diff --git a/editor/block-switcher/index.js b/editor/block-switcher/index.js
index e563b6e40a748f..41c0ad3503bb2d 100644
--- a/editor/block-switcher/index.js
+++ b/editor/block-switcher/index.js
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import './style.scss';
import { replaceBlocks } from '../actions';
import { getBlock } from '../selectors';
-class BlockSwitcher extends wp.element.Component {
+// Only exported for testing.
+export class BlockSwitcher extends wp.element.Component {
constructor() {
super( ...arguments );
this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind( this );
diff --git a/editor/block-switcher/test/index.js b/editor/block-switcher/test/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..ea9f4f87b2bad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/block-switcher/test/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { spy } from 'sinon';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import { BlockSwitcher } from '../';
+import { createBlock, getBlockType, getBlockTypes, unregisterBlockType, setUnknownTypeHandler, registerBlockType } from 'blocks';
+describe( 'BlockSwitcher', () => {
+ describe( 'without any registered blocks', () => {
+ it( 'should return null without any blocks generated', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ // Render returns null when the allowedBlocks list is empty.
+ expect( blockSwitcher.equals( null ) ).to.be.true();
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'state management and instance methods', () => {
+ it( 'should initialize with state.open being false', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ expect( blockSwitcher.state( 'open' ) ).to.be.false();
+ } );
+ describe( '.toggleMenu()', () => {
+ it( 'should toggle state to open when closed', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ blockSwitcher.instance().toggleMenu();
+ expect( blockSwitcher.state( 'open' ) ).to.be.true();
+ } );
+ it( 'should toggle state to closed when open', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ blockSwitcher.setState( { open: true } );
+ blockSwitcher.instance().toggleMenu();
+ expect( blockSwitcher.state( 'open' ) ).to.be.false();
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( '.handleClickOutside()', () => {
+ it( 'should return null if the menu is not open', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow(
+ );
+ blockSwitcher.setState( { open: false } );
+ expect( blockSwitcher.instance().handleClickOutside() ).to.be.undefined();
+ } );
+ it( 'should toggle state to closed when open', () => {
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow(
+ );
+ blockSwitcher.setState( { open: true } );
+ blockSwitcher.instance().handleClickOutside();
+ expect( blockSwitcher.state( 'open' ) ).to.be.false();
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( '.switchBlockType()', () => {
+ it( 'should return a function that closes the menu and calls props.onTransform()', () => {
+ const name = 'doesnotexist';
+ const block = {
+ name,
+ };
+ const destinationName = 'alsodoesnotexist';
+ const onTransform = spy();
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow(
+ );
+ // Set state to open to verify later it closes to avoid false positive.
+ blockSwitcher.setState( { open: true } );
+ const switchBlockFunction = blockSwitcher.instance().switchBlockType( destinationName );
+ expect( switchBlockFunction ).to.be.a( 'function' );
+ // Call the function with the destination blockType name already bound.
+ switchBlockFunction();
+ expect( blockSwitcher.state( 'open' ) ).to.be.false();
+ expect( onTransform ).to.have.been.calledOnce();
+ expect( onTransform ).to.have.been.calledWith( block, destinationName );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'with registered blocks', () => {
+ before( () => {
+ registerBlockType( 'core/tester-block', {
+ icon: 'test',
+ transforms: {
+ to: [ {
+ blocks: [ 'core/text-block' ],
+ transform: ( { value } ) => {
+ return createBlock( 'core/text-block', {
+ value: 'text ' + value,
+ } );
+ },
+ } ],
+ },
+ } );
+ registerBlockType( 'core/text-block', {
+ icon: 'text',
+ title: 'Text',
+ } );
+ } );
+ after( () => {
+ setUnknownTypeHandler( undefined );
+ getBlockTypes().forEach( ( block ) => {
+ unregisterBlockType( block.slug );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( 'rendering the menu', () => {
+ it( 'should only an IconButton when menu closed with matching props', () => {
+ const block = createBlock( 'core/tester-block' );
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ const switcherMenu = blockSwitcher.find( '.editor-block-switcher__menu' );
+ expect( switcherMenu.exists() ).to.be.false();
+ // The first IconButton is used to open and close menu.
+ const iconButton = blockSwitcher.find( 'IconButton' );
+ expect( iconButton.props() ).to.include( {
+ className: 'editor-block-switcher__toggle',
+ icon: 'test',
+ onClick: blockSwitcher.instance().toggleMenu,
+ 'aria-haspopup': 'true',
+ 'aria-expanded': false,
+ label: 'Change block type',
+ } );
+ } );
+ it( 'should render a menu of IconButtons for blocks to switch to, when open', () => {
+ const block = createBlock( 'core/tester-block' );
+ const { icon, title } = getBlockType( 'core/text-block' );
+ const blockSwitcher = shallow( );
+ // Set the state to open.
+ blockSwitcher.setState( { open: true } );
+ // The first IconButton is used to open and close menu.
+ const mainButton = blockSwitcher.find( 'IconButton' ).first();
+ // Aria expanded should trigger when the menu is open.
+ expect( mainButton.prop( 'aria-expanded' ) ).to.be.true();
+ // Verify menu exists with attributes.
+ const switcherMenu = blockSwitcher.find( '.editor-block-switcher__menu' );
+ expect( switcherMenu.props() ).to.include( {
+ className: 'editor-block-switcher__menu',
+ role: 'menu',
+ tabIndex: '0',
+ 'aria-label': 'Block types',
+ } );
+ const iconButton = switcherMenu.find( 'IconButton' );
+ expect( iconButton.props() ).to.include( {
+ className: 'editor-block-switcher__menu-item',
+ icon: icon,
+ role: 'menuitem',
+ } );
+ expect( iconButton.children().text() ).to.equal( title );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+} );