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-# declarative-custom-elements
-Explainer draft for specifying an approach to Declarative Custom Elements
+# Declarative Custom Elements
+### A discussion...
+## Problem
+Imperative JS code is required to unlock the power of [Custom Elements](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_custom_elements), [Shadow DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Using_shadow_DOM), and other "web components" APIs. This is particularly true when these APIs are used in concert with each other.
+*Questions:* Have we come to a future where "web components" amount to _just_ Custom Elements and Shadow DOM? Could we benefit from including other specs in this conversation? Possibly:
+- [constructible stylesheets](https://web.dev/constructable-stylesheets/)
+- [adoptedStyleSheets](https://wicg.github.io/construct-stylesheets/#using-constructed-stylesheets)
+- [aria delegation](https://leobalter.github.io/cross-root-aria-delegation/) (possibly implied but also not currently "spec", only proposal)
+- [scoped registries](https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/716)
+- others? see [current Web Components Community Group priorities](https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents-cg/)
+## Existing research
+*NOTE:* It would be great to get someone with specific experience with these technologies to write up a demo outlining the declarative nature of components in their context.
+- Vue
+- Svelte
+- [Declarative Shadow DOM](https://web.dev/declarative-shadow-dom/)
+- [Declarative CSS modules](https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/939)
+- [x-element](https://www.npmjs.com/package/astro-xelement) from Astro
+- [decorate element](https://matthewphillips.info/programming/posts/decorate-element/)
+- others?
+Previous conversation in this space have halted at "do we have enough coverage of exisiting paradigms in the room?", let's address that early and often!
+## Dreams
+I would could this as a smashing success if we were able to do something _like_ the following, but understand this is more of a starting place than necessarily the API that we should drive towards.
+1. *External "module"*
+ ```html
+ ```
+2. *Inline "module"*
+ ```
+ ```
+## Related research
+### Import assertions
+Can we assert that a file we import ins a"custom element" rather than JSON or CSS or in the future plain HTML? The graph created here may be secondary to a declarative "element" that encapsulated the definition and registration of a custom element.
+### Declarative Shadow DOM
+This technique upgrades an existing element, ``, to have the side effect of attaching a shadow root the parent element within which is lives. Would we benefit from following this style of approach when addressing inline API as it seems to build on the inert nature of the `` tag to begin with? This might presuppose that instead of a `` style registration we coudl leverag something along the lines of `` for these properties when addressing a new specification.
+### Module boundaries and scope
+When leveraging the JS module graph either as `import ...` or as `` we are provided a new scope in which the code available therein is separate from teh rest of the JS scope. Would it make sense to allow for a custom element registered via either via import mechanism or via attribute rules to have such a boundary? In this way we could allow for techniques like scoped registries to be available as if for free with the new scope being create at these boundaries by default...
+### Inline modules (CSS or JS or CEs) tagged as URL
+Declarative CSS module research has included inestigation into a sharing mechanism to [prevent multiple copies of the same CSS module](https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/939). The ability, and possible need, to do so would prevent duplication in a "bundled" context; whether that bundle was manual or built by tooling. ID references do not cross Shadow DOM boundaries, so a technique to cache and reference this content in those situations would be productive.
+## Conciderations
+### Polyfill/tooling to aid adoption
+Any solution put forward here would benefit greatly by being paired as soon as possible with a bundler plug-in or polyfill that would make it possible for consumers to leverage the technique _today_. Previous attempts at larger scale quality of life improvements in this area have suffered greatly from low x-browser investment that has made developer exploration, let along developer adoption, of advances difficult, if not impossible.
+### Is it possible to make components that are valuable to users with 0 JS?
+An oft confused (or similarly highly important) topic when dicussing "declarative" APIs is "does it work with no JS?" and that is something that will come up often in any conversations here. If we bind this approach to a `