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Proposed spec changes for HTML Modules

This is a list of spec areas that will need to be changed to implement our HTML Modules proposal. Questions/corrections/feedback are welcome! I've left TODOs in several places where we still have open questions; any input regarding these is especially appreciated.

Note that no changes are proposed to the ES spec; HTML Module behavior is defined entirely in the HTML spec.

HTML spec changes (full spec link):

  • Introduce a new subtype of Cyclic Module Record as a counterpart to the existing Source Text Module Record, named HTML Module Record.

    1. HTML Module Records reuse the [[RequestedModules]] field of Cyclic Module Record, but instead of a list of strings it is a list of ScriptEntry records. See definition of ParseHTMLModule below for a specification of how these are populated. [TODO: This reuse-name-with-different-type is pretty fishy. Should [[RequestedModules]] in Cyclic MR be generalized as a list that can hold objects of a type specified in each subclass? Or should we use an entirely new field in HTML MR? Or should we generate unique IDs for the inline script elements and place them in the Module Map, so that an HTML Module Record can just use strings in [[RequestedModules]]?].
      ScriptEntry is defined as:
    Field Name Value Type Meaning
    [[InlineModuleRecord]] Module Record | null The Module Record for the module request if available at ScriptEntry creation time (i.e., for inline <script> elements). Null otherwise.
    [[ExternalScriptURL]] String | null The URL for the module request if the Module Record was not available at ScriptEntry creation time (i.e., for external <script> elements). Null otherwise.
    1. The [[HostDefined]] field in Abstract Module Record will be set to the HTML Module Script (see definition later in this document). This is analogous to script modules where this field holds the JavaScript module script.
  • HTML Module Record inherits the concrete Instantiate method from Cyclic Module Record.

  • HTML Module Record defines its own version of InnerModuleInstantiation. Cyclic Module Record's definition recursively calls InnerModuleInstantiation on each child module (calling HostResolveImportedModule to resolve module names to Module Records), then calls InitializeEnvironment to set up the lexical environment and resolve imports/exports for the current module. HTML Module Record's version will be similar, but will change the definition of step 9 (“For each string required that is an element of module.[[RequestedModules]]...) in order to follow the structure of the newly defined ScriptEntry record as defined above.

    • 9. For each ScriptEntry se in module.[[RequestedModules]])
      • a. Let requiredModule be null.
      • b. If se.[[InlineModuleRecord]]) != null
        • i. Let requiredModule be (se.[[InlineModuleRecord]]).
      • c. Else
      • d. Set index to ? InnerModuleInstantiation(requiredModule, stack, index).
      • e. Assert: requiredModule.[[Status]] is either "instantiating", "instantiated", or "evaluated".
      • f. Assert: requiredModule.[[Status]] is "instantiating" if and only if requiredModule is in stack.
      • g. If requiredModule.[[Status]] is "instantiating", then
        • i. Set module.[[DFSAncestorIndex]] to min(module.[[DFSAncestorIndex]], requiredModule.[[DFSAncestorIndex]]).
  • HTML Module Record provides a concrete implementation of InitializeEnvironment, implementing the corresponding abstract method on Cyclic Module Record. This function is responsible for creating a mutable binding with the name "*default*" that will be used to set up the HTML Module's document as the module's default export.

    1. Let module be this HTML Module Record.
    2. Let realm be module.[[Realm]].
    3. Assert: realm is not undefined.
    4. Let env be NewModuleEnvironment(realm.[[GlobalEnv]]).
    5. Set module.[[Environment]] to env.
    6. Let envRec be env's EnvironmentRecord.
    7. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding("*default*", false).
    8. Call envRec.InitializeBinding("*default*", undefined).
    9. Return NormalCompletion(empty).
  • HTML Module Record provides a concrete implementation of ExecuteModule, implementing the corresponding abstract method on Cyclic Module Record. For HTML modules there is no script to execute; this method just sets up the HTML Module's default export.

    1. module be this HTML Module Record.
    2. Let htmlModuleScript be module.[[HostDefined]].
    3. Let defaultExport be htmlModuleScript's document.
    4. Let envRec be module.[[Environment]]'s EnvironmentRecord.
    5. Call envRec.SetMutableBinding("*default*", defaultExport, false).
    6. Return NormalCompletion(empty).
  • HTML Module Record should implement a modified version of GetExportedNames(exportStarSet), as follows:

    • 1. Let module be this HTML Module Record.
    • 2. If exportStarSet contains module, then
      • a. Assert: We've reached the starting point of an import * circularity.
      • b. Return a new empty List.
    • 3. Append module to exportStarSet.
    • 4. Let exportedNames be a new empty List.
    • 5. For each ScriptEntry se in module.[[RequestedModules]]), do:
      • a. If se.[[InlineModuleRecord]] != null:
        • i. Let starNames be se.[[InlineModuleRecord]].GetExportedNames(exportStarSet).
        • ii. For each element n of starNames, do
          • a. If SameValue(n, "default") is false, then
            • i. If n is not an element of exportedNames, then
              • a. Append n to exportedNames.
    • 6. Return exportedNames.
  • HTML Module Record should implement a modified version of ResolveExport(exportName, resolveSet). This function’s purpose is to “resolve an imported binding to the actual defining module and local binding name”. For HTML Modules, instead of looking for local exports etc. we’ll iterate through each inline script and export their contents as for an ‘export *’. We redefine as follows:

    • 1. Let module be this HTML Module Record.
    • 2. For each Record { [[Module]], [[ExportName]] } r in resolveSet, do
      • a. If module and r.[[Module]] are the same Module Record and SameValue(exportName, r.[[ExportName]]) is true, then
        • i. Assert: This is a circular import request.
        • ii. Return null.
    • 3. Append the Record { [[Module]]: module, [[ExportName]]: exportName } to resolveSet.
    • 4. Let resolution be null.
    • 5. For each ScriptEntry record se in module.[[RequestedModules]], do:
      • a. If se.[[ExternalScriptURL]] != null, continue to next record.
      • b. Let importedModule be se.[[InlineModuleRecord]]).
      • c. Let singleResolution be ? importedModule.ResolveExport(exportName, resolveSet).
      • d. If singleResolution is "ambiguous", return "ambiguous".
      • e. If singleResolution is not null, then
        • i. Assert: singleResolution is a ResolvedBinding Record.
        • ii. If resolution is null, set resolution to singleResolution.
        • iii. Else,
          • a. Assert: There is more than one inline script that exports the requested name.
          • b. Return "ambiguous".
    • 6. If resolution is null and SameValue(exportName, "default") is true, then
      • a. Let resolution be a ResolvedBinding Record { [[Module]]: module, [[BindingName]]: *default* }
      • b. NOTE 1: *default* was set up to reference the HTML Module's document during instantiation/execution
      • c. NOTE 2: I assume here that we’re not trying to pass through default exports of the inline scripts.
    • 7. Return resolution.
  • HTML Module Record inherits the concrete Evaluate method from Cyclic Module Record.

  • HTML Module Record should implement a modified version of Cyclic Module Record's InnerModuleEvaluation(module, stack, index). This method calls InnerModuleEvaluation on each child module, then executes the current module. The HTML Module version will have the following changes:

    • Change step 10 and step 10a to be the following, to account for the different structure of HTML Module Record vs Cyclic Module Record. Steps 10b-10f remain the same:
      • 10. For each ScriptEntry se in module.[[RequestedModules]]), do:
        • a. If (se.[[InlineModuleRecord]] != null), let requiredModule be se.[[InlineModuleRecord]], else let requiredModule be HostResolveImportedModule(module, se.[[ExternalScriptURL]])
  • Introduce a third type of script named HTML Module Script. It has the following item in addition to script:

    • A document: The Document for the HTML Module, or null.
  • Rename the existing concept of module script to JavaScript module script.

  • Redefine "module script" as a union of JavaScript module script or HTML module script.

    • Broadly speaking, the usage of "module script" in most of the module fetching algos ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]) will refer to this new definition of module script, as they will be generalized to both HTML and JavaScript modules.
  • In prepare a script, when defining a script’s type in step 7, always set it to “module” if we’re parsing an HTML Module. TODO How to determine that? New parser flag?

  • Rename create a module script to "create a JavaScript module script".

  • Introduce a new algorithm “create an HTML module script”, similar to create a JavaScript module script, defined as follows:

    • To create an HTML module script, given a JavaScript string source, an environment settings object settings, a URL baseURL, and some script fetch options options:
    • 1. Let htmlModuleScript be a new HTML module script that this algorithm will subsequently initialize.
    • 2. Set htmlModuleScript's settings object to settings.
    • 3. Set htmlModuleScript's base URL to baseURL.
    • 4. Set htmlModuleScript's fetch options to options.
    • 5. Set htmlModuleScript's parse error and error to rethrow to null.
    • 6. Let result be ParseHTMLModule(source, settings's Realm, htmlModuleScript). Note: Passing htmlModuleScript as the last parameter here ensures result.[[HostDefined]] will be htmlModuleScript. See below bullet for ParseHTMLModule definition.
    • 7. For each ScriptEntry required of result.[[RequestedModules]], such that required[[InlineModuleRecord]] == null:
      • a. Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given htmlModuleScript's base URL and required[[ExternalScriptURL]].
      • b. If url is failure, then:
        • i. Let error be a new TypeError exception.
        • ii. Set htmlModuleScript's parse error to error.
        • iii. Return htmlModuleScript. Note: This step is essentially validating all of the requested module specifiers. We treat a module with unresolvable module specifiers the same as one that cannot be parsed; in both cases, a syntactic issue makes it impossible to ever contemplate instantiating the module later.
    • 8. Set htmlModuleScript's record to result.
    • 9. Return htmlModuleScript.
  • Introduce a new algorithm ParseHTMLModule(source, realm, htmlModuleScript) as the following.

    • 1. Run the HTML parser on source to obtain the result document.
      • a. TODO: This needs to be fleshed out more. Do we need to run the parser in a special mode to ensure that nothing is fetched and no script runs? Script execution should already be disabled because the HTML Module document does not have a browsing context, but the case for fetching is less clear. We also need to specify the special handling for non-module <script> elements.
    • 2. Set htmlModuleScript[[document]] to document
    • 2. Let scriptEntries be an empty list of ScriptEntry Records.
    • 3. For each HTMLScriptElement script in document:
      • a. Let se be a new ScriptEntry record.
      • b. If script is inline:
        • i. Set se[[InlineModuleRecord]] = script’s Source Text Module Record
        • ii. Set se[[ExternalScriptURL]] = null
      • c. Else
        • i. Set se[[InlineModuleRecord]] = null
        • ii. Set se[[ExternalScriptURL]] = script’s src URL
      • d. Append se to scriptEntries.
    • 4. Return a new HTML Module Record { [[Realm]]: realm, [[Environment]]: undefined, [[Namespace]]: undefined, [[Status]]: "uninstantiated", [[EvaluationError]]: undefined, [[HostDefined]]: htmlModuleScript, [[RequestedModules]]: scriptEntries, [[DFSIndex]]: undefined, [[DFSAncestorIndex]]: undefined }.
  • Fetch a single module script will be changed to support an HTML Module MIME type in addition to JavaScript types. This will either be text/html or a new type introduced for HTML Modules; see discussion here. Specifically:

    • In step 9, allow the HTML Module MIME type type through in addition to JavaScript.
    • In step 11, don’t unconditionally create a module script. Instead, key off the MIME type extracted in step 9, running the “create an HTML module script” steps instead if we have an HTML Modules MIME type.
  • Replace step 5 of fetch the descendants of a module script with the following steps: