From 66e5d1b742022d95554801cadfdd0dd06a827c74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dario Del Piano Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 13:30:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] xmi fixed to handle long list of arrays with neo4j introducing the parameters attribute --- model/vfb.xmi | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/model/vfb.xmi b/model/vfb.xmi index 6aa11bffe..ef45ae2c5 100644 --- a/model/vfb.xmi +++ b/model/vfb.xmi @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ name="Get images from Neo4j for class examples" description="fetch Individual instances from ID list" runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS OPTIONAL MATCH (n)<-[:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:SUBCLASSOF]->(c:Class) RETURN n.short_form as class_Id, n.label as class_Name, n.description[0] as class_Desc, COLLECT(DISTINCT c.label) as class_Type, COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: i.label, image_id: i.short_form, image_thumb: replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: m.short_form}) AS inds" - countQuery="MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS RETURN count(n) AS count"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (n)<-[:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:SUBCLASSOF]->(c:Class) RETURN n.short_form as class_Id, n.label as class_Name, n.description[0] as class_Desc, COLLECT(DISTINCT c.label) as class_Type, COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: i.label, image_id: i.short_form, image_thumb: replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: m.short_form}) AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(n) AS count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (i:Individual) WHERE i.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:depicts]-(:Individual)-[k1:in_register_with]->(:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i:Cluster)<-[:exemplar_of]-(e:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ic:Class) OPTIONAL MATCH (e)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ec:Class) with coalesce('Exemplar: ' + ec.label,ic.label) as ct, i, coalesce(replace(k1.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png','' + e.label + '/snapshot.png') as iri, i.description[0] as cd, FILTER(x IN i.synonym WHERE x <> i.label) as syn RETURN i.short_form as id, i.label as name, CASE WHEN not syn = [] THEN cd + replace(' Synonym(s): '+reduce(a='',n in syn|a+n+', ')+')',', )','.') ELSE cd END as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT ct) as type, iri as file", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS", "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH(i:Individual) WHERE i.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(i) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS", "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Neuron { short_form: {ID} } )-[r1:member_of]->(c:Cluster)-[r2:has_member]->(i:Neuron)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ec:Class) RETURN i.short_form as id, CASE WHEN not i.synonym is null THEN i.label+replace(' ('+reduce(a='',n in i.synonym|a+n+', ')+')',', )',')') ELSE i.label END as name, i.description[0] as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT ec.label) as type, replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Neuron { short_form: {ID} } )-[r1:member_of]->(c:Cluster)-[r2:has_member]->(i:Neuron) RETURN count(i) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH p=(n:Class { short_form: {ID} } )<-[r:expresses|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual:Template) WITH i, k ORDER BY length(p) asc OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(c:Class) RETURN distinct i.short_form as id, CASE WHEN not i.synonym is null THEN i.label+replace(' ('+reduce(a='',n in i.synonym|a+n+', ')+')',', )',')') ELSE i.label END as name, i.description[0] as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT c.label) as type, replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:VFB:Class { short_form: {ID} } )<-[r:expresses|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual:Template) RETURN count(i) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Template {short_form:{ID}})<-[:depicts]-(:Template)<-[r:in_register_with]-(dc:Individual)-[:depicts]->(di:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(d:Class) WHERE has(r.index) RETURN distinct di.short_form as id, di.label as name, coalesce(di.description[0],d.description[0]) as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT d.label) as type, replace(r.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Template {short_form:{ID}})<-[:depicts]-(:Template)<-[r:in_register_with]-(dc:Individual)-[:depicts]->(di:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(d:Class) WHERE has(r.index) RETURN count(di) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (c:Cluster { short_form: {ID} } )-[r2:has_member]->(i:Neuron)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ec:Class) RETURN i.short_form as id, CASE WHEN not i.synonym is null THEN i.label+replace(' ('+reduce(a='',n in i.synonym|a+n+', ')+')',', )',')') ELSE i.label END as name, i.description[0] as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT ec.label) as type, replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (c:Cluster { short_form: {ID} } )-[r2:has_member]->(i:Neuron) RETURN count(i) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (:DataSet {short_form:{ID}})<-[:has_source]-(di:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(dc:Individual)-[r:in_register_with]->(:Template) OPTIONAL MATCH (di)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(d:Class) RETURN distinct di.short_form as id, di.label as name, coalesce(di.description[0],di.description[0]) as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT d.label) as type, replace(r.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (:DataSet {short_form:{ID}})<-[:has_source]-(di:Individual) RETURN count(di) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Template {short_form:{ID}})<-[:depicts]-(:Template)<-[r:in_register_with]-(dc:Individual)-[:depicts]->(di:Individual) WHERE not has(r.index) OPTIONAL MATCH (di)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(d:Class) RETURN distinct di.short_form as id, di.label as name, coalesce(di.description[0],d.description[0]) as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT d.label) as type, replace(r.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png' as file", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Template {short_form:{ID}})<-[:depicts]-(:Template)<-[r:in_register_with]-(dc:Individual)-[:depicts]->(di:Individual) WHERE not has(r.index) RETURN count(di) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) WITH DISTINCT collect( as pubs, anat, ep UNWIND pubs as p MATCH (pub:Individual:pub { short_form: p}) WITH anat, ep, collect({ core: { short_form: pub.short_form, label: coalesce(pub.label,''), iri: pub.iri, types: labels(pub) } , PubMed: coalesce(pub.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(pub.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(pub.DOI, '') }) as pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (anat)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, anat, ep, pubs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN null ELSE { anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} } END AS anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,pubs UNWIND pubs as p with anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,COLLECT(p.core.label) as refs RETURN ep.short_form as class_Id, ep.label as class_Name, 'Expressed in ' + coalesce(anat.label,'') + '<br><small>Note: expression in this cell may be localised to regions of the cell that do not overlap the queried structure</small>' as class_Desc, refs as class_Type, CASE WHEN anatomy_channel_image IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.label, image_id: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.short_form, image_thumb: replace(anatomy_channel_image.image.image_folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: anatomy_channel_image.image.template_anatomy.short_form}) END AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) RETURN count(ep) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS", "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + queryProcessorId="vfbCreateImagesForQueryResultsQueryProcessor"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) WITH DISTINCT COLLECT( as pubs, anat, ep UNWIND pubs as p MATCH (pub:Individual:pub { short_form: p}) WITH anat, ep, collect({ core: { short_form: pub.short_form, label: coalesce(pub.label,''), iri: pub.iri, types: labels(pub) } , PubMed: coalesce(pub.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(pub.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(pub.DOI, '') }) as pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (anat)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, anat, ep, pubs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN null ELSE { anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} } END AS anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,pubs UNWIND pubs as p with anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,COLLECT(p.core.label) as refs RETURN ep.short_form as class_Id, ep.label as class_Name, 'Expressed in ' + coalesce(anat.label,'') as class_Desc, refs as class_Type, CASE WHEN anatomy_channel_image IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.label, image_id: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.short_form, image_thumb: replace(anatomy_channel_image.image.image_folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: anatomy_channel_image.image.template_anatomy.short_form}) END AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) RETURN count(ep) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS", "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + queryProcessorId="vfbCreateImagesForQueryResultsQueryProcessor"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (ep:Expression_pattern:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat:Class) WHERE ep.short_form in [{ID}] WITH anoni, anat, ar, ep OPTIONAL MATCH (p:pub:Individual { short_form:}) WITH ep, anat, anoni, { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } AS pub OPTIONAL MATCH (anoni)-[r:Related]->(o:FBdv) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS stages ,anoni,anat,pub,ep OPTIONAL MATCH (ep)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH ep, template, channel, template_anat, irw, anoni, anat, pub, stages , i OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,anoni,anat,pub,stages,ep UNWIND anatomy_channel_image as images WITH images as anatomy_channel_image,anat,ep,pub.core.label as refs RETURN ep.short_form as class_Id, ep.label as class_Name, 'Expressed in ' + coalesce(anat.label,'') as class_Desc, COLLECT(DISTINCT refs) as class_Type, CASE WHEN anatomy_channel_image IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.label, image_id: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.short_form, image_thumb: replace(anatomy_channel_image.image.image_folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: anatomy_channel_image.image.template_anatomy.short_form}) END AS inds", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (ep:Expression_pattern:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat:Class) WHERE ep.short_form in [{ID}] RETURN count(anat) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + queryProcessorId="vfbCreateImagesForQueryResultsQueryProcessor"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Entity {short_form: {ID}}) RETURN { core: { short_form: primary.short_form, label: primary.label, iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) }} as term", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Entity {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary {short_form: {ID} }) WHERE NOT primary:pub AND NOT primary:License AND NOT primary:Individual:Anatomy AND NOT primary:Class:Anatomy AND NOT primary:Template AND NOT primary:DataSet OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: o.label, iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents , primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r { type: 'Related' }]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: o.label, iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships , parents, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link: s.link_base + coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: s.label, iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, '') }) END AS xrefs, parents, relationships, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'syn'}]->(p:pub:Individual) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: p.label, iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.synonym, ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(,'') } }) END AS pub_syn, parents, relationships, xrefs, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'def'}]->(p:pub:Individual) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: p.label, iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } ) END AS def_pubs, parents, relationships, xrefs, pub_syn, primary RETURN { core: { short_form: primary.short_form, label: primary.label, iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description: coalesce(primary.description, []), comment: coalesce(primary.`annotation-comment`, [])} as term ,parents,relationships,xrefs,pub_syn,def_pubs, 'Base' as query, 'manual' AS version", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class:Anatomy) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'syn'}]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.synonym, ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(,'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'def'}]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Class' AS query, '6959794' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class:Anatomy {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -393,8 +387,8 @@ name="Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy" description="Fetches JSON for Individual:Anatomy." runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy) WHERE primary.short_form in ['$ID'] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]->(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds) } }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }}) AS dataset_license,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE collect ({ channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }}) END AS channel_image,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs,channel_image RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy' AS query, '6959794' AS version , dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, channel_image, related_individuals" - countQuery="MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy {short_form: '$ID'} ) RETURN count(primary) as count"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]->(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds) } }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }}) AS dataset_license,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE collect ({ channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }}) END AS channel_image,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs,channel_image RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy' AS query, '6959794' AS version , dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, channel_image, related_individuals", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -403,8 +397,8 @@ name="Get JSON for Template" description="Fetches JSON for Template." runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (primary:Template:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in ['$ID'] WITH primary MATCH (channel:Individual)<-[irw:in_register_with]-(channel:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WITH { index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [], extent: irw.extent, center:, voxel: irw.voxel, orientation: irw.orientation, image_folder: irw.folder, channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } } as template_channel,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (technique:Class)<-[:is_specified_output_of]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WHERE has(irw.index) WITH primary, template_channel, collect ({ channel: channel, irw: irw}) AS painted_domains UNWIND painted_domains AS pd MATCH (channel:Individual { short_form:})-[:depicts]-(ai:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(c:Class) WITH collect({ anatomical_type: { short_form: c.short_form, label: coalesce(c.label,''), iri: c.iri, types: labels(c) } , anatomical_individual: { short_form: ai.short_form, label: coalesce(ai.label,''), iri: ai.iri, types: labels(ai) } , folder: pd.irw.folder, center: coalesce (, []), index: [] + coalesce (pd.irw.index, []) }) AS template_domains,primary,template_channel OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]->(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds) } }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }}) AS dataset_license,primary,template_channel,template_domains OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Template' AS query, '6959794' AS version , template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, related_individuals" - countQuery="MATCH (primary:Template {short_form: '$ID'} ) RETURN count(primary) as count"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Template:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary MATCH (channel:Individual)<-[irw:in_register_with]-(channel:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WITH { index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [], extent: irw.extent, center:, voxel: irw.voxel, orientation: irw.orientation, image_folder: irw.folder, channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } } as template_channel,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (technique:Class)<-[:is_specified_output_of]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WHERE has(irw.index) WITH primary, template_channel, collect ({ channel: channel, irw: irw}) AS painted_domains UNWIND painted_domains AS pd MATCH (channel:Individual { short_form:})-[:depicts]-(ai:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(c:Class) WITH collect({ anatomical_type: { short_form: c.short_form, label: coalesce(c.label,''), iri: c.iri, types: labels(c) } , anatomical_individual: { short_form: ai.short_form, label: coalesce(ai.label,''), iri: ai.iri, types: labels(ai) } , folder: pd.irw.folder, center: coalesce (, []), index: [] + coalesce (pd.irw.index, []) }) AS template_domains,primary,template_channel OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]->(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds) } }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }}) AS dataset_license,primary,template_channel,template_domains OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Template' AS query, '6959794' AS version , template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, related_individuals", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Template {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -413,8 +407,8 @@ name="Get JSON for DataSet" description="Fetches JSON for DataSet." runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (primary:DataSet:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in ['$ID'] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH collect ({ icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }) as license,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license RETURN { link : coalesce(primary.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for DataSet' AS query, '6959794' AS version , anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, def_pubs" - countQuery="MATCH (primary:DataSet {short_form: '$ID'} ) RETURN count(primary) as count"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:DataSet:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH collect ({ icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }) as license,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license RETURN { link : coalesce(primary.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for DataSet' AS query, '6959794' AS version , anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, def_pubs", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:DataSet {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -423,8 +417,8 @@ name="Get JSON for License" description="Fetches JSON for License." runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (primary:License:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in ['$ID'] WITH primary RETURN { icon : coalesce(primary.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(primary.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for License' AS query, '6959794' AS version " - countQuery="MATCH (primary:License {short_form: '$ID'} ) RETURN count(primary) as count"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:License:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary RETURN { icon : coalesce(primary.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(primary.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for License' AS query, '6959794' AS version", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:License {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -433,8 +427,8 @@ name="Get JSON for pub" description="Fetches JSON for pub." runForCount="false" - query="MATCH (primary:pub:Individual {short_form: '$ID' }) OPTIONAL MATCH (o)-[r:has_reference]->(primary) WHERE o:DataSet OR o:Class WITH primary, r, o ORDER BY labels(o)[0] DESC, o.label ASC WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) }, object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: o.label, iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships, primary RETURN { core: { short_form: primary.short_form, label: primary.label, iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description: coalesce(primary.description, []), comment: coalesce(primary.`annotation-comment`, [])} as term, relationships, 'pub' as query, 'manual' AS version" - countQuery="MATCH (primary:pub:Individual {short_form: '$ID'} ) RETURN count(primary) as count"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:pub:Individual {short_form: {ID} }) OPTIONAL MATCH (o)-[r:has_reference]->(primary) WHERE o:DataSet OR o:Class WITH primary, r, o ORDER BY labels(o)[0] DESC, o.label ASC WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) }, object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: o.label, iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships, primary RETURN { core: { short_form: primary.short_form, label: primary.label, iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description: coalesce(primary.description, []), comment: coalesce(primary.`annotation-comment`, [])} as term, relationships, 'pub' as query, 'manual' AS version", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:pub:Individual {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -648,7 +642,7 @@ name="Expression overlapping selected anatomy" description="Transgenes expressed in the $NAME" returnType="//@libraries.3/@types.1" - queryChain="//@dataSources.2/@queries.11 //@dataSources.2/@queries.14 //@dataSources.0/@queries.8 //@dataSources.2/@queries.0 //@dataSources.2/@queries.12 //@dataSources.0/@queries.9"> + queryChain="//@dataSources.2/@queries.11 //@dataSources.2/@queries.12 //@dataSources.0/@queries.9"> From dd7747a471f6f57c13ab86f960cabeef9ce17da3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dario Del Piano Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 16:10:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] quotes removed from arrays --- model/vfb.xmi | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/model/vfb.xmi b/model/vfb.xmi index ef45ae2c5..f07cc75b3 100644 --- a/model/vfb.xmi +++ b/model/vfb.xmi @@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ name="Get images from Neo4j for class examples" description="fetch Individual instances from ID list" runForCount="false" - query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (n)<-[:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:SUBCLASSOF]->(c:Class) RETURN n.short_form as class_Id, n.label as class_Name, n.description[0] as class_Desc, COLLECT(DISTINCT c.label) as class_Type, COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: i.label, image_id: i.short_form, image_thumb: replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: m.short_form}) AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }" - countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(n) AS count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : "$ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (n)<-[:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*..]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(j:Individual)-[k:in_register_with]->(m:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[:SUBCLASSOF]->(c:Class) RETURN n.short_form as class_Id, n.label as class_Name, n.description[0] as class_Desc, COLLECT(DISTINCT c.label) as class_Type, COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: i.label, image_id: i.short_form, image_thumb: replace(k.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: m.short_form}) AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(n) AS count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (i:Individual) WHERE i.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (i)<-[:depicts]-(:Individual)-[k1:in_register_with]->(:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i:Cluster)<-[:exemplar_of]-(e:Individual) OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ic:Class) OPTIONAL MATCH (e)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(ec:Class) with coalesce('Exemplar: ' + ec.label,ic.label) as ct, i, coalesce(replace(k1.folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png','' + e.label + '/snapshot.png') as iri, i.description[0] as cd, FILTER(x IN i.synonym WHERE x <> i.label) as syn RETURN i.short_form as id, i.label as name, CASE WHEN not syn = [] THEN cd + replace(' Synonym(s): '+reduce(a='',n in syn|a+n+', ')+')',', )','.') ELSE cd END as def, COLLECT(DISTINCT ct) as type, iri as file", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS, "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH(i:Individual) WHERE i.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(i) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS, "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) WITH DISTINCT collect( as pubs, anat, ep UNWIND pubs as p MATCH (pub:Individual:pub { short_form: p}) WITH anat, ep, collect({ core: { short_form: pub.short_form, label: coalesce(pub.label,''), iri: pub.iri, types: labels(pub) } , PubMed: coalesce(pub.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(pub.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(pub.DOI, '') }) as pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (anat)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, anat, ep, pubs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN null ELSE { anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} } END AS anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,pubs UNWIND pubs as p with anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,COLLECT(p.core.label) as refs RETURN ep.short_form as class_Id, ep.label as class_Name, 'Expressed in ' + coalesce(anat.label,'') + '<br><small>Note: expression in this cell may be localised to regions of the cell that do not overlap the queried structure</small>' as class_Desc, refs as class_Type, CASE WHEN anatomy_channel_image IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.label, image_id: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.short_form, image_thumb: replace(anatomy_channel_image.image.image_folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: anatomy_channel_image.image.template_anatomy.short_form}) END AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) RETURN count(ep) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS, "ID" : "$ID" }"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) WITH DISTINCT COLLECT( as pubs, anat, ep UNWIND pubs as p MATCH (pub:Individual:pub { short_form: p}) WITH anat, ep, collect({ core: { short_form: pub.short_form, label: coalesce(pub.label,''), iri: pub.iri, types: labels(pub) } , PubMed: coalesce(pub.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(pub.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(pub.DOI, '') }) as pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (anat)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, anat, ep, pubs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN null ELSE { anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} } END AS anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,pubs UNWIND pubs as p with anatomy_channel_image ,anat,ep,COLLECT(p.core.label) as refs RETURN ep.short_form as class_Id, ep.label as class_Name, 'Expressed in ' + coalesce(anat.label,'') as class_Desc, refs as class_Type, CASE WHEN anatomy_channel_image IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT (DISTINCT { image_name: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.label, image_id: anatomy_channel_image.anatomy.short_form, image_thumb: replace(anatomy_channel_image.image.image_folder,'http:','https:') + '/thumbnailT.png', template_id: anatomy_channel_image.image.template_anatomy.short_form}) END AS inds", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (anat:Class) WHERE anat.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} OPTIONAL MATCH (ep:Class)<-[ar:overlaps|part_of]-(:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(anat) RETURN count(ep) as count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS, "ID" : "$ID" }"/> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 17:33:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] corrected for latest dev updates --- model/vfb.xmi | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/model/vfb.xmi b/model/vfb.xmi index 64a7f2934..e2eb76b35 100644 --- a/model/vfb.xmi +++ b/model/vfb.xmi @@ -302,14 +302,14 @@ + queryProcessorId="neo4jQueryProcessor"/> + queryProcessorId="neo4jQueryProcessor"/> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs , i limit 5 OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i) } , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'syn'}]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.synonym, ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(,'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference { typ: 'def'}]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p) } , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID, ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase, ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI, '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Class' AS query, '6959794' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> + query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]->(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link, ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds) } }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo, ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url, ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l) } }}) AS dataset_license,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } ) END AS parents ,primary,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS relationships ,primary,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:hasDbXref]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: s.link_base, accession: coalesce(dbx.accession, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s) } , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url, ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE collect ({ channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel) } , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique) } ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template) } , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat) } ,image_folder: irw.folder, index: coalesce(irw.index, []) + [] }}) END AS channel_image,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.uri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o) } }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs,channel_image RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary) } , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.`annotation - comment`, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy' AS query, '6959794' AS version , dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, channel_image, related_individuals", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }" + countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"> @@ -645,7 +649,7 @@ name="Expression overlapping selected anatomy" description="Transgenes expressed in the $NAME" returnType="//@libraries.3/@types.1" - queryChain="//@dataSources.2/@queries.11 //@dataSources.2/@queries.12 //@dataSources.0/@queries.9"> + queryChain="//@dataSources.2/@queries.11 //@dataSources.2/@queries.14 //@dataSources.0/@queries.8 //@dataSources.2/@queries.0 //@dataSources.2/@queries.12 //@dataSources.0/@queries.9"> From f7b213d8630565660421b70c2c5c20a60b89202a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rob Court Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019 18:54:52 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] travis fix --- .travis.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 6a7c60762..f81aae326 100755 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ script: - docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) - docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) after_success: - - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then + - if [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST == false ]; then cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS; docker push $REPO:$TAG;