 1:length(series_data)){ + temp <- paste("{name:'", names(data)[i], "', type:'line', ", + + step_statement, + + paste("symbolSize:", point.size[i], ",", sep=""), + paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), + + "itemStyle:{normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width[i],", type:'", line.type[i], "'}}},", + + ifelse(stack_plot, + "stack: ' ', areaStyle: {normal: {}},", + " "), + "data:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ", "), + "]}", + sep="" + ) + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip : {trigger: 'axis'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", + 'dataZoom: [],') + )), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + "yAxis: { type: 'value', axisLabel:{rotate:",rotate.axis.y,",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}}, ", + "xAxis:{type:'category', boundaryGap: false, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, data:", + xaxis_name, + "}, series:[", + series_data, + "]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Gauge ------------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderGauge <- function(div_id, theme = "default", + gauge_name, rate, + = TRUE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- paste("[{name:'",gauge_name, "',value:", rate, "}]", sep="") + + js_statement <- paste("var ", + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, "={tooltip : {formatter: '{b} : {c}%'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", + ""), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + "series:[{name:'", gauge_name, "', type:'gauge', detail: {formatter:'{value}%'},data:", + series_data, + "}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Scatter ----------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + + +renderScatter <- function(div_id, data, + point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", + theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + if(sum( > 0 & auto.scale == FALSE){ + auto.scale <- TRUE + warning("auto.scale must be on when there is any N.A. values in the data.") + } + + data <- .process_NA(data) + + # DATA PREPARATION: + # For scatter plots, the data must be prepared as a data.frame of 3 columns. + # "x", "y", and "group" + if(dim(data)[2] !=3 ) + stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") + + if(sum(sapply(c("x", "y", "group"), function(x){x %in% names(data)})) != 3) + stop("The data must be made up of three columns, 'x', 'y', and 'group'") + + # check the value of point.size + if((class(point.size) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE){ + stop("The point.size should either be numeric or integer.") + } + + # Check the value of theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # check the value of point.type + unique_point.types <- unique(point.type) + if(sum(sapply(unique_point.types, function(x){x %in% c('emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow')})) != length(unique_point.types)){ + stop("The point.type can only be 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'.") + } + + n_of_category <- dim(data)[2] + # Check the length of point.type + if(length(point.type) != 1){ + if(length(point.type) != n_of_category){ + stop("The length of point.type should either be one or the same as the number of categories.") + } + } else { + point.type <- rep(point.type, n_of_category) + } + + + # get the unique values of "group" column + group_names <- sort(unique(data$group)) + + legend_name <- paste(sapply(group_names, function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_name <- paste("[", legend_name, "]", sep="") + + + # Convert raw data into JSON format (Prepare the data in "series" part) + series_data <- rep("", length(group_names)) + for(i in 1:length(group_names)){ + + temp_data <- data[data$group == group_names[i],] + + temp <- paste("{name:'", group_names[i], "', type:'scatter', ", + + paste("symbolSize:", point.size, ",", sep=""), + paste("symbol:'", point.type[i], "',", sep=""), + + "data:[", + paste(sapply(1:dim(temp_data)[1], + function(j){ + paste("[", temp_data[j, "x"], + ",", + temp_data[j, "y"],"]", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ","), + "]}", + sep="") + series_data[i] <- temp + } + series_data <- paste(series_data, collapse = ", ") + series_data <- paste("[", series_data, "]", sep="") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, + " = {tooltip : {trigger:'axis', axisPointer:{show: true, type:'cross'}}, ", + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{dataZoom:{show: true},restore:{show: true},saveAsImage:{show: true}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{data:", + legend_name, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == FALSE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == FALSE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', yAxisIndex : 0}],", + ifelse(show.slider.axis.x == TRUE & show.slider.axis.y == TRUE, + "dataZoom: [{type:'slider', xAxisIndex : 0},{type:'slider',yAxisIndex:0}],", + 'dataZoom: [],') + )), + + ifelse(auto.scale, + + paste("xAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true, axisLabel:{rotate:", + rotate.axis.x, + ",textStyle:{fontSize:", + font.size.axis.x, + "}}}],", + "yAxis:[{type : 'value',scale:true,axisLabel:{rotate:", + rotate.axis.y, + ",textStyle:{fontSize:", + font.size.axis.y, + "}}}],", sep=""), + + paste("xAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.x, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.x, "}}, min: ", + round(min(data$x) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) - 0.1, + ", max: ", + round(max(data$x) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$x)), 1) + 0.1, + "}],yAxis:[{gridIndex: 0, axisLabel:{rotate:", rotate.axis.y, ",textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.axis.y, "}}, min: ", + round(min(data$y) - 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) - 0.1, + ", max: ", + round(max(data$y) + 0.03 * diff(range(data$y)), 1) + 0.1, + "}],", + sep="") + ), + + "series :", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Radar Charts ------------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + + +renderRadarChart <- function(div_id, + data, theme = "default", + shape = "default", line.width = 2, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # check the value for "shape" + valid_shapes <- c("default", "circle") + if((shape %in% valid_shapes) == FALSE){ + stop("The shape is invalid. You can choose 'default' or 'circle'.") + } + + + legend_data <- paste(sapply(names(data), function(x){paste("'", x, "'", sep="")}), collapse=", ") + legend_data <- paste("[", legend_data, "]", sep="") + + indicator <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[1], + function(i){ + paste("{name:'", row.names(data)[i], + "', max:", + max(data[i,])*1.1, + "}", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ",") + indicator <- paste("indicator:[", + indicator, + "]") + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + data <- paste(sapply(1:dim(data)[2], + function(i){ + paste("{value:[", + paste(data[, i], collapse = ","), + "], name:'", + names(data)[i], + "'}", + sep="") + }), + collapse = ",") + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + "option_", div_id, " = {tooltip:{}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox:{feature:{saveAsImage:{}}}, ", + ""), + + ifelse(animation, + "animation:true,", + "animation:false,"), + + ifelse(show.legend, + paste("legend:{orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data:", + legend_data, + ", textStyle:{fontSize:", font.size.legend, "}", + "},", + sep=""), + ""), + "radar:{", + ifelse(shape == "default", + "", + "shape: 'circle',"), + indicator, + "},", + "series : [{type: 'radar',", + "data:[", + data, + "], itemStyle: {normal:{lineStyle: {width:", line.width, "}},emphasis : {areaStyle: {color:'rgba(0,250,0,0.3)'}}}}]};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Word Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------ +########################################################################### + + +renderWordcloud <- function(div_id, + data, shape = "circle", + grid_size = 5, + sizeRange = c(15, 50), + rotationRange = c(-45, 45), + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + # the data input should be either a vector or a data.frame meeting specific requirement. + if(is.vector(data)){ + data <- data.frame(table(data)) + names(data) <- c("name", "value") + } else { + # Check if the data is valid + if((dim(data)[2] != 2) | ("name" %in% names(data) == FALSE) | ("value" %in% names(data) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data must be made up of two columns, 'name' and 'value'") + } + + # check if the "value" column is numeric + if(class(data$value) != 'numeric' & class(data$value) != 'integer'){ + stop("The 'value' column must be numeric or integer.") + } + } + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + js_data <- as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(data)) + js_data <- gsub("\"", "\'", js_data) + + + js_statement <- paste("var " , + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "'));", + + "option_", div_id, + "= {tooltip:{},", + + "series:[{type: 'wordCloud',gridSize: ", grid_size, ",", + "sizeRange:", paste("[", sizeRange[1], ",", sizeRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", + "rotationRange:", paste("[", rotationRange[1], ",", rotationRange[2], "]", sep=""), ",", + "shape: '", shape, "',width: 600,height: 500, + textStyle: {normal: {color:function (){return 'rgb(' + [Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200),Math.round(Math.random() * 200)].join(',') + ')';}}, + emphasis: { + shadowBlur: 30, + shadowColor: '#333' + }}, + data:", + js_data, + "}]};", + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } +} + + + + + +########################################################################### +# Heat Map ---------------------------------------------------------------- +########################################################################### + +renderHeatMap <- function(div_id, data, + theme = "default", + = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE){ + + data <- isolate(data) + + if((is.matrix(data) == FALSE) | ((class(data[1, 1]) %in% c("numeric", "integer")) == FALSE)){ + stop("The data input must be a matrix containing numeric or integer values") + } + + # This is to process NA values. If there is NA values, it will be changed into "null" to be consistent with Javascript + # The values in the matrix will turn to be "character". This is also why we save it separately as a new variable (we still need the NUMERIC values in the raw data to compute max and min values) + processed_data <- .process_NA(data) + + # Check the value for theme + theme_placeholder <- .theme_placeholder(theme) + + # Convert raw data into JSON format + series_data <- paste("[{type: 'heatmap',data:", .prepare_data_for_heatmap(processed_data), ",itemStyle: {emphasis: {shadowBlur: 10,shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'}}}]", sep="") + + # prepare axis labels + + row_names <- row.names(data) + col_names <- colnames(data) + + + js_statement <- paste("var ", + div_id, + " = echarts.init(document.getElementById('", + div_id, + "')", + theme_placeholder, + ");", + + "option_", div_id, "={tooltip:{position: 'top'}, ", + + ifelse(, + "toolbox: {feature: {saveAsImage: {}}},", + ""), + + "xAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", + ifelse(is.null(row_names), + "' '", + paste(sapply(row_names, + function(x){ + paste("'", x, "'", sep="") + }), collapse = ",")), + "],splitArea: {show: true}},", + + + "yAxis: {type: 'category',data: [", + ifelse(is.null(col_names), + "' '", + paste(sapply(col_names, + function(x){ + paste("'", x, "'", sep="") + }), collapse = ",")), + "],splitArea: {show: true}},", + + "visualMap: {min: ", min(data[]), ",max: ", max(data[]), ",bottom: '15%', show:false},", + + "series:", + series_data, + "};", + + div_id, + ".setOption(option_", + div_id, + ");", + sep="") + + to_eval <- paste("output$", div_id ," <- renderUI({fluidPage(tags$script(\"", + js_statement, + "\"))})", + sep="") + + if(running_in_shiny == TRUE){ + eval(parse(text = to_eval), envir = parent.frame()) + } else { + cat(to_eval) + } + +} diff --git a/man/renderBarChart.Rd b/man/renderBarChart.Rd index 2fbd7ec..84014bd 100644 --- a/man/renderBarChart.Rd +++ b/man/renderBarChart.Rd @@ -1,99 +1,103 @@ -\name{renderBarChart} -\alias{renderBarChart} - -\title{ -Render the Bar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderBarChart() function helps render the bar chart into Shiny application. -} -\usage{ -renderBarChart(div_id, data, theme, stack_plot, direction, - grid_left,grid_right, grid_top, grid_bottom, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - running_in_shiny) -} -%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ -The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{data}{ - The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. Each column of the data.frame is one category, and each row is one observation (like one timepoint). -} - \item{theme}{ -Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{stack_plot}{ -Whether do stack bar chart. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{direction}{ - The direction of the bar chart. Valid values include "vertical" and "horizontal". Default value is "horizontal". -} - \item{grid_left}{ - The grid left for the left side. Default value is "3\%". -} - \item{grid_right}{ - The grid left for the right side. Default value is "4\%". -} - \item{grid_top}{ - The grid left for the top side. Default value is "16\%". -} - \item{grid_bottom}{ - The grid left for the bottom side. Default value is "3\%". -} - \item{show.legend}{ -If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{font.size.legend}{ -The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.x}{ -The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.y}{ -The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{rotate.axis.x}{ -The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{rotate.axis.y}{ -The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} - - -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} - -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples - -# Prepare sample data for plotting -dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3, 1), - c(2, 4, 6, 6), - c(3, 2, 7, 5)) -names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B", "Type-C") -row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3", "Time-4") - -renderBarChart(div_id = "test", data=dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) -renderBarChart(div_id = "test", data=dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE, stack_plot = TRUE) -} - +\name{renderBarChart} +\alias{renderBarChart} + +\title{ +Render the Bar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderBarChart() function helps render the bar chart into Shiny application. +} +\usage{ +renderBarChart(div_id, data, theme, stack_plot, direction, + grid_left,grid_right, grid_top, grid_bottom, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny) +} +%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ +The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{data}{ + The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. Each column of the data.frame is one category, and each row is one observation (like one timepoint). +} + \item{theme}{ +Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{stack_plot}{ +Whether do stack bar chart. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{direction}{ + The direction of the bar chart. Valid values include "vertical" and "horizontal". Default value is "horizontal". +} + \item{grid_left}{ + The grid left for the left side. Default value is "3\%". +} + \item{grid_right}{ + The grid left for the right side. Default value is "4\%". +} + \item{grid_top}{ + The grid left for the top side. Default value is "16\%". +} + \item{grid_bottom}{ + The grid left for the bottom side. Default value is "3\%". +} + \item{show.legend}{ +If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{}{ +If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{font.size.legend}{ +The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.x}{ +The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.y}{ +The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{rotate.axis.x}{ +The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{rotate.axis.y}{ +The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} + + +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} + +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples + +# Prepare sample data for plotting +dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3, 1), + c(2, 4, 6, 6), + c(3, 2, 7, 5)) +names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B", "Type-C") +row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3", "Time-4") + +renderBarChart(div_id = "test", data=dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) +renderBarChart(div_id = "test", data=dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE, stack_plot = TRUE) +} + diff --git a/man/renderGauge.Rd b/man/renderGauge.Rd index fb43bab..46ea8f9 100644 --- a/man/renderGauge.Rd +++ b/man/renderGauge.Rd @@ -1,49 +1,54 @@ -\name{renderGauge} -\alias{renderGauge} - -\title{ -Render the Gauge Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderGauge() function helps render the gauge chart into Shiny application. -} -\usage{ -renderGauge(div_id, theme = "default", gauge_name, rate, - = TRUE, running_in_shiny = TRUE) -} -%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ - The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{theme}{ - Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{gauge_name}{ - The title to show on the gauge -} - \item{rate}{ - As the gauge helps show some kind of rate, users need to give this rate value. -} - \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples -renderGauge(div_id = "abc", gauge_name = "test", rate = 0.99, running_in_shiny = FALSE) -} - +\name{renderGauge} +\alias{renderGauge} + +\title{ +Render the Gauge Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderGauge() function helps render the gauge chart into Shiny application. +} +\usage{ +renderGauge(div_id, theme = "default", gauge_name, rate, + = TRUE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE) +} +%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ + The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{theme}{ + Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{gauge_name}{ + The title to show on the gauge +} + \item{rate}{ + As the gauge helps show some kind of rate, users need to give this rate value. +} + \item{}{ +If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples +renderGauge(div_id = "abc", gauge_name = "test", rate = 0.99, running_in_shiny = FALSE) +} + diff --git a/man/renderLineChart.Rd b/man/renderLineChart.Rd index 364c6b7..62512d0 100644 --- a/man/renderLineChart.Rd +++ b/man/renderLineChart.Rd @@ -1,124 +1,128 @@ -\name{renderLineChart} -\alias{renderLineChart} - -\title{ -Render the Line Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderLineChart() function helps render the line chart into Shiny application. -} -\usage{ -renderLineChart(div_id, data, theme = "default", - line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", - point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", - stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend= 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE) -} -%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ -The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{data}{ - The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. Each column of the data.frame is one category, and each row is one observation (like one timepoint). -} - \item{theme}{ -Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{line.width}{ -This is to help set the width of the lines. - -The value should be either numeric or integer. The default value is 2. - -Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). -} - \item{line.type}{ -The type of the lines. - -The value can be "solid", "dashed", or "dotted". The default value is "solid". - -Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). -} - \item{point.size}{ -This argument helps set the size of points in the scatter plots. - -The value should be either numeric or integer. The default value is 5. - -Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). -} - \item{point.type}{ -The shape of the points in scatter plots. - -Valid values include 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'. The default value is 'emptyCircle'. - -Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). -} - \item{stack_plot}{ -Whether do stack line chart. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{step}{ -This argument helps plot step line charts. The default value is "null", i.e., non-step line chart. - -If users want step line chart, they can choose "start", "middle", or "end" to determine the turning point positions in the step line charts. -} - \item{show.legend}{ -If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{font.size.legend}{ -The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.x}{ -The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.y}{ -The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{rotate.axis.x}{ -The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{rotate.axis.y}{ -The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{show.slider.axis.x}{ -Whether display slider on X axis. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{show.slider.axis.y}{ -Whether display slider on Y axis. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} - -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} - -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples - -# Prepare sample data for plotting -dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3, 1), - c(2, 4, 6, 6), - c(3, 2, 7, 5)) -names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B", "Type-C") -row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3", "Time-4") - -renderLineChart(div_id = "test", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) -} - +\name{renderLineChart} +\alias{renderLineChart} + +\title{ +Render the Line Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderLineChart() function helps render the line chart into Shiny application. +} +\usage{ +renderLineChart(div_id, data, theme = "default", + line.width = 2, line.type = "solid", + point.size = 5, point.type = "emptyCircle", + stack_plot = FALSE, step = "null", + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend= 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE) +} +%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ +The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{data}{ + The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. Each column of the data.frame is one category, and each row is one observation (like one timepoint). +} + \item{theme}{ +Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{line.width}{ +This is to help set the width of the lines. + +The value should be either numeric or integer. The default value is 2. + +Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). +} + \item{line.type}{ +The type of the lines. + +The value can be "solid", "dashed", or "dotted". The default value is "solid". + +Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). +} + \item{point.size}{ +This argument helps set the size of points in the scatter plots. + +The value should be either numeric or integer. The default value is 5. + +Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). +} + \item{point.type}{ +The shape of the points in scatter plots. + +Valid values include 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'. The default value is 'emptyCircle'. + +Its length should be either one or the same as the number of categories in the data (the number of columns in the data). +} + \item{stack_plot}{ +Whether do stack line chart. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{step}{ +This argument helps plot step line charts. The default value is "null", i.e., non-step line chart. + +If users want step line chart, they can choose "start", "middle", or "end" to determine the turning point positions in the step line charts. +} + \item{show.legend}{ +If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{}{ +If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{font.size.legend}{ +The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.x}{ +The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.y}{ +The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{rotate.axis.x}{ +The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{rotate.axis.y}{ +The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{show.slider.axis.x}{ +Whether display slider on X axis. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{show.slider.axis.y}{ +Whether display slider on Y axis. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} + +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} + +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples + +# Prepare sample data for plotting +dat <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3, 1), + c(2, 4, 6, 6), + c(3, 2, 7, 5)) +names(dat) <- c("Type-A", "Type-B", "Type-C") +row.names(dat) <- c("Time-1", "Time-2", "Time-3", "Time-4") + +renderLineChart(div_id = "test", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) +} + diff --git a/man/renderPieChart.Rd b/man/renderPieChart.Rd index c85e056..1ba66fe 100644 --- a/man/renderPieChart.Rd +++ b/man/renderPieChart.Rd @@ -1,79 +1,83 @@ -\name{renderPieChart} -\alias{renderPieChart} - -\title{ -Render the Pie Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderPieChart() function helps render the pie chart into Shiny application. -} -\usage{ -renderPieChart(div_id, data, theme, radius,center_x,center_y, - show.label = TRUE, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend= 12, - running_in_shiny) -} -%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ -The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{data}{ - The data used for the plotting. It should be either a vector or a data.frame. - - If it's a vector, it should be made up of all the elements you want to count and plot, like c("a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "c"). - - If it's a data.frame, the data must be made up of only two columns, "name" and "value". The "value" column must be numeric or integer. -} - \item{theme}{ -Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{radius}{ -The radius of the pie chart. -} - \item{center_x}{ -The position of the center of the pie chart (x axis). Default value is "50\%". -} - \item{center_y}{ -The position of the center of the pie chart (y axis). Default value is "50\%". -} - \item{show.label}{ -Whether display the leble for the pie chart. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{show.legend}{ -Whether display the legends. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{}{ -Whether display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{font.size.legend}{ -The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} - -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} - -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples - -# Prepare sample data for plotting -dat <- c(rep("Type-A", 5), - rep("Type-B", 10), - rep("Type-C", 2)) - -renderPieChart(div_id = "test", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) - -} +\name{renderPieChart} +\alias{renderPieChart} + +\title{ +Render the Pie Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderPieChart() function helps render the pie chart into Shiny application. +} +\usage{ +renderPieChart(div_id, data, theme, radius,center_x,center_y, + show.label = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend= 12, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny) +} +%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ +The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{data}{ + The data used for the plotting. It should be either a vector or a data.frame. + + If it's a vector, it should be made up of all the elements you want to count and plot, like c("a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "c"). + + If it's a data.frame, the data must be made up of only two columns, "name" and "value". The "value" column must be numeric or integer. +} + \item{theme}{ +Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{radius}{ +The radius of the pie chart. +} + \item{center_x}{ +The position of the center of the pie chart (x axis). Default value is "50\%". +} + \item{center_y}{ +The position of the center of the pie chart (y axis). Default value is "50\%". +} + \item{show.label}{ +Whether display the leble for the pie chart. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{show.legend}{ +Whether display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{}{ +Whether display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{font.size.legend}{ +The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} + +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} + +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples + +# Prepare sample data for plotting +dat <- c(rep("Type-A", 5), + rep("Type-B", 10), + rep("Type-C", 2)) + +renderPieChart(div_id = "test", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) + +} diff --git a/man/renderRadarChart.Rd b/man/renderRadarChart.Rd index a91ede7..822b4fa 100644 --- a/man/renderRadarChart.Rd +++ b/man/renderRadarChart.Rd @@ -1,67 +1,71 @@ -\name{renderRadarChart} -\alias{renderRadarChart} -\title{ -Render the Radar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderRadarChart() function helps render the Radar chart into Shiny application. -} -\usage{ -renderRadarChart(div_id, data, theme = "default", - shape = "default", line.width = 2, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - running_in_shiny = TRUE) -} -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ -The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{data}{ - The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. For radar chart, the data must have row names and column names specified. -} - \item{theme}{ -Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{shape}{ -The shape of the radar chart. Valid values include "default" and "circle". -} - \item{line.width}{ -The width of the lines in the radar chart. -} - \item{show.legend}{ -If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{font.size.legend}{ -The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} - -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} - -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples - -dat <- data.frame(Type.A = c(4300, 10000, 25000, 35000, 50000), - Type.B = c(5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000), - Type.C = c(4000, 2000, 9000, 29000, 35000)) -row.names(dat) <- c("Feture 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3", "Feature 4", "Feature 5") - -renderRadarChart("test_radar", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) -} - +\name{renderRadarChart} +\alias{renderRadarChart} +\title{ +Render the Radar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderRadarChart() function helps render the Radar chart into Shiny application. +} +\usage{ +renderRadarChart(div_id, data, theme = "default", + shape = "default", line.width = 2, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE) +} +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ +The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{data}{ + The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. For radar chart, the data must have row names and column names specified. +} + \item{theme}{ +Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{shape}{ +The shape of the radar chart. Valid values include "default" and "circle". +} + \item{line.width}{ +The width of the lines in the radar chart. +} + \item{show.legend}{ +If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{}{ +If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{font.size.legend}{ +The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} + +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} + +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples + +dat <- data.frame(Type.A = c(4300, 10000, 25000, 35000, 50000), + Type.B = c(5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000), + Type.C = c(4000, 2000, 9000, 29000, 35000)) +row.names(dat) <- c("Feture 1", "Feature 2", "Feature 3", "Feature 4", "Feature 5") + +renderRadarChart("test_radar", data = dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) +} + diff --git a/man/renderScatter.Rd b/man/renderScatter.Rd index 001a24c..101025c 100644 --- a/man/renderScatter.Rd +++ b/man/renderScatter.Rd @@ -1,95 +1,99 @@ -\name{renderScatter} -\alias{renderScatter} -\title{ -Render the Scatter Plots Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application -} -\description{ -renderScatter() function helps render the scatter plots into Shiny applications. -} -\usage{ -renderScatter(div_id, data, - point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", - theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, - show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, - font.size.legend = 12, - font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, - rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, - show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, - running_in_shiny = TRUE) -} -\arguments{ - \item{div_id}{ -The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. -} - \item{data}{ - The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. For scatter plots, the data must be made up of three columns, "x", "y", and "group". -} - \item{point.size}{ -This argument helps set the size of points in the scatter plots. It should be a single numeric or integer value. The dafault value is 10. -} - \item{point.type}{ -The shape of the points in scatter plots. - -Valid values include 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'. The default value is 'circle'. - -The length of this argument should either be one or be the same as the number of UNIQUE groups (the number of unique elements in 'group' column of the data input). -} - \item{theme}{ -Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". -} - \item{auto.scale}{ -A logical argument to determine if the scatter plot should be scaled again automatically after the users exclude any group of observations. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{show.legend}{ -If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{}{ -If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. -} - \item{font.size.legend}{ -The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.x}{ -The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{font.size.axis.y}{ -The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. -} - \item{rotate.axis.x}{ -The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{rotate.axis.y}{ -The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. -} - \item{show.slider.axis.x}{ -Whether display slider on X axis. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{show.slider.axis.y}{ -Whether display slider on Y axis. The default value is FALSE. -} - \item{running_in_shiny}{ - If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. -} -} - -\author{ - Xiaodong DENG - - (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) -} - -\note{ - Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). -} - -\examples{ -# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples - -dat <- data.frame(x = iris$Sepal.Length, - y = iris$Sepal.Width, - group = iris$Species) - -renderScatter("test", dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) - -} - +\name{renderScatter} +\alias{renderScatter} +\title{ +Render the Scatter Plots Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application +} +\description{ +renderScatter() function helps render the scatter plots into Shiny applications. +} +\usage{ +renderScatter(div_id, data, + point.size = 10, point.type = "circle", + theme = "default", auto.scale = TRUE, + show.legend = TRUE, = TRUE, + font.size.legend = 12, + font.size.axis.x = 12, font.size.axis.y = 12, + rotate.axis.x = 0, rotate.axis.y = 0, + show.slider.axis.x = FALSE, show.slider.axis.y = FALSE, + animation = TRUE, + running_in_shiny = TRUE) +} +\arguments{ + \item{div_id}{ +The division id users specified for this chart. The division will be specified in ui.R. +} + \item{data}{ + The data used for the plotting. It should be a data.frame. For scatter plots, the data must be made up of three columns, "x", "y", and "group". +} + \item{point.size}{ +This argument helps set the size of points in the scatter plots. It should be a single numeric or integer value. The dafault value is 10. +} + \item{point.type}{ +The shape of the points in scatter plots. + +Valid values include 'emptyCircle', 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow'. The default value is 'circle'. + +The length of this argument should either be one or be the same as the number of UNIQUE groups (the number of unique elements in 'group' column of the data input). +} + \item{theme}{ +Which ECharts theme to use. Valid values include "default", "roma", "infographic", "macarons", "vintage", "shine". +} + \item{auto.scale}{ +A logical argument to determine if the scatter plot should be scaled again automatically after the users exclude any group of observations. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{show.legend}{ +If display the legends. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{}{ +If display the tool bar. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{font.size.legend}{ +The font size of legend bar. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.x}{ +The font size of the labels on X axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{font.size.axis.y}{ +The font size of the labels on Y axis. The default value is 12. +} + \item{rotate.axis.x}{ +The rotation degree of labels on X axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{rotate.axis.y}{ +The rotation degree of labels on Y axis. The default value is 0. +} + \item{show.slider.axis.x}{ +Whether display slider on X axis. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{show.slider.axis.y}{ +Whether display slider on Y axis. The default value is FALSE. +} + \item{animation}{ +Whether display the chart with animation. The default value is TRUE. +} + \item{running_in_shiny}{ + If we're actually running this in a Shiny library, or we're simply doing testing. Default valus is "TRUE". If "FALSE", the function will print what it's supposed to evaluate. +} +} + +\author{ + Xiaodong DENG + + (ECharts library is authored by Baidu team) +} + +\note{ + Users need to state the division for the chart first, with tags$div() function of Shiny packages. Please note that the division id must keep unique (duplicated division id will cause error). +} + +\examples{ +# please refer to vignettes for the practical examples + +dat <- data.frame(x = iris$Sepal.Length, + y = iris$Sepal.Width, + group = iris$Species) + +renderScatter("test", dat, running_in_shiny = FALSE) + +} +