- Improve error messages.
- Improve help messages.
- Upgrade crates.
- Add --version option.
- Fix new line missing in reports.
- Upgrade crates.
- Start using cargo-dist to distribute a-team.
- Replace failure crate with anyhow.
- Make it a library.
- Upgrade crates.
- User async/await with tokio instead of rayon. Improved performance when using --blame.
- Upgrade crates.
- --query option can be used multiple times.
- Replace structopt crate with clap.
- Report an error when team members are needed but
scope is not in the GitHub token to get them.
- Upgrade to Rust edition 2021.
- Add --requested option.
- Add the Requested (explicitly) score.
- Simplify request query by removing -author: and -reviewed-by: conditions to avoid GH bug to return an empty result.
- Improve parsing of code owner team members.
- Enable --include-reviewed-by-me when using --only-mine.
- Upgrade crates.
- Add --exclude-tests-none flag. Exclude pull requests without tests.
- Remove --include-tests-none flag. It is now the default.
- PR without CI tests are considered successful for the score.
- Add --json flag.
- Add --user option.
- Add --batch-size option.
- Add --include-drafts flag.
- Fix calculation of number of review and exclude author.
- Fix calculation of number of approvals