- MATLAB. The main language of SPM.
- Julia. A super-cool language for numerical computing - that few people use yet.
- Python. A popular language with lots of libraries (including NITorch).
- PyTorch. GPU coding for Python.
- R. An integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display.
- An Introduction to R (pdf). W. N. Venables, D. M. Smith and the R Core Team (2021).
- C. A compiled language.
- C Programming Tutorial (pdf) 4th ed. (K&R version). Mark Burgess (1999).
- Cuda. Like C, but for NVIDIA GPUs.
- NIfTI. The format of the
files that SPM uses. - DICOM. The format of the files coming from the MRI scanners.
- LaTeX
- OverLeaf. The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor.
- UCL Thesis Template.
- OverLeaf version of UCL Thesis Template.
- Equation Editor for trying out equations.
- Markdown
- Stack Edit for interactive markdown editing.
- Sign-PDF allows signatures to be pasted into pdf documents.