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Sebastian Grewe edited this page Oct 7, 2013 · 17 revisions

MPOS supports some API methods to fetch information in JSON format. This list should reflect the current state of the API. All methods used are called via:


This table lists all methods and their arguments available.

Token: Requires a valid API Key (api_key in the URL); Admin: Y, requires admin, B, with or without admin, N, no admin required

API Action Arguments Desctipion Token Admin
getblockcount none Get current block height in blockchain Y N
getblocksfound limit Get last limit blocks found Y N
getcurrentworkers none Get amount of current active workers Y N
getdifficulty none Get current difficulty in blockchain Y N
getestimatedtime none Get estimated time to next block based on pool hashrate (seconds) Y N
getpoolhashrate none Get current pool hashrate Y N
getpoolsharerate none Get current pool share rate (shares/s) Y N
gettimesincelastblock none Get time since last block found (seconds) Y N
public none Fetch public pool statistics, no authentication required N N
getuserworkers id Fetch a users worker status, both id and username work for id. If not admin, will fetch current users workers. Y B
getuserstatus id Fetch a users overall status, both id and username work for id. If not admin, will fetch current users status. Y B
getpoolstatus none Fetch overall pool status, only user token is required Y N
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