These are some notes detailing the configuration of my Arch Linux system, just in case I forget and need to reinstall.
fix by running # echo '0 on' > /proc/acpi/ibm/led
To automate using systemd put the following in /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/
and make it executable
case $1/$2 in
exit 0;;
echo '0 on' > /proc/acpi/ibm/led;;
For some reason hibernation on newer kernels is very unreliable. LTS kernel works. Possible solution: use shutdown mode instead of platform mode (does not always work??).
To make systemd use a specific mode for hibernate put
in /etc/systemd/sleep.conf
- tlp
- powertop
- boot options
Don't use swap:
To measure boot time:
systemd-analyze blame
systemd-analyze critical-chain
Optimize initrd:
See this, or just use faster compression algorithms. lz4 is much better than gzip, cat is even faster.
See this wiki page and this forum post.
Add ILoveCandy
to /etc/pacman.conf
Add Defaults insults
to /etc/sudoers
Use zsh instead of bash. Enable completions and spell-corrections.
- zsh (the shell that I use)
- zsh-completions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- pacaur (AUR helper, much better than yaourt)
- pacmatic (pacman wrapper to avoid problems)
- cava (music visualizer)
- rtv (terminal reddit viewer)
- compton (a display compositor)
- i3-gaps (window manager)
- i3status
- i3blocks (more customizable than i3status)
- rofi (more features than dmenu)
- j4-dmenu-desktop (looks for .desktop files)
- i3lock + xss-lock (screen locker, automatically lock on suspend)
- i3style (easy theme switching)
- mutt (best email client)
- urlview (launch url's in browser)
- sidebar patch (easy folder switching)