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Getting Started with Butterfloat (and a Brief Tour of Butterfloat)

First of all, install Butterfloat into your project:

npm install butterfloat

For better Typescript inference you may also want to install rxjs as a direct dependency.

In your tsconfig.json file you will want to configure the JSX properties so that it compiles TSX for Butterfloat:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2022",
    "module": "es2022",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    // …
    "jsx": "react",
    "jsxFactory": "jsx",
    "jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment"
Explanation and Alternatives

Typescript Compiler Options

Per caniuse, ES${CurrentYear - 2} is often a strong 95%+ target in browsers today, so good choices for both Typescript's "target" and "module" compiler options. We use "moduleResolution": "node" for npm-installed packages.

Typescript has several "modes" for handling TSX files. "jsx": "react" is the most generic, despite the name of the option and tells Typescript not to try to auto-import anything and use the cleanest compilation to just basic function calls.

"jsxFactory": "jsx" tells Typescript that our TSX function that it compiles to call is named jsx. You will see this reflected as a common import import { jsx } from 'butterfloat', in all of the examples to follow.

"jsxFragmentFactory": "Fragment" tells Typescript that our "component" to use when it encounters a TSX fragment <>…</>. In this case Butterfloat's is named just Fragment and will be imported anywhere fragments are used. import { Fragment, jsx } from 'butterfloat'

TSX Alternatives

The developer experience is best tuned for using Typescript to compile TSX files to JSX. Especially in application testing you may only need Typescript compilation and can directly use <script type="module"> and an importmap for node_modules imports in 2024's browsers.

Other alternatives to compiling TSX with Typescript:

  • babel: If you are still using Babel in 2024, it has similar settings to the three above. (You probably don't need Babel and it is not recommended.)
  • esbuild: esbuild uses the exact same settings as Typescript and will pick them up from your tsconfig.json file. (esbuild is the current recommended bundler. You may not need a bundler, but if you do, esbuild is handy.)
  • "no build": the jsx function of Butterfloat may be used like an h function directly in JS.

Setup a Lightweight Dev Environment

We can take advantage of an import map to do very lightweight dev testing.

Currently RxJS doesn't use file extensions in its imports, so we will need to spot bundle RxJS for use with an import map. An easy way to do this is this simple command:

npx esbuild --bundle ./node_modules/rxjs/dist/esm/index.js --outfile=./vendor/rxjs.js --format=esm

You probably want to install Typescript as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev typescript

Once installed, to develop your application you can use a Typescript watch such as:

tsc -p ./tsconfig.json --watch

You may then want to start a test server such as:

npx http-server

http-server might be a good choice for a dev dependency as well, and you might want to add both as scripts to your package.json, for ease of development:

  // ...
  "type": "module",
  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc -p ./tsconfig.json",
    "watch": "tsc -p ./tsconfig.json --watch",
    "prestart": "npm run build",
    "start": "http-server"

"type": "module" is useful to let us use the .js file extension for all of our code, which we are focusing on ES Modules only.

Production Bundling

Production Bundling

Today you may not need to do any production bundling. HTTP versions 2 and 3 no longer penalize lots of small files as harshly as HTTP version 1 did. You can observe your application's behavior in your browser's developer tools, test it with different latency/throttling tools, and make an informed decision.

That said, if you are using the vendored rxjs.js from above you can certainly win smaller bundles with more tree-shaking if you need to shrink download size as much as possible.

esbuild is a handy bundler (already seen in action above), which supports your Typescript files directly as inputs and auto-configures TSX support based on your same tsconfig.json file.

An Example Hello World App

Start with a basic index.html with an import map:

<!doctype html>
    <title>Butterfloat Tour Example</title>
    <script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
          "butterfloat": "./node_modules/butterfloat/index.js",
          "rxjs": "./vendor/rxjs.js"
    <script type="module" src="main.js"></script>

    <div id="container" class="container">
      <h1>Butterfloat Tour Example</h1>

We can create a simple Hello World Hello and Main component in main.tsx:

import { jsx, run } from 'butterfloat'

interface HelloProps {
  to: string

function Hello({ to }: HelloProps) {
  return <p className="hello">Hello {to}</p>

function Main() {
  return <Hello to="World" />

const container = document.getElementById('container')!
run(container, Main)

Other than the imports, this may look a lot like a React functional component going way back.

While Butterfloat and React share TSX and have a lot of surface similarities including accepting props, the behaviors of components in the two are very different. In Butterfloat, components functions are run once and only once per instance. There's no re-render process.

In this example the Hello component is entirely static. It outputs static HTML. It does have a parameter, but it cannot change (because the function is only called once). Similarly, the Main component here is also effectively static. It offers one hardcoded prop to the Hello component and has no way to change it in the future.

Let's Add Some Dynamism to the Hello World App

In Butterfloat, static HTML looks static and the only things that can dynamically change things are RxJS Observables and other Butterfloat components (which, if you are curious, are wired into Observables). To add some dynamic changes to our example we'll need to bind an Observable.

import { jsx, run } from 'butterfloat'
import { Observable, concat, interval, of, map } from 'rxjs'

interface HelloProps {
  to: Observable<string>

function Hello({ to }: HelloProps) {
  const innerText = to.pipe(map((to) => `Hello ${to}`))
  return <p className="hello" bind={{ innerText }} />

function Main() {
  const greetable = ['World', 'Butterfloat', 'User']

  // starting with "World" show a random greeting every 15 seconds
  const helloTo = concat(
    interval(15_000 /* ms */).pipe(
      map(() => greetable[Math.floor(Math.random() * greetable.length)]),

  return <Hello to={helloTo} />

const container = document.getElementById('container')!
run(container, Main)

In this Hello component example the dynamic bind looks quite a bit different from the static version. The easiest way to change the text inside of this element is to bind to the DOM property innerText and we'd lose any JSX text already there, so we move the "Hello" text up into our innerText Observable.

Quick TSX reminder: bind={{ innertext }} is not a new syntax, but a object constructor inside of a TSX attribute using some additional shorthand. It's equivalent to bind={{ innnerText: innerText }} if that helps you better visualize what is happening in the example above.

Let's Make it Interactable

An application isn't all that exciting if you can't interact with it, so let's add a simple button to press to change it's mood:

import { ComponentContext, ObservableEvent, jsx, run } from 'butterfloat'
import {
} from 'rxjs'

interface HelloProps {
  to: Observable<string>

interface HelloEvents {
  toggleGreeting: ObservableEvent<MouseEvent>

export function Hello(
  { to }: HelloProps,
  { events }: ComponentContext<HelloEvents>,
) {
  const { toggleGreeting } = events

  // starting with "Hello", alternate "Hello" and "Good Night"
  const greeting = concat(
      scan((greet) => (greet === 'Hello' ? 'Good Night' : 'Hello'), 'Hello'),

  const innerText = combineLatest([greeting, to]).pipe(
    map(([greeting, to]) => `${greeting} ${to}`),
  return (
      <p className="hello" bind={{ innerText }} />
      <button type="button" events={{ click: toggleGreeting }}>
        Change Mood

function Main() {
  const greetable = ['World', 'Butterfloat', 'User']

  // starting with "World" show a random greeting every 15 seconds
  const helloTo = concat(
    interval(15_000 /* ms */).pipe(
      map(() => greetable[Math.floor(Math.random() * greetable.length)]),

  return <Hello to={helloTo} />

const container = document.getElementById('container')!
run(container, Main)

This is where we start to see things diverge from React function components as we know them. The second parameter to Butterfloat component is a fancy type called the ComponentContext. One of the things this Component Context is useful for is dependency injecting our events observables.

In this case, we want to know when our "Change Mood" button is clicked and we're calling that our toggleGreeting event, which we bind to the button's click event.

A benefit to this dependency injection of events is that we can test them with the full power of RxJS "marble testing". For instance:

import { deepEqual, equal, ok } from 'node:assert/strict'
import { describe, it } from 'node:test'
import { makeTestEvent, makeTestComponentContext } from 'butterfloat'
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'
import { of } from 'rxjs'
import { TestScheduler } from 'rxjs/testing'
import { Hello } from './main.js'

describe('hello component', () => {
  it('toggles greetings', () => {
    const { window } = new JSDOM()
    const { MouseEvent } = window

    const testScheduler = new TestScheduler((actual, expected) =>
      deepEqual(actual, expected),
    ){ cold, expectObservable }) => {
      const eventValues = {
        a: new MouseEvent('click'),
        b: new MouseEvent('click'),
      const events = cold('--a--b', eventValues)
      const expected = '   x-y--x'
      const expectedValues = {
        x: 'Hello World',
        y: 'Good Night World',
      const toggleGreeting = makeTestEvent(events)
      const { context } = makeTestComponentContext({ toggleGreeting })

      const div = Hello({ to: of('World') }, context)
      equal(div.type, 'element')
      const p = div.children[0]
      ok(typeof p === 'object')
      equal(p.type, 'element')
      expectObservable(p.bind.innerText).toBe(expected, expectedValues)

This example is using NodeJS's built-in test harness which you can run with node --test. (If you are following along, you may need to put this in a hello.test.ts and refactor the Hello component into its own hello.tsx to avoid the document usage in main.tsx.)

This is using JSDOM as a Node capable implementation of MouseEvent for testing, which is likely a bit of overkill for this specific test. The ElementDescription and "JSX Description Language" of Butterfloat don't have any other DOM specifics at this level of component testing.

Next Steps

At some point your components may need State Management of one sort or another.