This UIDesignAssistant is a simple and directed UI-design helper.It can enhance your efficience on UI-design as you don't need to push manay ViewControllers to your aimed ViewController any more. You can use It to check your new ViewController while you are desining it anytime and anywhere. It is a convenient Tool for the begining of your new project.
1. Drop files in a floder called CM_UIDesignAssistant into your project。
2. In Appdelegate,#import "BYDUIDesignAssistant.h" and wtrite a commend “[[BYDUIDesignAssistant shareInstance] setAssistant]” into the method named “didFinishLaunchingWithOptions”。
3. Enjoy it!!!!!!
PS: It automatically load your classes‘ files。You can set the classes’ fliter in a class called “UIViewController+runtime”。By the way,It is the core。