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Neuropil specific
Tract specific
Clone specific
Example page
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Example page
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Example page
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csv download
Example page
Objectives of page
csv download
Example page
Objectives of page
csv download
Objectives of page
To allow users to view the results of a query for clusters whose exemplar (most typical member) overlaps some specified structure*. The aim is to provide thumbnails showing cluster and exemplar and to provide links to: (a) A page displaying a rotatable 3D cluster in WebGL (b) The source of the exemplar (c) A list of members of the cluster
* This means that the results miss neurons that overlap the structure but which are in clusters whose exemplar does not.
Query: Neurons with some part in X, clustered by shape
csv download
Column 1: Cluster
Thumbnail image of cluster, hyperlinked to lmb page displaying WebGL image and neuron blast scores.
Column 2: Exemplar neuron name
Name of exemplar neuron and the hyperlinked name of the source (link goes to exemplar neuron page on source if specific page is available).
Column 3: Exemplar neuron
Image of exemplar neuron, hyperlink to source (link goes to exemplar neuron page on source if specific page is available).
Column 4: Members of cluster
Static text "Show individual neurons >>" links to an individual list page displaying members of the stack.