- Makes the modal automatically popup when the tag is added to the page. It defaults to display after 5 seconds.hide-close-icon
- Hides the close icon from the top right corner of the modal
Requires auto-popup
- Makes the modal popup every single user visitpopup-once
- Makes the modal popup only once permanently unless the user cleares their local storage cachepopup-delay
- This is a numeric value in miliseconds. If not specified the value is 5000
This CSS property is required to avoid a flash of the slotted element
*:not(:defined) {
display: none;
<wm-modal auto-popup>
<div slot="modal-content">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Officiis quae
exercitationem, ea nam molestias explicabo nisi veritatis nulla, omnis
ducimus quis commodi facere minus optio itaque et esse asperiores qui?
Natus quos magnam fugit eaque nostrum cupiditate amet beatae voluptas
quasi aliquid similique porro cum, recusandae, a minus consequatur
adipisci doloribus debitis nulla! Ut aperiam voluptatum repudiandae sed,
dolore ratione!