Each plugin in the extension is comprised of several components.
- Managing redux state
- Handling extension events
- Storing business logic
To create a plugin, add a folder in src/plugins/<your_plugin_name>
and give it an index.js
file which returns an object. All keys are optional.
export default {
// defines keys and their initial states on the root reducer
lexiconEntries: Array<LexiconEntry>,
// A function that returns redux-logic middleware
logic: actions => Array<Logic>,
// run on extension install or browser bootup
initialize: () => void
// browser tab events
onTabCreated: tabInfo => void,
onTabActivated: tabInfo => void,
onTabUpdated: (tabId, changeInfo) => void,
onTabRemoved: id => void,
// window events
onWindowFocusChanged: windowId => void,
// webRequest events
onWebRequestAuthRequired: details => Credentials | Cancel, // Only one plugin can set this
onWebRequestHeadersReceived: details => void,
onWebRequestCompleted: details => void,
onProxyError: details => void,
// browser runtime messages
// If you are responding to a message you must use the `resolve` or `reject` methods passed down in the second arg
onMessage: {
messageType(message, { sender, resolve, reject }) =>
Promise | undefined,
// internet connectivity events
onOnline: () => void,
onOffline: () => void,
Make sure to register the plugin by adding it to the index file src/plugins/index.js