diff --git a/components/VFBMain.js b/components/VFBMain.js
index c0f555623..ba652c8c7 100644
--- a/components/VFBMain.js
+++ b/components/VFBMain.js
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class VFBMain extends React.Component {
canvasVisible: true,
listViewerVisible: true,
graphVisible : true,
- circuitBrowserVisible : true,
+ circuitBrowserVisible : false,
htmlFromToolbar: undefined,
idSelected: undefined,
instanceOnFocus: undefined,
diff --git a/components/configuration/VFBGraph/graphConfiguration.js b/components/configuration/VFBGraph/graphConfiguration.js
index fd05a3079..f1a7574d1 100644
--- a/components/configuration/VFBGraph/graphConfiguration.js
+++ b/components/configuration/VFBGraph/graphConfiguration.js
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ var whatCypherQuery = instance => ({
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH (n:Entity {short_form:'" + instance + "'}) OPTIONAL MATCH p=(n)-[:INSTANCEOF|:SUBCLASSOF*..]->(x) "
- + "WHERE (('Anatomy' IN labels(x)) AND ('Class' IN labels(n))) OR (('Cell' IN labels(x)) OR ('synaptic neuropil' IN labels(x))) "
+ + "WHERE ('Nervous_system' IN labels(x)) OR (('Cell' IN labels(x)) OR ('synaptic neuropil' IN labels(x))) "
+ " OR (('Ganglion' IN labels(x)) OR ('Neuron_projection_bundle' IN labels(x))) "
+ "RETURN n,p, n.short_form as root",
"resultDataContents": ["graph"]
diff --git a/components/configuration/VFBMain/layoutModel.js b/components/configuration/VFBMain/layoutModel.js
index 99ef1629b..5ac3af210 100644
--- a/components/configuration/VFBMain/layoutModel.js
+++ b/components/configuration/VFBMain/layoutModel.js
@@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ var modelJson = {
"type": "tab",
"name": "Layers",
"component": "vfbListViewer"
- },
- {
- "type": "tab",
- "name": "Circuit Browser",
- "component": "vfbCircuitBrowser"
diff --git a/components/configuration/VFBTermInfo/VFBTermInfoConfiguration.js b/components/configuration/VFBTermInfo/VFBTermInfoConfiguration.js
index 8fa054b1d..4e07b75f0 100644
--- a/components/configuration/VFBTermInfo/VFBTermInfoConfiguration.js
+++ b/components/configuration/VFBTermInfo/VFBTermInfoConfiguration.js
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ const linksConfiguration = {
"CircuitBrowser": {
"title": "Circuit browser For",
"visibility": true,
- "superType": "Neuron"
+ "superType": "hasSynapses"
diff --git a/components/configuration/VFBToolbar/vfbtoolbarMenuConfiguration.js b/components/configuration/VFBToolbar/vfbtoolbarMenuConfiguration.js
index 8c69b36b9..c1b35aa92 100644
--- a/components/configuration/VFBToolbar/vfbtoolbarMenuConfiguration.js
+++ b/components/configuration/VFBToolbar/vfbtoolbarMenuConfiguration.js
@@ -245,14 +245,6 @@ var toolbarMenu = {
parameters: ["graphVisible"]
- {
- label: "Circuit Browser",
- icon: "fa fa-cogs",
- action: {
- handlerAction: "UIElementHandler",
- parameters: ["circuitBrowserVisible"]
- }
- },
label: "NBLAST",
icon: "",
diff --git a/images/slice-viewer.png b/images/slice-viewer.png
index a0c8bf4d1..2d215e53d 100644
Binary files a/images/slice-viewer.png and b/images/slice-viewer.png differ
diff --git a/images/slice-viewer_old.png b/images/slice-viewer_old.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0c8bf4d1
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/slice-viewer_old.png differ
diff --git a/images/term-info.png b/images/term-info.png
index df43cf8d6..4fa1772c0 100644
Binary files a/images/term-info.png and b/images/term-info.png differ
diff --git a/images/term-info_old.png b/images/term-info_old.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df43cf8d6
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/term-info_old.png differ
diff --git a/model/vfb.xmi b/model/vfb.xmi
index 088e298ee..d5939bf79 100644
--- a/model/vfb.xmi
+++ b/model/vfb.xmi
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
description="fetch Individual instances from Class ID list"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} WITH primary CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<- [:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]- (channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]-> (template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, '58214d4' AS version, 'anatomy_query' AS query, anatomy_channel_image", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} WITH primary CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<- [:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]- (channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]-> (template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'bac066c' AS version, 'anatomy_query' AS query, anatomy_channel_image", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (n:Class) WHERE n.short_form IN {ARRAY_ID_RESULTS} RETURN count(n) AS count", "parameters" : { "ARRAY_ID_RESULTS" : $ARRAY_ID_RESULTS }"/>
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
name="Get JSON for Neuron Class"
description="Get JSON for Neuron Class"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) where rp.typ = 'syn' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.value[0], ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(rp.has_synonym_type[0],'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WHERE rp.typ = 'def' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn OPTIONAL MATCH (:Class { label: 'intersectional expression pattern'})<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-(ep:Class)<-[ar:part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(primary) WITH CASE WHEN ep IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ short_form: ep.short_form, label: coalesce(ep.label,''), iri: ep.iri, types: labels(ep), symbol: coalesce(ep.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS targeting_splits,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn,def_pubs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Neuron Class' AS query, '4025897' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs, targeting_splits", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) where rp.typ = 'syn' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.value[0], ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(rp.has_synonym_type[0],'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WHERE rp.typ = 'def' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn OPTIONAL MATCH (:Class { label: 'intersectional expression pattern'})<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-(ep:Class)<-[ar:part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(primary) WITH CASE WHEN ep IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ short_form: ep.short_form, label: coalesce(ep.label,''), iri: ep.iri, types: labels(ep), symbol: coalesce(ep.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS targeting_splits,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn,def_pubs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Neuron Class' AS query, '4025897' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs, targeting_splits", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
name="Get JSON for Split Class"
description="Get JSON for Split Class"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) where rp.typ = 'syn' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.value[0], ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(rp.has_synonym_type[0],'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WHERE rp.typ = 'def' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn OPTIONAL MATCH (:Class { label: 'intersectional expression pattern'})<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-(primary)<-[ar:part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(n:Neuron) WITH CASE WHEN n IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ short_form: n.short_form, label: coalesce(n.label,''), iri: n.iri, types: labels(n), symbol: coalesce(n.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS target_neurons,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn,def_pubs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Split Class' AS query, '4025897' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs, target_neurons", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,parents,relationships CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) where rp.typ = 'syn' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ pub: { core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } , synonym: { label: coalesce(rp.value[0], ''), scope: coalesce(rp.scope, ''), type: coalesce(rp.has_synonym_type[0],'') } }) END AS pub_syn,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WHERE rp.typ = 'def' WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS def_pubs,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn OPTIONAL MATCH (:Class { label: 'intersectional expression pattern'})<-[:SUBCLASSOF]-(primary)<-[ar:part_of]-(anoni:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(n:Neuron) WITH CASE WHEN n IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ short_form: n.short_form, label: coalesce(n.label,''), iri: n.iri, types: labels(n), symbol: coalesce(n.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS target_neurons,primary,parents,relationships,xrefs,anatomy_channel_image,pub_syn,def_pubs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Split Class' AS query, '4025897' AS version , parents, relationships, xrefs, anatomy_channel_image, pub_syn, def_pubs, target_neurons", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Class {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
name="Get JSON for Individual"
description="Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE collect ({ channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }}) END AS channel_image,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy' AS query, '4025897' AS version , dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, channel_image", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:Anatomy) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) WITH template, channel, template_anat, irw, primary, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE collect ({ channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }}) END AS channel_image,primary,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Individual:Anatomy' AS query, '4025897' AS version , dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, channel_image", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
name="Get JSON for Template"
description="Get JSON for Template"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Template) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary MATCH (channel:Individual)<-[irw:in_register_with]-(channel:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WITH { index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index), []) + [], extent: irw.extent[0], center: irw.center[0], voxel: irw.voxel[0], orientation: coalesce(irw.orientation[0], ''), image_folder: coalesce(irw.folder[0],''), channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} } as template_channel,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (technique:Class)<-[:is_specified_output_of]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WHERE technique.short_form = 'FBbi_00000224' AND exists(irw.index) WITH primary, template_channel, collect ({ channel: channel, irw: irw}) AS painted_domains UNWIND painted_domains AS pd OPTIONAL MATCH (channel:Individual { short_form: pd.channel.short_form})-[:depicts]-(ai:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(c:Class) WITH collect({ anatomical_type: { short_form: c.short_form, label: coalesce(c.label,''), iri: c.iri, types: labels(c), symbol: coalesce(c.symbol[0], '')} , anatomical_individual: { short_form: ai.short_form, label: coalesce(ai.label,''), iri: ai.iri, types: labels(ai), symbol: coalesce(ai.symbol[0], '')} , folder: pd.irw.folder[0], center: coalesce (pd.irw.center, []), index: [] + coalesce (pd.irw.index, []) }) AS template_domains,primary,template_channel OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary,template_channel,template_domains OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Template' AS query, '58214d4' AS version , template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, related_individuals", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Template) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary MATCH (channel:Individual)<-[irw:in_register_with]-(channel:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WITH { index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index), []) + [], extent: irw.extent[0], center: irw.center[0], voxel: irw.voxel[0], orientation: coalesce(irw.orientation[0], ''), image_folder: coalesce(irw.folder[0],''), channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} } as template_channel,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (technique:Class)<-[:is_specified_output_of]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with]->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(primary) WHERE technique.short_form = 'FBbi_00000224' AND exists(irw.index) WITH primary, template_channel, collect ({ channel: channel, irw: irw}) AS painted_domains UNWIND painted_domains AS pd OPTIONAL MATCH (channel:Individual { short_form: pd.channel.short_form})-[:depicts]-(ai:Individual)-[:INSTANCEOF]->(c:Class) WITH collect({ anatomical_type: { short_form: c.short_form, label: coalesce(c.label,''), iri: c.iri, types: labels(c), symbol: coalesce(c.symbol[0], '')} , anatomical_individual: { short_form: ai.short_form, label: coalesce(ai.label,''), iri: ai.iri, types: labels(ai), symbol: coalesce(ai.symbol[0], '')} , folder: pd.irw.folder[0], center: coalesce (pd.irw.center, []), index: [] + coalesce (pd.irw.index, []) }) AS template_domains,primary,template_channel OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_source]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary,template_channel,template_domains OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r:SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} ) END AS parents ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Class)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS relationships ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships OPTIONAL MATCH (o:Individual)<-[r {type:'Related'}]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN o IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT ({ relation: { label: r.label, iri: r.iri, type: type(r) } , object: { short_form: o.short_form, label: coalesce(o.label,''), iri: o.iri, types: labels(o), symbol: coalesce(o.symbol[0], '')} }) END AS related_individuals ,primary,template_channel,template_domains,dataset_license,parents,relationships,xrefs RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for Template' AS query, 'bac066c' AS version , template_channel, template_domains, dataset_license, parents, relationships, xrefs, related_individuals", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Template {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
name="Get JSON for pub"
description="Fetches JSON for pub."
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:pub) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_reference]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, '58214d4' AS version , dataset_license, {title: coalesce(primary.title[0], '') ,PubMed: coalesce(primary.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(primary.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(primary.DOI[0], '') }AS pub_specific_content", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:Individual:pub) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_reference]-(ds:DataSet)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH COLLECT ({ dataset: { link : coalesce(ds.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: ds.short_form, label: coalesce(ds.label,''), iri: ds.iri, types: labels(ds), symbol: coalesce(ds.symbol[0], '')} }, license: { icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }}) AS dataset_license,primary RETURN { core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'bac066c' AS version , dataset_license, {title: coalesce(primary.title[0], '') ,PubMed: coalesce(primary.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(primary.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(primary.DOI[0], '') }AS pub_specific_content", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:pub:Individual {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
name="Get JSON for DataSet"
description="Get JSON for DataSet"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:DataSet) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH collect ({ icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }) as license,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS pubs,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source]-(i:Individual) WITH i, primary, anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]-(c:Class) WITH DISTINCT { images: count(distinct i),types: count(distinct c) } as dataset_counts,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license,pubs RETURN { link : coalesce(primary.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for DataSet' AS query, '58214d4' AS version , anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, pubs, dataset_counts", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:DataSet) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary CALL apoc.cypher.run('WITH primary OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source|SUBCLASSOF|INSTANCEOF*]-(i:Individual)<-[:depicts]-(channel:Individual)-[irw:in_register_with] ->(template:Individual)-[:depicts]->(template_anat:Individual) RETURN template, channel, template_anat, i, irw limit 5', {primary:primary}) yield value with value.template as template, value.channel as channel,value.template_anat as template_anat, value.i as i, value.irw as irw, primary OPTIONAL MATCH (channel)-[:is_specified_output_of]->(technique:Class) WITH CASE WHEN channel IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ anatomy: { short_form: i.short_form, label: coalesce(i.label,''), iri: i.iri, types: labels(i), symbol: coalesce(i.symbol[0], '')} , channel_image: { channel: { short_form: channel.short_form, label: coalesce(channel.label,''), iri: channel.iri, types: labels(channel), symbol: coalesce(channel.symbol[0], '')} , imaging_technique: { short_form: technique.short_form, label: coalesce(technique.label,''), iri: technique.iri, types: labels(technique), symbol: coalesce(technique.symbol[0], '')} ,image: { template_channel : { short_form: template.short_form, label: coalesce(template.label,''), iri: template.iri, types: labels(template), symbol: coalesce(template.symbol[0], '')} , template_anatomy: { short_form: template_anat.short_form, label: coalesce(template_anat.label,''), iri: template_anat.iri, types: labels(template_anat), symbol: coalesce(template_anat.symbol[0], '')} ,image_folder: COALESCE(irw.folder[0], ''), index: coalesce(apoc.convert.toInteger(irw.index[0]), []) + [] }} }) END AS anatomy_channel_image ,primary OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site { short_form: primary.self_xref }) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN [] ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(primary.short_form, ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) END AS self_xref, primary, anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (s:Site)<-[dbx:database_cross_reference]-(primary) WITH CASE WHEN s IS NULL THEN self_xref ELSE COLLECT({ link_base: coalesce(s.link_base[0], ''), accession: coalesce(dbx.accession[0], ''), link_text: primary.label + ' on ' + s.label, homepage: coalesce(s.homepage[0], ''), site: { short_form: s.short_form, label: coalesce(s.label,''), iri: s.iri, types: labels(s), symbol: coalesce(s.symbol[0], '')} , icon: coalesce(s.link_icon_url[0], ''), link_postfix: coalesce(s.link_postfix, '')}) + self_xref END AS xrefs,primary,anatomy_channel_image OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[:has_license]->(l:License) WITH collect ({ icon : coalesce(l.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(l.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: l.short_form, label: coalesce(l.label,''), iri: l.iri, types: labels(l), symbol: coalesce(l.symbol[0], '')} }) as license,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)-[rp:has_reference]->(p:pub) WITH CASE WHEN p is null THEN [] ELSE collect({ core: { short_form: p.short_form, label: coalesce(p.label,''), iri: p.iri, types: labels(p), symbol: coalesce(p.symbol[0], '')} , PubMed: coalesce(p.PMID[0], ''), FlyBase: coalesce(p.FlyBase[0], ''), DOI: coalesce(p.DOI[0], '') } ) END AS pubs,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license OPTIONAL MATCH (primary)<-[:has_source]-(i:Individual) WITH i, primary, anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, pubs OPTIONAL MATCH (i)-[:INSTANCEOF]-(c:Class) WITH DISTINCT { images: count(distinct i),types: count(distinct c) } as dataset_counts,primary,anatomy_channel_image,xrefs,license,pubs RETURN { link : coalesce(primary.dataset_link[0], ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for DataSet' AS query, 'bac066c' AS version , anatomy_channel_image, xrefs, license, pubs, dataset_counts", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:DataSet {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
name="Get JSON for License"
description="Get JSON for License"
- query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:License) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary RETURN { icon : coalesce(primary.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(primary.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for License' AS query, '58214d4' AS version", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
+ query=""statement": "MATCH (primary:License) WHERE primary.short_form in [{ID}] WITH primary RETURN { icon : coalesce(primary.license_logo[0], ''), link : coalesce(primary.license_url[0], ''), core : { short_form: primary.short_form, label: coalesce(primary.label,''), iri: primary.iri, types: labels(primary), symbol: coalesce(primary.symbol[0], '')} , description : coalesce(primary.description, []), comment : coalesce(primary.comment, []) } AS term, 'Get JSON for License' AS query, 'bac066c' AS version", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }"
countQuery=""statement": "MATCH (primary:License {short_form: {ID}} ) RETURN count(primary) as count", "parameters" : { "ID" : "$ID" }">
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/review/focus-term-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch1/focus-term-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/review/focus-term-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch1/focus-term-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/review/layer-component-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch1/layer-component-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/review/layer-component-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch1/layer-component-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/batch3/term-info-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch1/term-info-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/batch3/term-info-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch1/term-info-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/batch1/3d-viewer-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch2/3d-viewer-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/batch1/3d-viewer-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch2/3d-viewer-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/review/tree-browser-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch2/tree-browser-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/review/tree-browser-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch2/tree-browser-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/review/loader-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch3/loader-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/review/loader-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch3/loader-tests.js
diff --git a/tests/jest/vfb/batch2/url-params-tests.js b/tests/jest/vfb/batch3/url-params-tests.js
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/jest/vfb/batch2/url-params-tests.js
rename to tests/jest/vfb/batch3/url-params-tests.js