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Deep Elisp Part 1

Implementing Monads

I've started working on an implementation of Kanren, the logic mini-language covered in The Reasoned Schemer, in Elisp. I want to write about this process visa-vi the unique considerations of Emacs Lisp as a language, but its a middle sized project, which depends on several pieces of code, which themselves depend on code which I haven't described in detail anywhere. Kanren depends on a monad (the "stream of substitutions" monad, for the nerds out there). An implementation of this monad is a good place to start when thinking about implementing Kanren itself, but I've never written up a piece of documentation on the implementation of Monads I've cooked up for Elisp, so I thought I'd start there.

So, this document one part monad tutorial and one part introduction to the monads.el implementation.

First, credit where its due: the following implementation of Monads owes is basic form to the monad library in Clojure-contrib. I wrote it while reading through Jim Duey's completely excellent monad tutorials for clojure.

Besides minor considerations associated with dealing with the default dynamic scope in Elisp, the implementation here is basically that of the Clojure Contrib library. And I could never have understood what I was doing without the tutorial.

Onto the Monads

We've reached the monad tutorial part of this document. Like most people, I found monads pretty hard to understand when I first encountered them. Most monad tutorials speak in Haskell, which I think can be doubly confusing because its hard to tell exactly where Haskell ends and where monads begin, since Haskell has special syntax built in to the language just for the purpose of dealing with monads. You can, of course, use the functions >>= and return outside of do notation, as many tutorials do, but at least dealing with >>= requires a fair amount of comfort with Haskell's infix operator system. At least it seemed that way to me.

I really had to implement monads in Elisp to finally get it. I think this worked because every part of the monad beastiary had to be built from the ground up. If you want "do notation," for instance, it isn't just there, you have to write a macro for it, and understand it. The uniformity of Lisp syntax (which some people hate, I know) also helps keep things focused on the ideas. That is the approach we will take here. We'll start just kicking around some general ideas and gradually build up to do notation, making constant analogy to well understood lisp and programming concepts. I think this is better than throwing oneself in head first.

Notes on Types

I think of a monad as a way of decorating function composition. If I have a group of functions that conform to a particular input and output constraint, a monad associated with that constraint tells me how to combine those functions so that something interesting happens. The fact that these functions all have the same type of input and output is critical, otherwise the "plumbing" specified by the monad won't work. Such functions are called "monadic functions" and when we try to understand monads, or a specific monad, we must meditate on the type of these functions.

When coming to monads from dynamic languages, it can be easy to gloss over all the type language used to describe them. But it really helps to think about types in a loosy-goosey way, at the very least, because type constraints are what make the plumbing in a monad work. Monads generally contain things. In statically typed languages the monad type depends on the type of the things it holds, so it would be specified, but we'll just refer to these things as "values". Their type isn't terribly important except that they are distinct from the type of monadic values.

A monadic value can be thought of as an abstract container which contains regular values. Sometimes this is a rather obvious kind of relationship. A list "contains" values, for instance. Sometimes it can be much more abstract.

Finally, there are monadic functions. A monadic function is a function which takes a regular value and returns a monadic value. It is important to think about these types while we work on the rest of the tutorial, so take a second to look at the diagrams, and then get into the habit of calling to mind the types of various objects whenever you get confused. It really helped me.

Types of Interest

The List or Sequence Monad

We'll be talking about the sequence monad first. We will represent sequences with regular old lisp lists, which can hold values of any lisp type. The monadic values, then, are lists. Lists "contain" (they also contain) lisp data. Let us meditate upon the type of monadic functions in the sequence monad.

==== this space reserved for meditation ====

If you guessed in your meditation that the monadic functions associated with the sequence or list monad (we'll use the two interchangeably from here on) are functions which take a single value, which is any lisp data, and return a list of lisp-values, you got it.

So, whatever the hell a "list monad" is, its got something to do with composing functions which take a single lisp value and return a list.

What kind of functions might do this? Well, a common idea is that functions in the list monad represent computations with multiple possible outcomes or values. A person might have multiple friends, so a function get-friends might return a list of persons rather than a single person. We might want to go on to calculate those persons' friends (or enemies, relatives, lovers). All these get- functions would be monadic functions in the list monad, and the list monad will help use deal with them.

Let's start kicking around ideas about composing these functions. To do that we need a few functions to consider explicitly. What are the simplest monadic functions of the list monad? Well list is certainly such a function when you call it with one argument, so lets put that on the pile. In that spirit, consider:

(defun stub (x) nil)
(defun list-return (x) (list x))

monadic return

list-return can be thought of as a sort of "default" or "simplest possible" monadic function. We've just wrapped up list so that it takes but one argument. Every monad needs a return, and every return does something like the above - it wraps its input into the monad in a simple way.

stub is also a monadic function - it ignores its inputs and returns the empty list.

Ok, lets write some semi-meaningful list-monadic functions. Consider:

(defvar *people* '(:ted :lea :leo :james 
                   :harvey :sally :jane :andrew 
                   "A list of all the people that matter.")
(defvar *friends-db* 
      '((:ted (:lea :leo :sally :andrew :catherine :leo :jane))
        (:lea (:ted :leo :jane :andrew :harvey :sally :catherine))
        (:leo (:ted :lea :ted :harvey :sally :jane :andrew 
                    :catherine :harvey :andrew :catherine))
        (:james (:jane :harvey :jane))
        (:harvey (:leo :lea :leo :james :harvey :harvey :sally))
        (:sally (:ted :leo :lea :harvey :jane :andrew))
        (:jane (:lea :leo :james :sally :ted :james :andrew :catherine))
        (:andrew (:ted :lea :leo :sally :jane :leo))
        (:catherine (:ted :leo :lea :leo :jane :catherine :catherin))) 
"Our database of friend connections.")

(defun friends-of (person) 
  "Return a list of all the people in friends-db."
  (alist *friends-db* person)
         ;alist is a function which retrieves
         ;a key's data from an association list.

(defun mutual-friends-with (person1)
  "Return a monadic function which returns 
   the friends person1 has in common with person2."
  (lexical-let ((p1-friends (friends-of person1)))
    (lambda (person2) 
      (let ((p2-friends (friends-of person2)))
       (filter (lambda (friend)
                 (in friend p1-friends)) p2-friends)))))

Friends-of is more or less obvious enough. It simply retrieves the database entry in the friends database, here represented as an association list. It takes a person and returns a list of persons, so it is a monadic function.

The second function is a little more complicated. It takes a person and returns a function, so its not a monadic function itself. It does, however, return a monadic function - one parameterized on person1. It returns the friends of person2 that are also friends with person1. This business of having a function which returns a parameterized monadic function is pretty common, and it will lend monadic expressions a certain domain-specific-language feel, as you'll see. Note that we need a lexical-let in the function body to create a closure around p1-friends. If we used a let, p1-friends would be out of scope by the time someone called the lambda. If this is confusing, see the wikipedia article on scope in programming languages. Emacs has a default dynamic scope, but most modern languages are lexical2.

But we were meditating on fun!tion composition. Before going any further lets implement a function which composes functions. The only wrinkle here is that order of composition is reversed from the order of application (f1 is applies before f2) because this looks more natural in an applicative language.

(defun compose2 (f2 f1)
  "Compose F2 and F1 by returning a new function which
   calls F1 on its arguments, then calls F2 on the result"
   (lexical-let ((f1 f1)
                 (f2 f2))
    (lambda (&rest args)
      (funcall f2 (apply f1 args)))))

(defun compose (&rest fs)
  "Compose the functions FS (FN FN-1 FN-2 ... F1) 
   beggining with F1 and working backwards."
  (let ((rfs (reverse fs)))
     (lambda (acc-f f)
       (compose2 f acc-f))
     (cdr rfs)
     :initial-value (car rfs))))

Let's try just composing some of our list monadic functions. We might actually want a function to calculate the friends-of the friends-of someone:

(compose #'friends-of #'friends-of)

Because this is Elisp, this doesn't cause an error. Of course, if we think about this, we know it can't work. As soon as well call this function, we'll get an error, because the second friends-of will be applied to a list, rather than a single person. Try it, if you are having trouble seeing it.

Suppose we were dead set on jamming these two functions together and, in particular, we want to make sure that the resulting function can be used wherever either of the two functions might have been used. That is, we want the result type to be the same as the input types. There are several approaches, obviously, but here is a sort of obvious one (read the comments here, they are important):

(defun list-func-compose (f2 f1)
   (lexical-let ((f1 f1)
                 (f2 f2))
    (lambda (arg) ; lambda need take only a single arg, as f1 must
      (let* ((r1 (funcall f1 arg)) 
        ; r1 is a list, because it is the result of f1, a monadic function.
        ; f2 accepts regular old values, though, and r1 could
        ; concievably have many values in it.
             (r2s (mapcar f2 r1)))
          ; now r2s contain the results of applying f2 to ALL
          ; the values in r1.  Each of these values in r2s is
          ; itself a list, because f2 always returns a list (it 
          ; is a monadic function itself)
             (reduce #'append r2s)
          ; Well, we want a list of things in the monad, not a
          ; list of lists, so we just append all the r2s together 
          ; (see footnote #1).
          ; Now we've got a list of lisp values, which  means
          ; that this lambda is a monadic function in its own
          ; right.  Success!!

(n.b. If something about r2s type strikes you as odd, see footnote 1.)

Pause to consider what happened here. We apply f1 to the input, which produces a list (a monadic value). F2 takes values, not monadic values, so we just mapcar f2 over the values in the list. F2, like f1 returns a list, so now we have a list of lists, which we concatenate into a big list, which is now our output monadic value.

I hate when, in the course of a didactic development, something springs from nowhere with the proviso that "it will be useful later." This kind of thing is typical of physics and math texts, and I think its part of the reason they are so difficult to read. However, for the sake of future utility, we are going to factor out a piece of the above code. Consider the function list-bind which takes a monadic value and a monadic function and returns a new monadic value:

(defun list-bind (mon-val mon-fun) ; -> mon-val 
       (let ((results (mapcar mon-fun mon-val)))
          (reduce #'append results)))

We can rewrite list-func-compose like this, now:

(defun list-func-compose (f2 f1)
  (lexical-let ((f1 f1)
                (f2 f2))
    (lambda (value) 
       (let ((monadic-value (funcall f1 value)))
          (list-bind monadic-value f2)))))

Ok, what is so special a priori about list-bind (post priori, its one of the monad functions which any monad needs)? List-bind is, in a way, the fundamental operation relating monadic functions and monadic values in the list monad. List-func-compose might seem more directly useful, but it is kind of strange that the resulting function takes a non-monadic value and returns a monadic one.

List-func-compose relates monadic functions and other monadic functions, but it doesn't reveal much about how they are combined with values. List-bind describes that process, and it turns out this is more interesting.

Another way of thinking of it is that if list describes how to turn a value into a monadic value, list-bind relates a mondadic function to a function which both operates on and returns monadic values.

Monadic Bind

Ok, believe it or not, we've basically covered the entire sequence monad already. All that is left is to really get the idea and to understand how it relates to Haskell's do notation and the canonical monad operations. But it bears repeating - "do notation" isn't the same thing as monads. It is just syntactic sugar. Its might be best to understand monads before do notation, depending on your temperament.

Let's try things out, however.

(funcall (list-func-compose #'friends-of #'friends-of) :leo) 
 :leo :sally :andrew :catherine :leo :jane :ted :leo :jane :andrew
 :harvey :sally :catherine :lea :leo :sally :andrew :catherine :leo
 :jane :leo :lea :leo :james :harvey :harvey :sally :ted :leo :lea
 :harvey :jane :andrew :lea :leo :james :sally :ted :james :andrew
 :catherine :ted :lea :leo :sally :jane :leo :ted :leo :lea :leo
 :jane :catherine :catherin :leo :lea :leo :james :harvey :harvey
 :sally :ted :lea :leo :sally :jane :leo :ted :leo :lea :leo :jane
 :catherine :catherin) 

(We're probably really interested in the unique values of this list. We could use something called the set monad to get those, or we could just pass this result through unique.

Pretty anti-climactic, for sure. But we can do more interesting things:

     (mutual-friends-with :lea) #'friends-of)

This composition gives a list of the friends of Leo who are also friends with Lea. As indicated above, what we've done here is inserted a parameterized monadic function into the composition. This turns out to be useful. It also hints at the next step. What if we wanted to parameterize a monadic function based on some of the values "coming down the pipe" in the monad? How could we do that? In a regular function composition all those values are invisible. Is there way we can name them which preserves the utility of this approach?

Stepping Back

Monads in one sentence: a monad is set of operations which relate specific functions called monadic functions and specific values, which are either naked values (the input type to monadic functions) or monadic values, which is the output type of monadic functions.

In particular, the bind operation knows how to pull values out of monadic values, apply monadic functions to them, and collect all the resulting monadic values into one big monadic value. Using bind we can compose or otherwise manipulate monadic functions in a controlled way.

Everything else is window dressing.

Window Dressing

Let's talk about let*. We've been twisting up our brains into knots over monads, so let's let those knots untwist and return to this simple, clean, construct. In Lisp, variable bindings are explicitly introduced. You don't just declare a variable and go, you create a context for that variable with a let or let* statement. You probably know that if you only had lambda and defmacro you could define let like so:

(defmacro my-let (bindings &rest body)
  (funcall (lambda ,(mapcar #'car bindings)
      ,@(mapcar #'cadr bindings)))


(my-let ((x 1) (y 2)) (+ x y)) 

expands to

(funcall (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)

It is clear that x and y can't depend upon one another in this form:

(funcall (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 (+ x 2)) 

Obviously won't work (why?). let* is the form which lets us chain together multiple variable bindings so that previous bindings are active during the expression form of subsequent bindings. Of course you can implement it as a series of nested lets, but its useful to write an implementation using only lambda.

(defun empty? (x) (not x)) ; sugar to test if a list is empty.
                           ; nil is the empty list, (not nil) -> t
(defmacro my-let* (bindings &rest body)
    ((empty? bindings) `(progn ,@body))
     `(funcall (lambda (,(car (car bindings)))
          (my-let* ,(cdr bindings) ,@body))
        ,(cadr (car bindings))))))

Don't get spooked by this recursive macro. All it means is that

(my-let* ((x 10)
          (y (+ x 11)))
   (+ x y))

expands to

      (lambda (x)
        (funcall (lambda (y) (progn (+ x y))) (+ x 11))

That is, each subsequent bind value expression is evaluated in the context of a function where the previous binding symbols are already bound.

Holy balls! This is almost function composition! The lambda containing our body (the progn form) is f1 and each containing lambda represents a composition onto this inner function. The only difference is that we're threading function application through the composition in such a way as to provide named values into more deeply nested contexts. Things are about to get serious!

Also, we are just throwing the word bind around like crazy! Does this use of the word bind have something to do with the list-bind function?

You bet it does! You know, ordinarily I could take or leave Lisp-2's. It seems kind of crufty to me to have to worry about a second namespace, to have to remember to type (funcall f-var a b c) or (funcall #'f a b c) but in this one case, its actually really useful that we have to write out funcall explicitly. Its useful because it reminds us something is going on there. What would happen if we replaced those funcalls in the above expansion of let* with some other function? Let's kick this can around a bit, and see if something falls out, shall we?

(defun regular-bind (v f)
  (funcall f v))

So in the let* expansion funcall is only ever taking functions with one argument, so the first thing we do is declare a new function which applies a single argument function to a single value. Why did we name it regular-bind? Well, think about the expression:

(regular-bind 10 (lambda (x) (+ x 1))); -> 11

In (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) x is unbound. That is what a lambda is, essentially, a chunk of code in which the arguments are unbound, waiting to be bound so the body can be evaluated. Regular-bind is just a function which binds a value (10, above) to a variable and executes the code. Note: funcall takes f and then v, but regular-bind takes v and then f. This might make more sense depending on how you read code ("bind v in f") or it might not. It is just convention. It is called regular-bind because it doesn't really do anything that funcall doesn't already do. Monads, though, are all about irregular bind operations.

Let's rewrite let* so that it uses bind instead of funcall:

(defmacro my-let* (bindings &rest body)
    ((empty? bindings) `(progn ,@body))
        ,(cadr (car bindings))
        (lambda (,(car (car bindings)))
                      (my-let* ,(cdr bindings) ,@body))))))

Easy enough.

let* is how you thread together computations in the "identity monad". You may have heard someone say something like "regular lisp lives in the identity monad." This is what they mean. Normally, all bind does is associate a value with a symbol and go. The above let* expression now expands to:

      (lambda (x)
        (regular-bind  (+ x 11) (lambda (y) (progn (+ x y)))))

You should be chomping at the bit now, because we've basically invented do notation. The question you should be asking is "What happens when we replace bind with some other function?" Let's make a slightly newer macro to play with that idea.

(defmacro monadic-let*-inner (bind-symbol binders &rest body)
     ((empty? binders) `(progn ,@body))
       (let ((symbol (car (car binders)))
             (bind-expression (cadr (car binders)))
             (leftover-bindings (cdr binders)))
      `(funcall ,bind-symbol 
           (lambda (,symbol)
              (lexical-let ((,symbol ,symbol)) ; create a lexical 
                                               ; over ,symbol.  
                                               ; we want one
                                               ; for lots of monads.
                   ,bind-symbol ,leftover-bindings ,@body))))))))

(defmacro monadic-let* (bind-f-expression binders &rest body)
  (let ((bind-symbol (gensym "temporary-bind-symbol-")))
    `(let ((,bind-symbol ,bind-f-expression))
          (monadic-let*-inner ,bind-symbol ,binders ,@body))))

This new form takes an expression which evaluates to a bind function, a set of let-like binders, and a list of body forms and then it just builds the same code as a let* except that it uses the specified bind operation rather than a mere funcall. Let* sequences computations. Monadic-let* sequences operations through a monad, the behavior of which is specified in bind.

Let's try this crazy thing out:

       ((x '(1 2 3)) 
        (y (list (+ x 1) (- x 1))))
     (list y)) ; -> (2 0 3 1 4 2)

Congratulations, friends, we are now living in the list monad.

Let's think about what this is doing one more time. We have a series of expressions (the right hand portion of each binding form). The monadic bind operation assumes each expression is a monadic value. In our case, these values are lists of lisp data. Rather than bind the result of this expression to the symbol on its left directly, our bind specifies that we should bind the symbol to each value inside the monad in turn, evaluate the subsequent binding expressions in the same way, evaluate the body, which must be a monadic value, collect each of those values, and then, finally, combine them back into a monadic value again before returning the result.

That is really complicated

Why would anyone do this?

The reasons for doing something like this are as varied as the kinds of monads that are out there. In Haskell, monads are a way of writing declarative style code in a pure fashion, but even in non-static, non-pure languages, monads can pull some neat tricks. The sequence monad, combined with monadic-let* is essentially a list comprehension. Suppose we want to collect all the combinations of two numbers less than 100 whose sum is less than 10.

 ((x (range 1 101))
  (y (range 1 101)))
  (if (< (+ x y)  10) (list (vector x y)) nil))

;-> ((1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (1 5) (1 6) (1 7) (1 8) 
       (2 1) (2 2) (2 3) (2 4) ...)

Here we simply return the empty list when we don't want to put anything into the monad because appending the empty list onto something does not change it. Other applications in an impoverished language like emacs is to use the continuation monad to fake co-routines or to use a stream monad to make dealing with lazy lists easier. We'll revisit this in another post.

Notes about the monads.el library

It turns out its handy in the context of monadic operations to have bind and return (and some other things) dynamically defined, so in the monads.el library, monadic-let* is slightly different. In that library, monads are defined as hash tables containing :m-bind and :m-return keys which associate with the appropriate functions. Eg:

(defvar monad-seq 
   :m-zero (list)
   :m-return (lambda (x) (list x))
   :m-bind (lambda (v f) (apply #'append (mapcar f v))))
 "The list/sequence monad.  
  Combine computations over multiple possibilities.")

Note here that tbl! is is just sugar for make-hash-table. The nearest equivalent to what we've called monadic-let* is mlet (the star is removed because monadic binding mostly makes sense as a sequential thing) which takes as its first argument a monad represented as a hash table. In addition to the bind-chaining described above, it introduces a dynamic context wherein the functions m-bind and m-return are defined for that monad. Because we're in emacs, and everything just sits in one giant rotting pool of symbols, we prefix the monadic functions with m- to avoid future name collisions. So the example above would be written in the following way using monads.el.

 ((x (range 1 101))
  (y (range 1 101)))
 (if (< (+ x y) 10) (m-return (list x y)) nil))

Note that we can use m-return inside mlet*-like forms, because they define them automatically.

Monads.el defines several common monads in addition to the sequence monad. These include the state monad, the continuation monad, the set monad (parameterized on an equality predicate), an Error monad, and a Maybe monad. Monad-parse.el defines a monadic parser combinator library which is really useful (to me, anyway).


The monad library can make use of my implementation of Clojure-style destructuring bind too. One can write the above expression as

(domonad monad-seq 
 [x (range 1 101)
  y (range 1 101)]
 (if (< (+ x y) 10) (m-return (list x y)) nil))

Besides the superficial change of using a vector for the binding expressions, you can use arbitrary nested binding forms inside. If you are familiar with clojure, it works basically like that, except that tables are destructured with [:: ] instead of { } and you can use table-destructuring on hash tables and alists.


For me, monads didn't hit home until I walked through the process of creating a new monad from scratch based on my own ideas. This is described in weighted-graph-monad.el, but in order to move forward in our discussion of Kanren, the logic language, we'll need to develop a stream monad, which facilitates work with lazy lists. That will be the next example.

Footnote 1: Here is a bit of a confusing thing. The monadic values of the list monad are lists of lisp data types. So a list of lists is, in fact, a monadic value, which means that r2s above could be considered, itself, to be a monadic value. If this didn't occur to you, just skip the rest of this note. I bring it up only because if it has occured to you, it might be somewhat confusing. You might ask: why don't we just return r2s instead of (reduce #'append r2s)? This kind of of conceptual confusion is related to the fact that Lisp is not statically typed (or is statically typed but you are restricted to a single type of which the various "types" of values constitute classes).

In a statically typed language the sequence monad would be parameterized on the type of its contents, which we'd specify where we were using it. So we'd have a type like SeqM Int (read that as "the sequence of ints monad") which would tell use that our monadic values were lists of integers only, and consequently r2s above would be manifestly not a monadic value, and it would be more obvious that we needed to append its contents together before recapturing a monadic value. In a dynamic language this isn't as obvious, but its still conceptually necessary. The upshot is that the fact that r2s is a monadic value is a coincidence, the essence of the list monad is still to combine the results of monadic functions, rather than to merely collect them, which is what returning r2s itself would represent. If you did read this despite my warning, you're probably really confused. Its ok. This stuff is confusing at first.)

Footnote 2: This is a long, diversionary footnote. Probably its best to finish the rest of the document before reading.

For some reason I find it useful/pleasurable/amusing to consider the question of monads in languages without scope at all. Namely, stack languages like Factor or Joy. Not only are these languages without scope, by default, variables are not even named. Values are merely pushed onto and pulled off of a stack which is passed implicitly between "words," the analog of functions:

(require 'with-stack)
(||| 4 4 + 3 -) ; -> 5

Here we are using a stack language interpreter which lives inside emacs lisp. You can get "with-stack.el" from my github.

Without a means of binding variables, "lambdas" become merely "quotations," simple lists of literals and words which can be executed by words like call.

(||| 4 '(4 +) call '(3 -) call) ; -> 5

In the "emacs stack language" quotation serves directly as the quote operator, and quotations are represented as lists. Executing a quotation is the same looping over it, executing each word as it is encountered, or pushing atoms onto the stack.

The nakedness of these quotations encourages languages to use them as blocks in control structures:

(||| 1.0 1>random* .5 > '("true" print) '("false" print) if) 

The above will print "true" 50% of the time and "false" 50% of the time. I don't want to get bogged down with a full with-stack tutorial, but "1.0 1>random*" means "push 1.0 onto the stack and call the emacs lisp function random* with 1 argument from the stack, pushing the result". The word if takes a boolean and two quotations, executing the first when the bool is true and the second when it is false.

Ok, so quotations are lambdas. What are monadic quotations of the list monad? These must be quotations which take a value off the stack and return a list of values. The quotation version of return for the list monad would be:

(||| word: list-return 1>list end:)

That is, take a value off the stack and return a list with that value in it.

What about bind?

(require 'stack-words)
(||| word: list-bind ;( mv f (v ;; mv) ;; mv )
     map '(append) reduce end:)

Characteristically, the word version is quite terse. Interestingly, we hardly need to have an analog of do notation, because variables are not named and application is merely juxtaposition:

(||| word: bi>list ;( item qtn1 qtn2 ;; ( res1 res2 ) )
     bi 2>list end:)
(||| '(1 2 3) 
     '( '(1 +) '(1 -) bi>list )
     '( '(3 +) '(3 -) bi>list )
     list-bind) ;-> (5 -1 3 -3 6 0 4 -2 7 1 5 -1)

(The word bi>list takes an item and two quotations, applies the quotations each to the item and collects the results into a list of two elements. It assumes the quotations take one item off and push one onto the stack.)

Wherever we want to use monadic behavior, we simply replace call with list-bind. We can write a word to make this more pleasant:

(||| word: fold-bind-into ; ( qtnseq bind-qtn ;; qtnseq )
      '( curry ) curry map 1>flatten-once end:)
(||| word: monadically ; ( init-val qtnseq bind-qtn ;; result )
       fold-bind-into call end:)

(||| '(1 2 3)
       {{ '( '(1 +) '(1 -) bi>list )
          '( '(3 +) '(3 -) bi>list ) }}
     '(list-bind) monadically )

Where {{ is a parsing word which makes a list of what is on the stack between {{ and }}. We could have used quote to make the list of quotations, but we'd be getting a lot of quote marks on the screen. All this word does is fold the contents of a binding quotation (here a simple call to list-bind) into the sequence of quotations we want to operate monadically. Then we simply call the resulting quotation.

Assuming some comfort with the idioms of concatenative languages, the result is an incredibly simple demonstration of the essence of monadic operation. It strikes me that it is often the lowest-level words which are the hardest to read and write in concatenative languages, while high level code has an almost comic simplicity. I wonder what this means?