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Setting up Docker

⚠️ Prior to following the steps below, ensure you have:
1. Installed Docker on your machine.
2. Cloned the repository.

PostgreSQL server & pgAdmin containers

  1. Open the repository in the code editor of your liking.

  2. Make a copy of the file .env.template.

  3. Rename the copy to .env.

  4. Replace all the fields within '<>' by actual values (not keeping the <>). They can be any of your choosing.

    💡 Note that you don't have to create any account or credentials prior to this setup. It will be done automatically when you first run the containers.

  5. Add the domain(s) where your PostGOAT instance(s) run from to the PLATFORM_DOMAIN environment variable in .env. Example:

    PLATFORM_DOMAIN=http://localhost:5173, http://localhost:8080

    ⚠️ Ensure that you don't put an extra / at the end of your domain(s), as they will not be recognized that way.

  6. Run the script. This should add a JWT_SECRET to your .env file. Leave it as is.

  7. Open a terminal window in the root directory of the repository (UInnovate).

  8. Run docker compose --profile tool up to start the containers.
    You can stop them at any time by running docker compose --profile tool stop.

    💡 Note that the pgadmin container will only be targeted by a docker compose command if you specify --profile tool as shown above. Otherwise, only the PostgreSQL and the PostgREST containers will be affected. Leaving it out can become handy if you try to reset the database, but you don't want to lose your server connection on pgadmin!

  9. Run ./ -r from the scipting folder in your terminal to populate the db with the default use case. (Note: \ on Windows, / on Linux AND add -f '/useCaseXYZ' to specify a different use case folder. ex: ./ -r -f '/useCase1' )

💡 Note: To run bash commands on windows you need to:

  • Enable WSL on window
  • A linux distro installed from the windows store
  • see this link or video for more help

    💡 Note: You may run into this error "The command 'docker' could not be found in this WSL 2 distro.""

  • Update your docker desktop to the latest version.
  • Go to Settings > Resources > WSL integration > check "Enable integration with my default WSL distro" or manually toggle the linux distro from the list

    💡 Note: You may need to shut down the db and server containers and restart them after running the refresh database command. To do so, use docker compose stop && docker compose up -d in your terminal after the ./ -r command

  1. In a web browser window, access to localhost:5050

  2. Log in to pgAdmin with the credentials you provided in your .env file.

  3. On the home page, click on "Add New Server".

  4. In the "General" tab, enter a Name for your local PostgreSQL server (e.g. "UInnovate Local PostgreSQL").

  5. In the "Connection" tab, fill the fields with the following values :

    1. Host name/address: db (the name of the PostreSQL container)
    2. Port: 5432 (should be by default)
    3. Maintenance database: postgres (by default, leave untouched)
    4. Username: <value of POSTGRES_USER in .env>
    5. Password: <value of POSTGRES_PASSWORD in .env>

    Leave the other fields/settings untouched.

  6. Press the save button.

  7. You should be able to access the PostgREST API from localhost:3000 on your browser: to view table_x in your database, you would go to localhost:3000/table_x

    Note: Because of the way PostgREST works, if you specified multiple schemas to be exposed in your compose file (PGRST_DB_SCHEMAS), you will only have direct access to the tables of the first schema specified. To have access to a table from say the 2nd schema (schema_Y), you will need to specify the Accept-Profile header in your GET request with the value schema_Y as shown in the Postman request below

    Postman request

You should be good to go now 😄

Getting Started

The set of steps to follow in order to run the app locally on your machine.


  1. You will need a stable version of Node.js, hence install the LTS version of Node.js.

  2. Install NPM, if you don't have it already on your machine.


  1. If you already cloned the project during "Setting up Docker", you can omit this step.
git clone
  1. Open the project via your preferred editor/IDE and go to the project directory.
cd UInnovateApp
  1. Install all the dependencies.
npm install
  1. Start the server.
npm run dev

Supported Testing

The supported types of tests are:

  1. Unit Tests using Vitest
  2. Integration Tests using Cypress
  3. API testing with SoapUI

Unit Tests

The unit tests will be written using Vitest in the tests/unit directory.

To run the unit tests

npm run test:unit

Coverage Reports

Our current coverage reports only support Vitest unit tests by running

npm run coverage

Start vite server and run cypress

To run the vite server and run the cypress application at the same time

npm run cy:e2e

Available Scripts

You can run the following scripts with npm run <script>.

Script Description
build Builds the project for production.
dev Starts the development server.
preview Preview of the application.
lint Runs ESLint on the project.
test:unit Runs unit tests.
coverage Coverage report for Vitest.

Additionally, you can run the script npx cypress open

Refresh Database Script

The script allows for the application developer to refresh the schema, tables, and data within the database fo each different use cases. To run the refresh script, follow the steps below:

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Change directories to the UInnovate folder where the is located

  3. From a terminal, run:

    💡 .\ for the default use case 1 folder.

    💡 .\ --folder '/useCase2' for instance to change to use case 2 folder.

    💡 .\ -f '/useCase2' will yield to the same result as ./ --folder '/useCase2'

  4. A log file will be generated to see everything that was done to the DB and any errors that occurred

SoapUI Endpoint Testing

To use SoapUI for testing the PostgREST API corrrectly accessing the database:

  1. Have SoapUI downloaded on your local machine.
  2. Load the xml file within the api_testing folder
  3. Navigate through the UI, and click on any individual tests you would like to run


Adding new configuration properties

To add a new configuration property to the database, simply add an entry for it in meta_data.sql (under ./database) where indicated. Then, simply refresh the database using the script.

Also, don't forget to add an entry for it in the enum of the ConfigProperties.ts file to use it within the code itself.

MkDocs Set up with docker

Open a terminal & make sure docker is running.

Follow the following steps:

cd documentation
docker pull polinux/mkdocs

Create the image.

docker build -t polinux/mkdocs .

Run the container.

docker run -it -p 8080:8000  polinux/mkdocs

You should be able to see the mkdocs website: http://localhost:8080/ You can go also through docker to open it but don't use

If you want to add pages, they should go under documentation/docs.

PostGOAT Website Deployment

Link to repo:
Link to website:

Running the Postgoat Docker container

First you'll need to go inside your .env file and add the following to the PLATFORM_DOMAIN variable:

This ensures we expose the PostgREST API to the frontend. This enables the frontend to make requests to the PostgREST API, which allows you to see the containerized application when running the Postgoat container.

Then, follow the steps below:

  1. From root, cd UInnovateApp and run npm run build

  2. Notice there is a new folder called 'build' inside the UInnovate repo. This folder containers the minified JS for the frontend that will be served as a static web page.

  3. cd ../ back to root and run the following command to build the docker image from the Dockerfile.goat file, which is at root level:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f Dockerfile.goat -t goat-dock .

Note; this can take up to a few minutes the first time, it's normal.

  1. docker run -p 8080:80 goat-dock to run the container. This will serve the minified js as a static web page on an Nginx server.

  2. Visit localhost:8080 to see Postgoat container running on your local machine.

Diversity Statement

At UInnovate, we believe:

  • That diversity comes in many different forms which we welcome
  • In having an environment where anyone can contribute their talents and ideas into the project
  • In the importance of your data being safe and secure from outside breaches
  • That while using our software, your data will retain its confidentiality and integrity


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