diff --git a/packages/block-directory/README.md b/packages/block-directory/README.md
index 16ef9ac8bc8d30..77b6f9afc551b0 100644
--- a/packages/block-directory/README.md
+++ b/packages/block-directory/README.md
@@ -14,4 +14,244 @@ npm install @wordpress/block-directory --save
_This package assumes that your code will run in an **ES2015+** environment. If you're using an environment that has limited or no support for ES2015+ such as lower versions of IE then using [core-js](https://github.com/zloirock/core-js) or [@babel/polyfill](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/next/babel-polyfill) will add support for these methods. Learn more about it in [Babel docs](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/next/caveats)._
+## Usage
+This package builds a standalone JS file. When loaded on a page with the block editor, it extends the block inserter to search for blocks from WordPress.org.
+To do this, it uses the `__experimentalInserterMenuExtension`, a slot-fill area hooked into the block types list. When the user runs a search and there are no results currently installed, it fires off a request to WordPress.org for matching blocks. These are listed for the user to install with a one-click process that [installs, activates, and injects the block into the post.](./src/store/actions.js#L49) When the post is saved, if the block was not used, it will be [silently uninstalled](./src/store/actions.js#L129) to avoid clutter.
+See also the API endpoints for searching WordPress.org: `/wp/v2/block-directory/search`, and installing & activating plugins: `/wp/v2/plugins/`.
+## Actions
+The following set of dispatching action creators are available on the object returned by `wp.data.dispatch( 'core/block-directory' )`:
+# **addInstalledBlockType**
+Returns an action object used to add a block type to the "newly installed"
+tracking list.
+- _item_ `Object`: The block item with the block id and name.
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **clearErrorNotice**
+Sets the error notice to empty for specific block.
+- _blockId_ `string`: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **fetchDownloadableBlocks**
+Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks
+have been requested and are loading.
+- _filterValue_ `string`: Search string.
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **installBlockType**
+Action triggered to install a block plugin.
+- _block_ `Object`: The block item returned by search.
+- `boolean`: Whether the block was successfully installed & loaded.
+# **receiveDownloadableBlocks**
+Returns an action object used in signalling that the downloadable blocks
+have been updated.
+- _downloadableBlocks_ `Array`: Downloadable blocks.
+- _filterValue_ `string`: Search string.
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **removeInstalledBlockType**
+Returns an action object used to remove a block type from the "newly installed"
+tracking list.
+- _item_ `string`: The block item with the block id and name.
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **setErrorNotice**
+Sets an error notice to be displayed to the user for a given block.
+- _blockId_ `string`: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block
+- _message_ `string`: The message shown in the notice.
+- _isFatal_ `boolean`: Whether the user can recover from the error.
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **setIsInstalling**
+Returns an action object used to indicate install in progress.
+- _blockId_ `string`:
+- _isInstalling_ `boolean`:
+- `Object`: Action object.
+# **uninstallBlockType**
+Action triggered to uninstall a block plugin.
+- _block_ `Object`: The blockType object.
+## Selectors
+The following selectors are available on the object returned by `wp.data.select( 'core/block-directory' )`:
+# **getDownloadableBlocks**
+Returns the available uninstalled blocks.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- _filterValue_ `string`: Search string.
+- `Array`: Downloadable blocks.
+# **getErrorNoticeForBlock**
+Returns the error notice for a given block.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- _blockId_ `string`: The ID of the block plugin. eg: my-block
+- `(string|boolean)`: The error text, or false if no error.
+# **getErrorNotices**
+Returns all block error notices.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- `Object`: Object with error notices.
+# **getInstalledBlockTypes**
+Returns the block types that have been installed on the server in this
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- `Array`: Block type items
+# **getNewBlockTypes**
+Returns block types that have been installed on the server and used in the
+current post.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- `Array`: Block type items.
+# **getUnusedBlockTypes**
+Returns the block types that have been installed on the server but are not
+used in the current post.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- `Array`: Block type items.
+# **isInstalling**
+Returns true if a block plugin install is in progress.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- _blockId_ `string`: Id of the block.
+- `boolean`: Whether this block is currently being installed.
+# **isRequestingDownloadableBlocks**
+Returns true if application is requesting for downloadable blocks.
+- _state_ `Object`: Global application state.
+- _filterValue_ `string`: Search string.
+- `boolean`: Whether a request is in progress for the blocks list.