The following are the answers to the W3C TAG's security and privacy self-review questionnaire.
What information does this feature expose, and for what purposes?
This API exposes the same event handling information as the web's existing native event handling mechanism, just in a more ergonomic way.
Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to implement the intended functionality?
Do the features in your specification expose personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from either?
How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?
There isn't really sensitive information directly involved with this API. In this area, its properties are the same as the web's native event handling mechanism.
Do the features in your specification introduce state that persists across browsing sessions?
Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?
Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?
Do features in this specification enable access to device sensors?
Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?
Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?
Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent's native UI?
What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?
No identifiers.
How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?
It doesn't. Specifically, event handling bubbles/captures in the same way as it does before: not crossing the frame boundary.
How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser’s Private Browsing or Incognito mode?
This proposal prescribes no difference. Any difference that there might be would be a result of the browser's intervening on behalf of certain trusted, script-exposed events, but we are not aware of any examples of this, and these are already relevant to today's existing event handling mechanisms and exist outside of this API's purview.
Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?
No, there is no specification just yet.
Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?
What happens when a document that uses your feature is kept alive in BFCache (instead of getting destroyed) after navigation, and potentially gets reused on future navigations back to the document?
The same exact thing that happens with the web's native event handling mechanisms, which this API largely piggy-backs off of. Assuming events are "paused" in those contexts (either by pausing script execution or making it impossible for users to trigger script-observable events), then an Observable's handlers would not be called, because the stream of events would be inactive for a period of time. But otherwise, this API does not prescribe anything specific.
What happens when a document that uses your feature gets disconnected?
Nothing specific to this API. Any event sources that are stopped, because script execution is stopped, would result in an Observable whose handlers stop getting fired.
What should this questionnaire have asked?