diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 5659eef..80bacb6 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -631,6 +631,7 @@ run the following steps in parallel:
2. Let |devices| be a new empty {{Array}}.
3. For each |device| in |enumerationResult|:
+ 1. If |device| is [=blocklisted=], [=iteration/continue=].
1. If this is the first call to this method, check permissions for
|device| with |storage|.
2. Search for an element |allowedDevice| in
@@ -676,6 +677,7 @@ steps in parallel:
4. Set |status|.{{PermissionStatus/state}}
to "ask"
5. Enumerate all devices attached to the system. Let this result be
+ 1. Remove devices from |enumerationResult| if they are [=blocklisted=].
6. Remove devices from |enumerationResult| if they do not match a device
filter in |options|.{{USBPermissionDescriptor/filters}}
7. Remove devices from |enumerationResult| if they match a device filter
@@ -2300,6 +2302,68 @@ slots described in the following table:
1. Return wMaxPacketSize
of |endpointDescriptor|.
+# The USB Blocklist # {#blocklist}
+ 1. Let |blocklist| be an empty [=list=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |line| of |lines|:
+ 1. Set |line| to the result of [=collecting a sequence of code points=]
+ not equal to '#'
from |line| starting from the beginning
+ of |line|.
+ 1. Set |line| to the result of [=stripping leading and trailing ASCII
+ whitespace=] from |line|.
+ 1. Let |components| be the result of [=strictly splitting=] |line|
+ starting from the beginning of |line| on code point ':'
+ 1. If the [=list/size=] of |components| is not 2 or 3,
+ [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |idVendor| be the result of interpreting |components|[0] as a
+ hexadecimal number.
+ 1. Let |idProduct| be the result of interpreting |components|[1] as a
+ hexadecimal number.
+ 1. Let |bcdDevice| be 0xFFFF
+ 1. If the [=list/size=] of |components| is 3, set |bcdDevice| to the
+ result of interpreting |components|[2] as a hexadecimal number.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] a new {{USBBlocklistEntry}} with |idVendor|,
+ |idProduct|, and |bcdDevice| to |blocklist|.
+ 1. Return |blocklist|.
+The USB blocklist is the result of [=parsing the blocklist=] at
+The UA should re-fetch the blocklist periodically, but it’s unspecified how
+A {{USBDevice}} |device| is blocklisted if the following steps return
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |entry| of the [=USB blocklist=]:
+ 1. If |device|.{{USBDevice/vendorId}} is not equal to
+ |entry|.{{USBBlocklistEntry/idVendor}}, [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. If |device|.{{USBDevice/productId}} is not equal to
+ |entry|.{{USBBlocklistEntry/idProduct}}, [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |bcdDevice| be |device|.{{USBDevice/deviceVersionMajor}} << 8 +
+ |device|.{{USBDevice/deviceVersionMinor}} << 4 +
+ |device|.{{USBDevice/deviceVersionSubminor}}.
+ 1. If |bcdDevice| is less than or equal to
+ |entry|.{{USBBlocklistEntry/bcdDevice}}, return "blocked".
+ 1. Return "not blocked".
# Integrations # {#integrations}