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File metadata and controls

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Notebook API

This is the documentation of methods on the object returned by embed to control a notebook from JavaScript code. Each method takes a JavaScript object with parameters and returns a Promise resolving to a response object. Parameters with a default value (specified as "= ...") are optional. In case of an error, the returned promise is rejected with a standard Error object with a message property; the potential error messages are listed for each command.

The API also exposes some events that can be subscribed to using the API method addEventListener(eventName, callback). The callback will receive a JavaScript object with the specified fields as its single argument. Event listeners can be removed with removeEventListener(eventName, callback). Some events are marked as singular, which means that they will usually fire exactly once, and an event listener added after they have already fired will still be executed (right away).


Cell content


Gets the textual content of a cell.

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell to read.
  • Response

    • content (string) — The textual content of the cell.
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The cell ID given by cellId was not found.


Gets the contents of a cell as an expression. [Cloud 1.55]

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell to read.
    • convertDynamicToLiteral = false (?boolean) — Whether to convert any dynamic content to literal values. [Cloud 1.56, experimental]
  • Response

    • cellExpr (exprjson) — The content of the cell.
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The cell ID given by cellId was not found.



Retrieves the (top-level) elements in the notebook or a cell group.

  • Parameters

    • groupId (?string) — ID of the cell group. If the parameter is omitted or falsy (e.g. null or ""), the top-level elements in the notebook are returned.
  • Response

    • elements (Array.<{type: "cell"|"group", id: string}>) — List of elements in the cell group, in the order they appear in the notebook.
    • isClosed (boolean) — Whether the cell group is closed.
    • visibleElementIndex (?number) — Index (0-based) of the visible element in case the cell group is closed. null if the group is not closed.
  • Errors

    • "GroupNotFound" — The group specified by groupId was not found.

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "getElements",
    "groupId": "1"

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true,
    "elements": [{"type": "cell", "id": "2"}],
    "isClosed": false,
    "visibleElementIndex": null


Retrieves the parent cell group of a given cell or cell group.

  • Parameters

    • id (string) — ID of the cell or cell group.
  • Response

    • groupId (?string) — ID of the group the given element is contained in. null if the element is in no group (i.e. it is on the top level of a notebook).
  • Errors

    • "ElementNotFound" — The element specified by id was not found.


Retrieves all (potentially nested) cells in the notebook or a cell group.

  • Parameters

    • groupId (?string) — ID of the cell group. If the parameter is omitted or falsy (e.g. null or ""), the cells in the notebook are returned.
  • Response

    • cells (Array.<{type: "cell", id: string}>) — List of cells in the order they appear in the notebook.
  • Errors

    • "GroupNotFound" — The group specified by groupId was not found.


Opens a cell group. If a group is already open, this has no effect.

  • Parameters

    • groupId (string) — ID of the cell group.
  • Errors

    • "GroupNotFound" — The group specified by groupId was not found.


Closes a cell group, only displaying one of its elements.

  • Parameters

    • groupId (string) — ID of the cell group.
    • visibleElementIndex (?number) — Index (0-based) of the remaining visible element. If not specified, the first element is chosen ("forward-close"); unless if there is a whole-cell group opener cell in the group, in which case that cell is chosen. If less than 0, the first element is chosen. If greater than or equal to the total number of elements in the group, the last element is chosen ("reverse-close").
  • Errors

    • "GroupNotFound" — The group specified by groupId was not found.

Notebook options


Sets outer options to be applied to the notebook. Currently, only the "Magnification" option is supported.

  • Parameters

    • options (Object.<string, string|number>) — Dictionary of option names and their respective values.

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "setOptions",
    "options": {
        "Magnification": 2

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true


Gets the value of an outer option. Currently, only the "Magnification" option (which resolves to a number) is supported.

  • Parameters

    • option (string) — Option name.
  • Response

    • option (string) — Option name.
    • value (?string|number) — Option value. Might be null if no explicit value is set.

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "getOption",
    "option": "Magnification"

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true,
    "option": "Magnification",
    "value": 2



Gets the primary style of a cell. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell.
  • Response

    • style (string) — Primary style name of the cell.
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The specified cell does not exist.


Gets an option value of a cell, group or the notebook. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • id (?string) — ID of the cell or group. If the parameter is omitted, the notebook is taken.
    • name (string) — Name of the option to retrieve.
  • Response

    • value (?exprjson) — Option value or null if the option is not set.
  • Errors

    • "ElementNotFound" — The specified element does not exist.


Gets the option value(s) of the current selection in the notebook. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • name (string) — Name of the option to retrieve
  • Response

    • values (Array.<exprjson>) — Array of values that occur for the given option in the current selection. Might be empty or contain only a single value.

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "getSelectionOption",
    "option": "FontFamily"

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true,
    "values": [
        "\"Source Code Pro\"",
        "\"Source Sans Pro\""



Gets information about the current selection.

  • Response

    • elements (Array.<{type: "cell"|"group", id: string}>) — List of elements (cells or cell groups) selected via their cell brackets. Empty array if no cell brackets are selected.
    • separator (?{cellBefore: ?{cellId: string}, cellAfter: ?{cellId: string}}) — If the selection is between cells, this gives the cell before and the cell after the separator. Either of them or separator itself can be null.
    • inCell (?{cellId: string}) — The cell the selection is inside (i.e. on the box level), if any. This is particularly the case when editing a cell. If the selection is on the cell (bracket) level, inCell is null.
    • cursorPosition (?{left: number, top: number}) — Cursor position, if a cell is edited. The position is relative to the document offset. This takes into account the scroll position.

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "getSelection"

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true,
    "cells": [],
    "inCell": {"cellId": "1"},
    "cursorPosition": {"left": 80, "top": 300}


Selects elements (cell brackets).

  • Parameters

    • elements (Array.<{id: string}>) — List of IDs of elements to select. Elements that cannot be found are ignored.
  • Response

    • elements (Array.<{type: "cell"|"group", id: string}>) — List of elements that have been found and are selected now.


Moves the selection to the separator before a cell or cell group.

  • Parameters

    • id (?string) — ID of the element before which the separator should be. If null, the selection is moved to the end of the notebook.
  • Errors

    • "ElementNotFound"


Moves the selection to the separator after a cell or cell group.

  • Parameters

    • id (?string) — ID of the element after which the separator should be. If null, the selection is moved to the beginning of the notebook.
  • Errors

    • "ElementNotFound"



Returns the dimensions of the notebook content.

  • Response

    • width (number) — The width of the notebook content (in pixels). Note that a notebook will always fill any available (maximum) width. If there is a horizontal scrollbar, the reported width may be larger than the maximum width available to the notebook. Providing the reported width as horizontal space to the notebook usually ensures that there is no horizontal scrollbar necessary.
    • height (number) — The height of the notebook content (in pixels). This does not include any unused vertical space that would be available to the notebook. It does include the height of the horizontal scrollbar, in case there is one. Providing the reported height as vertical space to the notebook usually ensures that there is no vertical scrollbar necessary.



Returns the current scroll position in the notebook.

  • Response

    • left (number) — Number of pixels scrolled in horizontal direction (increases when scrolling to the right).
    • top (number) — Number of pixels scrolled in vertical direction (increases when scrolling down).


Scrolls to the specified position in the notebook.

  • Parameters

    • left (number) — Number of pixels to scroll to in horizontal direction (increases when scrolling to the right).
    • top (number) — Number of pixels to scroll to in vertical direction (increases when scrolling down).


Scrolls the specified element into view. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • id — ID of the element to scroll into view.
  • Errors

    • "ElementNotFound" — The specified element does not exist.


Scrolls the currently selected element(s) into view. [Cloud 1.56]



Evaluates a Wolfram Language expression.

The API responds with the resulting expression when the evaluation is finished.

  • Parameters

    • expression (string or exprjson) — Wolfram Language expression to evaluate.
    • originatingCellId = null (optional, ?string) — ID of the cell the evaluation is supposed to be originating from (for the purpose of EvaluationCell[]).
  • Response

    • result (exprjson) — The result of the evaluation in JSON expression representation (see below).
  • Errors

    • "EvaluationError" — There was some error during the evaluation, e.g. the kernel was not reachable.
    • "InsufficientPermissions"

Example request:

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "evaluateExpression"
    "expression": "f[x, 1 + 2]"

Example response:

    "rid": "1",
    "success": true,
    "result": {"head": "f", "args": ["x", 3]}


Evaluates a Wolfram Language expression inside a DynamicModule, localizing variables as necessary. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell that contains the DynamicModuleBox.
    • boxId (?string) — BoxID value of the DynamicModuleBox to search for. If not specified, the first DynamicModuleBox in a breadth-first search is chosen.
    • expression (string or exprjson) — Wolfram Language expression to evaluate.
  • Response

    • result (exprjson) — The result of the evaluation in JSON expression representation (see below).
  • Errors

    • "EvaluationError" — There was some error during the evaluation, e.g. the kernel was not reachable.
    • "InsufficientPermissions"


Simulates clicking of a button, i.e. evaluates its ButtonFunction. [Cloud 1.56]

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell that contains the ButtonBox.
    • boxId (?string) — BoxID value of the ButtonBox to search for. If not specified, the first ButtonBox in a breadth-first search is chosen.
  • Errors

    • "NoBox" — The specified ButtonBox was not found.

DynamicModule variables


Retrieves the value of a DynamicModule variable.

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell that contains the DynamicModuleBox.
    • boxId (?string) — BoxID value of the DynamicModuleBox to search for. If not specified, the first DynamicModuleBox in a breadth-first search is chosen. [Cloud 1.56]
    • name (string) — Name of the DynamicModule variable to retrieve.
    • useExactName = false (?boolean) — Whether to require an exact name match. If set to false (the default), the provided name does not have to contain prefixes (such as $CellContext` ) and suffixes (such as $$) that are typically added behind the scenes by DynamicModule.
  • Response

    • value (exprjson) — The value of the variable in JSON expression representation (see below).
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The specified cell does not exist.
    • "NoDynamicModule" — There is no DynamicModuleBox in the specified cell (with the given BoxID, if boxId is specified).
    • "UnknownVariableName" — The DynamicModuleBox does not contain the specified variable.


Sets the value of a DynamicModule variable.

  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — ID of the cell that contains the DynamicModuleBox.
    • boxId (?string) — BoxID value of the DynamicModuleBox to search for. If not specified, the first DynamicModuleBox in a breadth-first search is chosen. [Cloud 1.56]
    • name (string) — Name of the DynamicModule variable to change.
    • useExactName = false (?boolean) — Whether to require an exact name match. If set to false (the default), the provided name does not have to contain prefixes (such as $CellContext` ) and suffixes (such as $$) that are typically added behind the scenes by DynamicModule.
    • value (exprjson) — The new value of the variable in JSON expression representation (see below).
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The specified cell does not exist.
    • "NoDynamicModule" — There is no DynamicModuleBox in the specified cell (with the given BoxID, if boxId is specified).
    • "UnknownVariableName" — The DynamicModuleBox does not contain the specified variable.

Example request (setting a variable x to N[Pi, 30]):

    "api": "notebook",
    "version": 1,
    "rid": "1",
    "command": "setDynamicModuleVariable"
    "cellId": "42",
    "name": "x",
    "value": ["N", "Pi", 30]

Cell rendering


Returns the rendering method (mode) used by a given cell.

There are currently four different rendering methods, as shown here.

Method Meaning
boxes live-rendered
static rendered as static HTML, from the HTML cache
image rendered as a rasterized image
none rendered as a general placeholer
  • Parameters

    • cellId (string) — The ID of the cell.
  • Response

    • method (string) — The method used to render the given cell.
  • Errors

    • "CellNotFound" — The cell ID given by cellId was not found.


Initial render progress

See Notebook Loading Phases for more information.

first-paint-done (singular)

Fired when either static HTML is shown for the notebook (see Server-Side Rendering) or the notebook starts rendering individual cells.

  • Fields

    • showingStaticHTML (boolean) — Whether the notebook is showing a piece of static HTML.


Fired when progress is made during the initial render phase.

  • Fields

    • cellsRendered (number) — Number of cells that have already been "live-rendered".
    • cellsTotal (number) — Total number of cells that are visible in the notebook.

initial-render-done (singular)

Fired when the initial render phase is done, i.e. all visible cells have been live-rendered.



Fired when the notebook selection changes.

  • Fields

    • elements (Array.<{type: "cell"|"group", id: string}>) — List of elements (cells or cell groups) selected via their cell brackets.
    • separator (?{cellBefore: ?{cellId: string}, cellAfter: ?{cellId: string}}) — If the selection is between cells, this gives the cell before and the cell after the separator.
    • inCell (?{cellId: string}) — The cell the selection is inside (i.e. on the box level), if any. This is particularly the case when editing a cell.



Fired when an evaluation starts.

Currently, only one kernel evaluation can happen at any time. However, this might change in the future. Then this API might change as well.

  • Fields

    • isCellEvaluation (boolean) — true if the evaluation is a whole-cell evaluation (e.g. from pressing Shift+Enter). false if the evaluation is triggered by a Dynamic or some other dynamic control (e.g. a Button).


Fired when an evaluation ends.



Fired when the notebook dimensions change. See getDimensions for details.

  • Fields

    • width (number) — Width of the notebook content (in pixels).
    • height (number) — Height of the notebook content (in pixels).



Fired when the scroll position changes.

  • Fields (same as getScrollPosition)

    • left (number) — Number of pixels scrolled in horizontal direction (increases when scrolling to the right).
    • top (number) — Number of pixels scrolled in vertical direction (increases when scrolling down).


Some API methods accept or return WL expressions in the ExpressionJSON format:

WL WL example JSON JSON example
Symbol foo string "foo"
String "text" string with enclosing single or double quotes "'text'" or "\"text\""
Machine-size Integer (up to 53 bits) 342 number 342
Double-precision Real (up to 64 bits) 2.5, 1.073741824*^9 number 2.5, 1.073741824e9
Arbitrary-length Integer 18014398509481984 string "18014398509481984"
Arbitrary-precision Real 3.5074`15.65*^451 string "3.5074`15.65*^451"
Booleans True, False boolean true, false
Null Null null null
Expression f[x, y] array with head at index 0, followed by parts ["f", "x", "y"]

Note that there are several ways to represent the same expression, e.g. True can be represented as true or "True" in ExpressionJSON and a number such as 123 can be represented as the JSON number 123 or as the JSON string "123". When the Notebook API returns expression data, it usually serializes it in the shortest form. However, that is not guaranteed, and readers of the format should make sure to accept all possible forms.

As a courtesy, API methods also accept single strings containing the WL expression in InputForm (e.g. the string "1+2") or FullForm (e.g. "Plus[1,2]"; FullForm is a subset of InputForm). A WL parser implemented in JavaScript is used to parse the given expression. However, there is some performance overhead to that and it has some limitations (e.g. not all operators might be supported), so it is generally recommended to use proper ExpressionJSON instead.

Note that there is no ambiguity between ExpressionJSON and expressions given in InputForm, since all strings in ExpressionJSON contain the InputForm of the corresponding WL expression.