-- import "github.com/wurfl/wurfl-microservice-client-golang/v2/scientiamobile/wmclient"
func GetAPIVersion() string
GetAPIVersion returns the version number of WM Client API
type JSONDeviceData struct {
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion"`
Capabilities map[string]string `json:"capabilities"`
Error string `json:"error, omitempty"`
Mtime int64 `json:"mtime"`
Ltime string `json:"ltime"` // time of last wurfl.xml file load
JSONDeviceData models a WURFL device data in JSON string only format
type JSONDeviceOsVersions struct {
OsName string `json:"device_os"`
OsVersion string `json:"device_os_version"`
JSONDeviceOsVersions holds device os name and version
type JSONInfoData struct {
WurflAPIVersion string `json:"wurfl_api_version"`
WurflInfo string `json:"wurfl_info"`
WmVersion string `json:"wm_version"`
ImportantHeaders []string `json:"important_headers"`
StaticCaps []string `json:"static_caps"`
VirtualCaps []string `json:"virtual_caps"`
Ltime string `json:"ltime"`
JSONInfoData - server and API informations
type JSONModelMktName struct {
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
MarketingName string `json:"marketing_name,omitempty"`
JSONModelMktName holds model_name and marketing_name
type Request struct {
LookupHeaders map[string]string `json:"lookup_headers"`
RequestedCaps []string `json:"requested_caps"`
RequestedVCaps []string `json:"requested_vcaps, omitempty"`
WurflID string `json:"wurfl_id, omitempty"`
TacCode string `json:"tac_code, omitempty"`
Request - data object that is sent to the WM server in POST requests
type WmClient struct {
StaticCaps []string
VirtualCaps []string
ImportantHeaders []string
WmClient holds http connection data to WM server and the list of static and virtual capabilities it must return in response.
func Create(Scheme string, Host string, Port string, BaseURI string) (*WmClient, error)
Create : creates object, checks for server visibility
func (c *WmClient) DestroyConnection()
DestroyConnection - Disposes resources used in connection to server and clears cache and other shared data structures
func (c *WmClient) GetActualCacheSizes() (int, int)
GetActualCacheSizes return the values of cache size. The first value being the device-id based cache, the second value being the size of the headers-based one
func (c *WmClient) GetAllDeviceMakes() ([]string, error)
GetAllDeviceMakes returns a slice of all devices brand_name capabilities in WM server
func (c *WmClient) GetAllDevicesForMake(brandName string) ([]JSONModelMktName, error)
GetAllDevicesForMake returns a slice of an aggregate containing model_names and marketing_names for the given brand_name
func (c *WmClient) GetAllOSes() ([]string, error)
GetAllOSes returns a slice of all devices device_os capabilities in WM server
func (c *WmClient) GetAllVersionsForOS(osName string) ([]string, error)
GetAllVersionsForOS returns a slice of an aggregate containing device_os_version for the given os_name
func (c *WmClient) GetInfo() (*JSONInfoData, error)
GetInfo - Returns information about the running WM server and API
func (c *WmClient) HasStaticCapability(CapName string) bool
HasStaticCapability - returns true if the given CapName exist in this client' static capability set, false otherwise
func (c *WmClient) HasVirtualCapability(CapName string) bool
HasVirtualCapability - returns true if the given CapName exist in this client' virtual capability set, false otherwise
func (c *WmClient) LookupDeviceID(deviceID string) (*JSONDeviceData, error)
LookupDeviceID - Searches WURFL device data using its wurfl_id value
func (c *WmClient) LookupRequest(request http.Request) (*JSONDeviceData, error)
LookupRequest - detects a device and returns its data in JSON format
func (c *WmClient) LookupUserAgent(userAgent string) (*JSONDeviceData, error)
LookupUserAgent - Searches WURFL device data using the given user-agent for detection
func (c *WmClient) SetCacheSize(uaMaxEntries int)
SetCacheSize : set UA cache size
func (c *WmClient) SetHTTPTimeout(connection int, transfer int)
SetHTTPTimeout sets the connection and transfer timeouts for this client in seconds. This function should be called before performing any connection to WM server
func (c *WmClient) SetRequestedCapabilities(CapsList []string)
SetRequestedCapabilities - set the given capability names to the set they belong
func (c *WmClient) SetRequestedStaticCapabilities(CapsList []string)
SetRequestedStaticCapabilities - set list of standard static capabilities to return
func (c *WmClient) SetRequestedVirtualCapabilities(CapsList []string)
SetRequestedVirtualCapabilities - set list of virtual capabilities to return